Try To Watch This Without Laughing Or Grinning #130

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- No, no, no! - (laughs) Okay, that was honestly really good. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) Well, I hope you brought your game face today, because it's time for a Laugh Challenge. - Ooh. Is this Try Not To Laugh, or laugh at everything? - (FBE) Try Not To Laugh. - Oh, dang it, okay. - A laugh challenge, I've never laughed once in my life. - Never. - I laugh at everything, so this is not gonna be good. (laughs) - (both) Oh. - That's gonna be really hard. - Oh yeah, we laugh a lot about anything and everything, basically, so, should be interesting. - (FBE) Well here's how this is gonna work. If you laugh or smile at all, even between the videos, you get a point. Least number of points wins. - Sorry Sam. - It's like the worst. - You're gonna lose. - This is the worst. This is gonna be bad, okay. - Alright, I feel like I need to laugh everything out. - My whole life I've been trying not laugh to things, so I think I'm gonna do pretty well. I've seen most videos on the internet, so I think I won't laugh at any of them. - Seth Rogan's hidden cameo in Star Wars. - Is this real? (Seth Rogan laughs) I getcha, I getcha. (buzzer rings) (Seth Rogan laughs) - (laughs) Stop dude, you made me laugh! (buzzer rings) (CJ laughs) - (laughs) Oh, dang it! (buzzer rings) (Rosanna laughs) (buzzer rings) (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - (laughs) Can't, can't, Brad, I can't. (Brad laughs) (buzzer rings) - I watched Phantom Menace the other day. It's a weird movie. It's really, really, weird. (buzzer rings) - That's not fair! His laugh is so contageous, and when I hear other people laugh, I laugh. - That got me, dude, oh my God. - It was when it like started speeding up, and it was just like overlapping, that's when it got me. - It's the most, yeah, once it started. (both laugh) - Baby Yoda! - (laughs) Stop! Nothing even happened yet! - I love Baby Yoda! (buzzer rings) - Oh, he's so cute! - ♪ Deck the halls ♪ ♪ With boughs of holly ♪ (Rosanna laughs) (buzzer rings) - ♪ Deck the halls ♪ ♪ With boughs of holly ♪ (Samantha laughs) (buzzer rings) - Oh no, Baby Yoda. Oh no, Baby Yoda, you're so cute. - ♪ La la la ♪ ♪ 'Tis the season to be ♪ (Amelia laughs) (buzzer rings) ♪ (Christmas music) ♪ (child coos) - Man, I've never really seen him move around, I've only seen him in memes, the Baby Yoda stuff. He do be cute though. (buzzer rings) - This doesn't make you wanna smile at all? Look at the... - Mm-mm. - This is not worth it. - Mm-mm. - I said I was gonna be the worst, and here I am. - We love Baby Yoda. - We all, we love Baby Yoda! - (FBE) That's a smile though. - I know, I know. - Ooh! - Oh, it's between videos too! (buzzer rings) - Mmm, clenching my jaw real hard on that one. - Oh man. (Bryan laughs) (buzzer rings) - I can laugh in between, right? - (FBE) No, you can't, not even... - I can't? (buzzer rings) - He just wants to get in the spirit. It's so sad. This should be a try not to cry. - Alright, serious face, dude. Serious actor face. - Come on man. - Take, scene, what scene is this? - (woman) Don't push him. - (woman) I'll keep my hands up for you, okay? - Oh no, kids falling into the pool. - Oh, they're so cute, learning how to swim. - (man) Go ahead, Win. - (laughs) I can't stop. (buzzer rings) - (woman) Okay, now Winston goes, and you wait. - This kid's gonna eat the dirt. - (man) Go ahead Deke. (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - (man) Go ahead Deke. Aw [bleep]! - What if you have a shocked face that's also happy? (buzzer rings) - (man) Go ahead Deke. Ah [bleep]! - (kid) Was that good? - (woman) Very good. - How was that for you? - I can't make eye contact with you. - Oh. - That's the rule I'm setting for myself. - Don't do it then. - Okay, that was pretty good. That was, that one almost made me guffaw. That was really funny, I'm gonna be real with you. That was a seven. (buzzer rings) - I had to really focus on how nice the woods looked in the background on that one, to not laugh or smile. - I mean, that was a