Sid Vicious: The Final 24 (Full Documentary) The Story of His Final 24 Hours

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february the 1st 1979 punk hard man sid vicious wakes up in a new york jail charged with murder [Music] but in spite of the charge he'll soon be a free man he was released into the custody of his mother who then what goes out and buys drugs for her son he was trying on clothes playing air guitar jumping both around are just dripping with blood he wanted her to inject into him and she said no she wouldn't do that in 24 hours sid vicious will be dead from a fatal overdose of heroin i was part and parcel of supplying him with something which probably was responsible for killing him [Music] [Music] off [Music] february the 1st 1979 sid vicious is held at the rikers island detention center just across from manhattan new york this is the beginning of his last 24 hours alive [Music] for sid this is a living nightmare he's charged with murdering his girlfriend nancy spungen but has no recollection of the attack he'd been out of his mind on drugs but all he remembers is that when he woke up nancy was dead now one thought terrorizes him did he do it [Music] for 55 days sid a heroin addict has gone through the agony of withdrawal on top of all this he's been subjected to humiliating attacks he apparently was raped he was abused he was beaten up everything that is your worst nightmare that would happen to you in prison i mean how how could anybody cope with that at dawn sid is woken and taken from his cell he's hoping the nightmare is over and that he'll never have to return to prison [Music] his lawyers believe they can beat the murder charge and later today they'll make their case to get him out on bail sid's hearing is scheduled for noon i was dealing with a 21 year old kid you know transplanted from the uk to the united states in a big problem as sid leaves rikers island behind him the clock is ticking on his final day step back three years to london 1976 it's the summer that britain found punk it was a fashion thing it was a music thing and i just think everybody just locked onto the same vibe at the same time i think that's what it was all about that's what punk was and i don't really think okay we had a dwarf there was helen you know yes you know there was a lot of gay guys there yes there were a few sort of like lesbians yes there was some hookers it was this whole mix but that was london at the time i mean you know this is what was going on everyone was young we were all doing really strange things it's very outrageous for that time we really pissed a lot of people off just because of the way we looked back then sid vicious was a shy 19 year old called john simon richie he looked more like a sort of james dean character he had like slip black hair big sore studded wristband sid had this shy little boy lost some childlike quality i think he had about him richie was drawn to the emerging punk scene and started hanging out at the sex clothes shop on kings road it was a place where something magical might happen if you hung around long enough and i think that was always a kind of it gave everybody a sense of purpose to dwell and to make that pilgrimage from wherever in the uk to this store john richie was one of the many punks who made that pilgrimage i always liked him i have to say and there was something warm about him uh he was just very genuinely and not just a nice person i mean so yeah he stuck around i mean i think he was probably stealing the clothes as much as anybody else john richie was close to punk's inner circle one of his best mates was john lydon the lead singer of the notorious band the sex pistols he pushed himself into the scene you know so that when the paper started to write about pistols and and the whole punk thing you know he was a one of the first things that were mentioned he went hand in hand with the sort of growth of punk and uh and particularly pistols he didn't quite know what he wanted to do sid but i you just knew he was waiting to sort of like fit in somewhere when the group did set out to play in a number of pubs around london uh this tour somewhat stour creature did show up and we nicknamed him lydon was given the name johnny rotten after his bad teeth while richie was given the name sid vicious not because of any violent tendencies but after lyden's pet hamster vicious it was all a bit of a joke yeah he was around you'd see him and i just thought it was a bit of a burp to be honest sid was a was complete marshmallow really you know it's like um we were like playing with children and playing games and he loved all of that and like and he was a big softy now the shy and slightly goofy john simon richie had a new name sid vicious he'd spend the rest of his life trying to live up to it sid has 20 hours left to live he's escorted from rikers island to the new york criminal court he's been accused of murdering his girlfriend nancy spungen but his lawyers are certain they can get him out on bail they argue that sid is innocent and that nancy was probably killed by a drug dealer who wanted to steal her money [Music] there were a number of other people who lived in the area in the hotel and who were supplying drugs to these people who had opportunities uh and access to these people and and it was not unlikely that someone