40 YEAR OLD Beef Soup That NEVER Stops Boiling in Bangkok Thailand

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came for the beef soup and stayed for that luxurious airport lounge and first class flight home.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Poozy 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

How many times a day do people tell him he looks like young Jackie Chan?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PM_ur_Rump 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched the whole video-I just had a salad and now I’m craving ramen 🍜

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BaltSuz 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Upvoting because of Mikey Chen!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dellrond 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Don’t let the MRE guy on YouTube hear about this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RockChain 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey I just finished filming my last strictly dumpling video here in Thailand gotta head to the airport in a couple of hours just one place though I really want to get up [Music] Here I am first time I was in Thailand this is one of the first noodles I ever ate my buddy mark showed me this place that's been boiling for 40 years every day they replace the meat but it's the same soup cake I got it one more time for Kylie [Music] - ever English menu this time this is amazing the large five Moodle server sliced beef stew meat in beef balls [Music] [Music] these are the noodles different cuts of beef we've got some twink meatballs stewed beef yeah a little bit of tendon although rice noodles and this soup this is one has been flowing for over forty years these are the fifi as fatty as noodle soup you might ever ever put your lips upon as soon as your lips touches the soup it's like you just got a lip balm it's speaking smells of star nice little cinnamon garlic and after your lips are coating you just want to keep smacking licking your own lips cuz that's gonna taste good wait boom see the top layer of that broth that's all don't let that scare you though because you know economist that's gonna help you balance it out but you're not gonna find something so thick and rich anywhere else it's only after you've been really boiling that meats for so long that this intense crazy rich flavor comes out I need vinegar and I need chilies to offset this crazy fatty suit [Music] [Applause] oh so much better now some white pepper chilies [Music] masterpiece once you kind of offset the really oily flavor what you get is this well-balanced enriched it's so so aromatic full of thick abusive when you're awesome completely tinder noodles are slippery and chewy oh my god that's the best the beef does miss to him in that mount Mordor of a pot which is simply good tender and every Jew loses out that rich flavor that only an aged soup can bring you and this is not strange this is actually a very common method in Asian cooking where a stew a soup has been just continuously boiling for a number of years there are soups like this in China has been boiling for over a hundred years there's nothing grows about and once you boil something over five minutes all the bacteria dies anyway the owner here he spent easting soup for his whole life so every day he balances now at the new broth add in the new meat and the flavor just intensifies [Music] really nothing like this in the world now I'm ready to head home bucket list checked just got back to the hotel I'm into van right now I'm ready to go to the airport couple things I want to mention first something else about that the middle place notice how Lake they only put in just the tiny bits of them of the aged beef broth and that's all it took to make that entire soup so fragrant and rich in gelatinous that's like beef concentrated if you imagine taking like an actual spoonful just that I think you hit my just exponent also if you're a variant I'll and if you want to escape traffic the scooters are a great way to go I personally feel like they're relatively safe taking these guys they I mean they speed around like you're on a roller coaster but they're very good at what they're doing and also in places like this they're so used to seeing scooters such like the drivers of cars are more aware of their surroundings than than let's say in the US but I would not have made it to both girls restaurant this morning without using a sitter all right Airport palm just for one night [Music] anybody go for coconut milk with durian getting out tea Nick they've been taking me around for the last week so this is in thanks so much for all your help but good guys bigs gonna start a travel blog it's gonna be anti though so my nephew understand it thank you so much no pleasure no no it was so great coming here thank you guys for being so hospitable alright guys I'll see you later bye [Music] pardon gifts are from Thailand for bags of dry mangoes told you I love triangles fine you buy airline business class what's the marriages nice little little work area a little sleeping area to go in there there's a oh there's a massage chair don't mind partaking in some of this oh you know last time I got a massage in Thailand I'll soar flike the next week there's gonna be a long