THIS is the GRAND Turkish Breakfast: Olives, Sucuk, Simit, Borek, Jams, Cheese, Tea, and Many More!

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hi everyone today we're going to do something that we are all very proud of and it's the grand turkish breakfasts yes lots of people somehow sometimes lived abroad and you miss some things but the most missed among myself and my friends is this great tea and the grand turkish breakfasts and very soon you'll know why why is turkish breakfast different it's a way of serving it's like the mesoculture actually there are small small plates in the middle that can be in the fridge for a long time like cheese like olives like jam etc etc and these are always brought to the table and shared there are greens there are other stuff so you don't go just heavily on bread or something but you get this balanced incredible thing today i'm going to set a big table starting from the cold and then going to making a great burek a suzuku i'm going to also give you the tips of the sunny side up the perfect and simple egg of course we do different eggs and different varieties that you're going to see on the channel already have this suji recipe that you shouldn't really miss so you may ask rifika is every day like this a grand breakfast when i was a small child actually it was every day like this but if you don't have time two great things come to the rescue one is simmits can i call this turkish bagel no it's cement because it's an oxford dictionary okay braxton's is oxford dictionary symmetricity so everywhere also there are symmets sold in new york sold in london and many other places in uk and us so this is great and also we have the recipe on the turkish channel maybe one day we can make this on the english channel as well and we have this porcha this humble thing is one of the most delicious things in the world we just get this one with a cup of tea not a glass of tea not a cup and it becomes amazing or for example i want to rush and like i have a sore throat or something i want to get some vitamin c i pass by a buffet and they'll squeeze the fresh orange juice together with toast which is two pieces of bread that are pressed and inside there would be cheese that would be sujook and some other things that you can go crazy with these are the other ways but at least once a week we need our grand breakfasts we do and when you see the details you'll understand that you also do [Music] now we're going to start with olives to make the olives even tastier i have a recipe from my mom in cyprus what we do is we put thin slices of lemon add a bit of lemon juice and on the side crack garlic and add a bit of coriander and crack them as well so that the taste can easily pass to the olives and the olive oil and add it to the olives mix them up and add some olive oil this will taste better and better every day and you can eat this for the whole week in turkey we love eating olives for breakfast and turkey is the number one consumer for the black olives in the whole world for the black olives they are really really rich in umami which means if you eat them together with something else they are going to increase the taste of that something else as they are really tasty themselves so usually we have dried oregano in the homes of turkish people and a bit of red pepper and we're going to mix them with a bit of olive oil and they're going to taste great simple as that you can always add some different things like sesame seeds poppy seeds and have a different texture as well it's all to your taste [Music] for the tomatoes we love our tomatoes and we love to eat them fresh for breakfast after i slice the tomatoes to increase the taste i add a bit of thyme or oregano and then a bit of salt i want the salt to really get into the tomato so i mix it with my hand then i add a bit of nigella and then olive oil here we have a great tomato to dip and wet your bread with and then go crazy but in the winter time we won't be able to eat tomatoes because we don't like eating things out of season so what we can do we have pepper paste that we have prepared together with you guys we also have this video you know and maybe a bit of oil as well so this can be a replacement for the tomatoes in our family the cheese plate is usually prepared by mr brockharp so he's going to do it for us huh is he your brother almost her husband more than that in turkey we have tens and hundreds of different types of cheese but the most commonly used is called the white cheese in the world known as feta and we have this deep enery which is like the string cheese the taste is very close to mozzarella and here we have bergamotulu which is somewhere in between and aged cheese and feta cheese watches as you can see the color is rather yellower than the white cheese and it has like the parmesan calcified salts in it this calcified salts as you remember when you eat a piece of parmesan it grows and becomes amazing what it is is in the breakfast we have to eat more fresher cheese there's this like an older cheese called kashar but these fresher cheese is easier to digest lighter in terms of calories and of course the cheaper so this way for the breakfast it gives that great flavor as well because it's a bit aged as well which one is your favorite my favorite these are all my favorites probably uh bergamo tulum has a different place in my life but like you're gonna eat one of them like from today to the end of your life ah oh really i would choose fair spanish me too but my second option would be bergamo yours i had this dinner with nigel's later he was shooting a video in turkey and of course the owner of the restaurant knew me and etc so he put so many things on the table and nigel slater interpreted that act as i don't want to look