could have come in and attempted to assault them we were very optimistic that the prosecution would would not be in a position to prove beyond the reasonable doubt that he was responsible sid was gonna get off we all hoped was going to do an excellent job his bill was going to be astronomic and sid was going to play las vegas and pay for it that was him but first sid's lawyers have to get him out of jail they persuade the judge to release him but only if someone can stump up 30 000 pounds in bail money i had the money it wasn't a question i was not gonna use it i used immediately at 10 am sid is released he was certainly relieved to know he was being released the last thing that i said to him was i'll be in touch with you just be careful sid is free and his lawyers set about preparing his defense but in less than 19 hours sid will be dead two years earlier and punk was declaring anarchy in the uk some saw it as a threat to the very foundations of civilization the sex pistols were at the front line of the movement and sid was in the crowd at every gig living up to his new nickname [Music] whenever we played there would seem to be some kind of altercation going on which seemed to be sid trying to get a bit of the limelight for himself [Music] sid was determined to make his mark and create his own brand of anarchy in one incident he attacked a rock critic with a bike chain just because he'd given his favorite band a bad write-up just be completely destructive and you get really pissed really out of it start lunging around you know usually if he did start fight he was one who got worse anyway sid was one of these extraordinary people who could have had the words willing pray tattooed on his forehead because that's what he really was and it seemed to me he had this kind of slightly masochistic quality about him that he'd like to start a fight in so maybe in the end he would get an idea and he did get hiding from a good few people that he picked on and picked on the wrong boat he had a gift for provocation um he did invent that strange kind of dance that became known as the pogo sid's violent outbursts got him noticed and eventually won him his dream job when bass player glenn matlock left the band mclaren chose sid as his replacement [Music] syd was the most perfect choice to move into that partly as much as he really couldn't play anything but hey listen didn't matter did it was all about the image becoming a sex pistol i mean it's probably a dream come true in a way now from being their number one fan team is now in the band there was no question you couldn't take your eyes off he shone so much more brightly than anyone else when he ever boarded the stage the audience would always squeeze themselves all over to the left side because all they wanted to do was be as close as possible to sid and sid would spend sometimes half the the show constantly talking to them within months of joining the band sid had become the main attraction turning his stage act into a bloody sideshow and just remember at one point him sitting on the bar and uh he was just covered in blood i think he'd just broken the bottle you just start slashing himself i used to throw the bike put cigarettes in my arm and watch them burn down and i used to slash that open you know used to rip coat cans in half to get the jagged edge so you could get a real nice cut and stuff um and i've never seen sid doing any of that until he'd seen me doing it charles wells is a juvenile psychologist who studied sid's life people in the audience would look at him horrified what kind of person would do this and and their response feeds his sense of self is being different as being special he's focused um his energies and his efforts on on on creating an identity one which doesn't seem to be true to who he perhaps really was he's trapped by this because in the end it's what people want to see they don't want to see they don't see who you really are the quiet shy john simon richie had transformed himself into the ultimate punk icon sid vicious sid has 17 hours left to live he's out on bail expecting a hero's welcome but mclaren who's organized sid's release isn't there to meet him he's in london being sued by john lydon for control of the sex pistols i regret not having been there but you know i had a bloody huge court case mounting on my head at the same time and you couldn't be in both places at once it was really hard in fact as sid walks free he's met by just his mum anne and an old friend peter kodek i recall that moment so well because i think now when i look back on it i preferred him to stay in rikers island sids had a crippling heroin addiction for a year now in prison he was denied access to the drug now he's only got one thing on his mind walking down the street is like i think he kept saying yeah did you get it did you get it mom did you get it yeah yes sir yeah i said you know okay okay okay we'll walk faster faster sid is anxious to get to his mother's hotel a few blocks from the courthouse before his release his mum told the papers that what sid was looking forward to the most was a giant ice cream but in a bizarre act of motherly love she's bought her son what he really wants heroin [Music] it's only an hour since sid was released on bail with a murder charge hanging over his head in 16 hours he'll kill himself or that's