We rewrote Wish’s Villain Song in PRIME Disney Villain Styles feat. @CalebHyles

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this is the thanks I get has quickly become one of Disney's most controversial villain songs ever mainly due to its lack of Disney sound so let's remake this villain song in a way that is worth the title of Disney's 100-year anniversary let's turn this I let for free and I don't even charge you rent into this oh I give all I got to you ungrateful lot okay let's dive in I broke this down into three sections the backtrack the lyrics and the lack of a villain so I started out by examining the backtrack what immediately stands out about it and the rest of this soundtrack is that it's pop this song is blatantly pop and not in a good way from these happy commercial jingle to its complete lack of musical progression I mean seriously every single chorus and verse sounds the exact same this is the thanks I get this is the thanks I get and this is the thanks I get so I'm not saying villain songs can't be pop but what many people consider Disney's soul is music driven genres such as musical theater not only genre but in terms of instruments the best villain songs all have unique organic and relevant pets to the movie think of Princess and the Frog's Lively and Sinister jazz or the grand hyena choir's The Lion King this is the thanks I get is just in my REITs I'm going to focus on bringing back those intricate and evolving textures of the orchestra all right one part down now we got the lyrics this is really the downfall of the song to me not only do they convey little to no story but even in their genericism they just sound sloppy the iconically Redundant line of I don't even charge you rent is just a Capstone of a song built on these kinds of first draft lyrics lyrics are an art form Just Like Music and can be utilized as such Howard Ashman is famous for his incredibly playful and Innovative way of using Rhymes and meter to create a lush story I won't pretend to be anywhere near his level but I tried to focus on thinking outside of the box of What lyrics can do finally the lack of a villain how they characterized magnifico made no sense to me I saw a comment saying Disney makes their new villains metaphorically kick a puppy so we can push aside all Nuance in character and think oh yeah that's the villain and I couldn't agree more Disney make villains actually villainous again there's so little about this song that makes it feel like it's a villain song I legitimately think the title this is the thanks I get is a pretty good title for a villain song there's so much potential in seeing a character Crest their breaking point because of others ungratefulness so for this rewrite I took inspiration from Disney's best villains Dr facilier UR Scar and frolo so with the backtrack lyrics and villain all in mind I had everything I needed to create a proper rewrite I got my extremely talented friend Caleb Hiles to do the singing and within the span of a week I composed wrote orchestrated demoed and then mixed the final product of course I'm open to critique but I really really hope you enjoy this song cheers you barge in here to ask how I couldn't Grant your wish you think your life's unfair now without me it wouldn't exist I give all I got you're taking a lot and last time I checked all I ever asked for is some respect and this is the thanks I give this is the thanks I get oh I give all I got to you ungrateful lot and this is the thanks that I give yet H let's begin time to choose will you win or lose cuz I can't Grant a wish for free reconcile pay your dues walk a mile in my shoes cuz you couldn't do it all like me after all I've done how could anyone hate the crown who you select to leave your life which I perfected then pretend to be neglected of course this is the thanks that I get this is the thanks that I can oh I give all I got to you ungrateful lot and this is the thanks I get [Music] so it seems there's rumors spreading some lies of discontent complaining about your living yet you're living without rent you call your life unfair but I just can't agree a thankless bar a stressful job life son fair to me yet I still power forward no thanks to those below surround yourself with yeses and you'll never hear a no I'm tired of the taunting I'm dead with this respect this journey will be daunting so let me now reflect this it's the thanks that I get bend the knee CH you flect I forgave not forgot this is the things that I get here your king pay your debt what I am you are not cuz this is the things God [Music]
Channel: Pixel Playhouse
Views: 329,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ficn_veLuiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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