I Surprised A Fan With A $1,000,000 Base Flip!! | E45

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are you looking to sell this base i don't know yet maybe so what do you think this is worth right now um maybe like fifty to sixty thousand dollars i'd say maybe forty thousand forty to fifty in that range so so you know very dark interior got like uh some lock shafts right up front kind of makes you think like maybe we're in an unsafe neighborhood a dog house inside wow look at these poor animals i mean talk about animal abuse guys you got grass on the inside of your base look at that wow yeah i know an indoor farm i mean that's a unique feature right yeah yeah let's take a look downstairs wow yeah i'm working on a zombie grinder wow we're probably looking at about a quarter million dollar investment to really spruce this place up now i think we could probably make the final sale about a million dollars what do you think pretty nice yeah that sounds good that's what we're gonna try to do here today is is invest into this base try to bring them to a million dollars profit all right gamer doge so while i'm working on the inside of your base i'm going to start the tear down section i need you to start cleaning up all the grief on the outside and i got to go back inside because we have a lot of cleanup to do we got to tear down the inside obviously the first step is we got to clear all these torches in here i mean they're just randomly spaced we got to really make it a little bit more even that'll help us maybe getting rid of the dog house and maybe moving that outside might be a little bit safer for these little doggos here what do you think yeah yeah i think that'd be pretty cool i think another big thing here is we could expand this window make it a big window and then the bigger the view is of that new improved landscape all right we're gonna get to that milly cell point at the end yeah that'd be pretty nice that whole entire rooftop deck it's a great idea i love it but i don't know if people are gonna want to actually go to their deck to harvest things i think we could relocate that somewhere else nether portal whole thing's got to go to be honest with you then again you got this you know you have this great corner room you have so much area that could be open to windows but it's just not windows and you got this little i'm not even sure what that is but that looks like a great opportunity for just a big fat view here what do we have oh yeah look at that you got the forest this is where a great great great big window goes uh i'm gonna reuse that wall and kind of place it on the floor here just like that that'll give us a nice little outline and uh we're gonna fill it all in with glass and kind of keep this pattern going once we get to that point now you also got another issue here where the uh staircase and the front door are not really lined up at all i mean they're completely uneven we're gonna have to fix that uh in a big way now i'm not usually one for the three wide door but i feel like i feel like this is a rare exception it's gonna work pretty well i think for now though let's get some investments here going on now we're gonna keep track of how much money we actually spend on this house see how close i am to my estimate i made at the beginning so first spend 960 bucks for the glass there i i actually kind of like that we're giving it like a modern vibe because that's what sells these days guys in the minecraft market people want a modern base and that's what we're here to do that's cool and in fact we could even wrap this around for an even cooler look now that's cool because it kind of frames the window it says welcome to my house sure there's no privacy but who needs privacy anymore we're gonna do the same thing here by wrapping this window all the way around more renovations taking place upstairs cleaning up all the torches getting those windows on there we'll go back down in a second stuff all over the place so we we open this up all right this is gonna let that that beautiful view into this place i mean look at that view come on you get the greenery there's really no griefing out there it's just it's a gorgeous view this is gorgeous we gotta go over one more do we i mean it just it frames it so it really brings the room together that's an exquisite little update right there wow and we've actually used all 64 pieces of glass already so that was 960 worth of investment i feel like it's paying off so well pretty pretty decently but i mean i mean it's it's coming together now for some reason we've got this kind of like uh shifting color and wood now i'm not against different colored wood i think i think it's fine but i think it'd look a little better if we were a little bit more consistent here or just kind of tied it into the main room just a smidge you know all right well there's another 300 invested so far it's not too bad though um what else that looked good another 400 let's go ahead and fill this in i think a little oh yeah that's good so this originally was like the nether portal room and what is through this wall right here is this outside oh my gosh it is look at that okay i got it i got it so i got it so we're going to add a highlight piece here now this is really add to the market ability of this base right now so we're going to take uh we're taking some stone bricks we're going to pop these in right here along this column and then highlight the edge just like that that's going to be like a little support beam um could come down one yep oh chill there we go okay that's nice and this could lead you outside to like a brand new patio so moving the nether portal i feel like this is not a great spot for it you know like it just doesn't look good in the first place now my boy's still cleaning up outside he's still cleaning it up gamer doge took out a full mountain right now i mean that's don't underrate that he literally broke an entire mountain that's pretty legit another 125 times three dollars right there just got spent and now i actually need a flint and steel as well i should have one of those though is this enough to light i hope it is there we go okay i feel like that's a much better location so now you got like the downstairs which makes sense because then if any of the