Testing RARE Minecraft Seeds To See How Good They Are

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today we're looking at some of the best seeds in minecraft to see which one's perfect for your next world this first seed is for the player out there that plays games on peaceful mode no challenge you literally want your life to be handed to you and this is the seed for you that's a respawn and this is how long it takes you to get diamonds three two one hopefully i don't fall in lava zero where is it right here as you follow the ground literally from spawn it's about a three second process to find diamonds but not only are you starting with diamonds you also have the entire ravine full of items also we're in 1.17 i know a little bit advanced for you guys but you have all of these ores in the wall and you've got a cave over here which guess what my friends there's a mine shaft in here with even more surprises inside you literally could get everything you want probably within a couple seconds it's actually unbelievable even some axolotls down here wow but that's just one of many insane seeds minecraft has to offer seeds with spawns and villages so crazy you won't even believe they're real like the following village seeds that we found through our research this first village seed we're looking at is actually sad it comes with a very sad story this is an abandoned village where all the villagers look to have been killed what are they killed from you might be asking well that they spot next to a giant mansion and unfortunately i think the story here is that these villagers were brutally murdered their families killed their children taken away from them but it's a good story so if you're looking for a world with a good story set up this is the one for you now the next village we're going to look at contains probably the weirdest most unbelievable village spawn you're going to see in your entire life because it looks kind of normal except for the house and the sky until you pan a little bit to the right and realize it has probably the largest ravine i have ever seen in my entire life the size of this thing is unbelievable the amount of fun you could have from a lava pit like that below your evil base on top of a pillar is pretty darn high but that's not all right over here next to the side of it take a look at this a ruined portal next to the base next to the ravine honestly guys you cannot tell me you will ever find a spawn with a better base than that unless the next one is better which it just might be now if the last two villages weren't enough for you you're a maniac which means you're just like me this one might be perfect for you to play on you look around and you're gonna notice it's just a simple desert village and to be honest with you the desert kind of sucks all right no hate towards desert lovers but i don't like it here's one reason why you might like this one though boom right next to it a freaking desert pyramid but you know we wouldn't be including this so that's all it was sure it's cool but we can go even bigger and i'm gonna show you right now how we can go bigger than it's with that one another one another desert temple literally across the street from these guys i don't know if they built on some ancient holy site the egyptians built here but i feel like there's a little bit of bad luck if you're building on a site with two desert pyramids meow subscribe to lover fella but here's where it gets even crazier inside one of the desert temples there's a glitch that mojang released last year and at the very bottom inside of this chest a stack of 64. i'm just kidding i made that up put it in there folks got him there's no diamond blocks but there is actually another secret that this world possesses a secret that makes this seed even better for you village lovers out there like myself you might look in the distance and think oh some beautiful mountains back there it looks pretty good and bang another village right behind this one in another village right there village village village pyramid here i mean literally like could you just beat the game by just never leaving these three villains and another village there's four millers here guys you just can't beat it it's an unbelievable season what if you're looking for a seat it's a one in 50 billion chance that's what this one's gonna get you right here any guesses as to what the seat is no it's not the giant ravine that leads you all the way down to diamond that's not it although it is a nice addition it's the fact that every single villager is a blacksmith you're a blacksmith you're a blacksmith you're a blacksmith you're all blacksmiths you come in this village you're not a blacksmith they kill you all right there's another one oh my gosh they're literally everywhere this entire city is just designed for blacksmiths i mean there's a few farmers that come in but if for whatever reason you have a strong desire to have a entire city of blacksmiths did kill each other what are they doing this seed would be perfect for you now a lot of the villagers are kind of insane but not as insane as some of these auto-generated monuments that we found in minecraft like this one which you can see i just joined and uh what is that did we just spawn on top of a freaking hole you literally dig down three times there's already a stronghold here you can find the end portal probably faster on this seed than any other seed in existence in fact if you know a faster seed you tell me in the comments because i have not been able to find it that hole that i dug is where you spawn here take a look at that but if the stronghold is not enough for you well you have this giant ravine that goes all the way down to lava and bedrock where of course you can find all kinds of oars and die in lava and i didn't even mention the fact that there's a whole entire village right above you this is everything you could ever want the only thing this is missing really is uh you know another village that's right there there was also a mine shaft right next to the stronghold which is literally three feet away from spawn so if you want to speed run the game and push your limits this might be one of the best seeds to do it now wouldn't be an honest video if i didn't show you guys my secret overpowered seed we found this one online so it's not actually a secret but we're revealing it now to you guys right here today we're gonna start showing you in the distance you've got the woodland mansion and a village right there to the left but down below us things go to an unbelievable cursed level because right here is a seemingly normal village with seemingly normal village people but so cursed about this act you might be asking in fact i don't see anything weird except for a giant hole a ravine what could it lead to maybe a mine shaft you might be thinking no it leads to a minor shaft and the uh end of the game right here going to the end portal right here from underneath the village which is pretty rare you don't have a mine shaft of course it does why would we show you a seed that doesn't have multiple villages mine shops and portals the odds of this spawning is low the exact number is unknown but i'm assuming it's about this i mean there's really not a lot