GIMP 2.10 Tutorial: Repair and Restore Old Photos with Severe Damage

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by Davies media design my name is Michael Davies and in today's tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to repair an old severely damaged photo using this is version two point ten point six and here we have the original photo so you guys can see it's been ripped across the center here and on this piece right here so this is actually three separate pieces that were taped together you could still see the tape here and because this is an older photo there's also some damage to the actual film itself and you could see that damage just sort of throughout the photo here right here you can see this parts a little faded and right here we have the ripped corner or the folded corner and I should say and the rips or the wrinkles throughout the image sort of happen just all over the place so there's wrinkles throughout here and we're gonna work on getting rid of all of these so this was the before image here was the after image this is when I was done working on this and this uses a variety of techniques one of which includes a plugin called the resynthesizer plugin and i have a separate tutorial on that plug-in that you guys can check out and i'll link in the description of this video and i'll also be using a tablet and i have a tutorial on how to install and get your Wacom tablet up and running so check that out if you're not sure how to do that but you can use a mouse if you don't have a tablet for this so don't worry it's just a lot easier with a tablet but before I get started on this tutorial I want to direct you guys over to my website at Davies Media as always we have tons of game video and text tutorials on here as well as project translate where you can help us translate our videos you can also check out one of our playlists support us on patreon which I'll get into in a second and of course check out our poll the week result so definitely check those items out you can also enroll in our photo editing course from beginner to pro photo retoucher which is a bestseller on udemy and has over 500 students and of course I'll include a link to this as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description of the video I also want to remind you guys that you can help our channel grow by supporting us on patreon you can support us for as little as $1 or really as much as you want to but our goal with this is to try to raise enough money to start offering more tutorials and a variety of tutorials on our youtube channel so definitely check that out if you haven't already and if you can become a patron and support our channel to help channel grow as I mentioned there is an external plugin we'll be using for this tutorial you could download it here on mediafire but make sure that you guys run your virus scanner before you download this to make sure this is a safe file to use and if you feel more comfortable you can also download this on github I believe you just go to this plugin scripts here and here you have all of the plug-in scripts the one we'll be using is the heal selection one right here so download this one and then just drag it into your plugins folder again I have a tutorial on the resynthesizer plugins so check that tutorial out if you haven't already and it shows you how to install the reset the sizer plug-in and the scripts that come with it once you've got everything ready to go you've got your tablet installed and you've got the plug-in installed open up the image you want to work on so in this case it is a photo of my great-grandmother and I'm going to erase the layer that I was originally working on here so now I'm just starting with this base layer and I'm also gonna erase this layer here so here's the original photo the first thing I want to do is duplicate this just so I have a copy as I work in case I want to go back to the original for any reason and right now this is actually a really large image you can see here and I don't particularly need this to be this large and this part is optional but I'm just gonna scale this by going to image scale image and I'll just scale it down so that the max height is 1920 and hit the tab key and the width will automatically adjust because I have this icon locked here and then the X and wide resolution I'll just keep at 72 because I'm gonna keep this on the web if you're gonna use this for print just switch this to 300 and I'm gonna use no halo or low halo as my interpolation to maintain as much quality as possible and I'll hit scale so here's our scaled photo I'm just going to use my zoom tool to zoom in so now let's get started with making some of the corrections here and what I did to start off was I just made the corrections that were the easiest to accomplish so that's really all of the areas outside of the actual person in our image and then maybe like the parts here that cut across a lot of the cloth or the clothing since there's not a lot of detail the more complicated parts are going to be anything that interact with the face here and the hair is pretty easy to fix as well so we're gonna get into that a little bit also but what I did to start was I grabbed my lasso tool or my free select tool and I'm just going to circle really anything that needs to be corrected so in this case I'm just going to circle this first object here which is a pretty big imperfection that just needs to be erased and we want to make the background look like it's all of this background here which is almost like a backdrop or a studio backdrop that was used in the original photo and so once I've drawn my selection area around this object on my hit Enter and that I'll create a selection if you clicked off of this at any time just click back on it before you hit Enter to make sure that that will actually turn into a selection area and now I'm gonna go to filters enhance heal selection this will bring up the heal selection dialog box here again I go through what all these things mean in my tutorial on the recent the sizer tool and I will be linking that in the description of this video I'm gonna change the sample from two all around and make sure my filling order is set to random and then click OK so now you can see that has caused that imperfection to disappear