greedy and it will not be good on television i couldn't get it at the time because in turkey even though you're like the poorest person in town and a guest comes to your house you take out the best of it could be something like a sujood that you've been keeping over a year for that special day and give it to your guest it's a way of honoring the guests and in the old days and in houses that are still careful about this nothing is thrown away it will be eaten on later dates but it's a showing of care and hospitality for the other person so to the cheese plate we cut it differently and then nuts this was meant to be the cheese plate but we also have the greens some of the fresh nuts we have the pastrami maybe next year we'll do the pastrami as well yes all of these things together there's the color balance which is the yellow green brown is there the cheese are cut in a different way sometimes in a square triangle and then rectangles that affects the looks then it affects the taste and also we are not putting flat there going up also not just like in order like this yes as we have said we have the bocas and the cement and the bread i'll show you the inside of the poacher they can be warm like this [Music] symmetry is actually a round bread with two strings they are rounded and then they are dipped into molasses and then sesame seeds and baked in special ovens to tell you the truth we don't eat white bread anymore but we grew up with this and because it's very spongy you can dip it really well or you can put a jam and it will get into its holes so fast it carries the taste really well on a normal breakfast day even the person who says that i don't eat so much bread will eat at least three or four so we have different types of breads but these are the most three very common used for the breakfast [Music] also we have grown up with jams and in turkey this could be maybe less than 10 percent of what we have but i just wanted to make a selection of what kind of things can be turned into jam from pistachio to walnuts to linden to sage you can make jam acacia jam is great rose jam is great so these are few of the things that we are doing the classical ones that we have grown up with like the cherry strawberry jam pea jam are not here but these are some interesting ones which i wanted to share with you to give you an idea pine cone is very important right now because it's so good for the sword rod also cold season is coming so some of the gems are really good for that as well if we're talking about the turkish breakfast we need to include jam two of my favorite things in the breakfast is molasses and tahini and honey and double clotted cream what is tahini we have a video for it guys it's actually sesame's paste and we mix it with any kind of molasses would do but usually we use the grape molasses which is grape juice after as it is gone it's just boiled and it has this incredible taste it's an alternative to processed sugar as well so when tahini and molasses gets mixed up first it's as if it won't get mixed it starts to have this brown color and a very nice taste i have a video for different variations of this i'm putting it here you can watch you can even make something like nutella with this kind of idea and combination and when it comes to the double closet cream it's the cream of the buffalo milk and it's a great tradition i have a video together with bbc for this it's a great thing and when you mix it with a nice honey which the quality of the honey is excited for the quality of the flowers for example in the cars region in june which is actually the spring of cars there are like flowers as long as your eyes can see for each drop of honey you get the taste and the power of at least 10 15 20 maybe different kind of flowers so the goodness of the buffalo milk and the honey when you put it on this white bread like this [Music] so it's great you may say rifika we cannot find double clothed green yes you can the combination of a nice honey with some kind of cream the heavier the better or worse you can use the cream on the yogurt as well or butter but this is different for this you have to come to my house after this thing is over probably we'll have just days people coming in i'm looking for those days so be prepared to the grand tables we set there's a saying like only one thing is missing and that's the bird's milk that's a weird saying what uh i'll check whether like birds don't have milk what do they do i have understood that pigeons and flamingos have some kind of secretion at the first few days when their eggs are hatched from there some kind of stomach they have this fatty epital cells that come out of their mouth flamingos and pigeons eat that and not you but it's an incredible saying that like everything is there just that is missing and oh god it can be missed let it be today's phrase from turkish tradition now we can start making the perfect perk for the barrack we have this yufka which is great it's an art it takes four years to master how to make this thin dough it's thinly opened and it's baked on one side and turned and it's added and is it then it's put into lukewarm water and then taken out and rested in cheesecloth and then ready for the markets to be sold so it's an art but of course you cannot find this in europe you cannot find this in u.s ghosts like very limited amount of people are doing it in the world and in turkey you can find the question i'm trying to continue the tradition by hand because when it's mechanized it's not the same but i'm going to give you a recipe which is originally done with this so something that you can find almost everywhere in the world they also call this filo but normally it is though for baklava it's thin more starch based this is usually sold in like layers