GOLDEN BUZZER! 10-Year-Old Gives POWERFUL Audition Of Lady Gaga's 'Shallow' | Amazing Auditions
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Channel: Amazing Auditions
Views: 3,782,190
Rating: 4.885891 out of 5
Keywords: amazing auditions, GOLDEN BUZZER! 10-Year-Old Gives POWERFUL Audition Of Lady Gaga's 'Shallow', golden buzzer, america's got talent, agt, roberta battaglia golden buzzer, roberta battaglia agt, agt golden buzzer, 10 year old singer, 10 year old golden buzzer, powerful audition, good audition, best audition, lady gaga, lady gaga shallow, shallow, shallow cover, lady gaga cover, a star is born, a star is born cover
Id: Bxq0NopiLRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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