there and so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go around to any major imperfections I see hit the enter key and actually let me go to select none I do want to just change the mode here to replace the current selection you can if you want make sure the mode is set to add to the current selection if you want to just try to go through all these at once and get rid of them the only issue with that is that it doesn't always do it correctly when you select multiple selection areas or it doesn't do it as accurately so I'm just gonna do them one at a time so hit the enter key and you can either go to filters enhance heal selection again or if you want to keep all the settings the same just hit ctrl F and you'll see that just went ahead and applied that heal selection tool again you probably saw that loading bar at the bottom and so if I go to filters you'll see right here at the top it says repeat and it's going to repeat the last effect that you did which in our case was heal selection and so that is ctrl F that's the hotkey that's why I just did that and so I can just do that throughout this image here so let me circle some of these imperfections hit the enter key and then hit control F I'm trying to not select too much of the areas that need to be corrected because when you select larger areas the tool doesn't really work quite as well so I'm just trying to really select anything I can get away with here hit enter and control F and you'll see that that got rid of some of that right there but it really didn't do a great job so we're gonna revisit that in a little bit but for now I'm just going to continue selecting areas on my image and hitting ctrl F and you'll see all these areas will start to disappear this one's a pretty large area this has a piece of tape and right here there's a rip that went across here so let's see how this heals this one we'll see if it does a pretty good job here so that did a pretty good job and I'm just going to do this one here and notice that I'm really sticking with areas that are similar that looks similar to one another I'll hit ctrl shift a to select nine this didn't do a great job so we'll have to revisit it but I'm gonna do the hair separately so we're gonna get to that in a second but right now I'm just going to do this one as well and I'm gonna see I'll hit the enter key I'm going to see how this repairs this area so I'll hit ctrl F because we have the hair below here it might screw it up but now it looks like it did a pretty good job so I'll just continue enter ctrl F and then I'll do this area here and I'm not repairing this top line here and you'll see why in a second so that sort of trim that's at the top of the image the border right there I'm gonna leave that as is as I continue working on these problem areas here and let's see if we can work on this part right here at the Enter key control F so this is a pretty large area so we'll see how this turns out so that didn't do a great job so I'll hit control Z we're going to come back to that in a little bit and let me just stick to the backdrop here for now we'll get into the hair and the clothing in a second so for this part I'm going to select this entire top part and then hit my Enter key and hit ctrl F and so that for the most part has healed that whole area there that go to select none we're gonna use the heal tool to work on this a little bit to repair all that but you can see for the most part all of the major imperfections that were in the backdrop here have been taken care of and we will get to these little dots here in a second so let's move on to the hair right here so I'm gonna try to see if I can get this tape deleted here in one go I might have to tweak some of the settings here on this resynthesizer heal selection tool so that did a pretty good job and it doesn't have to be perfect at first because we can go back in with other tools I'll hit ctrl F here and we can use those other tools to sort of clean up the job that the recent the sizeof tool did but what this is allowing us to do is it's allowing us to take care of the larger portions of the image so that we have less work to do essentially less manual work so ctrl F and then let me see if I draw a little bit closer and don't draw as large of an area this might do a better job repairing this yes and I'll do the same here and then I'll try this area here so you guys will notice there's still a seam right here but we're gonna fix that you so you guys will notice I selected both the part of the shirt and part of the backdrop here and what it did is it kind of mucked up the line right here so I'm gonna hit control Z undo that and then hit control shift a and I'm just going to reselect and this time I'm going to break it up into two parts so I'll select the part of the wrinkle that's overlapping the clothes there and then I'll select the part of the wrinkle that is overlapping the backdrop here and now you can see that does a better job without messing up the line here from the back of our subject so now I'm going to grab my zoom tool and I'll zoom in on this area here you can also use control in the mouse wheel if you want to zoom in on a particular part of the image and I'm going to continue this process so I'm gonna use my free select tool again and this time I'm going to select parts of the hair and then hit enter ctrl F and that did not do a perfect job but that's alright we can circle this area right here and just continue working and we'll come back and revisit anything that doesn't look too great something you guys may notice is that the hair right here is sort of discolored it almost looks faded probably just from the age of the photograph the chemicals in the film probably just faded a little bit we're gonna come in with a brush here using our Wacom tablet and we're gonna paint back some of the color in here to make that look a little bit better so right here you'll see the algorithm for the recent the sizer script pulled in some of the backdrops so hit ctrl Z we're going to hit that part with the heal selection tool instead of using this recent the sizer tool right there you so as we work on the face this is where things start to get a little dicey because obviously the face is the most noticeable part of somebody and the most recognizable part of