TSwT Scummy - Rockstar to Rehab

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[Music] you should see the video clips I'm gonna talk to you about right now you say Barnett yeah what smell like he just sucked it yeah smell like dick hey do you sure you want to put your thumbs inside your own sweater things real quick yeah let's go she looks cool I like those built-in hand warmers or you sell [ __ ] what are you talk [ __ ] why so nervous not nervous anywhere you are size of your hat wait yeah really big [ __ ] head Hey look at this thing it's like my kid trying to put my hat on it's not tight on my head I do have a big gnarly we got blessed with : Morrison's presents today mr. aka scummy what's up buddy finally made it down here I don't know if I'm gonna be able to take this whole thing serious with you right now kind of weird I was even saying that different you and me being serious from once how long you think we've known each other since 98 I don't know any dirt bike dude in the whole career I think you were the first guy it actually was where where do we meet though what contest was it it was actually back at a 4-leaf so it was have a sip I want to say I did freestyle even before you yeah you did it cuz my first contest was to have a set in Tacoma where do you have soup that was my first one yeah but I think even before that remember the monster truck said the Coliseum where you were in the stands and I was jumping with Deegan I think that might have been before four-leaf might have been remember first time I saw you was at Vegas and you were doing the big triple heel clicker big deal back then and here that pleaser yeah and that's I don't even think we talked still at that contest I think oh so couple shows after that but that's where I saw you and then I don't know where do we meet I think that was a four-leaf one tidwell euros that was like 99 98 was 98 wasn't my Muir 16 she's right after that I think we just really hit it off and then I remember you and me where the young is 125 doing all the jumps I met a lot of other dudes weren't doing on the two fifties and then after that you me and then we linked up with manly yep and then that was our crew for here so yeah it was I think I think we'd had a lot to do with it I was a big deal man I could see that yeah that's what brought together so I think we're once gain so high all day long people work strip and how we could even be walk and then we're going out there jumping riding doing pretty good I guess we thought we were but I don't think we were I was winning [ __ ] so actually were it was working for me time free stop wasn't where it was well it wasn't as serious as it is now like nowadays it's like Nora so I think back then it was a big deal even going out there again hi and doing a seat grab like we were like at the time that was kind of that was the top of the game we were doing good that's funny that was way back then I can't let me pulled it through all those years yeah there's I mean I think this interview would go for a day talking about all the stories what happened all that stuff but no we uh we lucked out we became really good friends did everything together I mean you were I mean still are declare like a best friend back then we did everything together from you'd come stay at my house I drive three hours to come see your house and yeah we do everything man travel we the funnest times I think was when we ride 50s and in dirt bikes every day I was a big thing I first moved to Menifee yeah man if you you and Beau moved in Menifee and then I still kind of tell people I live with you guys but even though I it wasn't my house you put it you I was there I had my own room in that room was sketchy everyone Ruggiero mom bad that room smell for some reason he always said we thought some he died in that room he was like really like it smelled like death and then they would just give me a I really think it was a sleep bag I think he was even like a beach towel but that was my my bed beach towel pillow but dude we were pumped is you manly we just wake up right 50s I want to say we kind of started that 50 frenzy deal but I think I said that on some social media post when I posted a picture you and me and then I got called out from Randy Warren's because I forgot those guys actually did yeah but those were the Z fit he's at that low no I was kind of laying but we kind of did start the the 50 deal where we'd go out and hit BMX jumps on 50 Mac threw into something big these would break them every day I saw you realize why we didn't even think about getting one tense because it would have made a lot more sense those 50s dude were so small but we're still going be gone those would have been way better yes some of the things we did on that so that was cool what sticks out of my head is that we would ride from there weird dude we would ride on major streets going through gnarly four-lane intersections and we would ride to Manny's house and then just for fun nobody was there no filmers we would go hit that 220 foot dirt hit song rips all day long in this junk dude I mean 220 foot 32 dirt hit that was huge and you would do that all day long and like it was no big deal right back and it was to the point when we were filming our movie Twitch and scummy I mean we we hit it I remember I was right behind you but we are going back up and I tell people one your chain broke and people don't realize man like that dirtbike riders worst nightmare that we we hit it 50 or you know pretty wide open let's just say wide open physio was huge we turned around went back up and right before you're about to drop down when I was right behind you your chain broken I