Trying British Foods!

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hello everyone and welcome back to our youtube channel today we're going to be trying british foods this is charlie my cousin yeah she's going to be joining us for this challenge i can't wait to eat vegemite have you ever had british foods i haven't have you no so we're going to do that today so i came across this website called the british foods depot and as you can guess it's a depot of british foods um so there are about 23 items in this box that we're gonna try there's some drinks there's some candy and i think there are some savory things in there too but not a lot because most of the savory things required cooking and i'm not gonna do that right now my favorite for this snack packing paper we're gonna back up the camera because we've decided we're gonna do a rating system of like best to worse or something like that and you can't see so back it up right now item number one taverners great british sweets jelly babies i've always wanted to try them they look really good they sound really good i've heard a lot about them but they don't have them in the us so we're going to try them the flavors are black currant which we don't really have that flavor here strawberry raspberry orange lemon and lime oh my god i love lemon and lime flavored things okay so this is not grape this is black currant okay all right do you have a no you don't have one towel okay which one are you gonna do okay lemon oh that's so good that's really good i love baby candy one lime also really good that's my favorite strawberry strawberry's my favorite flavor mmm i like that one also really good tastes kind of artificial but that's not a bad thing yeah lime is my favorite so far lemon i like that one too yeah orange orange that's like my second favorite yeah i think lemon and strawberry are my favorite i liked the lime and orange that was really good it's really yummy okay so so far on our little scale um yeah obviously so far it's going to be our starting point our second item is flake bar made in ireland it's really cool it's a cadbury product and it's the crumbliest flakiest milk chocolate [Music] it looks like wood that's so cool it does what it's a big joke yeah sure sounds like a red vine acceptance chocolate chocolate okay this is a really interesting texture we don't have candy bars that look like this in the us at all like this is really cool looking i like it okay cheers oh oh it is the crumbliest it's really rich like more rich than i thought it would be this is good i liked it very good 10 out of 10. um would you put it above or below the temperature i put it below i think the chewy babies were good yeah the jelly babies and jelly babies yeah this is i really hope this doesn't explode because it's been shaken up a seriously mixed up blend of grapes raspberries and black currants refreshingly fruity since 1908 that's a long time wow and again we don't have black currant as like a flavor here in america and we definitely don't have this brand or anything that's like this the closest thing i can think to what we have in america based on the sound of it is like carbonated grape juice yeah i guess yeah i don't know but yeah vimto fizzy here we go please don't explode okay gentle oh the smell whoa it tastes british this tastes like something they drink in brazil and i can't think of what it is what did i have that tasted like this it's really good i like it yeah it is good i really enjoyed that oh yeah yeah we don't have any soda that tastes like that in america but i wish we did because i would be drinking it all the time so maybe it's better that we don't i would put this at the top really i would put it um in between i think okay that's fair i can compromise on that okay okay the next is a lion choco bar so it's a filled wafer with caramel and cereals covered with milk chocolate do we have anything like that i think it's like if you combine a twix and a crunch yeah yeah which sounds good yeah oh yummy also i do have band-aids but i did just put them on well one of our littles put them on because it has mickey mouse and i cut my finger at work it's fine cheers cheers whoa oh oh is it crunchy looks like it was frozen i don't like that texture it's like stale yeah i'm not a huge fan you can agree at the bottom it's like really chewy and really tough for no reason so yeah at the bottom this is fox custard creams which i have heard of and i think a zoella vlog perhaps and they sound really good and they look really good and i'm excited custard oh it has the word custard cream on it that's so cute that's cute it's like an oreo yeah it's like a white oreo um it just tastes like it tastes like the um you know the round tins that grandma grandmas always put sewing stuff in it tastes like those crackers oh um shortbread yeah or shortbread yeah yeah this is okay it's not my favorite it's kind of bland but yeah it's all right i would eat it again i paid that an 8 out of ten we haven't been writing all of them i break that eight out of ten a six and a half i'll give this a three i give the other bar and a seven a nine well i'll give this an eight and give the other one a nine i'd give this a ten nine eight three i agree with your three yeah she gets removed from the group um and i what did i say eight yeah just because they're kind of