somebody so you don't want to mess that part up so I'll hit control Z so this part right here isn't really going to work using the all-around method that we have set right now on the resynthesizer tool so let me try filters enhance heel selection and instead of all around I'll switch the sides which means it's only going to pull pixels from the left and right side here and I'll click OK and so that didn't really work either so I'll hit ctrl Z and we're just gonna skip that part for now but I am going to continue working on the smaller portions here and the reason I want to use the recent the size of tools heel selection feature here instead of the heel brush and I'll hit ctrl F is because we don't want to paint too many pixels on the complexion because it can start to mess with the shading of the person you know the lighting and everything which starts to make the person look a little bit unnatural so really the goal here is to get rid of these imperfections without affecting the shading as much as possible but in the places where there is just too many pixels missing we're gonna have to eventually do some work on you know the person's face so it is inevitable that we will have to perform some manipulation or just some retouching on part of the face here but we want to try to minimize as much as possible and in this area you'll see it didn't really clean up this part of the tape here but it did clean up quite a bit of that area so here's a before and here's an after so it did clean it up quite a bit so I am going to just leave that there and we'll come back and we'll see if we can clean up any part of this area here without messing it up too much this is really the challenging part of the image because basically we have tape and we have rips going through the person's face and so what we're gonna have to do here since we can't really use the heal tool or the heal selection tool is we're gonna have to use the paintbrush to paint in features here and this is really where the Wacom tablet comes in handy but we're gonna get to that in a second so I'll hit ctrl shift a to select nine and I'm gonna leave it at that with the heal selection feature the heal selection plug-in and so I'll zoom out here and here's a before and here's an after so we've already done a decent amount of repairing here something I recommend doing while you work is just hitting ctrl s to save in my case I'm gonna go to save as because I want to save this as a different file because I've already saved this once and I don't want to overwrite the original so I just save this as an x EF file that way we can continue working and we can automatically save as we work so while zoom in here and now I'm going to grab my heal tool and I will grab my Wacom tablet for this portion again you guys can use your mouse and use the left and right brackets on your keyboard to increase or decrease the size of the brush here on my tablet I can use this spin wheel here and easily increase or decrease the size of my brush and when I hold the ctrl key on my keyboard I can grab sections on here and just use this heal tool to paint over these small imperfections here and again I'm trying to paint as little area as possible as little surface area on the face as possible because I don't want to mess up the shading of the face and I'm gonna keep it looking more natural but there's parts right here where there's still a little bit of creasing going on a little bit of discoloration from the film so we want to make sure that we take care of those areas and then all through here you can see there's been some sort of tape or some sort of discoloration happening around the eyes so we do want to make sure that we fixed that and we're gonna get to that in a second so I'm just holding ctrl and clicking to grab a new source or in the case of people using a tablet I'm pressing down on the tablet with my pen to click and then I'm just using that news source to paint over areas that need to be painted over or blended in and you guys might want to copy my settings over here by the way you can see all my settings for this brush and then for my dynamics for my brush I'm using basic dynamics so click on here and click on basic dynamics right there and dynamics don't work great and 2.10 in fact I've read somewhere that the dynamics actually don't work at all I found that they do sort of work but they don't work entirely as intended so that's something that they're working on for game version 3.0 so hopefully they'll get that fixed in the near future so there were some writings on here somebody wrote on the photo so I'm just gonna go ahead and erase those and then there's also a bunch of tape right here and some creases going through the face so I'm just going to again hold ctrl click on a source nearby because I do want the air the colors from this area which are similar to this area to match and so we're just going to continue pulling colors from nearby areas as we paint using this heal tool so when you have very large areas such as the cheek or the jaw area here it's very easy to grab pixels using the heel tool and then just paint those pixels in areas where those pixels need to be and what the heel tool is doing is it's using an algorithm to choose colors and texture from that area the source area where you're holding ctrl and clicking and then painting those elements onto your destination area and so it makes it really easy to paint back what's missing here and to also just use the pixels without losing too much of the original colors that were there so you're painting back missing pixels but you're still using colors from surrounding pixels that are still there to sort of get this final result that is a blended result and it looks as realistic as possible so this part right here you'll see when we use the heal tool here because there's such a stark contrast between the pixels from the tear that was right here and the flesh tones that we're trying to grab and paint over here you end up with this half white half flesh tone look and it just looks like a bright spot or something so it doesn't look great so what we're gonna have to do there eventually is go back with a paintbrush and paint over that and you can use a paintbrush tool or the airbrush tool and I'll show you how I'm gonna do that in a little