remember you laughed about it I laughed I went up and we hook you know we're just laughing like oh dude it would have been so there that's what I'm saying growing up and really thinking about it you wouldn't you would be dead like and there's so many times worried it was like that like one thing like that you'd be dead I mean if your chain broke another 200 feet it being came out but that was like our life every single day just truly living on the edge and like you read these stories about motley crew and how gnarly those guys were in that whole lifestyle but the worst thing those guys could do is maybe break a nail playing the guitar I mean we were truly it was [ __ ] rock and roll what we did left living that lifestyle and on top riding bikes and we at that time we weren't doing it to be famous or nothing we were just doing it to happen have fun and go big yeah for sure who gave you this gummy nickname the scummy nickname there's so many stole I think you know my lifestyle back in the day was like I was a [ __ ] scumbag you know especially warped or do the chicks party and drugs not showering for however long you know hell was but I think this is Laurie name could have been scummy today I think all this could have been scummy but they're real real deal was on Warped Tour Long Beach dove Allstars their roadie his name was scummy and that guy was like a legend Manley started calling me scum yet I think on Warped Tour living on a tour bus for three months at a time living that lifestyle I mean it was pretty scummy and I really don't even want to talk about a lot of those stories but it was I was coming back what made you stop writing so many contests like when the contest started getting gnarly why'd you stop briefs off for a while it was all about you know your seat grab snow pretty cans or basic tricks and I was there when you did your first backflip right when I saw you do that and that was at the time the sport when you had to do the backflip to progress yeah you have to and it was the next step like if you weren't doing it you weren't doing it was the next thing and I feel before that we were all we were all kind of right there you know one trick a CC grab whatever like I feel I could have done all that and um but then when the backflip came I think you know the same story we saw a dudes just drop out like flies you know they they realize how gnarly that was and and for me I knew I I that wasn't my thing and I was truly scared what tricked me I was your skill level was just as good as mine if not better like you would always jump every jump first you'd always do the [ __ ] biggest extension on all your tricks and then when it came to flip and it was not because dudes like you dudes like Drake like dudes that like actually we're dope just never flip and I always sat back in it it tripped me out cause I was like how the [ __ ] are these guys not flipping like their dick kill it like you know mental things amazing yeah there's two different guys people like I don't know you or I truly think you're one of the most naturally talented riders there truly is but like for me I just think you know you look at the flip and I I just saw the dark side of it like if you don't make that that could end your life you know break your neck we you and me have seen guys break through net you know straight up I was just scared I knew I wasn't gonna go that way and that's where I kind of didn't know where my life was gonna go P as I dropped out of high school to to become you know a freestyle rider and everything was going good and then we got to that T in the road and you went left and you really started doing good your backflips and then has nothing I'm like if I want to win out to take it serious like we me and you we thought we took it serious but we were just having more fun than anything but then I started seeing all the dudes around me I'm like I'm just buying a house the students buying that I'm like I can't buy [ __ ] I'm like I'm barely getting by you know that's when I was like I gotta take this serious I'm like I want to make money like I'm like all these dudes around me are making money and I know I can [ __ ] smoke half of them you know what I mean I know and see I don't think I never really saw that I think I was still in that phase just partying like at that time I never thought it was gonna end like you know when you're forever you just think it's gonna go forever you know and I just the partying got more and more and then when you went your way I was starting to hang out with the wrong people I knew I wasn't gonna flip inside you know I I would fake it my sponsors this and I I remember I would just do enough tricks just to get through a show I wasn't motivated to practice and learn anything to know you know you guys always like try and tell me you know I just don't think maybe I just don't think I even had it I don't know I just wasn't motivated but I really think at our age and making money traveling the world the the girls are partying like I got addicted that lifestyle yeah of course we all broke bones but when I broke my my [ __ ] and I got pain pills I liked it yeah you know I was eating those things like candy because I enjoyed like just melting on the couch and just till I enjoyed being high so it really started going downhill fast I started getting addicted to pills the pills eventually turned into oxys that turned into snort nazis that turn into getting so addicted to oxy Xand and drugs were I physically needed you know that stuff to even survive and one of the gnarliest times is when you guys have that intervention for me well I remember you guys were there all the militia guys all my best