TSwT - OG Ronnie Faisst

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[Music] you're creating no oh yes that's the [ __ ] [ __ ] do you not now would be fun yeah but just come up me see that one is back home are you talking about every time y'all that was me what have people's we got mr. Ronnie Feist in the building today or back patio as I call it and then the hanging yeah jamya mr. Ronald Joseph fight what's up Jeremy thank you I was taking a shower earlier I was thinking about how long we told each other there's like you're thinking about me in the shower yeah it is weird 22 years Israeli Ben oh yeah I was tripping I was thinking about him like why not meet Ronnie I'm like I was 15 huh I know you're young remember you used to rock the big whisper for good your pant legs are like two foot each they were pretty bad I remember at the first contest in Vegas in 1998 not what's off iced and I was like rolling on my mom jog working on it you know like this it's like chilling with my mom right now just get at me let me apologize mama like dude but I do remember that and I remember you growing up to the LMS they're like these that wouldn't everything so yeah the 125 in the back get a brand new Honda me and Egan came together we're parking you boys think we kinda already knew you yeah yeah we're all like unions are kind of talking [ __ ] we already we weren't like tight yet dawg you pulled it you like what up you like yeah I just got a factory ride and we're like we're like looking at everybody's like bone stock requestfactory we're like on it I remember you like flip this off as we were talking to relax you got a message of all we're dying because you thought you had a fancy bike did you buy that bike there's someone I know and it was given us bikes through Fox get like three or four bites a year's palatable and like all that so it was good back in what was your deal like who'd you meet in like what made you come out here when I was living in New Jersey I think the first video I saw was one of the crusty videos and I saw Seth and Metzger and Larry and everybody again yes and then I saw at the first xxx video and my Deegan stood out to me know my kid my daddy was cool him and meth here likes possessive I was racing Outdoor Nationals and a few East Coast Supercross is and so was Deegan so we started talking at the races and then he came and stayed at my house in between was created in South Lake there was a week break and we filmed that whole week for moto xxx yeah and that was the first time I was going to be in a video your home oh they do not what are you thinking - the sanphet ii model action in triplicate oh yeah all of it I grew up grew up riding there not a super pump that I was going to have a segment and then just hanging with Brian all week like he was just he had just bought that house in Canyon Lake and he's like yo I just got house once you need to Cali it was like mm-hmm not eerily undertail about Anya yes but filmed all week and then I went to the races that weekend I don't even qualify so I'm like and I was like dude I would always go to the Nationals and miss it and then if I did qualify to finish in the 30 but right so I think I might do though might as well pay for my trip here no I was not really getting anywhere at the privateer so I was like do you want on just go to Cali and start filming with these guys so basically loaded up the van The Green Hornet at the time wasn't even goal it wasn't gold yeah I was green - terrific yeah I had 200 bucks I waited from big fights to go to work because I didn't even want it cuz I knew you didn't tell your boss before you did I wasn't kind of nothing negative you would have been like job dude you're never going to make it I'm like I'm not saying nothing I'm just going to pin it off I remember I had the credit card that was in his name on my guess where all the gas on the credit card taking my 200 bucks and when I get to Cali got 200 bucks and I showed up and basically moved in with Deegan and man sugar cooked me up with his pops I started doing construction are the best move you ever made right company here yeah you think like what yeah they're like going to be wood whatever because they're probably talking about and drive across country but out yeah came on and started working with Ted and then and then we were filming as much as we could in between all that but it really was until the Warped Tour when things shifted for me because Mex norm ever got caught in the back of that dudes bike and ripped his back off arm yeah yeah that crazy that created scar so he got hurt and he was supposed to be a walk to her and you filled his spot it was like yo take my spot and I'm like what do you mean take my spot I just show up I'm like just show up yeah oh my god alright so I just showed up in his ordinary color digging around there no no I don't think gig was on the first year I think it was hard link Mickey diamond Mickey was riding them he was building right hand maybe I don't know if he was building the ranch there is I don't think you rode the first year sync was on there though you know saint-mars link oh go heart me and I think Trevor was Trevor buying them from a betting he was but I think the first show is in Arizona I remember we drove out and I've never even hit a ramp before before that no not right alone a ramp to ramp yeah that do you remember the first one the deck