bit but that's not going to fix itself purely with the heal tool so whenever you have large areas like that where the pixels of the destination vary greatly from the pixels of the source it's going to be hard for that final product to look the way you want it to look it's going to make it hard to look natural and here we might experience that problem too because we have such a large tear and the colors are so different from the flesh tones that we're trying to paint there although right now it doesn't look like it's too big of a problem and you can see too that there's some discolorations here in the skin from just the photograph fading over time and from all those rips that were right here so there's some unnecessary lines and stuff here that are kind of messing up the complexion so we're gonna go back with that as well and smooth out those lines and make that look a little bit better so right here is pretty difficult because we've got so many different shades of skin tone and they all contribute to the shape of our subjects face here so we don't want to change the shading too much but we've just got so many wrinkles and rips and tape going on right here that we need to correct it so we have to be careful as we're painting right here that we're not messing up any of the original shading from the face and if we do we're gonna have to go back and paint some of that in manually using the airbrush or the paintbrush tool so right here is probably the most difficult part of the image because again like I was talking about right here we've got so much going on with the tape and just the image being ripped and this is where a lot of facial features are that we really have to be careful when we're erasing all this that we're not altering the person's face too much leave that and I'm just going to come over here to parts of the hair and try to repair anything that can be repaired so for this area I'm going to increase the size of my heel brush just because it is a larger area and we don't need to have as much details going on here and so we want to be able to quickly just fix some of these areas so I can increase it again using the wheel on my Wacom tablet or using the brackets on my keyboard and of course you want to grab nearby colors to make sure that the colors match of where you're painting you control-z I'm going to have to shrink the size of my brush here as I get closer to the collar because the heal tool will grab pixels from this collar and it's going to mess up basically the colors from the actual shirt right here and I'll probably have to paint this part right here just because the collar is so close to the actual sheer color I don't want to accidentally blend those colors together so I'm just going to leave that for now and I'll probably have to paint right here as well just because there is a huge piece missing right here and it's making it a little bit hard to grab colors from surrounding pixels and paint them right here so here I'm grabbing a source multiple times just because the shading is going to change as we go from the top part of the face down and the shading is very important here so I'm going to be grabbing a new source very often same with right here and you're still going to see parts of the green from the lettering here just because there is such a stark contrast between that green color and the color of the skin tone but that's alright we're going to go back a little bit later and fix that all right so we'll move over to this out of the image increase the size our heel brush and then we're going to get rid of all of these imperfections right here and I'll hit control s just to make sure I've saved my progress and so now I'll hold control and use my mouse wheel to zoom out a little bit and I just want to see what this looks like so far and so there's a few spots over here we still got to take care of so I'll just take care of these real quick you all right so I'm going to grab my zoom tool and zoom in a little bit here so this is where things can get a little dicey and what I need to do is I need to basically draw in some teeth here and then the rest of the lips that are missing so I'm going to just click a source over here and see if I can use the original teeth from this side of the image I'll hit ctrl Z you might start getting some other parts of the image that you don't want like the lips I'm on that side and you want to try to grab the teeth that have matching brightness and matching color as best as possible and so that parts a little bit challenging but definitely not impossible and then here I'm going to use my heal tool to draw or attempt to draw parts of the lips here at least get some of that color back I'm gonna hold control and use my mouse wheel to zoom out just to see our progress thus far again I'll hit ctrl s to save so you'll see that most of the work that needs to be done is right here where this big crease is in this pretty important part of the face and there's some other parts along the clothing and in the hair that need to be fixed too and we're gonna go through with the paintbrush and clean those up a little bit but for now I'm just gonna zoom in right here and I'm gonna try something out first I'm going to grab my free select tool and I'm going to select everything except for the lips and anything that overlaps the nose I'll hit enter and I'll hit control F again so as you can see that cleaned up the tears but it didn't really do anything in the way of recovering any of the shading that's supposed to be there so I'll hit ctrl shift a and then I'll select nine so there is an after if I hit ctrl Z a couple times you can see there's before so I'll hit ctrl shift a this time I'm going to try to select smaller parts of this tear so I'll hit enter and I'll hit ctrl F and you'll see that that didn't really do much so I'll hit ctrl Z again this time I'll try to go to filters enhance heal selection and I'll choose from above and below so instead of pulling from the right side here and getting these white pixels it's only going to pull from the top and the bottom of the selection area and also change the context sampling width to 25 so it's not grabbing as many pixels from the top and bottom and I'll click OK and you'll see that did a little bit better job there it's still not perfect but