Tupac Shakur: The Final 24 (Full Documentary)

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[Music] september 6 1996 tupac shakur is the most successful hip-hop artist in the world he's no different than the king of rock and roll elvis presley tupac was a king a rap to his legions of fans he's the ultimate gangster rapper he's the angry voice of urban america yes i am going to say the number third that's because i came from the gutter people in the hood call them black jesus they was like he was sent here to save us but to the authorities and to his rivals within the world of hip-hop he's seen as a threat you know america eats his babies we no matter what y'all think about me i'm still your child you know he said many times i'm going to die i'm going to go out in a blaze of glory and soon that prophecy will come true this is the story of the final hours in the life of tupac shakur [Music] los angeles california september 6 1996. it's 11 30 p.m and tupac shakur leaves lacey studios in downtown l.a where he's just finished shooting his latest video after scoring six top ten singles in the last six years tupac is riding a wave of success that other artists can only envy [Music] but in just 24 hours that ride will come to a sudden and brutal end after driving to his mansion in the la suburb of calabasas tupac exhausted from the video shoot steals a few hours sleep in the morning his cousin jamala lassen reminds him that they have to leave on a trip to las vegas because our birthdays is in the same month he wanted me to celebrate our birthdays together in vegas [Music] tupac is going to vegas to catch a boxing match and then play at a local club with him is his live-in girlfriend kidada jones daughter of legendary record producer quincy jones within hours they hit the road but tupac is less than eager to make the trip park didn't want to go you know what i'm saying it was obvious it was some other family issues that he wanted to deal with back in atlanta and he wasn't really keen on the whole vegas trip you know i mean but at the urging of his manager tupac goes along with the plan it will be the last trip he ever takes five years earlier back in 1991 the only plan for tupac shakur was making it to the top in the competitive world of hip-hop [Music] and with his first album twopocalypse now tupac was well on his way from the start he forged a powerful bond with his fans rapping about the cold reality of life on the streets when he put that pen to paper and he opened up his mouth on that mic it was just you know god had to be working it seemed like every song he wrote his his life was coming out like it was just taking the blood out of him they got little italy little everything they don't have a little africa they got the ghetto and we think that that's ours that's not even ours that's just what was left over his songs stood up for the powerless the poor the forgotten those with no political voice in society in 1994 shakur clearly spelled out his philosophy in an album entitled thug life but he wanted the ones who didn't think nobody gave it to see that he gave thug life the hate you gave little infants everyone thug life isn't just something for me thug life is for you too anybody it's it's all that that society throws at you thug life is about choices when you make the wrong choices you end up in a life that you don't really want to be in and that's what thug life is against all odds i'ma still make it tupac even had his political creed etched onto his skin and all his tattoos meant something he had um 50 with an ak-47 tattooed on him and what he believed is that 50 black men can do anything anything if they put their mind to it and they were all pulling at the same time in the same direction fans fell in love with his swagger and with his utter refusal to tone down his message was it incendiary was it crazy were the kids screaming at his concerts were girls tearing off their shirts were guys like you know saluting with the pistol salute in the air yes they were doing all that and i mean that's hip-hop that's rock and roll tupac's appeal went way beyond the ghetto pulling in white middle-class suburban kids who enjoyed the danger he brought from the other side of the tracks whether it was his energy or you know his force or his excitement or you know whatever it was i believe that he connected with men and women and black and white and old and young he always kind of had this ideology that he didn't need a record label he didn't need the movies all he needed to do was stay real because if he stays real and he keeps telling the kids what is authentic to him that they will always relate he will never be begging for bread if it was a tension that tupac was looking for he more than got it but not always for the right reasons as he climbed the ladder some in the hip hop community looked on with envy tupac shakur was starting to make enemies hip-hop is about competition and about you know i'm better than you and you know i'm i get more chicks than you and it's very competitive almost like a sport then you have these you know these huge egos working against each other it's a recipe for destruction and soon raps obsession with rivalry and violence will hit the glitzy streets of vegas and someone will overthrow its reigning king [Music] september 7th 1996 3pm tupac shakur has arrived in las vegas nevada where he's scheduled to watch a boxing match and perform at a local club it's a performance he will never get a chance to give in less than nine hours he'll be gunned down in cold blood after leaving his girlfriend and cousin behind at the hotel tupac kills time before the boxing match by hitting the casino tables at his side is his trusted bodyguard frank alexander