8 Critical Foods to STOCKPILE Before Next Month Food Shortages!

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do you want to be caught off guard when the food shortage is hit are you prepared for what's coming if not you need to listen closely experts are warning that food shortages are imminent and there are eight critical grocery products you must stockpile before it's too late imagine walking into your local grocery store and seeing shelves stripped bare sounds far-fetched think again supply chain disruptions unexpected climate events and Global instability are converging to create The Perfect Storm it's not a matter of if but when I've seen the signs and I'm here to guide you through the essentials the clock is ticking and these are the eight grocery products you need to secure now to ensure your family's survival one avocado oil we've noticed avocado oil making a comeback in stores but lately we've been hearing from a lot of folks that it's getting really hard to find this isn't just a one-off issue other oils especially olive oil are expected to be in short supply too recently we've seen olive oil slowly returning to shelves but there was a significant shortage for a while mainly because of heavy rains in Greece and Italy that hit the olive trees hard according to dumac avocado oil's popularity is exploding and the demand is through the roof this surge along with unpredictable weather and the impacts of climate change means we're likely staring down the barrel of a major shortage in 2024 it's a bit alarming people are flocking to healthier options like avocado oil and this has led to big price jumps at Major stores like Walmart Target Kroger and ALDI looking ahead the situation could get even more dire if these Trends keep up avocado oil might become a rare find much like olive oil was recently avocado farming is incredibly sensitive to environmental changes and even a small shift in climate can wreak havoc on the yield and it's not just the weather geopolitical factors and trade policies could really throw a wrench in things if key avoc a producing countries face political instability or impose export restrictions it could cause massive supply chain disruptions in such a scenario we might see not only skyrocketing prices but also actual shortages this isn't something to take lightly given these looming threats it's smart for consumers and businesses to brace themselves for potential fluctuations in avocado oil availability exploring alternative oil options might be the only way to cope with the anticipated shortage the future of your favorite cooking oil could be at stake two almond milk the popularity of almond milk continues to soar as more individuals seek alternatives to traditional dairy milk this shift is driven by various factors including dietary preferences lactose intolerance and the desire for a more plant-based diet as a result the demand for almond milk has significantly increased however the production of almond milk faces critical challenges that could impact its availability in the future one of the primary concerns is the impact of climate change on almond crops almond trees require specific climatic conditions to thrive and fluctuations in temperature and precipitation can adversely affect their growth and yield in recent years regions known for almond production such as California and Arizona have experienced unpredictable weather patterns including extreme heat droughts and irregular rainfall these conditions have made it increasingly difficult for almond Farmers to maintain consistent Crop Production water scarcity is another pressing issue that threatens the sustainability of almond milk production almond trees are notoriously water intensive requiring substantial amounts of water to produce a single almond in drought prone areas like California Water Resources are already stretched thin and the agricultural sector competes fiercely for limited water supply this scarcity not only raises concerns about the long-term viability of almond farming but also highlights the environmental impact of almond cultivation while our local region has not yet faced significant shortages we have received numerous comments from viewers in western states such as Arizona and California who report difficulties in finding their favorite almond milk Brands these reports suggest that supply chain disruptions and Regional shortages may already be affecting consumer consumers in areas heavily dependent on almond production three canned tuna the current situation with canned tuna is particularly intriguing because historically shortages of this Pantry staple have been rare primarily occurring in discount stores like Dollar Tree or Dollar General these stores often experience delays in restocking once they sell out however a Confluence of factors is now threatening the consistent availability of canned tuna even in larger grocery chains overfishing is a significant concern as it depletes tuna populations leading to stricter regulations to prevent further depletion regulatory changes aimed at sustainable fishing practices while necessary have inadvertently reduced the volume of tuna available for canning Additionally the global shortage of aluminum an essential material for can manufacturing exacerbates the issue the aluminum shortage stems from various causes including supply chain disruptions and increased demand for canned goods during the pandemic this Trifecta overfishing regulatory constraints and aluminum shortages creates a perfect storm that could lead to more widespread and prolonged shortages of canned tuna for independent grossers and consumers alike this means planning ahead is crucial grossers should consider diversifying their suppliers and increasing their stock when Poss possible to buffer against potential gaps in supply for consumers who enjoy can tuna it is wise to take advantage of sales and stock up when prices are reasonable currently the price of a can of tuna is around $129 but this is likely to rise as these challenges persist four coffee in recent months we've witnessed significant price increases on coffee a trend that extends even to traditionally budget friendly retailers such as Walmart and ALDI this escalation in coffee prices is also evident at other major Outlets including Target interestingly there is no discernible pattern regarding which brands are experiencing the most pronounced price hikes both premium and budget coffee brands are being affected making it increasingly challenging for consumers to predict where they might find the best value one notable example of this trend is 8:00 coffee once a staple for costc conscious Shoppers its price has surged from $4.99 to $7 $1.99 per bag this substantial increase is emblematic of a broader Trend affecting the entire coffee Market even brands that have traditionally positioned themselves as affordable options are now becoming significantly more expensive several factors contribute to these Rising costs the global supply chain disruptions exacerbated by the covid-19 pandemic have had a profound impact on coffee production and distribution additionally adverse weather conditions in key coffee growing regions have led to lower yields further straining Supply the rising costs of Transportation in labor are also contributing to the overall price increases looking ahead experts predict that this upward trajectory and coffee prices is likely to continue as such Savvy consumers are advised to stock