strategy. - The not laughing is the easy part. The not smiling or anything is the hard part, especially during this part. (laughs) Ugh. (sighs) (buzzer rings) - I was doing well on that, Brad! - I honestly, I think I'd feel bad not laughing, too. (both laugh) - Kid stuff always gets me. You know she's gonna just get killed. - This kid is about to get a concussion, so fast. - (woman) Can you jump like she did? (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - (woman) Can you jump like she did? - (man) Oh! (Paul laughs) - (sigh) Man, that was awesome. (buzzer rings) - This is such a bad. (laughs) Oh, I laughed. (buzzer rings) - (woman) Can you jump like she did? (both laugh) - Stop! Brad, Brad, you knew that was gonna happen! - I forgot to not laugh. (buzzer rings) - (woman) Can you jump like she did? - (laughs) Okay, that was honestly really good. (buzzer rings) - This is like Wipeout, that kid... Oh my goodness! She should not be in there! - That's tragic. - Was that funny for you? - (laughs) Yeah, of course it was! I'm not gonna feel bad about that. She's fine! - It was quite humorous, I will say. - She's fine! (buzzer rings) - What parent's like "hey little kids, go in here and get wrecked." (laughs) Wait, I'm laughing at that. - (FBE) Oh, oh, oh. - I'm laughing at that, oops, gee, dang it! (buzzer rings) - (Peter) None of this would have happened if you would just listen to me! If you even cared, you'd actually be here. Oh my God, it's Robert Downey Jr. - Ugh, that one was funny. (laughs) (buzzer rings) - (Peter) None of this would have happened if you would just listen to me! - I do not know Marvel stuff. - (Peter) If you even cared, you'd actually be here. - I couldn't even tell you what movie this is from. - (Peter) Oh my God, it's Robert Downey Jr. - That was pretty good. (buzzer rings) - (Peter) None of this would have happened if you would just listen to me! If you even cared, you'd actually be here. Oh my God, it's Robert Downey Jr. - (laughs) I like Tom Holland. - Me too! - I wanna meet Tom Holland. - Me too. (buzzer rings) - (Peter) None of this would have happened if you would just listen to me! - Oh no. Who's gonna come out of the suit? - (Peter) Oh my God, it's Robert Downey Jr. - Oh, I've seen this before. - Not funny. - Guess not. - Not funny. - It's not. - It's not, stop looking at me. (buzzer rings) - I really wanna see that original clip of Tom Holland. - How did you not laugh at that one, you love Tom Holland. - I had to, I do, and I just had to completely remove myself... - That was good. - ...from the situation. - I wasn't expecting that at all, that was good. - That's how I win this game. Be confused, 'cause confusion does not lose you points. - (FBE) Very true. - Makes you a winner. - (FBE) Yep. (Rosanna laughs) Oh no! - No, no! (laughs) (buzzer rings) - (woman) Oh my God, Zachary. - (woman) (laughs) He ran into it. - Mmm! (laughs) I should not be a parent. - Aw man. (buzzer rings) - This is us. - This is us. - (woman) He ran into it. - I already know it's us. - He's gonna run into something. Oh! (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - It's like a summoning ritual. - That kid got a concussion. (laughs) Now I just laughed, dude, no! - Stone cold. (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - He's gonna run right into a mirror, I'll tell you right now. - (woman) He ran into it. - 'Kay, he do be hitting that mirror pretty hard though. (buzzer rings) - See it coming from a mile away though. It's fine. - Now, kids grow up with iPhones, and every fail is recorded, and then people like me we react to it. Try Not To Laugh. Holding it in. - (man) You know in America, it's bling-bling, but out here it's bling-bang, huh? (horn buzzes) - Why, why did that get me? I'm so mad at myself! (buzzer rings) - (man) You know in America, it's bling-bling, but out here it's bling-bang, huh? (horn buzzes) (both laugh) - What? - What? - What? - And why? (buzzer rings) - (man) You know in America, it's bling-bling, but out here it's bling-bang, huh? (horn buzzes) (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - (man) You know in