we get over to the mgm and he's gambling again on the uh craft table and he's winning he's winning uh big he's doing really well yeah i remember when we got to vegas i think poc had about 10 grand in his pocket and it was burning a hole in his pocket he was trying to get rid of it as fast as he could at the table tupac is joined by members of the outlaw immortals his backup group they were his singers and his friends that were on a lot of the songs that uh you know he was doing at that time as usual everywhere two part goes a crowd follows especially women [Music] tupac and women the women were a dime a dozen they were there the groupies from the movie sets from the video sets a studio from italy wherever in the casino as in life tupac plays for high stakes riding high in the charts he can afford to gamble but 25 years earlier on the streets of east harlem new york city few would have laid bets on the future success of young tupac shakur his mother afeni shakur a member of the radical black panther party was arrested and charged along with 20 other members for conspiring to blow up local buildings i was captivated by the visualness of the black panther party i was captivated by the rationality of the black panther party and i was captivated by the sense of service of the black panther party for me the black panther party was a way to legitimately express my anger [Music] eventually acquitted of all charges and pregnant with tupac afeni was released from jail after spending 15 months on and off behind bars and on june 16 1971 she gave birth to tupac kamaru shakur who she named after a south american incan revolutionary the name meaning shining serpent so shining serpent is a brilliant spirit i actually believed in 1971 that giving a child a name empowers him but what did not help empower young tupac was the absence of his father also a black panther who was rarely around what he didn't have was that masculine figure in his life for a sustained period of time that would you know you could go play ball with adding to that instability was crippling poverty at times rendering tupac and his mother homeless but in 1986 despite those hardships afeni moved to baltimore and managed to enroll her son in a unique public high school the baltimore school for the arts that was a really good experience for tupac because the other students at the school were all artists and the environment for artists is different it's a lot freer it's a lot less restrictive in particular he fell in love with acting and with rap music i think tupac always believed he could have it all he could be an incredible and talented mc he could be an incredible and talented actor i think he saw no sort of boundaries or limits for you know his potential but in contrast to school his life at home was stark i had gotten hit by a man that i was having a relationship with and that had a very bad reaction on my son because i wouldn't allow my son to beat the man up and that was a real breach for tupac internally in june of 1988 to protect her son from their troubled home life affainie sent tupac to the other end of the country to live with a friend in marin city california but the 16 year old quickly discovered he had simply traded one nightmare for another marin city the one thing that they're known for is a fist fight tupac was a little bitty guy even him fully bulked up is still a little bitty guy which makes it even more incredible the kind of the the guts that this this dude has because he fears no man woman child animal none of that because they can only kill you one time soon afeni joined her son in california but any hope of a happy family reunion was made impossible by her own personal struggles my children and i have a bond that is based on the truth and trust and the bond was broken with a lie the lie being i was using drugs but i can handle it that's a lie that lie cost me dearly me talking about that period is different from them because in reality i found drugs is what i did i found the answer my answer was crack but despite his contempt for his mother's addiction tupac ii drifted into the world of narcotics he probably sold drugs for about a week his reason for stopping was because his heart was too big you understand when someone brings you their wedding rings and they say here i'm gonna give you these wedding rings for some crack you're like man it's that bad it's it's come to this and he quit he said i'd rather starve or i'ma make this this rap thing work [Music] at 17 tupac hooked up with neighborhood friend ray love to create his first real group strictly dope we didn't fear nothing we would jump on the stage and perform right now we didn't need no no trays of food we didn't need a special type of mic we didn't need a rider we didn't need a limo now just give me just one mic man tupac's ability to use that microphone would carry him clear out of marin city and eventually to las vegas where the world's greatest rapper would be silenced forever september 7th 1996 6 15 pm since arriving in las vegas almost four hours ago tupac shakur and his entourage have been taking it easy gambling at the casino and enjoying a few drinks but in just five hours tupac shakur will be gunned down by a cold-blooded killer [Music] on the invitation of his manager and ceo of his record company suge knight tupac heads out to see a much anticipated heavyweight title match between bruce selden and tupac's close friend mike tyson mike and pot definitely had a uh um a friendship a special kind of relationship with each other we were all tyson fans you know i mean like tyson was a was was was a hero for for you know for us kids from the ghetto since their arrival tupac has insisted that his girlfriend kidada and his cousin