up whenever they encounter deals keeping an eye out for sales and discounts can help mitigate the financial impact of these price hikes more over exploring alternative sources such as local roers or bulk purchasing options might offer some respit from the rising costs five rice the increasing prices of rice have been a topic of concern for months now while we in Cincinnati Ohio have yet to experience significant issues we have received numerous reports from viewers on the west coast indicating a notable rise in rice prices this trend is not confined to a single region but is a reflection of a broader more complex set of factors impacting the global rice Supply firstly weather patterns are playing a critical role unpredictable weather conditions influenced by climate change are affecting rice production in key growing regions droughts floods and Other Extreme weather events are disrupting planting and harvesting Cycles leading to decreased yields additionally the phenomenon of El Nino characterized by the periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the Central and Eastern tropical Pacific can lead to significant changes in weather patterns these changes often result in adverse conditions for Rice cultivation further exacerbating supply issues geopolitical factors also contribute to the volatility of rice prices trade policies tariffs and international relations can impact the flow of rice between countries for instance if a major rice expor in country decides to impose export restrictions or tariffs it can create shortages and drive up prices on the global market such geopolitical decisions are often unpredictable adding another layer of uncertainty for consumers and businesses alike independent grossers and consumers should be particularly Vigilant given Rice's status as a staple food in many diets any disruption in its availability can have far-reaching consequences for households that rely heavily on rice would be prudent to monitor the situation closely and consider stocking up when prices are stable and supplies are adequate [Music] six chicken the price of chicken has been rising significantly in recent months creating concern among consumers and Industry experts alike this trend is influenced by a combination of factors that when considered together paint a troubling picture for the future of chicken production and availability one of the primary drivers of this increase is the closure of several plants by Tyson Foods one of the largest suppliers in the industry these closures are not just reducing Supply but also resulting in the loss of numerous American jobs further exacerbating economic challenges the rising costs of feed also contribute heavily to the increasing chicken prices feed prices have surged due to various reasons including adverse weather conditions affecting crop yields and global supply chain disruptions Additionally the regulatory landscape has become more stringent imposing higher costs on poultry Farmers to comply with new standards these regulations while often aimed at improving animal welfare and food safety inadvertently push up production costs the looming threat of Aven flu continues to cast a shadow over the poultry industry this disease can lead to large scale culling of flocks to prevent its spread drastically reducing the supply of chickens available for consumption the fear of an outbreak keeps producers on high alert often requiring them to invest in preventive measures that add to their operational costs seven peanut butter while we haven't heard much about peanut butter shortages recently it remains a potential concern that could resurface unexpectedly historically peanut butter shortages have been a recurring issue due to several underlying factors one of one of the primary concerns is the impact of weather and climate change on Peanut crops unpredictable weather patterns including droughts floods and unseasonal temperatures can significantly affect peanut yields for instance a prolonged drought can lead to poor peanut harvests while excessive rainfall can promote the growth of mold and other crop diseases compromising the quality and quantity of the Harvest climate change exacerbates these challenges by increasing the frequency and S ity of adverse weather events making it harder for Farmers to maintain consistent peanut production moreover regions that traditionally grow peanuts such as the Southern United States are experiencing shifts in their growing seasons and environmental conditions further complicating agricultural planning and crop success another Factor contributing to potential peanut butter shortages is the economic aspect of peanut farming Farmers May face Rising costs for seeds fertilizers and labor which can affect their ability to produce peanuts at profitable levels additionally market dynamics such as changes in demand and trade policies can influence the availability and price of peanuts for example trade tensions or tariffs between major peanut producing countries can disrupt the supply chain leading to shortages or higher prices for consumers eight tomato products the production of tomato based products is facing serious challenges due to extreme weather events which have become increasingly unpredictable and severe in recent years last year for instance the industry grappled with significant issues caused by torrential downpours that washed out large SES of tomato crops the impacts of these weather disturbances are only now beginning to Ripple through the supply chain hinting at potential shortages on the horizon as climate change continues to alter weather patterns globally the frequency and intensity of such extreme events are likely to increase this means that tomato Growers will have to contend with not only heavy rains but also prolonged droughts heat waves and possibly even early frosts all of which can devastate crop yields the combination of these factors could lead to a decrease in the availability of fresh tomatoes and by extension a reduction in the production of tomato based products such as sauces pastes and canned tomatoes for consumers this translates to potential disruptions in the availability of these staple products on store shelves we are already beginning to see the early signs of this trend with reports of dwindling supplies and Rising prices in some regions it is prudent to anticipate that such issues may become more pronounced as we move forward especially if adverse weather conditions persist or worsen given this situation it would be wise for consumers to consider stocking up on canned tomato products when they find them available these products have a long shelf life and can serve as a reliable ingredient for a variety of meals providing some buffer against potential shortages additionally keeping an eye on local agricultural reports and market trends can offer further insights into the availability of these products and help consumers plan their purchases more effectively thank you for watching if you found this information valuable make sure to like subscribe and share this video with your friends and family let's spread awareness and help each other stay safe and prepared together we can face any challenge that comes our way stay vigilant stay prepared and as always stay safe
Channel: Finance Economist
Views: 8,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UgmXc1fl9V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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