was on it I'm not lying the first lead maybe yeah it was four foot basically a sheet of plywood and it was two wooden ramps butted together to get him in the middle yeah sketchy super sketchy and no one's ever jumped in for it on asphalt so who the first part you did yeah let's get you lucky you over jumped it a little bit because he landed so close to the bottom when he hit his front tire went through the wood because there wasn't enough layers of plywood on it does it actually hit the asphalt and ejected him back out so if he actually went landed over to be over the bars he was out he would have got pitched at asphalt but he like he still got worked that's normally in link were like dude I ain't had no we were sketched out but uh anyway I make worked on an all night and uh we had a jump if you wanted to be on the tour yeah leave it and once you got it dude it was it was basic you know jump from in third back down you remember that yo I remember I remember the first star riding a 250 with you guys I came from 125 so I was like being wrapped down I listen you got to the jump you know overall I'm all how the head and I just started hitting it in second they might going like five ten feet or five eight feet higher than you guys were and that's when you guys I think a second land and everyone started hitting in second then and I mean I think we had the ramp at 75 the first year and their Warped Tour they were nowhere to for shortness yeah so they were even a shorter gap in third well we'll go hit that like a race jump I picked up flesh gear relax lies and BBS on that tour so then I was like tripping like you know pain free shoes together three closing me down is fuller sending me checks I might I never got to work construction again okay well we got to yeah when I went over to Australia so it was like right after that you know it's like now I'm and I'll show you and we stood the first tour we stayed there we didn't remember sometimes we'd come back you do a show go back but we would stay three months yeah they're the first tour I did was late three-month long stay and I'll share it for three months and this travel around the country and do shows other different different spot every when I did work tour in Australia - yeah I remember you manly did to write on horses with no that so yeah I was like within like a year I went from being broke to just live in basically your dream fit pretty much yeah like we were selling out stadiums quicker than bands were over there I know Christie's we're like it was that big 20 to 30 that I mean which is big for their bikers for like 30,000 50,000 however the Sydney Superdome she did impact was so nothing out all three nights yes 399 I know I was there but I think there were some of the funnest tours because the timing of freestyle and then just the girl that we have it'll walk by general so it was like me you so throw mad my sink vegan and no one cared about anything no one gave a [ __ ] no no one you know I mean though we're was a free-for-all we're going Australia like this is going to be the best [ __ ] ever you know the crowd would be so pumped they would rip the seats out afterwards to show their appreciation won't break sure they've been caught creating return issues like hurricanes like first movies like set the whole place on fire it was definitely fun I think I think it the circle we had was a good like motivation because there was always someone learned if someone was always a little bit like because I got this visa was always known for sober blocks McGuigan was doing and then like you would get it and then I would get it you know I mean I so it was always like it's trickled down but we just we had a good group like you said so we could just watch each other and learn from each other Beck how you do that or what do you do you know animator to help them everybody was just really motivated no one in fact it really had a group to ride with like we were like to only do they had a group you know everyone have no low dudes only when I had a place to ride - yeah the only compound I never built because they don't beg yo can we come ride the compound Mike yeah yeah yeah no huh that became the spot forever the little side hip it's kind of like think about all the stuff you learned there's so much history guard out there you know your front slit there yeah never I was there the hearts for a week waiting for the wind and dine you guys are yellow we finally finished the pit come down here like right Allen flipped in a week so I'm gonna do one of the pulpit and if it's good I'm going straight to dirt murder first time you didn't do it when we're on first time I went over your old matter your sauce with the heart yeah we went out [ __ ] there's me go hard well I wasn't writing at all with them going to think the first angry single customer first one nurse everything's about he doesn't fit with us so you called it friendly you started on dirty right just flip of a hardship switch [ __ ] till I think man me and st. got it then utopia yeah Alice and then I got the second one and then you drove home so mad I remember you were licking your lips dude I'll never forget that you're sitting on the edge of the paper hat but man you're like I'm feeling it man I wasn't really writing that much good so like my bike is just felt so weird I'm I had no confidence at all and I'm like watching you at all in your