how the story goes but according to one eyewitness said didn't kill himself he was killed by someone else [Music] sid vicious has 16 hours left to live he's been released on bail accused of murdering his girlfriend nancy sid's body is clean of drugs for the first time in years but not for long sids with his mum and a friend peter kodek his mums bought him heroin he's now desperate to inject he was released into the custody of his mother who then what goes out and buys drugs for her son ah you know it's unbelievable to me that that would have happened because of heron as being an addictive substance in some ways it keeps sid in the relationship with his mother and perhaps prevents him from truly separating and achieving independence for as long as they can both remember sid and his mum have taken drugs together soon those drugs will kill her only son sid vicious was born in south london on may the 27th 1957. his father left home when he was two years old in his absence sid forged a strong bond with his mother she was more of a friend than a parent and she came to dominate sid's life was poor and she had a kid so it wasn't even like she was a single working mother um she was just it was just sid and anne you know and she was she was kind of a hippie or a beatnik i suppose free spirit sid's mum led a chaotic life moving from place to place and doing whatever she had to to survive and then she moved to ibiza spain for a little while and took sid with her because she'd been part of the hippie move back home in england she would charge sailors to roll joints that was her way of kind of hustling but wed to keep the kid in there in a slightly better life one of the possible consequences is again finding difficult to develop a clear identity and if a young person has never stayed in a place long enough to establish long enough relationships with them with peers then they will miss out on that and it will be some perhaps more difficult than for them to say you know who am i she heard a rumor from a friend of us that if you were heroin dependent or drug dependent you could get a free flat you could be moved up the housing list in like no time so she just literally said she was heroin dependent and she got this flat of course the downside to that is you're living in a world surrounded by heroin-dependent people by the time sid was seven his mum was addicted to heroin i visited his house where his mother lived his mother was a dope dealer it was quite clear she was always in the kitchen cooking up something or other [Music] it would have been a very obvious and regular sight to come home and find mum flaked across two mattresses with a syringe in one arm i mean my first memory of him is is sort of like people emptying pills into his hands and him just selling it in his mouth and then asking what the pills were seeing his mother using a needle encouraged teenage sid to experiment some people are taking speedo amphetamine sulfate and some people are experimenting with it and because mum's got things like old metal tringes that you've got to boil wash you can use a hundred or a thousand times he's turning up and going i actually might get a better kick out of if you inject it well i'd take mass amounts anything is take down as speeds dexes bombers blues amphetamine sulfate which was a cool steep drug of choice of all punks and everything and we all used to take loads of that anything that was would be stuck in front of him sid would inject as i said i mean you know it could be two and all it could be speeds uh cocaine heroin uh the more things the better really some images that are completely burned on my memory forever from that period and one of them is uh ann's boyfriend selling sic drugs uh heroin literally in front of me and i thought you know that was it as far as i was concerned i mean there was no clearer picture of what it was all about by his own admission sid injected speed up to 14 times a day it's highly significant that his mother was a hiring addict in the past the adults in a child's relationship act as models and for instance in a home where there is a lot of open drug use then this will become normal for that child despite the unconventional upbringing sid and his mother were very close but her inability to say no to her son would end in tragedy sid has 13 hours left to live he arrives at his mother's hotel eager to take the heroine she bought for him [Music] he's back out faced with things he was faced with before often addicts talk about their drug as their best friend their lover sid and his mum know he's taking a massive risk injecting a large dose of heroin especially now his body's clean one could see his mother supplying him with with drugs as an act of care perhaps she recognized the pain he was in psychologically and emotionally and was doing what she could to take the pain away there is the association with happier times in his life the times that he's used um with his with his lover nancy and there could even be a recreation of that in using it with other people who um he he counts as his close friends and his family michael baden is a heroine expert and the coroner who carried out the autopsy on sid's body in 55 days he wouldn't have had any uh power tolerance left and he would have had to have started off at a low dose of heroin it's very common for people who