bland and dry but they taste really good um so where would you put these i'll put those either here or here let's do that okay the next thing is leukozade energy orange powered by glucose i like them i know they look different they look different that's a random thing but like the tops look different than they do here in america they're more square and oh you have more leverage that makes sense see america we're not very smart no i can never open these stupid things in america but i'm opening these just fine so america get your a game is that that phrase get your game get your head in the game okay okay try bolton oh my god cool it tastes like sparkling yellow gatorade yeah it does yeah i would give that a 7 out of 10. i would give it a 5 right in the middle right in the middle okay next we have chocolate cakes which i've also heard of in throughout those vlogs jaffa cakes nibbles so are there other java cakes in bigger form or i think so that's interesting oh they're orange flavored center i didn't know that i thought it was caramel in the middle i did too orange a zesty orange center and light sponge coated in delicious milk and dark chocolate uh i'm a little skeptical about the orange part like orange and chocolate sounds weird it's a good combination they have like chocolate bars that have orange zest in them and they're really good oh okay so let's see change my mind i mean they're popular there so clearly they can't be that bad yeah thank you oh they're bigger than i thought they'd be one um [Applause] they're not as hard as maltesers or whoppers they're like more chewy oh what are they called you know the milk does like milk does but they have um they're better than that and they're more orange yeah because they have orange in them and so caramel yeah those are interesting it tastes like orange marmalade with yeah chocolate which is what it is essentially yeah i like it but i'm not a huge fan yeah it's okay i would put it below this yeah but they're not bad yeah i do like them the great british pop so is it just like coke or what's the flavor sparkling mixed mixed flavor soft drink with sugar and sweeteners so sugar flavor what's mixed flavors but it doesn't say wet flavor hey that was so satisfying oh it's pink that's weird i thought it was gonna be brown me too thank you these are so colorful yeah okay cheers oh definitely ginger it's got ginger in it mm-hmm it's way stronger than the orange one what is it called let lucosa yeah yeah it's a lot stronger flavor than the leukocyte it's kind of orangey too i think orange and ginger and sugar yeah that's so interesting i wonder what the actual flavor is you should look it up okay look it up citrus and red fruit red fruit yeah what flavor pop excuse me what about citrus right red colored citrus flavored soft drink so but it doesn't specify no one knows the flavor of tizer it's citrus and red flavor red flavor that's funny okay okay well it's good it's just not what i was expecting i guess because it tastes really gingery it's the biggest selling soft drink in scotland wow that's crazy yeah so where would you put that i would put it put it yeah here that's exactly what i was thinking yeah we do next we have crunchy bar also by cadbury and it's golden honeycomb wrapped in cadbury milk chocolate that's so fancy that sounds right and not at all what i thought it was i thought it was going to be like the sponge type texture which i had a bar like that in canada and i don't remember what it was called but it was so good it was like one of the best chocolate bars i've ever had break me off a piece of that kitkat bar yeah this is like it wait oh that's a big pizza it smells like honeycomb yeah i wonder why okay i never might have it off oh thanks i mean you cannot do it okay okay we have to eat anyways true all right whoa this does taste like the thing i had in canada did i have this in canada what this is so good this is amazing no i love these i don't know what they're called they might be called something different in canada but it's essentially the same thing this is so good i ascended this is going at the top so i'm really excited about these because they're in harry potter not the movies are well it might be in the movie but the one of the passwords for dumbledore's office um is sherbet lemon i i don't know how to say is it sherbet or sherbet i don't know or sorbet are those all different things or can you tell we're american yeah i'm sorry everyone oh they're individually wrapped oops i'll have it one two three oh oh that's good i wasn't expecting the sour it hit me a little lemony they're good i like them they're okay i'll give it like a four i'll give it a six it kind of tastes like tires like a brand or like tires on your car like tires on the car like that smell when you're driving in the rubber kind of like rubs on the pavement i can see that yeah i don't know if it's the inside the powdery inside or not a huge fan of that not my favorite i don't love that i would put that maybe below the lion bar no it's not that bad um somewhere here yeah wherever you want let's do it here okay yeah inside's just not that very good but those aren't bad next we have jammy dodgers i love these i love these and these are like authentic british ones because you can get these in america but they're really hard to find you can't just like go to