we're gonna try that just around some of these tears here hit enter ctrl F and so now I'm going to try this line right here and I'm going to change the settings let me hit enter to grab that as a selection area so go to filters enhance heal selection and now I'm going to grab from the sides because I want to grab from the right and left side instead of the top and bottom so I'll hit OK and you'll see that did a pretty decent job of erasing that so let me try this area too I'll hit enter and then ctrl F and then I'll try this area enter ctrl F slights none so what that's done is it sort of recovered a little bit of the color the original color from this which will make it a tiny bit easier to fix this area right here but we're still going to have to go in here and manually paint in the colors from our image so what I'm gonna do is grab my paintbrush tool here and I'm gonna increase the size of this just a little bit for now and then what I want to do is try to grab a color that's gonna be the closest to the shading I need to be here and what we're essentially doing is we're just manually painting in the crease right here from her smile and I'm gonna have to grab this color right here because I think this is gonna be the closest thing we can get right now so I'll hold ctrl and that'll bring up my eyedropper tool and then I'll click to grab that color and you can always just drag this around a little bit and watch your foreground color here to make sure you have the right color you want because there are some lighter lighter pixels in here and we don't want those so now what I'm going to do with these darker pixels is I'm going to guess where the crease from her smile would be so let's say right about there so we're just gonna roughly paint that in and then it's also got to come down like it does here but because the perspective is different for this side of the face it's going to be a little bit different shape there so we'll just draw that to about where we think it's gonna be so go with right there and then I'll hold ctrl and grab this color because this is the color obviously of the mouth right here it's in the shade a little bit the little bit less light so it's a little darker than this skin tone here so we're gonna use that to sort of fill that area in and then a little bit under the nose here and then I'll hold ctrl and grab the same color from the nostril here and I'll hit ctrl Z and make sure I'm dragging this around to get the right dark color I need which is almost like a black color and I'll fill in this nostril as well just a little bit so we're trying to shape the nose here and then I'll grab some of the color from the actual nose itself and paint some of the shape of the nose back and again you can see every time I'm holding ctrl because my eyedropper tool will show up there and I'm trying to preserve the original shape of her nose as much as possible and now I'm going to come over here to shading on the other side of her nose and just sort of fix right here and the reason I'm doing that is because when there was a rip here and this was taped back together it caused her nose to move up a little bit there so we're just sort of fixing the position of that and then I'm gonna grab a color right here on the cheeks and I'm going to paint some of that color over here and this is going to look pretty bad at first but we're gonna go in and add texture and everything to this so it's gonna fix it up a little bit and I'm trying to stick to what I think is going to be the contour of her cheeks as I'm painting this because I don't want to alter you know the final shape of her face and so I'm just grabbing colors from nearby here to paint some of this back in and I'm also trying to not get anything outside of her face because then it's going to make it hard to sort of blend this in with the heal tool but I'm also going to paint the border here where her hair ends basically where her hair in her face meet and I'm just going to paint over this big bright spot right here that was caused by the rip that was there originally and again this is going to look pretty bad at first but we will go in and clean it up in a little bit and I'm not by any means but I am trying to draw everything so that a it keeps the same shape as the original object and be everything relatively follows the grain of whatever it is in the image so in this case the hair I'm trying to follow the flow of the hair I'm not doing a great job right now but I am trying to keep the grain of the hair going in the same direction and there are some parts actually on this side that we do have to fix by painting over not quite as many because there wasn't a huge tear on this side so we're just going to anywhere that needs to be painted over we'll just paint over with the paintbrush and the difference between the paintbrush and the airbrush is the airbrush is going to be more applicable when like for instance right here we need to smooth out the skin and the paintbrush is better for when we have to add a bunch of color to this or just really redraw items that have disappeared because of the rips or the creases so grab my paintbrush again I'm going to decrease the size of this grab a color from the tooth that's nearby and try to reconstruct this right here we're also going to have to draw the crease in between the teeth otherwise this will look weird so I'm going to try to redraw this tooth here and now I'll grab a color from the crease in the teeth or just the gap between the teeth here and then I'll decrease the size of my brush when I draw this part right here and I'm just sketching this as if I'm drawing something on paper and this is probably going to take a couple goes to get it right this the teeth aren't a pretty difficult part to get so now I'm going to grab a color from underneath the teeth here I can increase my brush a little bit and then I'm just going to paint this part because these colors should not be here and then I'll grab a color from this tooth again and try to paint some of this back and then grab some color from the lips nearby and paint some of that back and again I'll try to match the grain of the original photo here and then right here I'll have to finish off the shape of the lips since the lips got completely covered up here so I'm just kind of guessing