head now I'm like do I want to do it I'm like if I can doing you I remember telling that because I'm like dude I'm like if you keep because you're flipping on the bicycles before me good on the bike it's you like perfect so they just do it you're like locked up oh this lip licker that I remember you went back the next week just mad at yourself later I'm like I'm my harder mom flipping my board because we were going to Colorado for a demo but what are you doing is like I'm gonna pay them like I'm coming right now either in like 10g did you stop me first something I did my first one and I thought I was under rotating cause I was so used to flipping the BMX record memory I would spin quick yeah got all the web side down seen the pit jumped off and I watched the video footage in my bike came all the way i'm perfect i'm like oh that state oldest time i love the first time yeah I bought two I might be actually it's because that first time you flip me right it's real so much longer than you thinking like I'm crashing you just jump off yeah if you would have just say but it perfect yeah what you know the time it was like legs I'm pumped like I was one of the one of the few dudes that actually stuck their first one on dirt because I remember you you get weird eating all chips and get all really good there are different they everyone I hope it's like but I remember everyone did a floater there first one the heart I mean obviously originally just started off the step-up lib yep the heart so snarling yeah and then even Metzger be the first one who drove a ramp out I remember he was gonna do as I screw it I'm going to take it to the dunes and when something so any caught remember when he got home he caught us he'd say be at my house tomorrow morning I'm clipping lipid and we're all like what and we've been he's like a foot Ram we're like what remember we all drove out a little after 5:00 in the road we looked at each other like we got to do it we were like we got to do it mr. t made it look so easy we're like we got to do it though feels like we were watching video footage like I don't know I forgot to measure the help remember I'm like look at it I'm like it looks like it's like 45 feet about he's making it look cake is so easy man I didn't really invent too much I came over the shower right you've had the oh he had a comfort that was my signature that's because I don't have enough check I got some soken of the ball right now shake man want to be seven I look at every time I see receive a free soft started I could do a kink in a heel clicker a no-footer in a no hander so I was like well I already did those I still got a couple of chunks left look I did something I just rode a bike and kick out a window of a car so he did a couple to hand it it works if I'm going to do what you got to do them they got that dumb nickname cone food stuck with you your whole gear and the funny thing is I've never even come true I don't even know comes with I train a new jutsu you should be working on your art what else I've been backed into the hearts of the flip came out and that basically I feel like when the flip came out it shut down a lot of people that had a lot of skills that I'm like dude these hands gonna kill it you know I mean it will just fall off like left and right I'm like Clifford connected it going to go down bad he quickly yeah well I think there were some duties that were sharp Tom yeah Tommy who who has roared could war there was a lot of dude dude and they were doping all they're doing and have him in vile to just surprising that they didn't do it because you would came and they were at the top and I think I gauges we did it like they could have done it you know I just always wonder if like you know just because they were just like a couple years older to us and they've like figured out the risk versus reward factor before we did you know I mean or it kind of just have scared people away like mikkel was surprised in Jay he'd hear I don't think what a favor all and everything my favorite to watch a young Miguel is super smooth super style all that dude yeah I even Clifford was sick because it was super sentient all [ __ ] was big seeing the golden tail just flapping everywhere in the wind a single sick I like talking always love and Aaron Beck a UH jumps two Biggie's like everything but it may get longer a finger too small for him and then everything was PPI you ever notice how steel crews around my house always windy and he have a 5 foot landing with this peaked out jump like 110 you'd be like hey I gotta hit this hard you'll go ahead and you watch them a couple talking about the over joke of them think about that house she'll be dead like 150 feet to like though smaller than our adaptive landings Nate the picture in the poster a look at Delaney and I'm not lying it's foot tall maybe with a couple handles on the decks like this big and that was a 130 foot living it yes bit over south on eyes oh I feel like you build me a 15-foot landing with a tent for dick and just put it at 75 and then move it back at something he would just start it but he did not carry any who's kid I think I think some of the funnest times two of them we would always film all the skits and stuff huh like that [ __ ] calamity me here cause we dizzy bored as hell go answer you one of my favorites the Temecula Motorsports one that I always go on that one that one with