have been addicted to heroin who go to jail if they're not careful on their first dose they can die what had been sold to her was absolute rubbish i'm sorry son i'm sorry simon sorry if you're going in sorry shut up which left him even more disappointed even more angry everything he was waiting for this big hit that he was waiting for after he got out of the court um wasn't going to happen peter you know i like your photography desperate for a fix sid turns to his friend peter cody as a rock photographer kodak knows the new york drug scene and syd knows he can be relied upon to source high-grade heroin paid for by his mum that's what i want to hear brilliant i said i'd see what i could do and i'd see him later on that evening she probably must have given me say between let's say a hundred hundred and fifty dollars kodak leaves to score the heroin sid craves sid waits with his mother even though she now seems happy to supply her son with the drug she wasn't the one who got him hooked for that sid can thank the other woman in his life [Music] nancy two years earlier and just weeks after joining the sex pistols sid's notorious antics have put him at the forefront of punk one night he ended up crashed out on the floor with his mate johnny rotten and an american groupie called nancy spungen she rolled and over to john and tried to [ __ ] him and i think he wasn't cooperative and so she rolled the other way and said was and i think that was it really sid lost his virginity to nancy as a second choice i have to say nancy had come to london on a mission to bed a sex pistol and now she'd got one she wasn't going to let him go sid was very immature he was very insecure and she was ideal for him you know because he was one saying that you're the star you're the star and which you know when you're insecure it's what you and need was being like nothing you know he just wasn't giving it anymore once more sid had put his trust in habitual drug user nancy had been a heroin addict from the age of 14. i think she just had one thing on her mind all the time was like where our next fix was coming from more than anything else sid had been injecting speed with his mum for years within days of meeting nancy he took heroin for the first time nancy's influence was twofold one was she told him he was great and second she told him he's even better when you take smack heroine took a hold yes that sort of changed his personality as as obviously it would and he he took to unfortunately like a duck to water one might imagine that in that relationship he was able to find acceptance of himself um as as a man perhaps um and this would of course increase his level of attachment and devotion uh to her nancy would sort of say to said um well you know i'll have this but you know you can't handle that much you know that kind of thing so he'd be like yes i can within a month sid was hooked and using heroin every day it wasn't anything i could do but um to see it happening it was like seeing somebody come down with the with a fatal disease in front of your eyes sid had finally broken his dependency on his mother and replaced her with nancy but with nancy came heroin the drug that would eventually kill him what was the next question what was that it's early evening sid vicious has nine hours left to live said and his mum ann take a cab across new york to a small apartment in greenwich village where she's arranged a party to celebrate his first day of freedom so what's it like in there man it's rikers how was it the apartment is owned by michelle robinson 22 year old actress sid started sleeping with michelle shortly after nancy's death she was one of the last people to spend time with sid before he was detained at rikers island also at the party is eileen polk the new york punk who's a friend of sid's mom we were all in the bedroom when the party started out he was hopeful in the early part of the day that he'd be acquitted and he'd be able to be playing music again put a band together [Laughter] with sid and anne it wasn't like mother and son it was like they were partners in whatever crime the hell they were creating whatever it was um she was his friend more than his mother um she cared about him a lot and took care of him when she could like a mother but she was considered one of the gang at 8 pm while peter kodek searches the streets for heroin and cooks her son's favorite meal spaghetti bolognese sid had been in good form all afternoon he had been so positive while we were cooking dinner he was trying on clothes playing air guitar jumping around it was like the sid that i knew was always there deep inside but circumstances made it hard for that good humored person to come out especially in the recent past one of the things in treating depressed people that you always watch for because if you see that their mood suddenly starts to get better one of the things you have to be very suspicious of is that they haven't decided that they're really going to kill themselves because their mood usually picks up when they do they're no longer in confusion and in conflict [Music] [Applause] but around midnight peter kodik and a friend arrive at the party [Music] the atmosphere changed the atmosphere of the party changed kodik has kept his promise and scored sid can finally take the high quality heroine he's been craving