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do non Americans know that sometimes you'll just see life-like human testicles hanging off the back of people's trucks non American here I wish I didn't learn English day 72 81 of being emotionally broken a support dog ran up to me and put its head on my lap and I was thrilled until its owner said it can sense sadness me I roll fun story I had two different service dogs react to me and both owners were like are you okay I cried I've had that happen while working retail and the dog's partner was like sweetie you should ask your manager to let you take a break do you ever start bullsh in a paper and then look over it halfway through and think wait a minute I could be on to something here this is the definition of college literally I was writing a paper on Asian saltwater crocodiles like a simple about them paper for a college class and I started noticing some inconsistencies in the scientific papers I was sourcing and I accidentally discovered that the crocodile has been misdiagnosed as least concerned on the endangered species list when they should be classified as endangered and now my professor is having me write a formal report of our international read list to have them reclassified and all I wanted to do was write this paper on an animal I thought was cool and now I'm considered an expert on this species are you ever just reading a book and you come across word that you don't know how to pronounce so you just go Africa subjects in your head when it's someone's name and you have to keep doing that for the rest of the book here's a cool trick to see if a man actually respects you try disagreeing with him a friend of mine did something with online dating where before meeting a person sheeps say no to something minor without a reason for the no for example no I don't want to meet at a coffee shop how about X or no not Wednesday or no I don't want to recognize each other by both wearing green shirts she said how the potential dates reacted was a huge indicator of whether she actually wanted to meet them something I readily believe I've mentioned this to a few people and sometimes I get very annoyed and incredulous responses from guys about how are they supposed to know that it's a test if the girl is being unreasonable how are they supposed to know that and let her have her way I find it difficult to explain that if you find it unreasonable for someone to have a preference of no consequence which they don't feel the need to explain then you are the one being and reasonable you can decide for yourself that it sounds fakie and you don't want to date her but you don't have a right to know and approval of her reasons for things in order to deign to respect that she said know about it especially in the case of someone you haven't even sking met yet the point isn't to know it's a test the point is that if you would only say yes if you knew it was a test then what if it's not a test but because she hates coffee shops or because she's attending a funeral Wednesday and doesn't know you well enough to want to share that or whatever else because if you're making rules for when other people can have preferences and not explain why yeah that is a thing they can reasonably want to avoid at all the angry dudes in the replies the point is not to trick or manipulate men the point is to see our potential romantic partner reacts to a minor inconvenience if they say oh okay would seven work instead or well there's this Armenian tea house I've been meaning to try out want to go there then that's a good sign that they are safe to date if they throw a fit and or demand to know every little detail about your action all over something as simple as we shared a link dinner plans that's a bad sign a really bad sign it's like this dude's women in western society are socialized to cooperate and compromise some men are socialized to get all their own way all the time these dudes are incredibly dangerous to women their partners and the only way to tell them apart from the okay guys is to pay close attention to how they react if you're one of the okay ones this isn't about you learn to take no for an answer and you'll be fine updated to reflect the fan that abusive men can target any gender and the facts that I used this screening tactic to good effects during my big gay [ __ ] phase the thing a lot of the men are blogging don't get they think this post is telling women to lie they think this post is telling women to start a fake argument and to be manipulative actually this post is doing the opposite this post is telling women to be straightforward and forthright and upfront about their values and opinions this post is telling women I know you've been socialized and conditioned to nod and smile at everything a man says your whole life since you were 4 years old and your grandma told you that little girls should be seen and not heard I know that by now it's second nature to you and you probably don't even realize you're doing it half the time you don't even realize that the laughs that just came out of your mouth is a laugh of appeasement rather than a laugh of genuine humor it's telling women force yourself to resist your conditioning consciously make an effort to be open and honest in that initial conversation when you're making small talk about small things if he says something you don't quite agree with and he inevitably will because nobody agrees on everything don't smile and concede the point like you've been trained to do consciously make a point to vocalize in your real opinion it's telling women if the man doesn't respect your real opinion about a small insignificant issue when you first meet him then he's not going to respect your real boundaries later on when you're in a serious relationship seriously laters we Vista men already in your lives if they get outraged maybe reconsider their place in your lives thus by chasing me throws a tracking device at my car the throw is perfectly timed and the small round device hits the bumper perfectly flush however since the tracker is magnetic and might be car is plastic it bounces off the spy is following me as I walk down the street I bobbin and out of shops pulse and accelerate my pace randomly stop to tie my shoe so he loses sight of me I stay perfectly out of his reach this is all due to be sleep-deprived confused hungry and lost the spy freeze is my bank account I do not notice for three weeks and only because Netflix