Try Guys Get Gen Z Makeovers

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- What is that? - Can I try this mesh situation on top? - On top of this? - Yes, on top of that. - Are you out of your mind? - We're getting styled by Gen Z-ers. - Everything you've heard about Gen Z not liking skinny jeans is true. - What's wrong with my skinny jeans? Look at my booty. - [Kwesi] Are these backwards? - [Keith] You look like an old, married couple ran at each other and turned it into one person. - [Ned] Thanks to Crocs for sponsoring today's video. - French tuck? - Yup. (Try Guys theme music) - The Z generation, the last of the alphabet. They're the new kids. They get to decide what's cool. - I don't understand their fashion and frankly it intimidates me. - I see kids dressing like the nineties. You know when hip hop was just dance like this. - Uh, it's like baggy pants. - What if they come in and they're like, Keith, you should be wearing cargo pants. No! Can't go back. - They're just reviving everything. - A bunch of hope, happiness, and rainbows. - Oh, bucket hats. Basically anything Olivia Rodrigo wears. - Skinny jeans? Oh, cheugy. Do they even say cheugy? Got a little bit cheugy. - We have video submissions in where Gen Z-ers are going to tell us what they don't like about our fashion and then they're going to suggest new looks for us. - And then professional stylist Audrey Brianne is going to bring their vision to life. - I'm a millennial, meaning that I've been through a lot of shit. Look at me. I dress in all black and fricking boots. I'm war ready at any fricking time. In 2008, the market crashed and ended all our jobs. That's why I dress like this and that's why I act like this. (Zach laughing) - I wrote about testing my fashion fears for the book and then I realized I'm okay just being me. I wear skinny jeans almost exclusively. Apparently it's not cool anymore. Isn't it always cool to have a nice butt? - Has your hard drive ever overheated while you were working on something? No, because you're a Gen Z-er. Have you ever had dial up internet? No, because you're a Gen Z-er. We've seen Adam Levine without tattoos. Have you? No, 'cause you're a fricking Gen Z-er. - I think I've had a bit of a fashion glow up in the last couple years. Then 2020 came, took a bit of a glow divot. My style I would say is close, comfy, and convenient. Shout out to people who wear the same pants every day for a week. Whatever's on the floor, that's what's going back on my body. You feel me? You feel me? Can I hear a hell yeah? - [Crowd] Yeah! - Hell, yeah. - I've decided that I will wear all of the same color. That way I know it matches. One of my favorite outfits, I call it yellow fruit salad. I'm mostly wearing yellow and there's a little pop of blue. A little nod to the old Keith. Becky hates this outfit. Easter came in April. The world started opening up and I said, this is the vibe I want to ride on for awhile. Colors that would look good on eggs. I'm kind of the skin tone of an egg. - This video is sponsored by Crocs. That's right, your boys got Crocs money. - I've actually never worn a Croc or crocodile, perhaps is the full name? No? - [Ned] Now Zack, you're a big Crocs fan, right? - Don't walk my dog without them. Celeb-os wearing Crocs and guess what? Zach Kornfeld started wearing Crocs. You go on a walk around the house? These things. Maggie's a nurse. These things. - Honestly, I never even held one. I was like it's so light. It's like a marshmallow shoe. Oh, am I Cinderella? - You have these little Jibbitz. You can pop them in. You could customize them. So you can get them at a store near you or at - This is fun. It's like charm bracelets for my feet. - When I was a kid, I would like paint, you know, the tennis shoes I had, I was always like, let's add some fun to it. So the fact that these are built to add fun to, do we have any? - [Woman] We do. - Do we have a yellow fruit? - [Woman] We have a pineapple! - Oh. (laughing) Excuse me. I am fully now a fruit salad. - Oh, what's that? I'm about to be chased by a mythical beast? Boom, sports mode. Now no one can catch me. (Zack laughing) - It feels nice. It makes me want to walk like I'm in a video game. - Crocs, you get to show your personality on your feet. - These are fun. They're like a tie dye rainbow. Sport mode activated. Croc, Croc, Croc. - Hello, platform Crocs. Oh, yeah. Kayla, what do you think? - [Kayla] Looking good. - Shortest Try Guy? Not anymore. Thanks, Crocs. - I'm so nervous. - Oh, she's giggly, I like her. - Hi, right off the bat, millennial man? Is there anything wrong with that? No, because Keith does it well. - That's right, I do it good, baby. - The nicest way I could describe how Ned currently dresses is he's like just some guy. I don't mean that in a mean way. - Kind of felt mean. - I like the way you dress. - Nice. - I just don't love it. (Kwesi laughing) - Do you have this very soft boy look? It can be used as a strength. - Wait, soft boy is the name of a look? That's me. I am soft boy. - A do take a lot of inspiration from androgynous creators. - Androgynous. - This is Maggie's jacket. - I take a lot of inspiration from J-Hope, Ji-min. - I'm sorry, are we talking about BTS, Dhana? - So for today's look, I wanted to combine Ji-min's in real lifestyle with his stage persona. - Shut the (beep) up. - Blouses like harnesses with a sweater vest. - Blouses and harnesses? Harness sounds painful but maybe it would help with my posture. - Walk out in that outfit thinking that everyone around you is your bitch and don't care what anyone thinks. - You're my bitch. What's up, bitch? You are my bitch. You, you're my bitch. - There's not much shape. It's all like a rectangle. It just goes straight down. - I don't even know what you mean when you say shape. - Everything you've heard about Gen Z not liking skinny jeans is true. - Time the (beep) out. What's wrong with my skinny jeans? Look at my booty. - Most are really influenced by musicians I like. I listened to a lot of Lil Nas X. Really what we want to do is go absolutely wild with the accessories. - Oh no. - Instead of just