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boy I'm Martha don't y'all Martin psycho I think I am definitely more confident this time because I've already had that first kiss out of the way I think my strategy is just go for the kiss maybe I'll be able to like slip tongue and then from there things take off and who knows maybe she's my first girlfriend hello hey how's it going good how are you good what's your name I won't Eve I'm Josh hi um can I kiss you too is that all dad that was awful I started to it turned into a high five and it just fell apart it was I never want to do that again let phenols here in this country that do agree that the immigration problem is a problem and it does need to be addressed and it does need to be fixed interesting but making those comments those racist comments do not help and if you if you kick every Latino out of this country then who is going to be cleaning your toilet Donald Trump oh that's in the sense that no you know what I mean like what I'm saying good more there's more jobs to be in LA they always work but they don't Estill not only know me people mean it like that come on no I would never mean it like that okay I'm not part of this argument I think what you're saying is that Trump himself you need to look how the little eyes a lot of these people that he's insulting [Music] hi [Music] stims what is your deck name uh it flies you guys so so far I'm really halfway there it depends on who the U is referring to denim haircut backpacks backpacks come get your backpack boots and pants and boots and pants you should get yourself an outfit denim boots and pants and boots and paint hair color shoes so get yourself to school oh yeah I was almost gonna call you Lori how can I miss oh it's very easy you're both very pretty if you have green eyes are they they're not blue now don't tell me that look at me Oh sir you look like a young lady who likes to give lots of hugs and kisses out do you not really not really can I have a hug and a kiss I can't have one even if I say in whispering hear that Alison you're gonna win the show I still can't have a hug and a kiss huh well I guess you can't win the show then so I don't get a hug and a kiss ya hear that ya hear that that's a good answer oh you know kisses you shy okay can I have a little kiss please [Music] at the top of the show she should get a whole bunch of right answers can you give out kisses no don't you Stephanie you don't do like a melody and my that I can't keep oh I'll be singing back every day's like my boss that we play play um so so really what what we're doing is John would like me to ask you whether he could uh make out with you that's a bit different okay yeah all right it's all over with no I stop no no really no I really hey no problem with it yeah I do yeah no I think maybe just a smaller kiss okay that's a smaller kissing okay how's a too much buddy would get a picture of you and then it would be posted all around and you it'll happen in your office yeah possibly you don't think so well it depends you know you know I've got some time in a camera why don't you stop by no okay um do you think that with American Idol this is real people [Music] next up former flame Saskia more okay all right maybe we should get the customer oh okay I'm not looking oh hey Jung si distracted I asked yeah yeah do you want to sit on this side no no no no no it's okay okay Oh [Music] don't you be right now I'm a part-time model I just part-time just to get me out there I'm always looking good cheekbones man until you woman who's my say oh you're that pop something I'm not your average pop star I bring something I'm gonna leave a hard footprint on that room so when I leave they're gonna be talking about me it was that guy Oh Jay stop I think I could be the next big thing and when did you start in music I was like 16 I start doing gigs and you think you can win I'm sure I'm sure well let's do that sure okay what you're gonna sing for us my conversion Arizona Burk hallelujah oh great okay good luck all right dopey voice so easy packaging fake major better hair the brother fakir composing hallelujah yeah whoo yeah whoo yeah whoo yeah whoo whoo yeah she tied you to a kitchen chair she broke her foam and she cuts your hair I'm from it's not so one you see the light it's a call it's a broke head hello yeah yeah because we're going to have a lot of jobs jobs from building infrastructure to coding creating new apps I don't know who created Pokemon go but I try to figure out how we get them to have Pokemon go to the polls next up Noah early Grif name ladies how you feeling today are you all alright no you are all all left [Music] I heard that life is art when you're older and the phone stops just Arceus oh but I realize as I grow up is that it's just started or miss so let's not worry about to move on oh we all go baby we all right so let's not worry about the boom baby
Channel: Gakuć
Views: 19,758,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe, handshakes, politicians, tv show, awkward moment, dances, dance, kids on musically, 2016, racist, pewdiepie, jacob sartorius
Id: dJL5MPr5bKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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