friends Pennywise showed up like I wasn't all about allergies therefore like support but I'm like I knew your deal talked to you all the time on my dude like yeah I would always tell you like you need to just clean your [ __ ] up like I'm like that dudes a [ __ ] idiot that dudes a [ __ ] idiot I don't hang out with those dudes yeah yeah I know I just I'm just you know it's all good am i right but I know how you were like it I didn't want to be somewhere and bring you in this situation where everyone's like oh [ __ ] you Morrison II need you this you knew that that's what I always tell you myself I did come to hang out get your [ __ ] together come in yeah come right I don't mean and that's where I feel like I hurt you the most was that you were like a brother you're my best friend and I I'd see that because you would you were always trying to help me and it's why I just wasn't ready doesn't want to be helped you know I mean like you could I could tell you a million times don't do this but until you want to do it you're not gonna do I know I come to your house and fake it Sam doing no but you knew I wasn't you know I mean yeah that intervention you know that was gnarly that was a really gnarly time and even to this day like I think about them and having a group of people like that that really just wanted to see me do good and for me I walked out I told you guys I was fine ate some more pills and then you know I yeah I went home I got weeded that night two days later my best friend od'd in my truck and my addiction was so bad that you know I took his pills after he died it was that it was that bad and it was you know it's sad to say it was it might my life was that bad and it was it was a very dark and twisted stuff back when if you finally realized yourself you're like I got a [ __ ] problem that question this goes on for another eight years of me yeah getting you know just ruining my life completely what made you finally realize like you're like I want to get it I'm like I need help only go over it the last turning point where I knew it was it was done for me pretty much lost everything and it's really you know I don't really tell people this but I think I just want to tell people this so if somebody is out there dealing with addiction to see how twisted it can get that you went to heroin and then it got so bad that I traded and sold everything for heroin where you know I I had nothing more to get the heroin so then that's where I turned it dust off that's to office computer cleaner this is a stuff like I remember when I was doing good we saw it on intervention some chick you know huffing down the stops again I know I'm just saying like straight you look at that you're like dude that is like the craziest thing like almost laughing like Tudor are you kidding me yeah dude my life turn you that how dark my life got where it was the point I was going into Target Best Buy I had no money I was stealing dust off I was passing out in target like passed out in Best Buy I remember waking up in the aisle you know huffing it throwing up in the aisles the best buy and this is stuff I kept from all you guys I remember one night I did that I got my truck I passed out in my truck why are you driving it when I was driving and a car was coming I slammed into her and then I I don't think she had insurance so she ran off but it was such a weird experience I get goose bumps just talking just bringing this experience up I remember it I was like the Sun was going down my truck was demolished and I got out of my truck and I realize do you like this is like I can't believe my life got to this and I was sitting on the side of a curb when my truck was weeded had no cellphone and after all this happened I went in the back of my truck and I was just trying to squeeze off more dust off those empty but I was just trying like I wanted to die if I had a gun I would have shot myself right there it was like I was crying I just couldn't believe it it was a very surreal just gnarly moment just thinking like dude I had everything so then after that I had a half somebody stop I got their cellphone my buddy picked me up I told him dude I need you know I need to get back with culture bleh I had him take me to thrifty because I told him I was thirsty and after all this happened I went into thrifty and I got more dust off I stole it and then I walk out and there's an undercover cop and he put me in handcuffs right there right after you just got done right after yeah after this whole deal I broke down you know I I wanted to die it was I thinking like how could I just hand it right now I was even remembering thinking about calling you or fights to try and get me into rehab but I still don't think I was there do you even get to that point yeah but after I called my dad the next day dude just remember so heavy you start crying just totally broke down man um my dad picked me up the next day and it was like something out of a movie dude my dad showed up and like he he came up he was like crying I saw her crying tears happy I bet it it's gonna be a hard thing to think about it's gnarly you're good that's a good plastic good side pulled it just think it could have been worse no it's aren't that it's just you get does heavy um just my dad picked me up that day that's when it hit yeah yeah just I think the whole thing just my dad you know Kimmel crying and saw like how bad it was and he just felt so bad good so I never bring this up it's just [ __ ] hard I can't even pull together just trying to think but uh so my dad picked me up just hungry just wanted his son back deer did not and that's where I remember I went back ya know trying to pull but