here it's probably not going to be perfect and I can adjust the width of my brush as I go so I think it's safe to assume that this part is gonna be a little darker right here so I'll just try to grab a slightly darker color for the back corner here and then for this part I'm going to grab this color right here because this is probably going to be sort of the same deal where the teeth are kind of fading into the shadows of the mouth and I can grab my zoom tool hold ctrl and just clip the zoom out the teeth right now look a little suspect we're gonna work on them in a little bit we're gonna fix the color up a little bit but you could see that this is already starting to come together and then I also need to do a lot of corrections on the eye here and so I'll start by coming over here to this eye and I'll hold ctrl and grab the same color from the eye here and I'm just going to draw over the entire eye to start we will have to draw in the sort of glare from where the pupil is and where the light source is but I want to first just make sure that we have a uniform eye in here since there was a lot of rips and everything going through here and then I'll grab some color from a part of the eyelid here the or the upper part of the eye and then some color right here and just paint some of the shape back in and then I've already done some work up here but I'm just going to try to improve this a little bit and these two areas will need a blend obviously here we've got the eyebrow and so the eyebrow almost completely disappeared here and I think it's just a combination of the lighting and the fading of the photograph over time so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to decrease the size of my paintbrush and I'm actually going to manually paint the eyebrow back in here so I'm just going to create short strokes almost like hairs and not almost like here's exactly like hairs that's the goal and then I'm just going to paint wherever I see a faint trace of the eyebrow here I might add a little bit of volume to these just because I think there was some lost again just with the fading of the photograph over time and if you just will go look at the other eyebrow in a second so you guys can see the shape of that one which is definitely something you want to reference when you're drawing this other eyebrow so I'll just grab this and move over so you can see the shape of the eyebrow here there's a little bit thicker than over here so we do want to try to make these match but we don't want to overdo the eyebrows because we don't want to make her have crazy eyebrows like I do so we'll go with that for now I'll hold control and use my mouse wheel to zoom out so you can see there I painted the eyebrow back and it doesn't look completely real yet but it does look a lot better and now I'm just going to search the image kind of scan the image for other areas that need to be drawn back in so right here is a great example and I can increase the size of my brush hold ctrl and grab some nearby colors and just paint this back in and then I'll paint the background back in here because a lot of the color did get lost here you can tell it almost looks like some of the black from the hair got smudged into the black from the background so we'll just paint this back in and then right here where it's on the fringe we'll just sort of paint this back in and then this part I mentioned earlier needs to have some of its color restored so we'll just paint some of that back in and I'm also going to paint this part right here along the edge and don't worry we will clean this up of course and then there's this part of the hair that also needs to be cleaned up all right so grab my zoom tool zoom out a little bit and I'll come down here and we'll make sure we take care of this I'm just using my eyedropper tool to grab some similar colors in the nearby neighboring area and just paint anything that we couldn't get rid of with the heal tool and you may need to decrease your brush for these harder to reach areas and then we'll brush this right here from earlier all right so we'll grab the zoom tool zoom out try not to zoom out too much there so we've still got a little bit of work to do as you guys can see but we're really making progress which hopefully you guys will notice and let's not forget this big part right here so I'll grab my paintbrush grab a nearby color I can probably increase the brush size a little bit right here and we'll just paint away some of these imperfections in the color all right so now that we've done that I'm going to come back here to this original area we were working on and let's see how much we're able to accomplish with the heel tool now and actually let me grab my paintbrush one more time and make sure that I've got this part where I want it to be you know same right here actually control Z so let me switch over to the heel tool now and I'm gonna try to get rid of that as best as I can all right so now I have my heel tool I'm going to hold control and grab an area up here I'm gonna start by turning down the opacity a little bit because I do want to pull color from this area and I want to pull texture from these areas but I do want to try to maintain some of the colors that I painted in here and if we grab too much color from these areas up top and below it's going to kind of screw up the color scheme we've got going on here and it'll just not look proper it won't look like it's shaded correctly so I'm going to try with an opacity of around 60 and I'm going to hold ctrl to grab a source from nearby and let me undo this part because it grabbed too many dark pixels but now I'm just going to gradually paint in these areas here and I'll hit control Z you may need to play around with the size of the heel tool brush as you do this and I'm trying to be pretty careful as I paint these areas in you and one trick with this is that once you've painted with the heel brush over an area that you created before you can then use that area to paint in further parts of the image here so what I mean by that is basically this area didn't have texture before because it was all painted with the paintbrush but now it has texture since we worked in areas with the heel tool so then we can use that area to sort of move down the image and grab darker darker