walmart or your local grocery store and find them you have to like go to a specific store somewhere and get them unfortunately because i really like these cheers think whoa this is really good where'd you put it on the scale maybe here yeah that's what i'm saying if this is oh yeah bin shaw's dandelion and burdock totally timeless british since 1871 british since 1871 like were they something else first this eccentric botanical blend of wild and unruly dandelions and the purple flowering burdock sounds rather daft but did you know our british ancestors have been making this mysterious combination since the middle ages proving it's totally timeless oh that's what it means when this is british since 1971 yeah still yeah british classics since 1871. that's better wording dandelions it looks like coke wait i was expecting it to be purple clink it tastes like mint coca-cola yeah that's not a flavor i would have come up with but it's okay it does taste a lot like what it smells like like the dentist office cleaner yeah we don't have i don't know if like dandelion and or burdock are a common flavor in britain or in under that whole area um the uk but uh we don't have those flavors here like we have dandelion tea but there's no drinks or foods that are just dandelion and or burdock flavored i don't even know what burdock is there's a plant but like i don't know yeah i don't know sounds just as interesting yeah i think i would put it behind the orange drink i would put it behind the jaffa cakes okay let's do that i would give that like a three out of ten yeah yeah i would too yeah we're gonna try these fruit pasta pastels i might be butchering that i'm really sorry if i am pastels fruit pestos can you resist the two i don't know i don't think i can the chew is calling me oh wow since 1881 these brands are so old apple blackcurrant lime strawberry lemon and orange are the flavors cheese because i can't resist this is true [Music] yeah oh i like mine did you have lemon yeah it doesn't taste like lemon i'll give it a [Music] okay the flavors are good but i don't really like how chewy they are so i think i'd give it a five i'd give it a five where do you wanna put it [Music] i don't know can you choose you're right like around the cake yeah i would put it behind the top okay twirl i was i was like looking at it and i kept reading twix and i was like i know that this is not a twix i was looking at the picture and i was like that's not twix but my brain was like twix twix twix it's not twix it's twirl i feel like this is gonna be a lot like flake it looks a lot like it oh yep it tastes the same i don't like it actually i'll put that at the bottom actually i don't like it the bottom the bottom bottom uh-huh what about you i will put it like okay let's compromise let's put it like here okay so next we have more savory foods we do have two other drinks as well but um we have a couple savory options because most of this was sweet let's try these first the onions whoa we're probably not well supposed to just eat them but actually or something yeah or forks well i got the spoons oh okay getting a plate and a fork oh they smell strong i hope you all are enjoying this video while we're waiting for charlie i'll tell you a story a long time ago there was a sailor his name was captain jeremy and he had a nice crew nice big ship and they were sailing on the ocean and there was a storm and half of his crew went overboard so then he was sailing the ship what telling a story and half of his crew went overboard so he's sailing this huge ship with only half of his crew and it's pretty problematic because he needs a big crew for this big shift they were running out of rations they were lost at sea because the storm threw them off course they didn't know where they were and then they came across this big stretch of land in the middle of the night and captain jeremy thought that he was dreaming are you laughing jeremy um thought that he was dreaming but his crew was like no we see it too so they got off and they were exploring this island and there were so many magical creatures like what like your mom got him like unicorns and dragons and fairies and medusa medusa lived on this island how did they not die um they did that's where the story ends [Laughter] alright so we have hayward's traditional onions here we go this is good i like this it's literally an onion and vinegar i'm like that was so gross it was really good i would rate that a zero a negative five out of ten i would break that a zero um i'd give it like a positive five i thought it was good that was the worst thing i've eaten in a long time really yes mushy peas yes mushy peas and english muffins because i think you're supposed to have these on toast we don't want to make tips it looks like you got squished up yoda yoda not yoda this actually isn't bad no i like it yeah who would have thunk peas the british i guess so i need more p to bread ratio ribena juicy since 1938 and black currant flavor rich in vitamin c again we don't have black currant flavor in america i really know oh looks like it's like deep color it's really pretty yeah oh it's not carbonated i don't know why i was expecting it to be carbonated you do it it's really sweet really sweet strong grape juice because it's not great it tastes like jelly like liquid jelly it does yeah it does it's