sent me an email about non-payment the spy chasing me does a stakeout at my house after four days of trying to match my sleeping pattern he has to call HQ for backup when you hire Zef you walk in the wrong cartoon what is it about me sitting in my little corner of the internet and saying I actually don't hate myself as an adult now and I want to be nice to people and that's my entire thing that makes season on start foaming at the mouth I'll be perfectly honest I've spent the better part of a decade wishing I weren't sking alive and beating depression off with a cave man's wooden club if I get to a point in my adult life after all that where I can finally say I don't want to see myself dead anymore I like Who I am and you have the gall to tell me I have too much self-confidence now I'm gonna take the club I killed my depression with and I'm gonna start beating you with it basically I shut up I'm confident now as someone who has been living with severe suicidal ideation my entire life I want to tell you all something you don't have to stay a life for yourself people will say it's a bad idea to live for external things because they are temporary and it's true living for yourself is ideal but if you're not to that point yet that's okay too I've lived for my dog for the past four years before that I lived for my snakes before that I lived for my cat you can live for whatever needs you and whatever matters to you live for your best friend live for your plants live for your pets live for year-round will Crossing town live for whatever keeps you alive and the day will come when you can live for yourself this is something everyone should see thank you for sharing this [Music] Moss lawns okay so we all agree lawns suck are outdated and useless relics introduced by French monarchy to flex on everyone else but have we considered Muslims benefits one massively photosynthetic produce loads of oxygen to doesn't require fertilizing ever Moss is actually prefer low nutrients oil 3 doesn't require mowing moss is a non vascular so they never grow tall enough to need mowing for low maintenance see above 5 improving the air quality around you mosses can metabolize and absorb a variety of airborne pollutants 6 massively improving your home's katachi core and fairytale vibes I mean look at it it's beautiful looking online I've learned that this is a thing and it's actually been popular in Japan for hundreds of years that makes me really happy actually because if you know me you'll know I love moss not only is it cooler there but 12 square meters of muslin can apparently absorb as much carbon as 275 mature trees stunning and brave as we all know it's much easier to work with nature than against it we are all dizzy and tired and maybe maybe just let the moss have this one it's beautiful sorry for who posting in the year 2019 but the doctor is actually so named because he wrote and successfully different in a dissertation at an accredited university whereas the master completed a two-year graduate program in his chosen fields which points to the existence of a third less advanced and less specialized counterpart the bachelor The Bachelor is never seen in the show because he's still living with his parents on Gallifrey listless Lee applying for jobs and stress eating I thought the bachelor was being fought over by 12 women in a big house galaxies brain The Bachelor TV show has featured the same man for every season but he regenerates like the doctor setting a few things straight one magneto was right accepted all mutants to his cause instead of just the pretty ones taught them to love and respect themselves actively fought against anti-mutant rhetoric in order to prevent another Holocaust - magneto was kind of stupid regularly played chess with the telepath sorry for who posting in the year 2019 but the doctor is actually so named because he wrote and successfully defended a dissertation at an accredited university where as the master completed a two-year graduate program in his chosen fields which points to the existence of a third less advanced and less specialized counterpart The Bachelor The Bachelor is never seen in the show because he's still living with his parents on Gallifrey listless Lee applying for jobs and stress eating I thought The Bachelor was being fought over by 12 women in a big house galaxies brain The Bachelor TV show has featured the same man for every season but he regenerates like the doctor me chickens love classical music you proof me takes you to the chicken farm chickens batch batch batch batch batch I hate this [Music] Ocarina of Time link wait why do you need a special mine for ox to eat there's rocks everywhere göran pillion seat plants right why do you need farms why don't you just eat grass hole link Goran think before you speak next time punk ass next time on downtown Hyrule the sift would be way funnier if they were opposite GD but like really and literally the exact opposite of the GD not only is sex allowed celibacy is banned GD can't use the Force for personal reasons SIF use the Force to make PB&J sandwiches every lunch break GD can only have one fedora at a time bad news I'm offensive and I have a gaggle often radical problematic orphans who are my personal apprentice and they all rock I've never seen a Star Wars movie but hearing that the good guys can't have sex is the funniest and most absurd thing Darth Vader is wanted for the crime of being a thottie if he breathes through his space helmet here thought I don't like using my dad s bathroom because I'm not that into watching myself poop I thought your face was embroidered on a hand towel criticized the work of Stephanie Mayer all you like but she has led to our life I of natural causes rather than viciously reanimated corpse with every tweet yes this is about JKR [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 19,760
Rating: 4.7929292 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, posts, tumblr top posts, top posts, tumblr stories, madlads, brainydude, funny tumblr stories, funny tumblr posts, tumblr posts, funny, reddit, subreddit, Tumblr top posts, reddit top posts, clumsy, comment awards, Best of reddit, top posts of all time, r/tumblr, memes, dank doodle memes, best of reddit, tumblr awards, tumblr memes, askreddit funny, askreddit, reddit stories, reddit memes, funny reddit, best memes, tumblr wumblr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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