How to create SVG files with Canva - Beginner friendly SVGs tutorial - Inkscape

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hi everybody I'm Corinne Blackstone and welcome to my craft room I'm so happy to have you here today before we get started be sure that you're signed up for my free newsletter over at I have some exciting announcements coming that you won't want to miss out on now in today's video we're going to learn how to make a SVG using canva I'm going to walk you through a step-by-step every part of the process so this is a great video for beginners if you guys want more advanced videos by all means let me know in those comments down below I will link canva Pro down below for you as well we're going to learn how to make this really fun little fall Vibes design and we are going to be using inkscape but don't worry I'm going to walk you through every part I'm going to show you while using inkscape for this is so important so let's go ahead and get started we do it just for fun to create an SVG using canva is so easy I promise you're gonna be able to do this it's really simple so first you're going to want to log into canva create a profile you can do this for free but I really do highly recommend getting canva Pro it is so worth the investment and if you're a business it is a business expense that you can write off on your taxes so that's something you want to keep in mind because it does make a huge difference I will link canva Pro down below for you but we're going to go ahead and make this you can do this for free it's just a little bit harder um but I'm going to do this by using Pro so the first thing that you'll want to do is to create your page that you're going to work on now they have some template sizes right here but you can also just simply go to custom size and choose whatever size you want so I'm going to use the inches measurement and I'm just going to make a 12 by 12 measurement here just because that's the size size of a design space area basically you can use any size you want I just find that 12 by 12 works pretty well and it gives me a decent amount of like options now here they have templates but we're just going to ignore that because we don't want to use that we're going to go over into the elements tab now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to search the word fall and you can kind of search whatever Vibe you're going for balloons or if you're gonna do a party hat or whatever it may be you're gonna search for that under elements it's important that you use elements not photos not videos not frames you want to go here under Graphics so what I do is I click see all and then I want to go up into my filter because I want to turn off any animated items because if you're using animated they're not going to work you need to use static items so that's super important once you've filtered it you can go back to your graphics and see all now these items not all of them are going to work with the Cricut or the silhouette or anything that you want to make in SVG for because they're not all necessarily made to be a layered SVG there is a difference between a graphic SVG and a layered SVG so for example this one here is not something that you could cut on your Cricut and you can tell that by looking up here right where it says edit photo if you don't have the option to change the colors of your image you're not going to be able to cut this with your Cricut you can see that this has lots of tiny lines it's watercolor so it's got lots of shading really easy way to tell you can't use that now let's take a look at these pumpkins really cute but again can't use them as an SVG so I'm going to go ahead and delete those now I think I want to use this fall Vibes design and if you look right where it says edit image right next door I can change the colors so this is an image that I can use with my Cricut so I'm going to make these a little bit bigger and then I'm going to scroll through and just see if there are any other elements that I like that I could cut with my Cricut now these are cute but if you'll note I'm going to make them bigger so you can see they've got really jagged lines the Cricut doesn't love that tons of colors just not really it now I could absolutely simply change the colors on these but I don't want to use those I don't really like them so I'm just going to kind of Click through and take a look now see here's another one also really cute but again a lot of little details and I don't want to deal with that it's just a pain so we'll just kind of Click through and find something that works for the design that we want now here are these fun leaves these are only two colors and you'll see here they're a little bit small but that's okay they're pretty cute something you could definitely use but like I said just go through and find things that don't have a ton of shading a ton of colors something like this I can't change the color on but could still maybe work but I don't think I like it so we're gonna go ahead and find something that will work for what we want to use like this one really really cute and I think this might work pretty well but again kind of boring so I'm gonna find something fun all right so I found these little acorns which I thought would be cute so I'm going to move my fall Vibes around and I'm gonna take these little acorns and I'm gonna put them down in this corner and then I'd seen some leaves up towards the top that I had ignored but I think might work and might be really cute so I just need to find them there's these leaves so I thought those would work again they're only two colors they're pretty good and we can always make them the same colors so that we're cutting less layers now you can kind of arrange this do whatever you want to do to it add more acorns but for now we're just gonna keep it fairly simple from here what you'll want to do and this is why I recommend having Pro because this is going to work so much easier if you have Pro because you're not able to do this without it plus most of these elements are pro only if I were to filter this down to only the free items under price you can see here that under Graphics I just don't have quite as much to choose from there's a few less items there's you know it's just not as good so I do recommend Pro so what I want to do is under share I want to click where it says download now under download you can download it as a PNG but you can't do with a transparent background so you have to go into design space clean up all of the background upload this color by color which just sounds annoying so I do recommend getting Pro because you can download it as an SVG and then you want to choose a transparent background then go ahead and click download now once it opens up the folder we can save it I'm going to just save this as fall vibes and simple as that it's downloaded now I am going to show you we do want to take another step because canva doesn't communicate with qriket quite quite right and I'm going to show you what it looks like if we just upload it from here so if I go to my Cricut and I click upload image and I browse for my image I'm going to upload the fall Vibes and what I want to show you is it's not going to look quite right when we upload it and it's going to be a little crazy so I'm going to click upload I'm going to select that image and add it to my canvas now once it uploads you're gonna see it's all discombobulated it's not lining up correctly you've got all these crazy things going on down here it's just nuts and then you have all these layers so it's absolute utter chaos we don't want utter chaos so what we're going to do is actually just delete this for now and I'm going to take you over to inkscape you can download inkscape completely free at so we know we need to fix that file from canva and I know that you're going to be like oh my god I've never used inkscape I'm so afraid I promise this is actually a lot easier than you think it is so what we're going to do is we're going to go to file and we want to import our design so you'll see here it says import I'm gonna go into my quick access because it's just easier to find it and it's this top one fall vibes now it looks perfectly fine here and you're