Review of our LS Tractor. XR4150 700 hrs (50 hp)

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hi everybody welcome back to the drunken Bowl Ranch I'm Reed uh today we are going to do a review on our LS tractor it is an XR 4150 we have around 715 hours on it right now uh let me turn this around and we'll show you the tractor Okay so this is a 2017 model we bought it in 2000 or January of 2019 it was on clearance because they were trying to get it off their lot uh I'm gonna say we got a pretty decent deal on it it was a whole lot cheaper than uh some of the other brands that I'd seen out there and uh it's been a pretty decent tractor so let me show you a few things here I'm going to share one of my woes uh the bucket attachment is an LL 4104 uh I'm going to say that I've somewhat kind of abused it um I don't know if you can see it from here but I will show you this it has a skid steer style bucket attachment I have bent one of those uh arms because it got stuck trying to get it off and uh straighten it back out but you do need to grease that regularly and if you look here there is no real spot to grease it I just kind of get the grease in there as best I can so that it'll move freely sorry I've got that up in the air so that I could get into the engine compartment to show you a few things okay so how you access the engine compartment is this little push button and it just pops up like that okay so in the engine compartment here right there's your battery and I did not clean this up because I wanted you all to be able to see how it looks after hours of work um you have your air cleaner here and your radiator fill is here now one of the problems that we had on this particular tractor is that this AC pump right here went out now it was under warranty at the time and they replaced it at no charge to us other than we had to get it to the dealership so they could do it uh one thing about this that was a even more significant problem is that right here you have the ECU and that went out on us at one point during hay season and we were out of business for I want to say it was close to 10 days I had to uh go borrow a tractor from my brother so we could finish our hay uh so in here there is a screen right in here that you just unscrew this guy right here like that and that screen will pull out and you can clean it out it helps to keep your radiator from getting plugged up but I have found that stuff will go through there and you will still get a plugged up radiator and then you're gonna have to flush it out with a hose or something okay so continuing on in here this section you've got the starter right down here is your oil dipstick fuel filter uh on the other side over here you got your belt tension adjustments uh I haven't had to replace the belts on this yet but I tend to keep them pretty well maintained you've got your oil filter right there under there is your hydraulic filter most of these are pretty easy to get to here's your hydraulic connections for your bucket attachment they're all color coded so you get them in the right spot I have had the bucket off a couple of times and it's done okay putting it back on it's pretty easy I will say that as you can see right here these hoses are up against the hood and wear the paint off so let's see um you've got in your front end here you have areas where you can check your fluids uh you got grease certs I'm actually planning to grease this today uh I think it's been about a month since I've gone through and greased all this stuff because well it's winter and we haven't been using it that much but Let's uh show you this here is the fuel tank I really like this um partly because I don't have to hold the can up over my head to put fuel in it it's really easy to fuel let's go around the back side and show you a few things okay so here's your washer fluid I'm gonna say keep that full because your windows get dirty and you can't see anything and then you've got you can check your fluids here and uh this is one of the features that I really like about this tractor right here this handle will adjust your three-point hitch up and down now there are a couple of things about this three-point hitch that I'm not necessarily a fan of and some that I am the first is that these clips always get messed up and they do not want to function correctly you can see that it doesn't want to close because it popped out uh one of these days I'm gonna find some new ones but at the moment they've been working uh this feature sorry guys I think I just had my finger in the picture this feature right here is kind of nice okay so you push push down on this and this will slide out for hooking up your equipment that you put on your three point uh I do like that feature about it uh one thing that I had happen you can see here this guy hangs on here now if you're hitting a bump or something I broke the back window out of this guy right there that came in contact with the window and I'm gonna say that was not the cheapest window I ever replaced in my life but I mean that was my own fault as far as I was concerned now it does have the plug that you can plug in your lights and whatnot now this is a feature that I liked it has three remotes back here uh my bell wagon requires three remotes and most the tractors I ran into did not have three remotes so I like that feature about it uh let me say that the work lights worked pretty well I've had to adjust them a couple of times but they worked pretty good that way uh one of the things that I forgot to mention is that I do really love having a cab on this thing if you're out working in the dust in the snow and everything else that cab is worth every penny now I'm gonna close this because it has the cab there is an air filter right there uh you're going to want to change that pretty regularly you get dust and grime in there there's also one on this side right there it's really easy it unscrews and just goes right in um I like the mirrors that came with it they're big mirrors I can pretty much see everything that I'm doing uh let me go inside the cab here okay so to access fuses things like that you take these two screws out the panels are underneath there there's one on either side um let me step up in here so this unit has four gears here four gears there are four ranges and four gears on each range um forward and reverse is here uh let's see these other handles over here you've got right down here is your park brake oh I got my finger in there again guys sorry so right here is my park brake you have your three remotes right there for your hydraulics on the back this is your PTO up