to dislike about the seed but what we're going to show you guys next are what i call biome seeds seeds that disform and change and curse the biomes that you spawn in imagine this grassland except everything's purple now blue none of that's possible but what we show you will be so crazy you might wish this was possible did that even make sense this is truly a world record because it is the world's smallest ever discovered natural mess-up biome look at this it is in between a literal desert down here and this is actually classified as a mesobiome what's even crazier about this little tiny baby biome right here is that it actually managed to spawn with an entire pyramid inside of it how crazy is that but it doesn't stop there this little oasis also contains a ruined portal now a little bit of it right i think the rest of it's underground but this is probably one of the strangest things ever i mean just imagine playing you're in the middle of a jungle and suddenly you see this if that doesn't look like some sort of ancient x marks a spot treasure i don't know what is so i'm glad that there is treasure here what's even weirder is when you zoom out and look at this map from like a super big distance you can see the mesa actually surrounds the jungle and then it surrounds this it's so strange how this thing generated this episode supersede is brought to you by this number right here this scene is insane starting off with the ice spike village a very cool village but not even half of what this crazy seat has to offer if we fly a couple feet away from this village you're gonna notice the bang right there we've got a mushroom island village you don't see too many mushroom villages especially mushroom biomes in general oh wait is that a double mushroom biome village it is guys there's literally two right there there's so much to take in here it's hard to even talk ice village back there you've got the village here the pyramid to the left you've got the freaking mushroom biome another village right there and if that's not enough there is a miniature mount everest spawned right over here next to these two villages you could climb on top of that freeze your little toesies off and and build on top of it i don't know what you're going to make but you can make something on top of it honestly i've never seen a seed like this in my life i feel like the odds of this are are the negatives for this to ever happen you will probably never see a seed like this again keep watching until the end because we do have some of our crazier ones coming up but this one's good to write down now some of these biome seeds are super weird because minecraft can repeat things forever and this one contains an infinitely repeating cave now ours is a little bit weird because we're actually 1.17 but as you can see it goes on and on forever but the odds of this happening are so unbelievably rare it is near impossible to actually find one of these on your own now the last category we're going to look at and you better be finding a seed here folks because these are good are what i call the water themed worlds these are ones that take place in the water and create seeds so unbelievably cursed or overpowered that you're gonna have to see them to believe them the first of these cursed seeds contains an underwater ocean monument and it looks pretty cool i like it you know these are pretty sweet but as we come down on this one you've got connected to it in actually a pretty aesthetically pleasing way a ruined portal right off the side i mean honestly it just looks amazing let's take a look at the next one though because it makes this literally look like nothing we've got this incredible looking underwater monument it looks good doesn't it i love this we can come here we can have some fun there's nothing weird about this at all absolutely nothing about this spawn is weird or unnatural matter of fact let's take it down a little bit lower what's in this little window i didn't realize i had windows let's take a peek inside oh just one of these underwater yeah that's completely normal guys the craziest seat ever look at this thing it's unbelievable how cursed it is i mean honestly the fact that something like this can even spawn just goes to show us how lucky we are to be alive all right this is something beautiful the weirdest part is the water is not inside of this dungeon so you can walk through the stronghold by yourself without any worries as long as you don't break anything because if you go outside the water might start flooding in this thing is just unbelievable guys what i really want to see this is my challenge to you guys out there posted on my subreddit if you do it drain this sucker and let's see what it looks like with no water around it that would be unbelievable this next water seed is in java minecraft one of my favorites because it's just simple and fun you spawn right next to a ruined portal but it's also like a shipwrecked island i feel like you can tell a fun story with this one a lot of times these are just like randomly crashed in the ocean it doesn't even really make a lot of sense finally we get to see a shipwreck that's actually a real shipwreck and you get a room portal it's like a win-win seed for us right here there's also another spectacular feature of this seat and it's the fact there's almost no land around you it's just a jungle island you literally spawn in a jungle you get this little boat and that's it it's almost like the story line where you crashed your boat and now you've got to survive naked and afraid on this island i think there's a lot of potential for this seed make it so that you can't leave the island you got yourself a fun little game mode there folks what what this is the first scene today that i have spawned at and it's appropriate because i literally just didn't even know what to say what is this it looks like a crater like a meteor crashed into this wall but it gets even stranger as you look down what is that apparently there's a waterfall wait hold on are we underwater okay so apparently a meteorite looks like it crashed into this wall you've got some water flowing down obviously the stronghold here boy this is weird you actually start on one of the weirdest spots i've ever seen in my entire life i've never seen like minecraft worlds generate with just a cut off wall and cursed glitch water like this i mean you guys see that it's actually not flowing i want to place a block here to see if that updates it okay so if you put a block next to it it'll update it but this is cool in its own because like there's not a lot of seats that have water spawning like this this one has like an immense amount of potential right here this only one of my favorites we've seen today now guys i want to show you the most beautiful and pretty seed we have ever seen it's you guys if you enjoyed today's video want to see some more cool videos by us click right here for the last video on this channel we made you're gonna love it go ahead and check it out right now and i'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,367,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: fuYF249RmLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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