thinking but it didn't look like that in design space it didn't because design space doesn't really communicate really great so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to just shrink this down a bit just so that it fits within this printable area because when we save it if you want to see a preview of it you need it to fit within that box now what I want to do is don't get intimidated I promise this is so easy go up to object and the first option which my mouse kind of gets in the way is objects right here click on that and it's going to bring up your layers panels This is your object panel so this is pretty similar to design space now you'll notice that it's only showing us this g4128 if I expand that do you see all of the craziness that is down here that's each individual element of our design so you'll see here that if I click on each one of these it's giving us all these different weird elements we definitely don't want that so you'll see that each one of these also has little plus signs what I want you to do is I want you to select this first layer and I want you to click right click on it and click ungroup now it's going to look a little bit crazy don't worry now I want you to select each layer that has a g so we're just going to select those by holding Ctrl on our keyboard and select them then all you need to do is right click and I want you to click ungroup now I know it's going to look a little bit crazy right now and it's going to be a little intimidating but I promise this is actually way easier than you think it is what I want you to do from here is Select each of the letters of the word fall because those are all the same color you'll see over here in the path that it has selected them they're Gray right click on that and I want you to click group you'll see that it changes it over here to g4168 if you double click on that you can change the name and I'm going to name it fall that's going to help us keep track of what we're working with the next item we'll do is Vibes now to select each item I'm just holding shift on my keyboard and clicking them then I'm going over into the objects right clicking and choosing group then again double clicking to change the name hit enter when you're done now I kind of want to see these acorns right here they're a little bit weird a little awkward um so what I want to do with these because they are three different parts but I want them all to cut as one part I'm gonna go up here to go to path and I'm going to choose Union that's going to create this top of the acorn to be one piece instead of multiple pieces now I'm gonna click undo really quick so you can see something I'm gonna just undo that Union so if I selected each of these if so if you look over on our objects you'll see that it's three separate items here on the path which we definitely don't want and which is why we're going to go to path and Union that's going to make it one single object now again you can just change the name to Acorn tops and be done with it now another thing is too with using that Union so if I'm going to show you it really quick when we're done here kind of getting all the paths set but you'll see in design space another option and why we want to Union some things but I want to leave it as is right now just so you can see so you'll see here too we have the two acorns which are separate pieces and again I don't want that so I'm going to go to path and I'm going to Union them and then I'm going to go over here and just change this to Acorn bottoms and then we have our two leaves which are fine to stay as they are so I'm going to go all yellow and we'll call this one and I spelled yellow wrong it's fine and call that one orange now from here you can save your design so I'm going to go to file and I want to save it as and I'm just going to save it as the um fall Vibes SVG again so I'm just going to find that one and I'm just going to replace it because it's fixing the original design now I'm going to show you over in design space but then I'm going to come back here because I want to show you something so now we'll go over to design space and we're going to upload it again so this was our original one and what I'm going to do is Click upload image I'm going to browse for it and again it's always my quick access so I'm just going to do that now it's going to look exactly the same but don't but don't worry it is different because remember how jumbled up and ugly that one was if I upload this one and I click add to Canvas now what you're going to see is it looks so much more even it's kept everything in place now you'll notice that we still have a lot of layers that's where Union comes in if you're going to create this to cell having less layers is typically a better option because we don't want all of these kind of jumbled up and when people complain about their svgs from Etsy it's because whoever's creating the SVG is not following through with another step because if I click make it right now what you're going to see is it's going to make everything a big mess so I've got this weird fall I've got Vibes all in the wrong place the rest of the stuff should be fine because remember we used Union on the tops of the acorns and the bottom of the acorns so let's head back over to inkscape and Union the words and then I'll show you why that just works so much better so now over here what we'll need to do is we actually need to ungroup this again in order to create this to be a single image instead of having to make our person or ourselves have to attach it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click over here and I'm going to ungroup the word fall and I'm going to ungroup the word vibes then I'm just going to select each of these items again I'm going to go to path and I'm going to do Union I'm going to do the same thing over here for fall click each item that is the same color and Union now I could absolutely change the colors do whatever I want to do here but I just want to show you how to do this so now that we fixed that problem let's go ahead and click save and head back over to design space now over in design space I'm going to upload that image one more time and it's going to still look the same from here and when we click upload and you see the three together you'll notice they all look exactly the same but when I select this one what you're going to see is in that layers tab it's going to be much more organized it's not going to be a huge mess and now when I click make it or my person that I sell this to or give it to they don't have to sit here and attach everything is attached so they don't have that extra step now obviously if you have something that's multiple colors you don't want to Union anything that's a different color but this is a really easy way to design your own svgs inkscape is a super handy tool and one that I highly recommend that you work with when you're making svgs now you can see how we went from this fun design over in canva took it over to inkscape fixed it up made sure that it was easy to work with and correct and brought it into Cricut so that we're able to cut it out and make a really fun SVG if you have any questions about this or anything else please let me know in those comments down below I hope you guys learned some tips and tricks to creating svgs in canva I'm going to link canva Pro again down in the video's description for you like I said I highly recommend it especially if you want to create svgs with it I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always happy crafting [Music]
Channel: Corinne Blackstone
Views: 12,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cricut, tutorial, corrine blackstone, corrine, canva tutorial, canva for beginners, svgs with canva, how to make svgs, how to use inkscape, inkscape tutorials, inkscape for beginners, inkscape svgs, how to design svgs, make your own svgs, SVGs to sell, how to make SVGs for etsy, etsy SVG, how to sell svgs, make svgs to sell, svg design for beginners, design svgs with canva, how to make your own svgs, design svg files, svg file design, design svgs for cricut, design svgs
Id: 69o18xvmUUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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