or three-point hitch up and down here's your float I like that feature uh bucket controls are here there's a lockout there um this is to turn on your uh yeah has to turn on your uh PTO you've got your throttle here over here our lights again forward in Reverse right there the handle to adjust the steering wheel up and down is right here uh you can see you've got your horn your hazards lights and you can do the auto or manual on the PTO now there are a couple of things about this that I don't necessarily like oh I forgot right now there is your pause attraction you just step on it you've got the split brakes clutch and the orange pedal there is your throttle now this guy right here will drive you absolutely batty that is your DPF uh you can inhibit it or you can start it uh usually what I find happens I'll be in the middle of doing some project or bailing hay or dragging a pasture or whatever it may be and that guy will kick on and say I need to do a burn off you might as well just take a break for 15-20 minutes because it's going to want to do it at any random time I find that if I do the burn off before I start a project I'm better off but it will drive you batty because it will just kick on and randomly say yep you're done for a little bit so that part is aggravating now the other thing I wanted to show you is right here you've got your heater AC controls uh over here there is a place for a radio I haven't put one in partly because I like to hear what the equipment's doing and if I'm listening to something that's usually on my earbuds anyway oh right here you've got lights windshield wipers uh you can't put a beacon on this if you want to I haven't you got your throttle adjustments here um the armrests are kind of nice they will adjust right here up and down uh your seat adjust right down here uh you also have your ground speed control stuff like that so uh for what we paid this machine has a lot of amenities that I like I said heat Macy is wonderful but uh a lot of the other uh brands that I looked at for what I got with this I mean it was money well spent um the the uh cab things like that just it made it astoundingly expensive for purchasing other brands uh this one was really economical now there are things about it that I just don't like like I said the the DPF but I I mean that comes on everything now so uh one thing that I will say is that let me start this I'll show you okay so here we go okay so you've got your display in there it says the park brakes on and honestly it's a pretty quiet tractor it's pretty quiet now if I put this thing into drive or forward it flat beeps at me because I'm in park okay that's a safety feature now ever take it out of park there is nothing that indicates whether I am in forward or reverse and I don't like that I understand that it's just the model that I bought but it aggravates me because I just would like a light or something so let me shut that off and we'll continue talking um like I said there there are certain things that kind of drive me batty for example the door latch right here foreign there is this little bolt right here that when you press the button on the outside you can see it moving there um that guy likes to fall out and I've had to put it in several times this last go around I put some a very small amount of Loctite on it because I was sick of it falling out and not being able to get in and out I think that's why they put two doors on this thing uh oh the other thing that I was going to mention is that I had to replace the hood latch there is a little plastic guy in there I don't know if you can see it but it broke and I had to put that hood latch in right there which I just recently did I mentioned this in another video and this one has all metal Parts in it instead of plastic so hopefully it will last a lot longer and as you can see it closes wonderfully um this brings me to my next subject uh the lights the lights work great they are bright um I can see what I'm doing I've got a couple of work lights up there and uh when I get home sometimes it's dark out here and it's nice to have the lights to see what I'm doing uh yeah that that is pretty much this tractor overall I'm going to say that I am happy with it it's uh it's done everything I've asked it to do and some things that I probably shouldn't have asked it to do uh we we have a two bottom plow it pulls it without a problem I've got a six foot disk that goes on the three point that hasn't given it any issues I also have an eight foot spring tooth that I drag around with it um we use a old Square Bell John Deere oh that's something I should tell you okay let's let's go back here okay this is where you would hook your Baler up or your swather or whatever you're dragging uh I'm going to say that this should have been built a Little Bit Stronger I've had to replace this piece it's just held on by these four bolts uh reason being is it just would not support the weight of my Heston swather and uh my John Deere Baler there's a lot of tongue weight there um now I'm gonna say that it was probably partly my fault that it broke but it just bent and then I I noticed that the welds had broke one day um now as you can see over there's my swather and uh it's a pretty heavy Burger but this little tractor runs it with no problem it runs our 466 John Deere square baler no problem uh honestly I would like to upgrade to a round baler but I don't know that it has the horsepower for that it'd have to be a pretty small round baler and I don't want to overwork the tractor more than I already am uh like I said it's it's done everything I've asked it to do and a lot of things that it shouldn't have done and it did it anyway the four wheel drive is amazing I love that and uh yeah overall I would give this thing probably about a four and a half star rating uh it's never really given me any grief starting it uh it's it's it's been pretty good so there you go that is uh a 700 hour review on our little LS tractor and as I said I mean if you're going to get into farming you got to have a piece of equipment that runs and this guy has let me down a couple of times but most the time I'm gonna say ninety percent of the time 95 percent of the time this machine will do everything I need it to do all right well have yourselves a wonderful day support your local farmers and we'll talk to you next time
Channel: The Drunken Bull Ranch
Views: 14,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #lstractor, #tractorreview, #xr4150tractor
Id: t28xnXztF2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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