Trying Turkish Breakfast in Istanbul, Turkey

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Would love to go to Istanbul right about now. So jealous! :)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/NinhLyUK šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 29 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
Good morning from Istanbul. Morning. I still have that sleepy voice. Yeah! We are starving so weā€™re going to get a traditional Turkish breakfast, which everyone says that we have to try. We havenā€™t yet so weā€™re going to check that off of our list. And weā€™re staying in this Galata area of the city, which we love. And itā€™s full of steep streets, winding and narrow. Very charming streets but when you havenā€™t eaten and youā€™re so hungry, Iā€™m likeā€¦ Takes a lot of energy first thing. ā€¦out of breath. But itā€™s worth it to get Turkish breakfast. We had to stop on the way and show you the Galata Tower. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Istanbul and, of course, this is the Galata area so we have the Galata Tower and itā€™s one of the oldest towers in the entire world. I believe the first one, because there have been a few, dates back to the 6th century and then they rebuilt it in the early 1200s. And it was originally used as a lighthouse because itā€™s on a hill hence all of the hills walking around here. But you can see it from all over the city and itā€™s beautiful, yeah. And they light it up really nicely at night. Yeah it looks amazing at night. I love it. Onwards! I spy Turkish breakfast! I hope they have it. I hope they have it, yeah. Şirin Fırın | Bakery Weā€™re at Şirin Bakery and they have brought the food and it just fills the entire table. In fact, she had to bring over a cute little stool to use as an extra table because it just looks like a feast. Weā€™re going to eat very well. If you eat with your eyes, I am already feeling very good about this meal. We also ordered Turkish coffee, which looks very rich and they serve it with a little glass of water like this and also, my favourite part, a piece of Turkish delight. One of my favourite things on the planet. So starting my day with Turkish delightā€¦ itā€™s going to be a good day. And then the breakfast plates ā€” the Turkish breakfast ā€” comes with all these little samples of different things for you to try and mix together. It looks amazing and so colourful. Iā€™m not exactly sure what every single thing is but I know we definitely have a hard-boiled egg, thereā€™s two different kinds of cheese, some meat, cucumber with sliced peppers, tomato, butter, honey, olives, and jam. And then what looks like borek in the middle and thereā€™s definitely some with meat and I think thereā€™s some cheese borek too, which is my personal favourite. Oh and thereā€™s bread as well. And sugar if you want to add it to your very strong Turkish coffee. So this just looks amazing. I canā€™t wait to dig in. I love how they serve this Turkish coffee. I havenā€™t had this in years. When I lived in Germany, my host mom was half-Turkish and so she sometimes made me Turkish coffee and I just remember feeling that it was really strong. So Iā€™ll see if I feel the same now that Iā€™ve grown up a little bit. See if you need any sugar in there. Yeah. I think I probably will. Still strong! -Yeah youā€™re wide awake now. All of a sudden I feel so awake. Oh itā€™s really creamy though. It looks like it. You know what? Itā€™s actually really strong but I think that, you know thereā€™s not very much of it and with the Turkish delight, maybe I donā€™t need to add sugar. No? -Itā€™s really creamy, which surprises me because normally if I just have a, you know, espresso or something, it tastesā€¦ it doesnā€™t taste like this. This tastes better. To me. Itā€™s just creamier. Goes down smooth. Where to begin? You know what? Maybe Iā€™ll try the borek first. Oh yeah, good choice. Mmm. Tastes really fresh. Weā€™re at a bakery. Itā€™s so good. Iā€™d be happy just with this to be honest. Was it a cheese borek or was there meat in it? -It was cheese, yeah. My favourite. Mmm. Choose your own adventure. I love how you can just try little bits of everything and mix it as you want. Okay. Maybe some of the jam. And I love jam and cheese together. Hereā€™s some cheese. Mmm. You know how I feel about cheese and jam. Do you like cheese and jam together? Leave a comment! Mmm. Iā€™m living vicariously through you. I just keep going ā€˜mmmā€™ to myself. Marc hasnā€™t even had any yet because thereā€™s so much to try. I know! Thisā€¦itā€™s a good way to start the day. Iā€™m already counting how many days we have left in Turkey and mentally calculating how many more times I can have Turkish breakfast. I guess I like it. Might have to extend our stay. Maybe. Okay, Iā€™m going to try this one. Itā€™s been intriguing me. I donā€™t exactly know what that is. I think itā€™s a meat borek. A meat borek, yeah. It kind of smells like meat, yeah. So letā€™s do it. Smells like meat, must be meat. Okay. You just canā€™t go wrong with borek. No. Do you want to mix and match some other things? Yeah. Letā€™s try thisā€¦ --Thereā€™s the bread as well. Letā€™s try this cheese. Iā€™m going to take a slice of this. Whoa! Oh! No! Weā€™ve lost the cheese. Oh no! Oh! Itā€™s okay, Iā€™ll share with you. Okay, thank you. The table is so small, it was bound to happen. Thatā€™s the saddest thing thatā€™s ever happened. At least it wasnā€™t the egg. Oh, I hate losing cheese. Do you often lose cheese? It might be one of the first times. -Exactly. Mmm. Does it taste like feta? Itā€™s like maybe goatā€™s cheese. Mmm. Really good. Really creamy. Mmm I love it. These olives are staring at me and they just look so good. So letā€™s get one of these. Should I go with black or green? I donā€™t know, choose your own adventure. Maybe both. I for sure thought that was going on the ground too. I know. Iā€™m not very good at this. It almost did. Mmm mmm mmm. So final thoughts on Turkish breakfast? I love Turkish breakfast. Iā€™m on board. I also want to do this every single day. Forever. Turkish breakfastā€¦great success. Huge hit. We love it. And we love that place. Yeah, itā€™s called Şirin Bakery. Really cozy, nice people. I will link it in the description box. If youā€™re in Istanbul, highly, highly recommend it. Check it out. I think weā€™ll find ourselves there again, in fact. I think so. If you like the video, which I hope you did, make sure you give it a thumbs up and subscribe for lots more travel adventures and weā€™ll see you in our next one. Bye!
Channel: Eileen Aldis
Views: 250,569
Rating: 4.9421844 out of 5
Keywords: istanbul, turkish food, istanbul street food, turkish street food, istanbul turkey, turkish breakfast, turkish breakfast in istanbul, eileen aldis, turkish food travel, turkish food travel breakfast, best turkish breakfast, what to eat in istanbul, turkish cuisine, turkey street food, street food in turkey, turkey food, turkey cuisine, food in turkey, best turkish food, trying turkish food, trying turkish food for the first time, trying turkish breakfast, turkish coffee
Id: kTN_0CC1y6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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