folded and usually each of the folded layers are ripped like this i just wanted to show this because if you buy it and what you get is something like that don't be sad usually even in turkey that happens so what i'm going to do i'm just going to use two layers like this i'm going to rip from one side it now becomes like a square in the middle i'm going to put an extra layer this is for the bottom so that when the cheese melt it doesn't go everywhere i'm going to put white cheese to this i'm going to add a bit of tomato i want to use thin slices with skins on and half a pepper and i'm also gonna add a bit of onion very thin slices to the onion i'm going to put a bit of salt why because it's going to cook very little but i want the salt to cook it a bit so it will have its freshness but it won't be like very raw raw together with this i'm also going to use few mint leaves and finally nigella if you have it if you don't have it not the end of the world because this filo is used for baklava it's not salty so i'm gonna add a bit of salt to the other layer as well like this and then i'm going to wrap it first on one side then on the other one so i'm going to turn on my stop until it gets out i'm going to make another one you can go crazy you can add you can add cheese that melts it's totally to your taste totally to your wishes this one is going to be with a bit of pastrami black pepper would do good for this i'm using olive oil if you want to prefer butter you can use butter for this as well or we can make this with a bit of cheese and spreadable chocolate well it can go here in [Music] so in two minutes maximum three minutes your break is going to be ready don't put it on the highest heat because we want the cheese to melt and get cooked a bit so that it'd be slower but it will taste incredible and the chocolate is dropping on the side with the cheese there's going to be one for each of the team member and here is how we do the buttock and i want to show you this is very thin and crunchy incredibly hot i want to show you the inside inside is like this now we're going to make the sunny side up for the sunny side up we have different kind of pants the ceramic or the teflon ones cast iron stainless steel all different kinds but the most important thing when you're cooking a sunny side up is it should be a pan that should very fast get hot and very fast get cold so the cast iron all these pants with a thick bottom won't work aluminium copper and enamelware would do all these things together but the best is copper so i'm going to do a very simple sunny side up and to do that we have five people so i have a big pan for everyone the heat should be as much as the bottom of the pan like this for this we need a tablespoon of butter first the butter has a not so great smell then the the milk will separate and become bubbles and also start to brown at the bottom and the smell changes into a more pleasant one that's the time we need to add the eggs and for the eggs it's better if they are out of the fridge the moment you start to make your breakfast a great egg should be crunchy and a bit brown at the bottom and soft and runny on the yellow side when you're doing one or two eggs it's easier to make but when you're doing like five it's harder because the white part like here is thick and it's not so easily cookable but what happens is there would always be bubbles like this you can break the bubbles and the extra runny white message can flow in and cook faster if you cook it very slow the yellow will will be cooked will be hardened if you cook it too fast then the white part will continue to be slimy but we want it all to be cooked as you can see it's getting really nice like this and also these brown spots we like are the sino taste what i'm doing i'm going to put some salt just to the white parts which are still a bit slimy i am on the biggest stop on the one higher than the lowest heat so almost done and towards the end just before you serve you can put some salts everywhere and a bit of red pepper and if you want some black pepper but plain is also really good so this is ready as you can see the yellow part is still very soft and look at the bottom my breaks are ready my eggs are ready there's also one more thing which is going to be tsujukor pasterma for the suzuki recipe you can go to this video here all the crew is very hungry and we can have our friend breakfast [Music] wow [Music] the good thing about the turkish breakfast is you can eat it any time of the day if you are an intermittent fast you can eat this at 3 o'clock no worries how was it like mom made it [Music] tomato white cheese so good chamandra another turkish word for this behavior is called chamandra i don't know it's english that flows for the boats the boats tie themselves to so when this spread is like here it's like chamandra floating on its water this tastes as much as good as oh yours made it a dream [Music] i don't know when you guys are happy thank you guys hope you liked this video please tell me what things you want to see on the videos for now that's it take great care and hope to see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Refika's Kitchen
Views: 911,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refika, refika's kitchen, refika breakfast, turkish breakfast, breakfast, great turkish breakfast, sunday breakfast idea, what is turkish breakfast, simit, how to make simit, how to make turkish breakfast, best breakfast, breakfast recipes, turkish tea, turkish breakfast spread, how to make turkish tea, traditional turkish breakfast, olives, turkish olives, tahini, turkish tahini, tahin pekmez, sucuk, sucuk recipe
Id: XMSxOjSwFlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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