jamala stay back at the hotel this party is just for the boys and i can remember us saying to each other like wow why would they bring us out here and we can't even go to the fight we can't go to the parties he don't want he don't even want us downstairs and he kept saying please he begged us please don't go downstairs please y'all stay up here with his girlfriend and cousins safe and sound in their hotel room tupac and his bodyguard frank alexander head out to the mgm grand where the tyson fight is about to get underway but for tupac getting inside isn't so easy there there were a ton of people there were a ton of people in line waiting to get into the fight as we're walking by you know hey that's tupac and then you hear the whispering oh there's pun you get the the the groupies and you get the fans you know screaming tupac as they move through the crowd adoring fans however are not the bodyguards only concern the famous rapper also has his share of enemies his recent song hit em up a scathing attack on fellow rapper biggie smalls has stirred up anger within the hip hop community for frank alexander it's a real concern and i told pocago park man so with that song he was like oh man you heard that man because that was off the hook huh because they planted everywhere you go man it's all in the clubs man it's going to be bad it's going to hot but i was like pot dude you're going to need more security i go i'm not going to be able to just handle you by yourself alexander calls on mgm guards for additional backup for tupac the man who's built a career on confrontation the constant threat of violence is just par for the course [Music] but back in 1990 only six years earlier few had ever even heard of tupac shakur [Music] still down and out in marin city california and desperately trying to break into the music business he caught the eye of established oakland rapper shock g who offered tupac a gig as a dancer in his group digital underground he saw park had no home to go back to and you know he he gave him an opportunity it was just the break tupac had been waiting for suddenly the teenager was circling the planets on a world tour tupac had a lot of fun running around with digital underground they were calling from japan and they were calling from london and they were calling from italy and they were calling from australia a natural showman tupac graduated from just dancing to stepping up behind the mic the move was an immediate success park was a master at he could take your style and do it a little bit different or a little bit better than you and that that was something and so that that's how he dealt with every situation soon tupac had his first record deal and in november 1991 topocalypse now was released the album featured a strong and sometimes contradictory mix of violent anthems and compassionate social commentaries about poverty broken homes and drug abuse if you look at his music he had songs where that were so negative about women and talked about them like they were just nothing and then he had a whole series of other songs where he was putting all women mothers and and and black women and all women on such a pedestal was a complicated guy in his writing tupac drew from his various experiences raised in a politically charged black panther home exposed to the fine arts and schooled on the streets that he was a poet you know i mean first i think poc was just so in tune with himself that he can do whatever kind of song and not feel like if people hear it they don't think i'm weak he's a fan of himself as well he would he would go uh listen listen to what i said oh my god the boy is nice and this is how he would say it he'll be like oh my god the boy is nice yo jamali listen to this this time i kick it and he recite a little verse out that song and he'll go oh i'm so nice i'm so nice i'm killing them i'm killing them i'll be like pachi is crazy [Music] since he was a kid tupac had also fantasized about becoming an actor and in 1991 he made his second dream come true he starred in the critically acclaimed film juice juice came out when i went to go see it the girls were screaming that was fly that was to see from the moment juice came out everybody was talking about pot it was just obvious that you know he was on the verge of something really major that road helped him more than the music did he would come downstairs and um he would like spread his legs apart and his arms shake his jewelry off and everything pull his collar up and say i'm a legend in my own time and i would say dad park man in another 10 years you're going to be the most powerful man in america he was like yeah watch and see i am things were looking good for tupac the following year his mother a fanny shakur now clean and sober re-entered his life once again they were a family i discovered that when a child says to you you're my mother when they give you authority over their lives as their parent that they can withdraw that authority and my children withdrew it i didn't take it back they gave it back to me but with the good came the bad in 1992 tupac was arrested for allegedly attacking a limo driver in 1993 he was charged with assaulting another rapper with a baseball bat in another incident he was charged with attacking film director alan hughes with a weapon in atlanta georgia he was arrested although later released for the alleged shooting of two off-duty policemen [Music] it seemed that tupac gamaru shakur was taking his gangster image rather too literally well park you got to realize of you know where he come from and his family's history with the police and they hated pop they hated tupac i don't know if it was his that his heart was a black panther heart i don't know if that was it