'TSUNAMI-LIKE WAVES' Hit Village in Indonesia (Tidal Bore) | Kampar River (Sumatra)
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Channel: Licet Studios
Views: 9,571,529
Rating: 4.4639158 out of 5
Keywords: tsunami, INDONESIAN TSUNAMI, tsunami indonesia, tidal bore, tidal wave, tsunami like wave, wave, tsunami wave, bono, bono wave, large wave, bore river, river wave, river, river tsunami, Qiantang River, Kampar River, tsunami (disaster type), tsunami caught on camera, Massive wave, Flood, natural disaster, hit by tsunami, unexpected wave, fishing, caught on camera, caught off guard, Run For Life, fishermen, surfing, surfing tsunami, surfing tsunami wave, tidal surge, high tide
Id: pKd0PCI6Sx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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