Glacier Calving | 15 Amazing Collapses, Tsunami Waves and Icebergs
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Channel: Licet Studios
Views: 5,829,249
Rating: 4.7318697 out of 5
Keywords: glacier calving, glacier calving compilation, glacier calving tsunami, glacier breaking off, glacier collapse, GLACIER CALVING & TSUNAMI WAVE, largest glacier calving ever filmed, Icebergs, tsunami, Large iceberg breaking over, Iceberg breaking up, iceberg collapse, iceberg flip, tsunami wave, climate change, chasing ice, iceberg shooter, iceberg tsunami, glacier wall collapse, iceberg compilation, top 10, top 15, wave, greenland, antarctica, global warming, 4k, 2020, ice melting
Id: 49bYTMo3Vxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The amount of cheering is pretty depressing
People that clapped gonna regret that in a while...
I have seen a lot gore videos and I might cringe but I still finished them (glass breaking in guys butt, guy fucked and killed by horse, guy chopping his own penis off etc) but I couldnβt watch this. I watched this for two seconds and I just couldnβt. Itβs just too damn depressing.
Especially with the background of the recent reports that the Greenland ice sheet melting passed the point of no return:
Video just shows normal glacier calving and icebergs flipping over. No new information or dates of sequence.