really thick like i feel like this should be watered down yeah it's good though is it supposed to be watered down that's thick oh you are supposed to dilute it dilute one part squash which is this um with at least four parts water it is syrupy i feel like it would be better um diluted though obviously i would put that here yeah i put it here so we'll put it in between the traffic cakes and this yeah sure next i've again wanted to try this since middle school and my mom never let me she kept telling me that i was going to hate it and that it was a waste or something like that but too bad mom vegemite i'm not gonna like this it could be good oh really you don't think you'll like it i don't think i'll like it is this supposed to be really um like better is it good not at all that's disgusting you're not gonna want to put a thick amount on it okay it's so salty and like vinegary i don't know i don't like it okay i'll try it on here though [Music] it's good oh salty um i take it back i don't like it yeah that's um who in their right mind all right yeah that's a no for me uh why did they send me two of these i don't want it take it back the next thing is bitter shandy which is the same brand as the dandelion and burdock softer than it looks oh there's a dog on it holding a flower bitter shandy made with british beer the refreshing flavor of bitter shandy tastes just like the stuff from the pub but don't be fooled by the feisty exterior this drink is softer than it looks cool this is illegal in the u.s by the way yeah oh yeah it smells like beer oh it is softer yeah i was expecting a really strong flavor this is good this is good i like this yeah it's like a really low alcohol content so it's okay it's 0.5 so there's like nothing in it i'll put that in front of the rabina really between these two okay and the last thing is lovely licorice toffee like vegemite or marmite licorice is something that you either really like or you really don't like i've had red licorice and i don't mind that but black licorice is i'm pretty sure like a lot stronger have you ever had it before like licorice oh oh it doesn't really smell like strong it's really sticky yeah i know nope the toffee part is good the black color cursor is not i like it i like blood clickers i guess okay i think i'll put it around here somewhere or um okay new shoes i liked almost everything um i guess the point where i stopped liking things was that which is like that's a lot of things that you liked thank you so much everyone for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please go follow our socials they'll be in the description below and i'll also leave the link to the website where we got these things so that if you want to try them you can please comment down below the things that you would like to try or if you have tried them what your opinions on them are or if you have any other foods that you would like us to try for me to try or us to try um you can comment that below and we will look into it punch that subscribe button and the like button if you want to thank you for watching yep bye bye that is a great way to start the video give me marmalade there's no marmalade hate to disappoint what is it called vegemite or mine vegemite i don't know if i got more miter vegemite i can't remember we'll see a minute okay hey i look so much taller than you i know i couldn't quite hear you what do you mean i just pressed it it's fine i just pressed it down so i stumbled hello everyone and welcome back to our youtube channel [Music] next we have crunchy because i need to rinse my palate what is what is red flavor please if you're british or scottish or irish or whales welsh if you're whales are they as old whoa that's really good thanks that's all i had to say about that bless you did i say that he said bless you [Laughter] i literally didn't even know that i said anything i love that and that's on dissociation i might because i've always liked british british oh there they are oh there it is sorry it's really suddenly okay oh wait can you be 18 in britain is that one you can be 18 in britain there are people who are 18. i mean [Laughter] two milk chocolate fingers okay that's so weird but this is also by cadbury twirl chocolate okay let's just split a finger army hammer [Music] [Laughter] now is the part of the show where larry comes out and sings a silly song [Music] oh you're supposed to heat them up that was icky yeah i agree that's good you don't eat that thanks british people people like marmite and vegemite and marmite charlie's gone to heat up the mushy peas and toast the english muffins so now we wait i guess or i can tell you another story what [Music] god jesus christ um so i'll tell another story i guess that made me dissociate i was truly stumped okay alcohol no oh i want it mom don't watch this video like you are excited because we're underage but yeah good stuff good good good good good thank you so much bye
Channel: Kai&Co
Views: 19,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: did system, did, osdd, osdd system, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, kai and co, kai&co, britain, british, trying british foods, scottish, irish, scotland, ireland, welsh, wales, uk, american
Id: Fv7BVwKKN-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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