America, it's bling-bling, but out here it's bling-bang, huh? - Leo. (laughs) (whispers) God damn. (buzzer rings) - (man) You know in America, it's bling-bling, but out here it's bling-bang, huh? (horn buzzes) - (laughs) Then he pinched her saddle bags. (both laughs) - It's not that that did it, it's the fact that you did it to me, it like, the sound effect happened in my head too. Like, meh, meh, meh! (buzzer rings) - What was that? That was terrible. That's like something I'd see on Facebook with like 10 laughing emojis above it and my Aunt Shirley repost it. (buzzer rings) - I remember watching that movie, but I don't remember that scene. - Don't squeeze a lady's bat wing. Probably don't squeeze a lady's anything, if they are not asking for it, but also don't squeeze a lady's bat wing. Weird! - (Mary) It's soup. (air horn buzzes) - (sighs) Dang it. It's the short ones. I don't have time, ugh! (buzzer rings) - (Mary) It's soup! (air horn buzzes) - (laughs) Damn it. It's the really simple ones. (buzzer rings) - (Mary) It's soup! (air horn buzzes) - Nope. - Didn't get me that time. - Nope. - Try again. (both laugh) (buzzer rings) - (Mary) It's soup! (air horn buzzes) - Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah! - It is soup, yes. Soup is good. - Honestly, gotta get that soup. - Mm-hmm, gotta get that soup, soup, soup. - I've seen that before, the it's soup. That's the best part of it, but then they killed it with the air horns. You can't do it, you can't kill a joke like that. ♪ (triumphant opera music) ♪ - I already know what's gonna happen. - No. (laughs) (buzzer rings) - Oh no, oh no, oh, no. Oh no, no, no, no! - He's gonna make it! - I mean, the opera music is pretty funny though. (Bryan laughs) (buzzer rings) - (laughs) No, no, I'm sorry! (buzzer rings) - Oh no, he's gonna turn back! Oh no! You escaped death once! Not again! You can't escape death twice! Oh, you were so close! Oh my God. (buzzer rings) - Why would you go back? You already made it, man! - Oh! - You better... - Oh, oh! - Mmm. (Eric laughs) (buzzer rings) - No! My heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, no, no! - (whispers) I'm laughing inside, I'm not gonna show it. - That kid got lawnchaired, bro. - Yeah, I know he really did. - Absolutely lawnchaired. - Straight folded like a taco. - You did get me on that one a little bit, that was... You circum-whatevered my expectations. (buzzer rings) - I think I reacted too much to that one. (laughs) - At this point, Eric, (laughs) that was the worst we could have done on something. - I think I'm gonna go number zero for this one. (buzzer rings) - (FBE) Well, you did it, Michelle! You won! (bell rings) - Well I'm gonna hold my trophy here. I'd like to thank my parents for teaching me to hold my emotions in, and never showing anyone how I feel inside. I'd like to also thank all the cats out there that have made me laugh and have showed me what true joy is. - Thanks for watching us Try Not To Laugh on the REACT Channel. - If you liked this video... - Hit that like button. - Subscribe to all the creators in this episode. - The link's in the description below. - Thanks for watching, bye! - Hey guys, Ethan here from the REACT Channel. If you liked this episode, then be sure to check out FBE2, we go live every week, and it's more than just a behind the scenes channel. You can really get to know all the goings ons here at FBE. Bye guys!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 1,730,718
Rating: 4.8577185 out of 5
Keywords: try not to laugh, laugh challenge, laughing challenge, don't laugh, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, try not to, funny videos, you laugh you lose, funny video, fry not to, comedy, funny, laugh, Nerdy nummies, LC1947, Try To Watch This Without Laughing Or Grinning #130, baby yoda, try not to laugh challenge, funny 2019, funny video 2019, fun video, seth rogen, dechartgames, Michelle Phan, Rosanna Pansino, Youtubers, YouTubers React, laughing or grinning, try to watch
Id: GLfj-ZQ6ubw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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