flight home you know what since moving to Seattle the flights home had been about 11 hours you know from Asia to Seattle instead of the typical 15 hours it's so nice that four hours less of travel time it's incredible all right now just sing it to this a bit and I'll see what they're seeing in this lounge green curry pad thai noodles themself [Music] heats sausages no way heck yes fresh coconut oh yes mango sticky rice [Music] go ahead say to ''tis this in a couple coconuts this lounge is amazing ice cream white almond yes [Music] mm I almost bought this outside why didn't one of my favorite things to eat in time this is probably the best even ouch I've ever been ever gotta eat this - don't worry nice cream ooh comes with a spoon [Music] about a 4 out of 10 under smell Amir [Music] that first bite just like jumping into a cold pool for the first time always shocks you a little bit then it becomes better you get used to it and the creaminess takes over it's definitely more pungent than the last one I had it's still pretty good that's come with a side of onion aroma [Music] so this airline we've got a bunch of the milks over here they're very specific telling you that when I take off you can't have anything on the little table the lid room on this flight is not bad I feel like the space is not as wide as the China airline which is their main competitor if you have a little armrest and this is a really nice space but the kind of airline space I do is bigger slightly bigger but it is bigger first thing you do when downplaying time to wipe it down [Music] ah Tiger one sweet main-course stuffed chicken breast man beef fillet XO sauce maybe fried snapper prawn tempura sauce I think this is a thumbs up sticky rice fresh mangoes always happy to have that not about me [Music] first course right two different types of caviar the Cumbrian caviar great pleasure flow fish a kind of taste like miniature bull busy he's definitely killing the fish population with these last two items now one is much better got sort of a smoky flavor to it and really pinchy caviar I don't typically eat caviar but when I do I prefer crunchy over soggy and wet this is the fried fish looks like eight scram now the shrimp matter to you like the bush the saucers government like a Swedish ourselves again pepper stir fries not bad and that breading outside the vision well I'll just not have it it's a soggy mess you a little challenging quite like a six out of ten Rises all we're doing oh it's not Chili's if it's a it's a gourd that was the best part of this dish fish is hard now it's not great the stuff with a steak I figure like fight fish even sit up quite as besting to do here I just dip your bread and some of the sauce stale bread about six five five to six I attend mango will stick your eyes you that that stick your eyes kind of looks like the Joker's face that's part of the meal it's like a little cheesecake it's horrible nuts in there that taste like his printer that dryer it's the least a Oh expired taste to it definitely one of my worst airline feels sorry though Taipei's you enough these needles [Music] you're in Taiwan you gotta EP brutal soup and this is the only one I could find so hopefully it's good starving [Music] it's about 10 p.m. right now the people working here there I think they already checked out hope this is good it's pretty tasteless she's not having the best food day after I left Highland those are some very well done chewy very al dente but tasteless noodles texture is great just the soup has zero flavor this is better than what I had on the play I couldn't get into the lounge I went to last time show otherwise you seat there there people noodle supernational didn't even have the pickled vegetables now it helps much so late out of everything feel like even for me these past few months I've been traveling a ton and it's not over yet not by a long shot there's two major trips coming up one it's gonna happen tomorrow I get home I stay one night I'm leaving again the next morning we'll talk more about that when I get home I enjoy my noodles much as I can just kind of slowly back away from that well that's freaky this is the second plane hey much the same little color difference oh that's you I keep them at all this is one of the few really a large some beckoner sighs I'm not a large let's see what's on the menu we roast chicken garlic flavor cream cheese sort of bread or Durst I him fried duck breast to do it that sounds good go to the fried prawn caught it with I think we're going duck breast on this one that's really I knew so delightfully little shoe in this team chicken for this this is your anytime item start from you know what chicken and dry shrimp beef burger up a little hors d'oeuvres cheese waffle that was a good bite roasted chicken artichoke crunching gender that bad so this is [Music] and also a little bit of cold [Music] snow peas and I'm sort of like this looks and smells really promising even though it kind of looks pretty plain smells really good the noodles are really soft 100% visa something spicy or shower the chicken broth is very very calm little girl cab a little too soggy for me bribe me as so I'll check it by the crap I think these little dishes are meant to out this chicken especially Adam predators shops those shoes I've had [Music] in desert