but tupac just had no patience for law enforcement and i don't know that he had respect for law enforcement and so i think why were the authorities mad because tupac was thumbing his nose at them and worse mr can we get a comment from you no doug doug thug life that's my club what does that mean park always felt like he would be a statistic but he said if i'm going to be a statistic and america is going to thoroughly me over i'm going to be the ultimate statistic that i can be in the battle between tupac the artist and tupac the streetwise thug it appeared that the dark side was winning and soon on the streets of vegas on a warm summer's night that darkness will swallow him whole september 7th 1996 8 35 pm tupac shakur has just finished watching a boxing match at the mgm grand where his close friend mike tyson pulverized his opponent bruce selden in less than two minutes [Music] backstage tupac is accompanied by suge knight his manager and the owner of his record company death row them is tupac security guard frank alexander and various death row records associates it's clear to everyone that tupac shakur is still revved up from the fight he's just going off you know man 50 blows 50 man he knocked them out yo 50 blows as the group enters the mgm grands lobby one of suge knight's death row employees passes on a message to tupac shakur one of shug's guys his name is travon came over and whispered in tupac's right ear travon has spotted a man in the hotel lobby that he claims robbed him a few weeks earlier the man is also a member of the south side crips sworn rivals of another big la gang the bloods with whom death row is said to be affiliated tupac shakur the king of gangster rap decides to teach the man a lesson and park just ran up on him and [Music] fired up by the boxing match the death row entourage including its ceo suge knight joined tupac in the feeding frenzy in the chaos frank alexander pulls tupac from the brawl i grabbed him and got him out of the fight orlando anderson's on the ground everybody's kicking at him beating him down two years earlier in new york city tupac was involved in a different kind of battle a fight for his very life on november 30th 1994 in the lobby of a times square recording studio he was robbed of forty thousand dollars worth of jewelry and shot five times at close range by a group of unidentified black men while police wrote it off as a random robbery tupac saw it as an act of retaliation by one of his many enemies within the hip-hop community and personally to me you know it could have been a setup or it could have been whoever came through the door because park never thought nobody would do nothing to him because he felt he represented the black community and nobody would no no no that don't go down like that and that's where i try to get over to them they don't go down like that i don't care who you is they'll take you down tupac had become a moving target his aggressive music had angered both police and community leaders his verbal attacks on other rappers had created friction within the world of hip-hop as a rich and powerful black man everybody was lining up to take a shot at tupac shakur but he was just a cat that just refused to bag down you know that was just him he just refused to bag down i loved it about him but i also knew that can be a downfall too you know and that's what i was really trying to give to them that can't just run up on anybody man they kill you out here for real tupac knew where he lived he knew what the system was he knew what he agreed up with and what he didn't agree with but he also knew that if he didn't make an effort to make capital in a capitalist society he wasn't going to be able to do anything that he wanted you understand tupac's image as a thug was catching up with him the shooting had left him with five bullet wounds the most serious of which was a severed artery in his thigh tupac was paying the price for not only writing about our violent culture but also for being a part of it this is all about my image this has nothing to do with me this is all about my image it's like mtv all the papers they building me up now they're destroying me on the same image that they perpetuated you know what i'm saying i'm selling records this is what i do for a living i'm selling records don't get it twisted this is not my real life this is not how my real life is supposed to be i'm not supposed to be really having all these villains in my life well you can't blame a rapper for murders unless you're going to blame arnold schwarzenegger for all the people he killed in terminator you know i'm saying how you gonna blame a rapper when we only speak it and then you got actors who show it but you don't blame them less than five hours after his operation and against doctor's advice tupac shakur checked himself out of the hospital he had other problems to deal with [Music] the rapper was due in court to face rape charges brought by a 19 year old woman charges he angrily denied why am i in court you know what i'm saying get my life ripped apart but i'm here i'm gonna go through it just to show that i have faith in the american system but soon i'm gonna go crazy acquitted of sodomy and weapons charges tupac was instead convicted of forcibly touching the woman's buttocks a felony sex abuse charge he was given the maximum sentence up to four and a half years behind bars to his legions of fans it seemed that the law was making an example of tupac shakur pop was the one that had the biggest mouth and would say the loudest and say it to anybody you know what i'm saying it was times where he said it even to his mother i'm loud i didn't shut up but i didn't think they were going to take it this serious me keep talking