uh kicked my dirt bike down like at that point I just hated bikes hated like everything the whole uh just the whole scene of it whole scene I was sick of it you just wanted my life back so then what to my dad's house and then that's where like really hit me it's like after all this I was back to my dad's house dude like in my grew up at age 30 it was weird like we're trying to go get job interviews like I remember going to like just jobs and like I didn't know how to write a resume dude you know like what am i doing it was you see was a head trip dude like I lost it all I had everything I had I had a house down here a brand new cars ahead I had everything good I made it lost all and then uh so I remember I was there for about two weeks and then militia called me to sign my contract for the year and I I drove down to militia the whole time you know I was at my dad's house so all this I was just so depressed still wanted to die and I remember on the way back I stopped at Best Buy to get dust off to and still had no money still like what just had to get higher and it's weird like people don't get it but it was like I was a very like the worst addict ever and uh I went to Best Buy went my truck passed out my truck in the parking lot you know cuz I think just getting that high it would just make me forget about everything going on in my life yeah you know if he goes I had bills and you know at that time for the past three years when I get bills I'm always just throw them in the trash yeah I didn't want to so I was like just piling problems upon problems so I just so many so many issues in my life she's trying to Blake it out so that's why I just want to keep on getting heyn heyn on the way home from militiamen my house is two hours it was an eight hour drive and I don't remember it's driving around wherever you know last thing I remember is I'm in San Fernando Valley and I go into target and get a thing a dust off remember huffing it I got in my truck next thing you remember I wake up and my whole front of my truck is completely smashed in my the horns going off there's smoke there's people screaming on each side of me my truck was demolished my face is bleeding and you my foot was still only Gasol dude I got up my back tires were still spinning people were trying to rip me out of my car I guess I passed out on my truck and ran in sideswiping cars I think I hit about eight cars and I hit head-on into a UPS truck in the middle of an intersection no way you know I don't go to church every Sunday but I do believe I do pray on my knees every single night you know I was happy I got arrested I was blessed happy to go to jail I was in Twin Towers took me there I was happy I'm not made for jail dude yeah but at that time I was like I didn't even bother me and I don't know out of my car so I got out was that my dad's house and two days later my dad took me to rehab and remember we sat down my dad you know we don't know he didn't think he was gonna raise a drug act but they're like so what do you think he's gonna get sober and they said you know there's only the rates two percent of people that get that go super saiyan my dad like I remember him just start crying I gave my my son's gonna die I remember my first night rehab my dude this is it it led to this I'm in rehab like everything you see somebody about you whatever be I never thought I'd be in and I you know what from that day on it was the first day of the rest of my life like I was reborn again dude I started to see life clear everybody else in rehab was like he's bummed not pumped to be there dude I was like the first guy like going down there for meetings of five o'clock um stay there for 30 days I was so pumped I remember my graduation my dad was there my mom it was really emotional I got up there did a really amazing speech you know and it was like very true and then after that um I wanted to stay there so I wanted to go say that I bugged my parents you know I really want to stay in sober living so I stayed sober living for three months you know it's pumped me and Ashley talked before rehab what it was funny if he's also like it's funny how the world works um I told her to you know come and pick me up when I was at my dad's house when I dude you think he'd bring me a sack of weed to actually you know and so she didn't come over thank God cause she would have came over yeah I saw who I was over you would have been over so somehow I convinced her you know I'm good like please come let's go on it you know date so she didn't want to man you know to pick up some guy from sober living you didn't want to date it was gnarly took a lot for and I remember she told me the first night she got did a corner of my rehab and turned around and then it was a second night she came and we went on a date and she saw me for who I really was because when I'm sober I'm a great guy and you know but it's funny the first day like I had I'm like here's the deal we went to move on like here's the deal I have no money can you pay like but she was a nurse so she worked at she had to go work in some rehab so she knew the deal she was my angel man she saved my life and then my other friend rehab Adam you met him I moved in with him I started working putting in windows I've never had a job my life yeah sorry gave my life back dude everything was amazing to me every single day was like Christmas I started doing everything right I started seeing yourself being yourself myself I didn't care and the biggest thing if you want to get sober your ego has to go out the window I did you know I do this day man I take bubble baths bro every night I'll snuggle my white dog dude you know I don't