all day [Music] just a year earlier in sid's escalating drug use was taking its toll sex pistols were beginning to fall apart and everyone blamed nancy i'd have everyone coming up to me and going that [ __ ] that slag why the hell didn't she [ __ ] off she was a hooker she was a she was a drug addict she was the worst possible influence for said and then sid will come and say you know you know she's great she's really beautiful in a botched attempt to get sid off drugs malcolm mclaren sent the band on tour this is how unscheming malcolm was um malcolm felt that sid was taking smack because the band weren't gigging because he and so he was just bored and he was frustrated so malcolm thought we'd have to get some gigs to the band so he sent them to holland to keep sid off smack you send him to holland which is the most dumb thing you can do well it's always difficult to cope with people who are heroin addicts particularly if you're not you don't have a lot of experience in that world he was good at sort of like promoting the controversy i think that was it but i don't think in any other area he knew what he was doing he might have thought he wanted to be a rock and roll manager but he certainly wasn't acting like one there was nothing fatherly about me i was very much a machiavellian mischievous kid myself i was not the obvious manager i'm in the record industry was terrified of me as a manager because i actually adored miss managing we tried to cold turkey him in holland every night people had to pee with sid all the time to stop people giving him smack and it was something he really dreaded because he'd be you know he'd like become pets learned he'd get stroppy like smack addicts do when they can't get that fix we would not allow him to go to the toilet without a roadie present boogie another roadie had to smash the door in only to see sid sitting on the toilet saying you can't even have a [ __ ] in peace he went from having that very charming naivety to be in the right pain in the ass more often than not sid got his way and took more heroin so when the band returned to london mclaren came up with another plan he'd remove the supplier nancy we beat up his girlfriend nancy i have to be honest with you um rats are up through in the back of this uh this car and the roadie rodent i think it was job was to drive us straight to heathrow and put her on the first flight back to the us it was boogie sophie and me trying to hustle nancy into a cab soon the kidnap attempt ran into trouble she kind of managed to break open the back door of the car and roll out into the curb as a policeman came strolling by and she was just screaming i've been kidnapped by the sex pistols help mclaren's efforts were in vain in january 1978 in a haze of heroin and bitter disputes the sex pistols split sid and nancy were now free to follow their path to oblivion the effects on said um of the band splitting up um was probably felt more deeply than and more suddenly more more more um deeply than anybody else on the night that this happened sid went off and and od'd sid was um turning blue on on a mattress on the floor um and i picked him up i started walking him around the room and he um started to come back [Music] sid vicious has just four hours left to live it's past midnight and sid's been waiting to inject heroin all day at last peter cody prepares his fix [Music] i knew this stuff was quite good because the person i got it from um uh i knew and they said you know be a little bit careful because this is quite good stuff so i knew it was um uh quite strong the heroin that had been picked up think i sort of opened the packet and show him what i got i mean you know his initial reaction would probably be a little i'll take the whole lot pewter you beauty go easy i said no no no no no no this is you know this is good stuff i've been told is very strong be really careful [Music] so of course you know you tell anybody that but they still do probably too much one can keep on taking drugs in order to get rid of the pain to get rid of the memory and this itself can lead to death but that may not be the the conscious intention of the individual uh there's a little bit of heaven for me he was fine for you know 10-15 minutes then i think you know he got up he threw up there he is we went to the bathroom threw up again and sort of i think oblivious to it all she got a little bit worried maybe when you know sid was throwing up but she was used to that before she'd probably seen sid throw up a million times before my first thought was oh he's fallen asleep or something but then i realized right away that he was overdosing he started turning blue and um it was pretty scary if somebody takes an overdose of heroin he can manifest the the effects of uh sleeping of having fluid getting his lungs even have froth coming out of his mouth the heroin acts to depress the brain function they can't breathe around sit come on come on buddy what's my name what's going to talk to me come on he's like oh my god he's you know taking too much sit come on come on buddy [Music] the basic thing was to keep him up moving rounds um not let him lapse in or fall asleep you know or to keep him going pump some liquids into him [Music] i had a conversation with ann in the living room where i said look we're about three blocks from st vincent's hospital