Try Not to Cringe: Live News Edition!

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hello everyone simon reacts today me toby ethan are going to try not to cringe trying not to cringe challenge news edition so uh hopefully oh i hate ah this yeah this is gonna hurt me do you not just like want to die a little bit inside yeah yeah yeah yeah but um uh yeah let's see the movie really is amazing my girls were completely engrossed by it when we were watching it because it really does make you feel like you're inside this 11 year old girl oh i felt already brother i failed already yeah i didn't find that one that cringe it was just weird and funny in a profoundly wholesome way the fsu quarterback will not play in the peach bowl because of uh family issue death from the family is the rumor talks ah certainly is you gotta love that though huh [Music] americans are different you know helen like it's sprayed on as well by the way look yeah [Laughter] scream with your face right there you did oh oh oh he's laughing oh oh we're gonna scream now justin verlander he was just brutal last night if you watch the game right here on fox nine he was not his usual self nope the uh nhl uh well that's his girlfriend right there kate upton so let's just get right to it i forgot to put that in there for you and right now for me this is his girlfriend all of the viewers there this is the s i cover the reason why is that really yeah does not pitch very well wait wait wait why was she shown i think it was accident it was an accident i think you chose the right highlight and we've been the food [ __ ] food truck the food [ __ ] that one's not cringe food truck fanatic that's what i meant to say gold high five oh it's great one truck is here without high five yourself for that yeah oh boy why is she baiting him very interesting [ __ ] thicker colleague actually i'll say that we always bait each other out yeah but that's that's like oh we make this man right here is your father right there you have a question about that yes ma'am i was wondering if uh if your dad really is an african-american man what that's a very i mean i don't i don't know what you're implying are you american i don't i don't understand the question of i did tell you that yes that's my dad and he was unable to come in january are your parents are they white wealth that's according to what's happening is equal to the three and a half billion poorest people it's fantastic and this is a great thing because it's oh motivation to look up to the white person he's just gone it's fantastic because they look up what's his name his forehead goes to the back of his head i want to become one of those people i'm going to fight hard to get up to the top fantastic news and of course i applaud it what can be wrong with this really yes really somebody living on i celebrate a dollar a day in africa is because getting up in the morning and saying i'm going to be bill gates that's the motivation everybody between me motivation i just need to pull up myself i don't have socks look jenny has traffic all right i'm a little nervous but here's my rap oh no no no no all right you're gonna have a good good drive today there ain't no problems on the major roadways looking looking at country club things that look pretty good like robin hood now i'm moving across the triad yo it ain't too bad no no no no no now things look nice on 68 and i know you ain't gonna be late so that was your traffic wrap today let's get some weather from my weather get girl austin kevin kavanagh come on give us a weather boy give it to us we're gonna go out there and talk to him this is like human frogger trying not to get hit by it yo on the major roadway i haven't done this the whole time it sounded like the chris md rat ethan i just really like your car dude that was a compliment yeah you sure alright all right all right let's go let's go get him let's go get him cleaned up hold on a second jason shoot everybody else he's all right he's got a little cut on his chin can you guys make sure he's okay right here these buckets are filled with grapes what's kind of great these are filled with chamber sin grapes and the winner this saturday who stomps the most juice will actually win an overnight stay here at chateau lawn you ready you ready to try we should do this thing you can come and we should make wine eating international foods having wine tours and tastings vineyard tours seminars arts and crafts it's a lot of fun a whole day stop oh [Laughter] [Music] no i think she is yeah she's her she took a hard fall off there gosh i hope she's okay okay we're gonna make sure she is trying to get back to you as soon as we can we'll be back right after this all right please now is it better for me to double or should i do one utter at a time i am be a beginner keep that in mind i think you should do one at a time and did i really just say double fifty i apologize for every goat partner she's bear weird when you're in every ex-boyfriend nuts i have uh forgotten what she was going to say love vicks not bro to be further done so much for it we have done everything that we could possibly do right i would vote for her she seems sweet unless unless her policies are bad in which case [ __ ] her he seems like her name is sushi arizona i will tell you that i have really did the very best that anyone could do lizard you know the girls yeah it would be fun for a blizzard yeah you got an earpiece so the dude with the camera scared too man maybe they'll get out of here that's so uncomfortable [Laughter] do you comprehend i moved from california i know in 2012 my parents gave me this house and [Laughter] i'm trying to get another dog if you need help run around get loose and that little girl will be in the hospital tonight oh my god as far as any charges oh he's pending at this point oh my god i don't know i don't know i don't know that makes you wonder where exactly did she interrupt him yeah like that was his continuation oh my god oh [ __ ] this is actually the homeowner we're going to toss we're going to toss it back to you in the studio randy i want to ask you if you can find any reports on any dogs being loose from my house or um he's just like please studio running around or have there is one he's pressing the emergency dog the panic button yeah a panic button one dog a long time ago we just unplugged it new jersey governor chris christie that is a terrible name by the way it's like you being called ethan ethan's stuff how do you just stop [Applause] you got stage right texas senator ted cruz oh no oh no oh wait is he not nervous or sorry no they already called him oh businessman i thought he got stage fright right there florida senator marco rubio wait why isn't donald donald trump didn't walk out either yeah oh now he's trying to alpha male 1 what's going on former florida governor jeb bush he's just down there i'm broken you guys aren't going i'll go for it ladies and gentlemen and dr ben carson please come out on the stage he's standing there as well dr carson why is he not moving he doesn't and it we welcome back to the debate stage donald trump he's a [ __ ] wow anyway but he didn't get him he's just huge right in the middle as well in here yes yes we're going to introduce ohio governor john kasich [Applause] hi trump's fuming now and he comes for human yeah he probably stole the show damn well they weren't too cringy i don't think no i think the the kid in the hospital still my favorite i think that's what happened i know i know actually the opener was great the insider uh that was good that was pretty good [ __ ] [Music] foreign
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 1,312,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v_BKV_4kq1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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