got killer and I won though yeah we did I can't believe how many cops showed up oh no it's not like five people call them that we are robbing the place hi what happened we just went down there to do a skip for his movie and we're like I'll be funny you know I mean we'll go still he wanted me to still a 50 or 250 and I took it as like two 50s you know anyway it wasn't funny we got permission to be there so yeah second of Motorz a newer down or film in our skin the whole deal was a scale to 50s but when you're running out of the basic mask and like with real guns yeah do you ever bested like I had a real gun you had a real gun Riley every now and again when you had like the leo with a nylon look at you remember the builders all smashed down and you come running out and then people driving by just assume like well this way to get robbed and a couple got guns schema or whatever they kill the sock on the head running out with bike so they called the cops and next thing you know the cops like rolled in do they have goods like drawn get it on the ground we're all like I was laughing I was like I am laughing because I just got out as a man I would hide how I have like an ounce of weed in my sweater I remember I remember being inside the sourcing the cultural oven I just remember took it out and I hid it somewhere and I walked outside like what's going on you know what I mean and all you guys on the ground hands down like they're yelling dude like they were pit I know and then they caught us are you gonna [ __ ] you well I feel like I was having a mission I begin I guess we shouldn't let us know yeah how do you let me know we're going to figure out the store with all these guns yeah that was a good one oh my god you even with the turkey car because I wanted a couple months ago to I was literally all around dying in tears do what I was hiding and my cousin CJ kept sending me those no it isn't an obscenity a picture a deacon but I was face painted he's like where's your partner at dude those were some of the other good footing now the Lansky was built there that one of the funnel it was fun concerns we would I don't know if we would only wanted to thought it was as funny as they were but we would remember how hard we were laughter still is it a difference in the humor familiar with me and doctrine like anything I know us personally there goes is there game for sure we go book the one when you're riding in the field to next to your house or indeed of the deutsche Lansky any watch this [ __ ] ecologies do the coach one that you did in San Diego and I'll live again laughter oh man so far everything that outfitted huh like series as hell blow the whistle huddle up me and da hood like because we're living together time we would sit at home and just come up with these ideas we would think you're so [ __ ] perfect I laugh at the Corvette yeah oh here's one advanced and the tattoo shop everybody that she was comedy but then we would be filled room we would be dying the whole time even get apart to the teeth like you someone didn't know you know exam this dude seriously cell right milk do when we were filming that deal at the charges people were trippin on me even the coach and I got a number of the posters like looking at me like dude okay yeah blue I just walked by him like this in like can I miss something like whose shoes the do the new system like doing the first like bossing everybody around right now do what other ones we do its glance kiwi at hunt and con coat there was different ups shoot yeah other yeah about one of the good ones uh-huh and then his Hershey bars I put them above yeah I did this glance key while we you gonna do shimmy Horton when we do it but we're here in the truck original idea / them dying weapon and eat nose wheelies in front of the car and about it huh you were one of the smarter gears from the beginning of you always saved your money remember yeah remember whatever one st. Turk at the Lincoln I definitely did not know how money seems like the most hood rat and I was like I'm going to [ __ ] make it really 2000 a Rolex with a Lincoln on we're all like oh it wasn't lost in hard drive did you know we were like all we got a step a game up but like we're seeking effort people's hood so that to him like that was like yo maybe I had the Cheney at the watch and the consi diamond ring calories and but I remember us we were still coming up we didn't have nothing sloppy yet but it didn't say I was again look at six rolling before everybody started buying houses and everyone had hundred thousand dollar cars and jewelry and yes our faucet because you look good car yeah when you come from nothing you how charming the money and everybody show it off and we were all young and young at helm para smart I was spent on myself and I mean I wasn't know you spend a lot already today yeah I mean you were always at the jewelry by intercept but I definitely I think my I got that from my dad my dad was always like suited for money yeah money save your money he constantly is always telling me save your money so I kind of listened once alright so I was always smart enough to every chapter coming out of this school yeah I don't always put put away put away put away and you know I had much definitely before I go to our 2722 number somebody get this far in black I'm to get it in silver to you know I think Isabella driving the silver one Goodrich