do you think we should do anything bring him to the hospital and she said no absolutely not the press will find out they'll make another circus out of it and he'll go back to breakfast island [Music] anne's insane gamble with her son's life pays off and finally kodak manages to bring sid round he's fine just stand up he came out of it and the first thing he said when he came out of it was i'm sorry i scared you all said recovers quickly but the party is over [Music] the overdose made me very nervous and um it wasn't what we had planned we did not want to have a heroin party i talked to howie and jerry only and we said let's get out of here sid has barely survived a heroin overdose but already he's thinking about his next hit what do you need you get me another hit after the pistols split sid and nancy became inseparable she declared herself his manager they moved to new york and set up home at the chelsea hotel they filled their days taking heroin and hanging around at manhattan's punk clubs when i first met sid with nancy at revenge they seemed happy and then over the course of the next six weeks or so you could see that he was not doing well um i'd see him out at cbgb's and he'd just be sitting there with his head hanging and nancy would be handing him one drink after another then just 48 days after moving to new york sid's world fell apart [Music] sid's like you know out of it and then the next thing he woke up when he said nancy's dead on the bed with the fleck knife that said the ball that day stick it out of her stomach and he knew nothing about nancy was lying dead the murder weapon sids five-inch flick knife but sid couldn't remember a thing they'd been on a drug binge with random hangers on taking two and all a barbiturate methadone quaaludes and heroin he may very well have been completely obliterated he may have been unconscious at different points based on the amount of drugs he ingested not just heroin there was two and all and other things that had been used and abused sid claimed to have no idea whether he killed nancy or not from that moment sid spiraled into depression not knowing whether he murdered his girlfriend would haunt him for the rest of his short life sid vicious has just three hours left to live he's been charged with the murder of his girlfriend nancy spungen but claims he was so out of it he doesn't know whether he killed her or not it's the early hours of the morning in michelle robinson's apartment sid has just survived an accidental heroin overdose but now he wants to take more i'm getting another hit now i told him that was it there wasn't any more left you know because he thought where's the rest of it where's the rest of it i want to do more sid you've had too much blah blah blah you know be careful so he obviously knew i had some more so i had to give him a little bit more uh the second amount that i gave him wasn't that much within two hours of his near fatal overdose sid injects more heroin there was no frame there were no goal posts he never saw a red light he only saw green danger wasn't something that he'd ever consider and he never ever thought that his life was important this time sid takes a small amount as the drug takes hold he begins to talk it's the last conversation codec will have with sid you know we spent like the last two hours you know talking about you know what he's going to do you know he was due to go up to record this album which is going to finance all the lawyers fees etc we talked a little bit about nancy and stuff like that yeah he was fine after checking on sid codec makes plans to leave the apartment what heroin was left i gave to his mother and i said look as far as sid knows there's no heroin left okay it's all gone give him this in the morning she's like fine fine yeah i said you promised beverly he promised you all this yes yes i promise kodak gives the leftover heroine to sid's mum and leaves all i know is when i left the house at about two o'clock he was fine kodig is one of the last people to see sit alive his heroine intake is now being rationed and he's making plans for the future there's nothing to suggest that in less than two hours he'll be dead four days after being arrested for nancy's murder sid was released on bail for the first time in the days after nancy's death sid was racked with guilt over what he might have done and sliding into a deep depression his mother ann and the sex pistols manager malcolm mclaren became so concerned they asked forensic psychiatrist dr steve teach to assess its state of mind it seemed he had a much longer depression going on from his childhood about kind of being treated second class by a society he seemed to have no sense of purpose the sex pistols had broken up and nancy's death was overwhelming i mean his coping strategy had been heroin the sid vicious tough guy persona was being tested to the limit facing a murder charge the facade was falling apart and more than ever it seemed that sid was capable of anything psychiatrist steve teach suggested that mclaren or his mother keeps sid under constant surveillance i recommended that they watch him that one of the two people with him watch him all the time but they didn't [Music] the mother had gone off and scored dope for sid around union square that night 14th street it was easy to score dope in those days around