monsters come out of it they're gonna be locked down there but this staircase here is killing me i mean we can't have a staircase like just in the corner of your room i don't know what we're gonna do but i think a ladder is probably gonna look a little better than this you know a little bit easier like grandma ain't gonna be walking down the stairs grandma's gonna go down a ladder all right grandma we'll do that but no stairs might as well demolition the whole floor here too while we're at it you know kind of gives it more of a dungeon vibe you know i like that and the way it's designed is it it's going to be tougher for bad mobs to make it out of here so i think that looks a lot better the steep drop-off is kind of weird i don't want to get too too crazy with it yet all right we're going to go with the ladder there we go look at that look at that that is that is immensely better than what we had when we started in this space it may not be perfect but that is freaking functional this inner ring right here is also going to get that same stone treatment but i think we're going to use smooth stone to make it pop more give a little bit more depth it's cool i think i don't know it's is this is weird but i like it okay the depth's coming together pretty nicely here i like that i like that a lot okay so our front entrance is coming along these rooms obviously have a lot of work left on them but i need to go destroy this upper balcony uh and everything to do with it because this is not it all right balconies definitely are not for the animals wow so this is what we're looking like when we take off that whole front balcony it's it's it's crate i mean oh that's ooh that is uneven that is very oh my gosh there's a lot to do up there uh we'll just cut through this anyway and see what that does how do i make this even when i can't see down below where's the door that's probably even all right we're gonna buy a little bit more stone so that's another 300 invested right now [Music] [Applause] all right so we're going for more of like a very nice private balcony up here so i went with the car i want the stone wall to keep that little layer separation going on around here again i have no idea but it feels good i'm gonna need more stone that's a lot of stone we're buying today stone industry is happy though so we'll give them some outdoor chairs and by the way you can legitimately sit on these like look at this like you can actually sit so this is a great piece here now i'm feeling a little bit romantical right now so we're gonna put a flower pot down and then put in a flower okay and i feel like this is the spot maybe like a beautiful red tulip all right that's this is the this is the location all right this is where this is where it happens look at look at this this is gorgeous i mean come on how about that huh how about that corner this symmetry this is gorgeous can you believe that this is a real thing that exists right now now this balcony needs a lot of work as well this is about to be the epitome of luxury right here it's gonna be a rooftop hot tub right in the corner and uh it's gonna be pretty luxurious i think and then uh we'll fill that up with water and that becomes a legitimate rooftop hot tub with like beautiful views a lantern right in the corner i can't do that i can't do that you can't so little romantical rooftop hot tub look how much better this looks already the whole base is uneven this whole wall what the heck is this home huh now guys i don't think homes in real life are even so right so we'll just leave it like that for now oh the doghouse sorry dogs i'm not sure i'm not going to kill you but this ain't this ain't we ain't keeping you here this is torture whoa what the heck okay so this is like a little back entrance we're gonna turn this into just like a really simple patio i think this all becomes stone because patios are usually stone i feel like probably because we ain't got time for the grass to grow all right our client needs this base to be sold for a million plus dollars i'm gonna replace all this dirt with grass right away and give these dogs a real place to play i mean we can't have them trapped underneath the house it's just it's just not fair all right wow 600 for grass i mean the grass industry is scamming us right now that's a little bit too much i think [Music] we just spent 1200 on grass that's like one percent of our total money just on buying grass okay this is going to be expensive we're going to buy at least two stacks of regular stone i think here yeah it's only six hundred dollars whoa creeper okay 41 stone walls we're gonna actually turn this into like a legit backyard barbecue area should be pretty sweet so we can actually make these like legit look like they're grilling by putting an invisible chicken on the top which is kind of funny so that one's actually being cooked and then on the side this is like the preparation plate and if i actually get like raw chicken which i somehow have none of yo you can't buy raw chicken someone sell me raw chicken keep selling me thank you for one dollar guys it's a lot easier to build this stuff when you can just ask for it to be sold and it is and look at this now you've got the cooked chicken and the raw chicken next to each other and then in this corner i would say it's probably best to do a little tiny campfire region because you gotta have a little campfire region so can somebody please sell me campfire guys there's just certain items i don't know how to make and it's this is one of them okay someone sell me a campfire right now on the auction house i'm gonna buy it from you okay 100 campfire do it campfire it was ten thousand dollars i thought that was too high hundred bucks for a campfire let's go did i get it no quit buying my campfires yes how's that feel campfire steelers now it's mine there we go i don't know about you guys but uh trees are classy so we will put a tree now in the backyard you've got like honestly like a really cool just a clean looking yard right now so i'm trying to keep it to mostly like white flowers because i really would like the i don't want the flowers to take away from the dogs you know the dogs are the stars here this is their playground they can go out and enjoy life and come inside whenever they want