is ill but still a great skill but I've learn how to tape now I'm glad we got it there they got it you gotta save you used to go hard then um you used to go hard me you used to be the party of the bunch well we had no they nice some gnarly days where I'm like Pam Wiese is gnarly there is always younger than you guys we thought it was hardly very like I used to think being it was gnarly he thought I was I was like doesn t he it was gnarly he like disappear for days I'm like why be calling me where's the ID like uh I know but I can't I don't know yeah I don't know well yeah we shoot i mean i think we're just i think i don't know what is on i think we just didn't care nothing I left here and I think I had like this personality like whatever I do I got a going to go hard whole wide others we have we're right in we were focused on writing and going for and then if we were partying we may last a couple days yeah right just weeks I was never these couple days where I go in a couple days but even I had enough this sort of like I always look back and I'm like ha man thank you Lord that I was disciplined enough and not give up the dream for the party life exactly like 90% of the people did it like I could party hard but then I could always stretch the back out and do a train eat good ride get done what I need to get done and then I go blow the wheels off of it and then string back up and then go like train again and then so it's like least like yes do we seem to our friends just get hooked and even pills freaking and literally I give their scores it leaves a chopped-up amylin torn I've had enough discipline I definitely wasn't scared to send it when it was party night now but what do you think changed that what do you think made you like I'm over this I mean I would definitely say probably just coming to the Lord was probably the biggest shift in my life because I just I didn't grow up with any of that and that's the only thing I can say that change we do like I look back and I Know Who I am now and I look back then I mom like I am not to say anything yeah I mean but whatever I don't like you know it's not I regret anything it's just so much like it is what it is you know that made me learn today but I just know there came a time of my life when you know dude I saw I remember I start watching that dude on TV that's kind of weird on George Olsen do but I just remember when I would have rented a room from you you yeah it's kind of like when you I was if you know this crazy like most of the dudes a lot of thing most people but a lot of people here like the people on rock-bottom like life is just falling apart that's what man was something switches in their life and you know what that has to happen to South Africa but with me as I wasn't looking for Jesus I wasn't upset with my life actually like minded yeah I was like I got I'll do it we have Mike and I'm you exactly I'm like I'm living the best life I'm Mike wasn't really searching for anything and then I just happen to Jennifer yep while I was living with her and she was flipping through the channels one morning and she stopped on Osteen and she's like oh my mom loves this guy and I want a motivator dude dude and he was talking about fear that's what got me it was right around the time I wanted to do a backflip and I was nervous about never to turn around sound like you got that bad trip in Australia you just left you know what I mean you're like I was a bit get a room you're like yeah scare me strong [ __ ] out of here has anything about here do the next morning I look at how I'm gone oh yeah where's Mike - Mike LA sure that was bad like where I felt like made like the change was like okay like will do that was just a scary I don't know what anyone had a bad trip no there's not yeah you don't want to go like grab a bench and be around a million people you don't even know how you think everybody sonic athlets hot chili I'm have you done with my loves you what do you mean so much ah you know I was tripping in a bed but basically when I started that first time I heard that message on fear it caught my attention because I obviously we deal with fear so I'm like what do you got to say about fear I know about fear yeah I'm they don't want to right now I want to don't want to do if their flips birds with their flow and go back to it but I got a little fear what you got to say so I listen to them and then I was like huh and you do to do it's super positive oh yeah and our group of friends was like negative always getting bar fights always just a few because everyone else so yeah fool crazy party lifestyle bad attitudes a group of friends I mean dude I loved all the guys it's not like I didn't love my friends that was the group we were in that's just what it was that was what we were and then all tonight this dude had a totally different vibe related you have a different outlook I just like I just caught my attention sigh and I started watching them and it dad became really like a gift like a church for me for Sunday after Sunday and I wanted water behind me every Sunday every Sunday every Sunday and I'm trying to think I remember I start starts telling people about it how I mentioned it to yo yo Dave even digue and I remember and dude we were still jacked up this is a thing like and I'm not going to put him down by any means but he he really only gives you one side of the gospel yeah isn't