care man like that's my that's my life and I don't care it's just it's the small things dude and now it's been five years I'm sobering like so to get back to when I ran into those cars and like all the people I could have hurt I got so lucky from not killing anybody that my mission in life now is to help as many addicts as I can and that's like my big deal now you know I go to rehabs a couple times a month I've talking into some schools and you see like when I do my posts on Instagram stuff it's like it's in serum and I get people that hit me up on Facebook I'll get their phone whereas I talked about one person today help people and I'm gonna do that the rest of my life man to get as I feel from how lucky it was that I didn't kill anybody and then I survived but I have to do it you guys I got so lucky so to get this interview over man five years sober my life keeps on getting better and the best thing is like I remember the first person I called was you at a rehab like do I you know I'm back dear don't used to have our friendship back have our friendship back with like oh my my buddies it's huge dude for sure story so caring your emotion love your dog oh man yeah put it through Irene I mean I got the it's just hard did I never cut this emotional over anything good it's weird in I guess it's just so real to because I I've never talked about you relive it you know what I mean it's not like you have you still have all those memories you ain't ever gonna forget this yeah but I just don't bring it up yeah it just means a lot you know coming back and just hanging out with all my friends they've got everybody back so yeah we appreciate you dog we gotta cut it right now I gotta pull together what do you do now to keep yourself busy you know it's funny that I don't think anybody even knew this because I'm so high all the time man when I got sober I realized like you know I I feel I'm kind of smart dude like I actually figured some [ __ ] out dude you know I'm out of rehab I linked up with my best friend from high school we started scumbag that eventually turned into SMB gp's I really don't want to have the names come back I feel like that's not who I am no more yeah we changed it to SME G and we had to come up with like what is SMB G what could a stand for so we came out with strong motivation brings glory you know and that's just kind of something positive so after SM BG know why not do more so me and my other good friend Jeff we started underwear company skivvy skinny means underwear look it up in the dictionary great name really yeah you never heard that I thought that was just a name you came up with I never knew that like it's a military turn give you know Scoobies are like it's like been our laughs got a word for two hundred years in a view giving means underwear yeah SK IV VI e so we did SK bi so anyway did that and then uh I'm riding but you know what now I'm riding for fun yeah I'm telling the truth I'm scared to go out and hit a ramp you just riding for Instagram now on Facebook saying grind today to coming down here ride with you guys oh no it's just weirdo kind of like just kind of scared in life a little bit I don't know if you oh yeah yeah I got a real job now and I'm over getting her maybe it's getting back on pain pills and it just you grow up you think about stuff when we were young like we're talking about the story of smoking weed all that hitting a 200-foot job and your chain breaks and we were laughing about that I have nightmares about that [ __ ] you know now it's like when you get older and you get I think your parents soul yeah my parents like the older you get you just think about stuff so now I just think about everything I just my goal now is you know what I always looked up to you for having a wife great kids being a best happens that's bigger than anything being all your gold medals being a good dad yeah these days is the best thing and I have so much respect for you for always being there for your kids and that's what I want to be now you know I'm getting married next month hey Ashley she saved my life you know like that's what I want I wanted to get her levy I think I'm gonna give her a baby couple couple I don't know we'll start with one but yeah I want to be a family yeah I just get my life going man and riding ride for fun I coming down here round with you and had a good time you didn't overdo right tomorrow I'm not we're selling the mountain bike we'll talk about that yeah that's another advance be keeping me on track to me as I feel you and me after you hit 30 the more you eat me I think our tummies are getting a little big candy did you still eat candy more than anybody and I am a candy got a video I got into running right out to rehab I like got addicted at running I run like three miles a day but that's like been keeping me really on point but I think I have to do that because I love eating so much junk food that if I don't I think I would be fat so so yeah just staying healthy eating like [ __ ] having fun and just trying to start a family and enjoying life like and uh but yeah that's about it man you're you know I'm proud of you from day one and uh always does man I like it done thank you for stopping by talking [ __ ] hell yeah buddy switching scam you still live people you
Channel: TwitchThis1
Views: 303,447
Rating: 4.9593906 out of 5
Keywords: moto, motocross, tswt, talk show, twitch, jeremy twitch stenberg, scummy, colin morrison, bts, motorsports, action sports, twitch and scummy, dirt bikes, bmx, funny, fail, gopro, fmx, freestyle motocross
Id: 00ZmcM1Su3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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