so there you guys they also need a doggy door like that's actually great you can actually have a functional doggy door but they can walk through now the inside i took down every single torch there's no lighting in here so i think just to keep it simple we're just gonna put down some lanterns in the corners for now maybe we'll move it but for now you know it does what we need all right i'm gonna go ahead and clean up the main entrance now okay now i love what i just did there but i also love the idea of an indoor farm i think that's a super clean idea got to put more doors down i need more doors they look it gives me like a barn feel like i wasn't even going for that i was going modern now we got a barn feeling base and i love it now these are cool i feel like the labeling is nice i love i love the vibe there's not a lot i would change about this room i feel like it's very clean maybe just a little bit more segmentation in here you know like a little more of a clean walkway and then we could give it a little bit more usability by giving it like an infinite water source like you probably need water when you're farming right and it seems like there is none anywhere now you can see what the back of the house looks like um it's nice to have a walkway here and i feel like it's probably going to make more sense to make this more of a greenhouse type vibe so if we add some skylight windows here how much better does this look like now the entire greenhouse has natural light coming in so that's just our spot for infinite water i think and we'll just break these pumpkins down because they're kind of in the way all right we're going to break this dude i got to fix this back wall this back room has become a little bit more than i meant to do now i hate to inform you guys but this whole entire room was made uneven from the original designer there's not a lot i could do about that besides remaking the whole base so we're gonna have to do the best we can with the uneven this year um that window just happens to be a little bit larger i feel like you get a little artistic with these and put this in the corner and then have like the jungle beans kind of grow in like that fun little fun little addition see not only is this actually like more effective at growing more of these it also looks better so now like you can have those like kind of act as pillars in your base okay so the idea is like each of these corners now has its own type of crop i didn't even mean to do that room that was totally an accident i was gonna leave it as is i think it looks way better it's kind of cluttered but like in a cool way but i wanted to finish the living room because i don't feel like i like it very much now i feel like carpet is probably what we need maybe just like a little bit of like a color we'll do a little bit so that's obviously the dog mat so when the dog goes in and out he's got to wipe his paws on this mat so that's the purpose of that one and then we can do some cool designs with it by doing something kind of like this okay that's kind of cool honestly it's weird because it looks like ohio state football helmets and it's not what i was going for but that's definitely the color scheme that i'm getting here it's kind of cool though so this is just so our dog feels a little bit more special i don't know give him like a little a little fancy entrance point right there that is the most intense dog doggy door i've ever seen in my entire life okay i think that looks pretty sweet this living room looks so good now we got the barrels we got the hanging lanterns we got the death i mean we got it all in this space i could have some trim too but i don't feel like we need it first floor looks really good i'm happy with it second floor still needs a little bit of renovation and i think for this one we could just go for more uh like utility here wow look at that look at that view that's a great view that looks so good so we're gonna go more utility here which means we're just gonna give it like more purpose like maybe in the channing room like stuff people actually want so that becomes a little seating arena underneath the staircase which is exotic and fancy i really i really committed to that uh that ring idea for some reason i'm not really sure the purpose of it but i full on scented really dislike this staircase i feel like getting up to the roof is is um i don't even think it's necessary to be honest i don't think you you got so many balconies like you really need 16 more like you do not need a rooftop a reading nook in the corner we need bookshelves okay well the reading nook didn't happen but we got cool bookshelves i guess okay so i'm not sure what carpet pattern to do here but uh i feel like you're chilling here so maybe like a little bit of a little bit here while you're working so you have a little bit of carpet okay well i got an enchantment table i think that's pretty good probably better suited for the basement though okay so just a really simple enchantment table down here in the bottom of the basement or the dungeon whatever you want to call that thing um it's just like the naxi room in the house like you you know basement oh i just closed it after a lot of hard work this is what the base now looks like so the inside living room is honestly beautiful downstairs has been now completely renovated with a nice dungeon feel you've got your own enchanting table and then of course your own custom chest room in this corner it's not the biggest one in the world but it's enough to store pretty much all that you'll need we also transformed this into a beautiful seating room which is honestly great compared to what it used to look like and i also did some small upgrades to the upstairs by adding like weird like seating by the window which i thought would be kind of fun if you were like eating here like this is where you want to eat we already got a sale and this house has officially been sold for 1 million dollars profit if you guys enjoyed today's episode don't forget to click right here subscribe to my channel
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,033,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 9qS5VZLv8SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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