kind of talking so he never talked about sin never talked about her fans mind it's about being positive really positive a tional speaking again is when clicked in some scripture so I never knew that I was anything I never thought about sin what sin I didn't it's no yeah about Natalie we're just living our life we're doing what everyone else is doing whatever it's what everyone does and we're having fun party in their life enjoying it yeah so I didn't know none of that and so those early years of meat dude I watch that guy for probably a couple years really yeah like I've walked and fine quietly and then say nothing nobody so no Julie and then I would then I got more open about it but we were still partying yeah I could do that in there was no you didn't stop you right there and you were just now I didn't know I had some yeah I just saw I had Jesus on my side let's go let's go make sure you're funny like yeah like these is they're going to like cuz that's what was talked about like God just blessed you and I go give them giving you favor and I'm going to give you children yeah but I need some more favors let's go make some of mine sure I remember being in the club just just wasted and just like man thank you woman's I like cuz I love it yeah I felt like I had it all I got in oh and then it wasn't dude it honestly wasn't he didn't bought me my first box I remember Christmas D'Onofrio giving me a Bible and it gives me a plaque at the ten commandments and I hung it up in my life my kitchen I'm amazed to look at it like Oh broke that one that one place today I walk around my table regala whatever but it wasn't until I actually read the scriptures for myself that made you start realizing yeah because dude the Word of God like if you read that at face value it convicted me it basically showed me like dude you're a sinner yeah like you're a sinner and there's you know you need to make a choice you can you can choose to live in those sins and die or you can come to faith in Christ and then I was like faced with that like oh well what are we going to do here I'll turn right I'm going this way yeah so I was like that's really I think the Bible is clear it's a simple message you know there's either you either separated from God or you're on his team I was like well and then I started going to a church because hosting always said that he's like get into a good Bible based Church so I remember I hit native because you know it was the only Christian dude I know Marietta clown could be was Christian oh yeah we could pick on the deal until her girlfriend but he invited me to come to church that revival and I started going there so now I was like I was reading it for myself I was actually sitting in front of a pastor who's preaching them to the the entire gospel and I and they did an altar call where they basically an altar calls where they call people at church you know if you want to turn from your sins if we receive Christ as your Lord and Savior come forward and I was just sitting there and I'm like dude I need to make this decision like and there were something in me who really wanted to go to other direction yeah it was kind of like dude I'm I do want to go this way but I don't want to get up in front of all these people right now I said whatever I just walked up there dude I prayed the prayer and then from that day I was like I'm gonna try to figure this out and there was Peter wasn't easy and I remember you to go on it and then you'd slip over there and you didn't back harder to do because I'd be like exactly I'd be like stay with it and then I'd be like okay I got it and then I go try to hang out with everyone another saw right back oh dude I'm like turning on and I disappear again I'm like alright I got to like and I try to get you and then just and I'll do too but those early years or I was like a probably you guys are probably like to you this dude's serious I get now crazy well trying to hear it but it was like I just stuck with it like something like I just this is one of the things that I that I got like before I gave my life to the Lord dude I could do whatever and I used to be pumped to brag about it and not give a [ __ ] but do when I gave my life to the Lord and then I would stir those things I feel bad at all felt bad and I kept thinking why do I feel bad about this said that guilt and it's because the Bible says once you give your life to the Lord that the Spirit of God dwells in the heart of the believer and that to me was evidence to me that I'm like dude something's different yeah anything because I've never used to care I'm like why wait to tell me guys what I was I felt shame and like sick to my stomach I'm my own man I should have done that or my husband and I would like I would want to almost quit because I'm like I failed and I would like come to God when I felt like quitting but I kept just coming to God like cops forgive me please any deficit cool thing is like dude he is so merciful and patient with us because I was just a slow grow up and down on and off so much in the beginning years of trying to figure it out but he just did he just loved me through and I just kept kept it every time I found what I just would tried like and then it was like the more I spent time in the word the more I gave myself to Bible studies the more I got around people that love Jesus and it's like I finally would like give like brakes