that vicinity and sid had taken a light bulb from the toilet and had gashed his hands you know and his hands were sort of reaching out like this as we came through the door and they were dripping both hands were just dripping with blood i got another call of that he'd cut himself when i come back over to uh the hotel so i went back over there and indeed he had slashed his arm lengthwise from his wrist all the way down to his elbow area and they had it compressed so the bleeding was contained that wasn't in danger but it was quite clear that he was now at a different level it was clear that sid was not stable also his mother seemed to be having problems she was bruised they'd obviously been in a fight together she just couldn't look after him but maybe nobody could at that point i'm not sure and so we talked and decided that um had to put him in the hospital and called an emergency medical services to come over new york if you call an ambulance immediately along come the police and in this instance sid being such a high profile character it was going to be a rough ride when he saw the police he ran for the open window uh and um grabbed him just held him and then the police came in i think the cut wasn't a suicide attempt i've seen people particularly in prison when i was working there that cut themselves and and the usual report is that they're in such pain they cut themselves essentially to let the pain out and i think that was much more of what was going on there but nonetheless it was dangerous sid was taken immediately to the bellevue psychiatric hospital steve teach was deeply concerned about sid's state of mind and recommended he received long-term psychiatric care but that didn't happen sid refused to stay and was released from bellevue in the weeks that followed sid repeatedly gave interviews to the press where he spoke of his desire to kill himself in one interview he claimed he wanted to be six feet underground and be at peace with nancy unsurprisingly this led the world to think that sid ultimately took his own life it now appears that this was not the case sid vicious now has just minutes left to live the party at michelle robinson's apartment is over sid is in bed with michelle while his mother anne sleeps in the next room sid has somehow managed to get his hands on the heroine what happens next has been a closely guarded secret for 27 years some have speculated that sid committed suicide but for the first time sergeant richard houseman of the new york police department reveals what he was told when he investigated sid's death michelle said she was in bed with him they were they were engaged in lovemaking and that he decided to get high she didn't want to let him get high so in the meantime he started to cook the drug up and wanted her to inject it into him and she said no she wouldn't do that this is how we out there we are come on i can't do it why not you can do it no i won't it just takes a second i just won't do it okay fine yeah yeah unable to cope with sid's demands michelle leaves the room she came back out here into the front room and then the mother she told the mother what had happened and the mother then said well i'll go in and see him so the mother went in sid's mother died of an overdose in 1996 but before she died she made a remarkable confession to journalist alan parker faced with sergeant houseman's testimony parker has agreed to reveal her secret anne told michelle to wait in the living room while she went to speak to her son [Music] because he does he was in a very sweaty shaky horrible state and he couldn't reapply the tourniquet fill a syringe or inject himself again so she did [Music] she reapplied the tourniquet and she filled the syringe and she re-injected him and being the heroin addict herself she knew exactly what to put inside that syringe that basically would have been enough drugs to kill two people never mind one with sid's mother dead will never know the precise motive for her actions on that day but parker believes she deliberately killed her own son as an act of mercy in spite of the confidence of his lawyers she knew sid was terrified he might be sent back to rikers and so she took matters into her own hands [Music] and i only believe she did what she did because there was still that tingling thing at the back of hermite and at the back of his mind that he might not bid off and he might end up being imprisoned for 20 odd years michelle robinson was outside the room so there were no witnesses to anne's actions and the authorities were unable to prosecute [Music] with sid dead the case of nancy's murder was closed for the new york police sid was the only suspect [Music] it's a difficult thing to have to come to terms with because you know i was part and parcel of supplying him with something which probably was responsible for killing him off [Music] if i regret anything um i regret not having been there sid was a child you know he never grew up i never really had the chance to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: free movie on youtube, Popcornflix, Full movies English, popcornflix full movies, free movies popcornflix, free full movies on youtube, #popcornflix, popcornflix movies on youtube
Id: qfkywgPbbyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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