pixels here and use those darker pixels to help with our shading so we're gonna work on this area here and then also decrease the size of this and try to make sure that we get some of the texture painted back in here and then same with up here so you can see that this heal tool is actually helping to blend these colors together as well wherever we have sort of harsh areas of two colors you know meeting together like right here for example so you'll see that the seal tool is helping to blend those colors together and then we'll do the same on the areas with the hair and this we can be a little bit more lenient with because there aren't as many details and we're not done with the face either obviously but just while I'm over here and here we can increase the brush size a little bit and you can see the texture is transferring from our source onto these areas that we painted and it's helping to bring back the color and the hair while also making it look like it's blending in with the texture of the surrounding or original parts of our image the heel tool out here because I think we just missed this part before and not everything has to be fixed or healed you can leave some original imperfections from the image to try to make it look like you know it's still an old photograph which it is there's no sense trying to make it look like a photograph that was taken in 2018 or whatever so you can always bring back or keep some of the original imperfections and so some of the shading here looks a little off so I'm gonna try to grab some shading from up top here and help on this in same width right here all right so grab my zoom tool and zoom out just to see how that work looks so you can see this area already looks a lot better don't get me wrong it's not perfect but it does look way better than it did before so we're just going to continue working on this and I'm gonna zoom in here on the eye because this needs the most work right now and so I'll grab some of the texture from this area and the color from this area and use that to texturize and blend some of these colors from up here and you can see right here the color change that happened there is now blended a lot better right there and then same right here we're going to use this area these colors from right here and the textures from right here to blend in this part this parts a little trickier I'll hold control Z just because it is a little bit of a tighter area what I can also do is I can zoom out with my zoom tool and I can come over here and actually use this eye and I'll just increase my brush a tiny bit so I can use the texture and the coloring from this eye and blend that in with this eye over here and you can't move quite as freely as you would like because then you start to capture colors from the eye itself and not just the part above the eye here but you'll see that this does provide an effective way of helping to blend in some of these areas and I'm actually going to use the heel tool to heal some imperfections right here and now I'm going to grab a source from the eyeball here and/or the people and I'm going to use that to color in the black part of the eye on this side and I'm just grabbing a source and I'm watching that left source as I paint to make sure it's not painting outside of the pupil itself but now you can see it's done a pretty good job of helping us blend in this pupil here or I should say the iris and the one thing we are missing is the pupil so I'll grab my paintbrush tool and grab this pupil and make sure that my brush is about the same size there I'm going to try to estimate where this should be and let me actually turn up the opacity of my brush which I had down at around looks like it was at around 24% there and so I'm just going to try to paint this pupil in here so that it matches the size of this one doesn't have to be perfect and then once I've done that I can use my heel tool grab that and see if we can get some of the color and the texture from the pupil or the little glare on the eye from the other side there the better job you do on that area the better that eye is going to look and just for the sake of time I'm going to leave that as is for now and I'm going to grab some of the texture from the eyebrow on the left side and paint it onto the eyebrow on the right side and I'll do the same thing I'll just bring the source back as I paint down the eyebrow here just because if we don't do that it's going to start grabbing some pixels that we don't want and I can grab my zoom tool and zoom out here zoom back in so as you can see this photos looking pretty good there's still a few things we've got to touch up here but we're pretty close to being done so I'll just zoom in a little bit I'm just clicking and dragging with my Wacom tablet grab the heel tool I'll just increase the size of the brush a little bit and see if I can heal up some of these areas a little bit more so I'll hold ctrl and then actually ctrl Z so hold ctrl to grab a source and here's a before by the way so this is what this looked like before if you'll remember and here's an after and so hold ctrl over here grab my zoom tool grab my heal tool and just paint some of this texture back in and then same with right here just going to grab a source by holding ctrl and then paint over these parts here that we paint it with our paintbrush and this is going to allow us to add some of this texture back in and then right here with the collar and then back up here on the jaw line here so grab my zoom tool zoom out a bit so you could see that we've done a pretty good job there or blending all that in so now we're gonna zoom in on the mouth and see if we can work on finishing up the lips here and also the teeth so decrease the size of my heal tool brush and then use this to blend the colors here and get some of this texture back in and I know I'm repeating myself but I'm just making sure you guys know the purpose of why I'm doing this around the different parts of the image and then we're going to shrink the size of our heal tool brush here and paint this part control-z make sure we don't accidentally get the white part of the teeth so as always I'm always watching the source while I paint on the destination to try to make sure that I'm not grabbing colors from the wrong area just sort of grab colors