of time did anything like love your box or anything like that hit you in that way I mean with reinforce anything I think I mean I think likewise when we lost lust was intense because one of our first dude that like one of our best friends that died doing something we did every day yeah I think that's where it hit hard for me too because I was like I never you sustained a brother died it's me - I never thought about dying - left died never but the thing that really gave me peace was because I was with us when he he came to our Bible said he gave his life to the Lord I got me and him and Dean got baptized the same day like when I we were there that day is brokenhearted as I was I knew like he wanted to see this dude again yeah I'm going to see and that is the promises that is the hope that I believe in like I'm going to see him so I like was heartbroken but I was okay with it yeah and I've been to other friends that past and I haven't been able to have that same piece where I'm like man dude like why didn't I say like why didn't I ever like and then I would be like man I should have like share my faith with them awake so it kind of sucks it like when you do somebody that you think like did word that dude end up I believe in heaven and hell like and I believe it because my own personal testimony to know if I was the same dude I was 10 years ago I'd say it's a fairy talented ain't real but the fact that I've lived in witnessed my own transformation through the years yeah I put my faith in God I prayed the stuff I've trusted him and he's came through so many times so I'm like I could never like turn my back now but I've gone so long and I have such a history of just his faithfulness and testimony Tim just coming through I'm like this is true yeah this is real and it's like and the more I read stuff I like man I have so many friends that are outside of this and it's like it's not how do you bridge that gap and like share that with people you know but yeah you know I feel I'm more comfortable sometimes sharing when P I'm going over high school share the high school kids but you don't have no yeah but then it's like you get like for me like even my dad that's how I feel oh that's a little bit tougher it's weird it's like almost tougher to share the good news a share the gospel that you will really hear like people that kind of I'm on my wife that I've always felt that way and there were like at right before your wedding when we all prayed for you and your dad prepared I was like look I'm like did I start sobbing do I've never hurt you and I remember you have it was Ryan yeah nobody and that was one thing I never seen coming like knowing your dad and knowing you I'm like this would never get married I was Paul I mean I always wanted to get married and couldn't find the right girl cause I psyche I just like I just knew like Mama's tiny doesn't look too good I could just tell like you know you know when you know yeah you know my honest not that's probably not a smart one to lock it down so I never you had a few of those I think everyone thought I'd never get married yeah I've never stated coming but did I pray for like eight and eight months straight and my new Melissa from back in back in the day where you she used to like a monster girl and she sent me it through the funny thing is I don't check Facebook I don't go on Facebook they only know you didn't and I one day I was just I don't know why I clicked on it clicked in my messages looked at Facebook I'm like scrolling down I see Melissa Mikko says I'm like lost necklace and I remember her and I would clicked on it and I start reading what you wrote me and it's like all about Jesus and I'm like what all right this girl of a Christian I'm like huh and then she basically would come to California and like totally no you want to hear stuff like I like their Baghdad so she's out here sinking missions and like I'm like are looking at her like I wonder if this is going to be why she was here club but we went to we went to dinner and right off the bat I was 18 she's strong believer like I could it was just it like so obvious yeah I thought she wants to talk about was Jesus you won't talk about nothing I'm trying to get a date over here but anyway so that kind of like started that and then we find out like every day for 10 days straight so I was like y'all in a diode yo I'm like I'm in and she's like ah no no she's like you need to get in the friend zone and here's some rules and like send me an email with all these rules on those you did an elevation experience and I bought my gal game pushed into the friend zone and I wait side hugs I can't hunter stole my book she just put me in check what dude at first I was like it's just for really joking with me but then I think when I thought about it I'm like never had a girl ever do that to me and I just thought about it I'm like endurable point to being friends like she might not want a minute but she wanted to do where she saw the ring ding unleash your thread she knew something not sure I think I tried to go back in the motocrosser but the thing was is she was basically seeking the Lord's counsel she was like let's be friends let me pray about this suit Evans here's the rules you stick to the rules how hard was it for you bad but I respect I was like huh all right yeah like this girl this is different yeah so and then I was we did three months and