Polyfragmentation | Dissociative Identity Disorder | Kai&Co

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hello everybody welcome to today's video today's video is going to be about poly fragmentation most systems have an average of 10 to 20 alters with as few as two and some systems have up to hundreds and thousands of alters poly fragmented did osdd systems are systems that have a hundred or more alters so a normal did or oscd system would have less than a hundred the highest documented number of alters is two thousand five hundred poly fragmentation is also a term used to describe systems who have systems within their systems so alters who have did or osdd technically this is not the right use of the term polyfragmented but people use it anyways and it's good to know that and then quick trigger warning i'm going to be mentioning abuse very briefly and i'll put the time up on the screen right here for the time that it's safe to skip to such a large number of alters in a system is often caused by cult or ritual abuse or abuse that extends over a long period of time often by multiple abusers most of the time polyfragmented systems grew up in a very unsafe and chaotic house or environment this doesn't necessarily mean that polyfragmented systems have endured more or worse abuse than standard did systems something that would extremely traumatize one child might not even affect another in polyfragmented systems one altar may take on one trauma or just a single part of that one trauma for example there could be five alters that take on one trauma they each hold a tiny part of that a single emotion or thought or part of sensory information that was processed or not processed during that trauma a larger number of alters in a system often means that the signs of switching are much more covert as well as alters themselves being more covert this just means alters that are less obvious in their differences so they might be mistaken for each other very easily because of the covert nature of most polyfragmented systems it's a lot harder for these systems to be diagnosed before did was renamed and was called multiple personality disorder polyfragmented systems were referred to as complex mpd some examples of poly fragmented systems that you can go check out for yourself are acrylic and ether which you can find on youtube and instagram the starlight orchestra system which you can find on instagram and the blueflame system who you can also find on instagram multiplicity and me are not a polyfragmented system but they did make a fantastic video on poly fragmentation which i'm going to link in the description below so you can check that out so since there's not a lot of information on polyfragmented systems that we could find online we decided to interview a couple systems and see what they had to say about it and what information they wanted the internet to know about polyfragmented systems we talked to three and uh one of them did not want to be in the video but the other two we did get permission from to mention them in the video and um we got quotes from them that they were willing to let us read so rather than just convey the message that they wanted to give in our own words i'm going to directly read you the quote just so that there's no miscommunication and we can give exact credit so we asked both of these systems what they wanted the world to know about polyfragmented systems and if they could say one thing to the internet to the world what would they say so the starlight orchestra system which we mentioned earlier said alters generally aren't as distinct because of the sheer amount of alters in a polyfrag system that's too much for the brain to keep everyone super distinct there's going to be a lot of overlap with roles accents ages interests skills etc while even small systems don't need distinct alters it's definitely extremely common in polyfrag systems this is also because it's common for most altars to be fragments with singular emotions memories and purposes they often don't have any interests or not many so it's pretty common for the majority to be fragments rather than more developed alters and this can add to the lack of distinction poly frag systems split much more easily small events whether traumatic or not can cause a split and it's common for more than one altar to split at a time we tend to split in groups of two to five to hold different emotions perspectives and methods of dealing with something this means that our numbers can grow rapidly and that it's very common to discover groups of alters rather than single alters this includes alters coming out of dormancy there will usually be a group relating to a specific trauma or time period rather than one coming out at a time polyfrag systems are so sensitive to splitting that while they haven't reached full stabilization which is hard to achieve for any traumatized person it can be an automatic response to any new uncomfortable stressful or traumatic experience for example we split because we started hormones despite it being an exciting thing that we wanted it was new and therefore we didn't have anyone who dealt with that niche thing alters and polyfrac systems often have hyper-specific roles because of these things too so many polyfragmented systems will have multiple people with the same role from the same event or time period because they hold very specific parts about what created them so there could be five or more trauma holders from one event but they might cope differently or hold very specific memories of small parts of the trauma rather than the whole trauma everything gets broken down much more into oddly specific boxes that was from the starlight orchestra system thank you very much everyone and then from the blue flame system we have numbers seem to go quick with us stressful to know you were once a small system but now that there's hundreds we still have yet to go through the process on understanding how we fell under the polyfragmented category while others have not that's the confusing part for us also we have grown numb to new splits of course it is still concerning to any system when there was a new alter because that means a lot of stress but we have become numb to that negatively we have become like oh new altar k whatever poly fragmented systems may also feel invalid i know we have because of the count poly fragmented systems usually have hundred plus while like other systems that have spoken about being a system like bigger known did or osdd youtubers have around 10 to 20. so that was from the blueflame system thank you very much so that's it for today's video thank you so much to the two systems who helped us with that information and were willing to do interviews with us for that if you learned something new or enjoyed today's video at all please leave a thumbs up and a comment down below and subscribe for more videos in the future thanks so much bye everybody poly fragment it's di most of the time a very chaotic and unsafe how and i hope you all are taking care of yourselves and being safe and taking care of yourselves i already said that something that's true [Music] whereas in most standard did systems a and oh my god this just means alters that are less obvious in their differences so they before did was renamed and was called personal brah because of the co oh my god and was referred to as multiple you can go do your own research on or interact with
Channel: Kai&Co
Views: 1,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly, polyfragmented, polyfragmentation, did, osdd, osdd system, did system, kaiandco, kai and co, mental health, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, dissociative disorder
Id: bcrzQF7-QRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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