from within the tooth or I can come over here to one of these teeth and then just sort of use this to paint some of the colors here we don't want like a super bright tooth like this is right now so we want to kind of darken this up a little bit because this tooth should be sort of hidden in the back and it should have some shadow on it and then I'll come up here to the lips as well you'll notice that this is a process while you work I've always just sort of moving around the image grabbing different source points and just sort of painting around the image as you go and the reason I do that is because it's just easier to know where you're supposed to be painting as more elements are added in here and so like as you could tell right now it's super easy to see or at least for me right now where the lip should be and so we can just kind of come and work on this lip here and then as the lip fills in we'll start to know sort of where other parts of the tooth should go and it just helps us sort of bring together the finished picture and the finished product and now I'm going to come back over here to this part because this is what it should look like this is sort of the dark part of the mouth so this is inside the mouth here and then this tooth is still way too bright so what I'm going to do is grab the paintbrush tool turn the opacity way down grab one of these colors the color from that back tooth there and see if I can paint some of this color on this brighter tooth here and then grab my heal tool and see if we can blend this tooth a little better because right now it's just way too bright and it doesn't look natural you alright so the teeth don't look perfect but they look pretty natural so I'm gonna leave them as is for now and there's a couple of things left to do number one is to finish blending in the hair and texturizing the hair like we've been doing with the face and then the other is to go around the image with an airbrush tool and just airbrush any parts of the face that we might have missed and any parts of the skin complexion that needs to be blended in so I'm just going to zoom in here on the hair grab my heel brush tool and I can increase the size of this we don't want to get too close to the edge there so I'm going to decrease the size of my brush and undo that and just make sure that we're not getting too many of those brighter pixels from the backdrop there and this isn't perfect but for the sake of time I'm going to move on from that area and come over to this area and I'm actually going to grab some of the color from down here on the darker hair because I think right now this is just turning out to light right here and I do want this hair to look a little bit darker I messed up a little bit just because I did end up getting some of that backdrop in here so it looks a little bit lighter there but that's alright I'm just gonna leave it for now you all right so I'm going to grab my zoom tool zoom out a little bit and now what I'm going to do is grab my airbrush tool and I'm gonna use this I'll hold ctrl and use my mouse wheel to zoom in I'll use this to even out some of the complexion here and so what I'm gonna do is sort of the same thing I did with the paintbrush tool I'm gonna increase the size of this a little bit and then you've got an opacity control right here if you want to control how much color is being painted on the face you also have something called rate and flow which is also going to determine how fast the color comes out of this I'm not going to get too much into that stuff right now but what I'm going to do is hold ctrl like I did with the paintbrush tool and just click on nearby areas of the complexion and then I'm going to and I'll hold ctrl Z because I do want to turn down the opacity a little bit of this let me just back up a little bit so I'll turn the opacity down I'll hit control Y hit control Z one too many times but I'm just going to paint parts of the complexion and sort of blend these areas together and you're going to want to grab different source several times as you do this to try to keep the colors from getting messed up and I'll grab my zoom tool and zoom in on any parts that are a little bit smaller like in the nose in this case hold control it's sort of paint away any major creases right here that shouldn't be here you can see that as I'm doing this the skin is smoothing out a little bit the better of a job you do of matching the shading of the original skin tone the better this is going to look the better the final product is going to look and you can also show and hide the original image if you want to try to reference what any parts of the original look like as you're painting to make sure you get those parts right so come up here and shade this a little bit all right so there's obviously a few details that need work on this image but the last thing I'm gonna do before I finish off this tutorial is I'm just going to try to darken the shading right here a tiny bit not too much but I just think the nose stands out a little bit too much here and doesn't have a great effect so I'm just going to try to shade this nose down a little bit and maybe grabs the heel tool and heal this part of the nose like so alright so I'm going to zoom all the way up alright so here is the original image before we made any corrections to it and here is the final product so that's it for this tutorial hopefully you guys liked it if you did please subscribe to our youtube channel at slash Davey's media design you can also visit our website at Davey's media design com and you can enroll in our photo editing course from beginner to pro photo retoucher and i'll include a link to that as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description of the video so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 73,480
Rating: 4.8906527 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, gimp photo editing, gimp 2018, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, repair old photos, restore old photos, fix damaged photos, damage photo, old photo fix, wacom tablet, photo repair, photo restoration, heal selection, heal tool, GIMP 2.10.6, photo editing, photo manipulation
Id: zykCusbB0J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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