we started dating and then she gave me a new set of rules so you get it from a home I got yeah and then I she only dated for nine months I think the data for this quiz I remember you're like oh we get married a Mike yeah I just saw like something and I didn't seen any other girl like she never she just had such a pure heart and I just seen her house she always would seek the Lord before anything yeah she wouldn't do nothing when I pray we pray first one won't do this one pray by how much all right shoot all right everything was birth and prayer prayed about everything how is it being very different right do you like you enjoying it yeah I mean it's definitely different you should do whatever I wanted to whatever I want to not you yeah so this is what I'm learning yeah I have to tell people what I'm doing I get like I'll get yelled at if I just do something I'm wait I didn't know I had to tell you that I was going outside so I went 40 years do whatever learning I like she's late whoa you got a wife now on the house okay yeah yeah right we're trying to figure out how to be a husband like that but she's patient with me which is good I feel like work to the point now and we're like we're just like let's simple is better this is less busyness less distractions the left is just like do get rid of it this is what we need this is what's important this is what we focus on what's our vision what are we doing together so we're going to start a website together and I want to have a section called the 101 and it's basically like if you were just a brand new believer you didn't know nothing about Jesus you just gave your life to the Lord with next you're going to have a whole section on just basics like all the simple how to pray how to read the word why the fast while the cooling more than our questions well that's all we have the website it's built but it's not a we launched it yet we're basically because we wanted to be videos yeah so people want to read some well you get almost your content together and we're doing right now buts websites built but we're filming all the we just started doing on the name of the website though what's going to be it's called Ronnie and Mel really simple so about ro n and ie Tom Barnes hair well is it stick out your stupid hair semester be good and then I use my wife's conditioner come on 30 below zero I'll just put it all from word somewhere my mice are our my hat game changes like every two years I look at old pictures I'm like want to wear my head like the part is dude like how'd it like I didn't have that I'd like this a long time and it was like this forever then that was like super high like this now it's like this not only go just through the road I've worked Bob do you know I'm guessing we just get it where you don't care you ever seen five pounds yeah man half a block them all down to give money there's like this added I'm looking at a picture myself with oh I'm like why am I wearing that has an extinction trooper I don't see Nate where the whole time my damn dude age has are tired they're like this is already good at the top though he's killing me but anyway don't what's that for ro n nie aan de miel you.com I feel like I'm on track to where God's taking me I think he wants to take me in a different direction to where I just give him more of my time more time in the word and allow him to build me up that I could lead a generation of young people so that's I just feel dizzy shifting me from action sports guide to more into full-time ministry and I think it's always been that I've always known it I just kind of didn't want to really do want to believe oh my god I'm really like getting up there let me just kind of I like riding dirt bikes I just don't want to get up and talk to pee I don't like it yes dude every time I get on Phonics Calum nervous is that how much you like I don't see the kids yeah I don't like getting up in front of people I'm pumped we finally got you over here I think I've been asking you from kind of know every time you've been like it any I'll come over next week yo we do it ah busy right now huh poppy told me you play ginger yeah I had a bourbon in it and it was funny because I was in a tag Damon on it are like I was going to put like blue the group text and all they all just hit Twitter and then even hit me back I'm like huh I'm like what if it went through and I look at it accommodated in yes I wonder what I was willing to do this on those busy then did I call you or something yeah yeah I need a car no you in a common grave duty and I'm like yeah you weren't doing like ah he just living here for two months Terry and we finally got it done thank you for coming out I appreciate a dog again yeah finally yeah man this one was a good one like what's up iced and how they roll on my mouth y'all you wanna hire me Oh
Channel: TwitchThis1
Views: 207,516
Rating: 4.8973498 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Twitch Stenberg, Twitch, Ronnie Faisst, Moto, Motocross, FMX, Freestyle Motocross, Motorcycles, Motorsports, Action Sports, X Games, Racing, Auto Racing, BMX, BTS, Interview, Classic, Talk Show, Biography, Behind The Scenes, Dirt Bikes, Metal Mulisha, Carey Hart, Warped Tour, Funny, Fail, Crash, Conversation, TSwT, Christianity, church, religion
Id: _etS7feAA1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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