Tuna Pies

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[Music] hey guys how you doing Dave here the other day I had a couple of cans of tuna kicking around and a box of frozen puff pastry each on their own is kind of boring but you put them together and you get this tuna pies they're flaky delicious filled with flavor so let me show you how to make them we're going to start here by melting down two tablespoons of butter this is unsalted butter by the way then we're gonna add in one small chopped onion three cloves of chopped garlic and we're just gonna stir and saute this just to the point where it's fragrant and if you watched any of my videos you know this is my most favorite smell in the whole wide world now the onion and garlic are nice and fragrant we're gonna add in two tablespoons of all-purpose flour and just kind of give this a stir around just for a minute or two until it's cooked just until you get a bit of a Roux happening here now the flour is cooked we're going to add in a cup of milk half at a time give it a little stir now add in the other half we're just gonna stir this until it becomes you know kind of creamy okay this is getting a little bit thicker here and I should have this is just 2% milk I mean you can use heavy cream if you want but depending on how diet conches Yahner all right now we're gonna kill the heat next we're gonna add in the remaining ingredients starting with two cans which is about well it's a 240 grams of drain tuna half a cup of corn and half a cup of frozen peas last but not least great in I'd say about half a cup your favorite cheese I'm using a little cheddar here it's my favorite but you can use whatever you want us to make a real cheesy oh and by the way how do you make a person sing beautifully tuna them give it a good seasoning with a pinch of salt and some ground black pepper [Applause] [Music] I'm a pepper lover so I'm then adelies what you want to do now is give this a good gentle mix you know you don't want to mix it too hard you don't want to crush the salmon up too badly and then you give it a taste and you know just the seasoning according to your liking mm-hmm I think this is gonna be so good sorry guys did I say salmon this is tuna oh my it's a fish okay what we're gonna do now is let this yummy mixture cool completely well we work on the pastry so to do the paste or you were gonna flour up our surface here and this is just so the pastry doesn't stick get the rolling pin a good application of flour to piss off I find sometimes it sticks layer the puff pastry on and we're just gonna begin to roll it out here and this is just puff pastry I bought in the grocery store you can just get it anywhere in the frozen section I guess if you're really energetic you make it from scratch but it's so much easier this way this is pretty good here now it's about a quarter to an eighth of an inch thick so that's about perfect now I've just placed my my puff pastry on a board here so I'm just gonna take my handy dandy pizza cutter and try and cut this in about three even pieces I say something like this after I get it as straight as a team scoop up some of our ever so delicious tuna pie mixture and then just place it on one end of the puff pastry oops simply take one end and fold it over the other you know you can fold us any way you want really grab up my fork and then just kind of pinch out the edges just so it's sealed up and looks real pretty doesn't that look pretty guys so we'll just repeat this for the remaining pastry and filling we're just gonna lift these puppies up and put them on our baking sheet lined with our fabulous chef Cosmo baking mat Muniz use parchment paper to [Music] after our tuna pies are nicely laid out we're gonna make up a simple egg wash which is just an egg and about a tablespoon of milk give it a little beating grab up my brush and give our tuna pies a nice application of the egg wash have to excuse my brush it went through the dishwasher and did not like it lettuce still works I should mention too that this will give you about oh I'd say eight to ten tuna pies depending on the sides these ones are oh it's about three about five okay we're gonna slip these into a 400 degree Fahrenheit preheated oven that's 200 Celsius for 15 to 20 minutes just until they Brown and if you don't want to bake these or don't have an oven you can deep-fry them to after 15 minutes in the oven there you have a guys our tuna pies and I have to say they turned out just gorgeous alright let's give these a taste [Music] mmm these are delicious guys they're rich creamy cheesy the tuna is great the puff pastry is fabulous mmm I just love these this must try it for sure so for this recipe and many more great recipes head on over to cook and share calm all kinds of great stuff over there thanks for subscribing and catch you next time and I'm gonna eat more tuna pie [Music]
Channel: TheCooknShare
Views: 2,916,360
Rating: 4.8541417 out of 5
Keywords: tuna, pie, food, cooking, recipe, tuna pie, recipes, kitchen, pies, tuna (ingredient), easy, cook, fish, dinner, chef, cuisine, pie (type of dish), empanada, restaurant, how to, eating, traditional, pastry, sonia ortiz, home cooking, healthy recipes, quick, meat pie, episode, chicken pie, baking, fish pie, tuna pastry, tuna pot pie, easy tuna recipe, how to make tuna pie, pot pies, tuna recipe, easy tuna recipes, baked tuna, recipes with tuna, tuna stew, tuna empanada
Id: 2vdGFF28Azw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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