it's a peaceful Hoddy expected to be really warm it's really warm one pays true sesame paste on the inside oh this should be good this is really good they keep crushed and smooth hair accessory case in the inside it's piping hot was a very typical Chinese pastry probably one of the most meat delicious desserts I've never had a flavor all right that it would have been sooner I asleep sooner I wake up to Burger Time looks like a good burger this pretty taller burger served on the Asian airline it goes tomato sesame bun thick looking beef patty good burger that burger was not using and it's pretty tender it's not try you can take the course with a little visit onions and peppers a senator here got a teeny spicy element to it fries are nice breakfast noodles some taro pork rice noodles scallions fried garlic on top bok choy this looks really decent much better than before the noodles because here you can actually taste them broth noodles are so thin yummy pork rock - I like that roasted garlic yes that's really promising [Music] you don't hear there's a lot but that hot sauce it's finger-licking good yeah now we're talking now this is looking like something that article it's like spicy and nummy hot oil that was transformative from a regular good bowl of pork noodles - a spicy dummy classic these are the perfect noodles to use in these shoes system to actually absorb all the is one of the best bowls of noodles I've had on any airline I mean grants and most airlines just get instant noodles but this is really I call this my Twilight meal this is literally my breakfast because I just walked out Ana's my dinner because Seattle is like 6 p.m. I love eating two meals at the same time is he fishing but I feel like I missed a meal oh it's so good to be back it's so good at walk outside enough yo the humidity and my clothes sticking to me and eating in a shower after about a minute leaving for New York tomorrow at 11 a.m. let me let me get this one night in I'm gonna go to bed and we'll talk more about New York when I'm flying to New York [Music] no the entire time I've been in the Pacific Northwest has spent some of the driest days of my life and according to the forecast is gonna be raining every single day for the next week but I'm leaving for another three weeks right now got a go catch a play huh remember a couple blogs ago I forgot my bag when I was on a trip to San Francisco kind of did the same thing today except for I cut myself right before I was about to get into the cab so yeah me making improvements sort of I'm around the airport right now but that little time so I want to visit this place mice Vietnamese sandwich and deli I don't want to get out the airport and but if somebody gets in New York it's gonna be nice only in the Seattle area what you walk into a pretty old-fashioned style Vietnamese deli and see kombucha spring rolls buns green mangoes with shrimp paste [Music] nice delicious it's perfect because it's a rainy morning couldn't get more closer than that love this discreet so stupid cap really yummy buttery grilled pork perfect with crunchy veggies [Music] [Applause] Kagamine better Redis token an amazing bra [Music] you know actually kill was really a good question my only meal death will be a pretty memorable one real inspire [Music] so it's been a pretty crazy past a couple months of traveling so Philippines in Singapore and then to Thailand I can't really film anything for the next three weeks because I signed up for a pretty big production travel food shale production show some extent chocolate food show production show travel food production show that is being filmed in in semi cities across the u.s. I can't really talk much about it because I not supposed to so for the next three weeks that's gonna be all I'm doing and then after that I pray it will take a week where I'm staying in Seattle and then right after that go into Korea Egypt I think back to the Philippines there's a Pakistan trip in there somewhere it's gonna be a lot of traveling for the next two or three months and kind of push back my plans to move to Japan it's just hasn't worked out this year just been one thing after another just one opportunity after another which I'm really grateful but also instead of me I kind of crave some stability so I'm thinking next year there might be something changes I'm not 100% sure but I do want to focus more on my cooking show in my interview show I don't know I I I'm thinking a little less going around the world a little more of the other things I wanted to create so I don't 100% know what's gonna happen but stay tuned I think it's gonna be pretty exciting thank you all so much for watching this video see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 1,394,865
Rating: 4.8917356 out of 5
Keywords: beef noodle soup, beef noodles, noodles, beef soup thailand, beef soup thai style, beef soup thai, thailand noodles, thai noodles, thai noodle soup, thai beef noodle soup, thai beef noodles, thailand, bangkok, thailand travel, thailand bangkok, eve air, eva air, eva airlines, eva airlines business class, business class, business class flight experience, seattle, pho, banh mi, vietnamese food, travel vlog, travel vlogging
Id: 29RxjfH0H1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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