out i think it was going to be a matter of life and death what did you do what happened can you tell us while at the clinton correctional facility in upstate new york tupac seemed to undergo a startling transformation the king of gangster rap publicly denounced thug life well you got to realize when poc was in jail you know jail will make you start thinking and you're going to do anything you can to get out of jail you know so to me when he denounced thug life it was like uh you know i'm only playing let me get up out of here but getting out of there wasn't so simple obviously park was in a dire position being incarcerated and you know um his money being dwindled down because of all the cases and you know i mean fighting his bogus lawsuits and all of that in exchange for signing with death row and taking him on as his manager suge knight promised to get tupac out on bail and soon enough the all-powerful godfather of hip-hop made it happen i never saw the contract i just remember the phone call you know what i'm saying calling and saying you know i'm on death row now you know i just signed with death row they tried to control tupac even when they sent them to death row they thought sugar was going to be able to control him but you know that was just like putting the flame with some dynamite that's going to blow death row put tupac up at the posh peninsula hotel in la to recuperate re-energize and get back on his feet he was coming off a number one album with me against the world and number one record with their mama so he was doing his own thing it's not like he needed death robin in the sense he needed them at that moment because it's like hey they gave me a 1.4 million dollar bail you know i'm saying i need to get out of jail [Music] the master agitator was free and eager to get back to what he knew best holding up a mirror to society's ills once he got out it was like all the anger that was built up while he was sitting in jail came out all at one time but soon in a hail of bullets that mirror will be forever shattered september 7th 1996 9 pm las vegas nevada after beating up an alleged crips gang member in the lobby of the mgm grand hotel tupac and his entourage make their way back to their rooms to change before heading to club 662 where tupac is scheduled to play in less than three hours tupac shakur will be left for dead i remember tupac coming back to the hotel and um he was really excited so he came upstairs and he was like jamala you wouldn't believe it i did a one-two on the dude i knocked him out and i did a mike tyson on him he didn't really get into details about who he was fighting or what the fight was about but he was really happy that he got a chance to test his ring out on somebody's face while getting dressed tupac decides not to wear his bulletproof vest a garment not out of place on a man with so many enemies i remember castro saying the park you know uh you should put your vest on i think you should wear your vest tonight you know park saying now it's too hot i don't want to wear my vest tonight it's too high for that normally he wouldn't leave without it but this time he'd left it he didn't have it with him after the short pit stop tupac and the others wind their way across the strip to a mansion belonging to suge knight tupac's manager and the owner of death row records shogun tupac disappear briefly while the others wait impatiently i don't really know what pakistan was doing at the time you know i mean i just know we was waiting and i was ready to go almost everything in suge knight's mansion is red the official color of the mob pyro an offshoot of the la gang the bloods he wore a lot of red you know it was his choice of color he was from compton his hood his set were of uh you know bloods so by him wearing red if that's what he was representing then that was on him some felt that by associating with a record label connected to the bloods tupac was making himself yet more enemies this time with the blood's arch rivals the south side crips but his bodyguard frank alexander saw it differently tupac was not gang-related if you want to represent a color with tupac it would have been green and that's the color of money after about half an hour with tupac and the others ready to leave for club 662 tupac makes an unusual request to his bodyguard i was walking to the car with shook and with tupac and i was actually opening up the back door to get in the back seat and park stopped and said no take the keys and go drive the lexus with the outlaws in it because we're going to be drinking and you're going to be the designated driver to drive us back after we've finished partying over 662. tupac's last minute arrangement comes at the urging of suge knight who wants to talk privately with his star rapper the procession snakes its way back to the vegas strip for the concert to club 662 a concert he will never get to play less than a year earlier tupac had seemed invincible he'd survived a point-blank shooting in new york he'd survived jail time in a maximum security prison and he'd emerged more popular than ever his first album with death row all eyes on me took him to the top [Music] within three weeks the album went platinum yet despite the success tupac decided that when the time came he would not renew his contract with death row records tupac was ready to leave the record label and there was a reason for it so you know that that reason only his mom and immediate people within his camp would uh know what that reason was privately tupac believed that death row was not giving him a fair cut of the money he was bringing in but death row was not tupac's only problem he was also fighting with an old rival new york-based rapper biggie smalls who he'd attacked repeatedly in his songs their feud fueled rumors of a war between east coast and west coast rappers well the east coast west coast beef was like a mirage it wasn't true you know because all pockets from the east coast all the outlaws from the east coast you know it was just a beef that he had with biggie tupac had spent the last six years fighting with the cops the courts other rappers and now violent gangs it was getting increasingly hard to tell his friends from his enemies tupac had a lot more enemies than just you know joe blow rapper across the country you he comes from a family of people that don't just talk they act and they're educated park's big mistake was speaking truth to power and that's one thing when you're talking about a faceless government or the president it's a whole other thing when you're talking about people within the industry that you work or people within the streets he didn't just speak truth to power when it came to the cops he said about the dope dealers he spoke truth to power all the time when you have that level of honesty you you they don't want you here no one does and now as tupac rides to club 662 with suge knight he has no idea that one of those enemies is about to strike back once we got to flamingo we made a right-hand turn we came to a stoplight which was koval as tupac's bodyguard follows in the car behind the convoy inches forward and as usual tupac draws the attention of his fans [Music] then suddenly out of nowhere a white cadillac as they got closer to the bmw the arm came out and the gun just started firing suga's car is hit with a spray of bullets four of them rip into tupac's body another grazes suge knight's head right after the cadillac shot into the car i thought they were dead my reaction was to run up to the car and instead the car took off suggs bullet-riddled bmw makes a hard u-turn and races off in the opposite direction [Music] i didn't know what to think uh it was it was a fog it was a haze were these real bullets did they really shoot these guys [Music] badly damaged the car soon blows its tyres and breaks down close by and for the second time in his short life tupac shakur is looking death in the [Music] face september 7th 1996 las vegas at 11 17 p.m a hail of bullets cut down superstar rapper tupac shakur mortally wounded with a punctured lung he's rushed to university medical center where he undergoes two emergency operations his right lung is removed to stop internal bleeding and he's induced into a coma a coma from which he will never awake [Music] he was cussing and crying and mad and what was going through my mind was that we just went through this in new york i saw jamala and who had had quite a night and um you know it started people started arriving and what i remember is that there was never a time where somebody wasn't there with him when i went in he was you know in a medically induced coma and i never thought he was gonna die never didn't not one time did i think he was actually gonna die [Music] when i first seen tupac on the hospital bed and he had all these tubes connected to him and i knew then that he was going to have to fight for his life for six days tupac remains in a coma throughout his family gathers in an around-the-clock vigil refusing to accept the inevitable we all had this thing and i guess he did too as to where like poc is indestructible so when he got shot the second time in las vegas we're like man it's it's parked [Music] but on september 13th 1996 at only 25 years old tupac shakur's short but violent life comes to an abrupt end his death leaves many feeling lost when he dies in the street whoa man what is going on in america man what is going on in america where you make it and you still don't make it out meanwhile the criminal investigation into tupac's murder is stonewalled when witnesses refuse to cooperate theories on who pulled the trigger are rife some suggest a revenge attack by the crips for the beating in the mgm lobby some point the finger at long time tupac rival biggie smalls who will also be shot to death seven months later others still speak of a set up by suge knight who knew tupac was planning to leave death row records whatever the truth on the streets of l.a retaliation for tupac's death comes fast and furious over a 10-day period 12 shootings are wrapped between rival gangs three are killed 22 are arrested [Music] in death tupac becomes even more popular he goes on to sell over 75 million albums worldwide and enters the guinness book of world records as the highest selling rap artist of all time they lost a great man they lost an activist a poet a rapper a brother a friend he was one of the great ones yeah he was it's not a perfect person it's not a perfect rap star he's not a perfect pop star i think people liked him all the more for that [Music] that sense of humor man dude was funny it's not all you know not all what you see just you know the toughness and the bravado and all of that we did more laughing than we did any of that tough gangster [Music] his mother effenie takes the family reigns in 1997 the tupac kamaru shakur foundation is created to provide training and support for creative students that same year the university of california berkeley offers a course entitled the poetry and history of tupac shakur i speak to him all the time because it matters to me what he thinks about what we're doing it matters to me so i believe that he hears me to this day tupac shakur's killer has never been found [Music] you
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Id: gSl9UXrvtQg
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Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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