doing a normal belt, I want something chunky, maybe something with chains on it, maybe like a corset belt. - Chains? - Chains. - Chains? - Add chains to the outfit. Androgynous, edgy, confusing to old people. If you get those three down, you're good. - I think they're going to turn me into what Eugene wears all the time. - I feel like my main complaint is that I'm bored. - Yeah. - I take a lot of style inspiration from like the mid-1980s. Big, chunky, thick boots. Rolling your jeans. - Come on. What do you want me to do? I'm already here. - The style that I have put together for Kwesi today. Think like "Miami Vice" type of jacket. - [Kwesi] Ooh, I'm with this. - Some chain necklaces, maybe even a choker. - I'm scared of things around my neck. - I think it would be cool to put Kwesi in one of those under bust corsets. (beep) - What? I grew up in Brooklyn in like the nineties and 2000s. It's not the Brooklyn that it is today. I always was the guy who was like, hey, I'm not a part of showing a lot of attention so anyone can pay attention to me. I'm always going to play the background. What Marie is saying, she wants me to stand out a bit and that (beep) terrifies me. Oh my God. - I am taking inspo for Keith's style from Mr. Tyler, the Creator, actually. - [Keith] What? - Here's what I'm getting from Keith. He has that little preppy vibe as well. Californian, more casual. So I want to make him this indie soft boy, almost skater type. - I'm so scared of skateboarding. - If you get your hands on the ugliest sweater and you're like, is this fashionable? It probably is. - Is Gen Z fashion millennial joke fashion? This idea of like purposefully dressing sort of garish and bad that we would do for themed parties. Is that Gen Z basic style? Is it our fault? - I want to see Keith in maybe a pair of utility looking cargo pants. - Oh no! We just need to unpack a moment here. Everything that she said she wanted to see me in was what I was wearing in the first ever "Try Guys Get Made Over by Teenagers." All this time, I've been running towards something I thought I should be and I find out I should've just stayed how I was. - I'd love to see it. - I am Audrey Brianne. I'm an LA-based stylist, specializing in celeb wardrobe styling. We've got our Crocs, got all kinds of accessories, it's going to be great. You've got like a Tyler, the Creator situation. - That's right, wow. - I want to try this guy on first. - [Keith] I never wear cozy clothes. - [Audrey] Yeah. - When I'm wearing this, I feel like I'm going to bed. - In a bad way? - No. - So Dhana has a Ji-min inspired look for me today? - Yeah, she does. Cool ripped denim, patterned paisley corduroy. - Oh my God. - Okay, wow, high-waisted. - Yeah. - [Ned] Very high-waisted. - [Audrey] Very. - Little pirate vibes. It's very loose. That's how it's supposed to be. - That's in right now. - Very loose. - [Audrey] And tie dye is super in right now. It is everywhere. - Like a parachute. - Would you ever in life? - Never. Yeah, let me finish the sentence for you. I will never wear this in my life. - Okay. - Should I tuck or no tuck? - No tuck, please. - No tuck, I didn't know. - This is what I would do. Cuff this all the way. All of the shirts right now, they're long. - They are very long. - I just finally got a mediocre physique and they're just trying to cover it up. (Audrey laughing) - Oh wow. These are so comfortable, you guys. So you're telling me I can wear pajamas and Crocs to the office and it's considered a good thing? - This is actually really cute. - You feeling this? - I'm saying it's cute 'cause it is. - I'm like at the Essence Fest or something like that, you know what I mean? Get my LL Cool J on with the. - I think that's kind of cool. - That's scary. (crowd laughing) - Can I wear that hat? What do we think? No? How about now? - [Woman] You look like a creepy uncle. - This is less creepy. I'm getting reaction from the room that this made it not creepy anymore. - I'm ready to hypnotize people with my crotch. - The button at the bottom. I would undo that one. - 'Cause you want to let people be hypnotized by the crotch. - Hey oh. Things kind of. - Let me belly hair air out? Hello. - [Audrey] It's blousey. - I feel like standing still and just like playing with my belly button. I don't know if that freaks anyone out in the world. You don't even want to look at it, huh? - You know what? No, we're all here right now. (Audrey laughing) (Keith laughing) - What is that? - Can I try this mesh situation on top? - On top of this? - Yes, on top of that. - Are you out of your mind? - I don't know. - You're going to look me in the eyes and tell me this is not a lewk? - It's a lewk. - Oh! Oh, yo. Can I have this? - [Audrey] Yes. - No, for real, for real. - [Audrey] For real. - French tuck? French tuck? - Yup. - Although I would listen to this person's experimental music. - I just can't wait to move to Sweden and start my real life. - Gen Z. - This shit's like really like walk in the room. Everyone's like, oh snap. Who's that? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's what I don't want. (Kwesi laughing) - You know Olivia Rodrigo follows me. Does she follow you guys? - I know that. So upsetting still. - We didn't, we don't have to bring that in this video. - We're trying to just like bring more color and kind of a different silhouette and look to Kwesi's wardrobe. We're going to make him look hip and trendy. - Open your eyes. (group cheering) - Oh my God! Wow! Whoa! - [Zach] You look so fly. - [Kwesi] Do I? - [Keith] It looks real. - This is propping me up. - It looks like you could really wear this. - You saw somebody dressed like this before? - [Keith] Well, I haven't. (Kwesi laughing) - [Ned] You like it? - [Zach] I mean. - I don't like it. (Keith laughing) Actually. - There it is. - No, I don't like it. No. The belt is just much but it's great for my figure. - [Ned] You're looking cinched, bro. - Yeah? Sitched? - [Ned] Cinched. - [Kwesi] Oh, singed. Like burnt? - [Ned] No, no, not singed. - [Keith] Not singed. - [Zach] You just look so expensive. - I do? This outfit is crazy, dude. The pink shirt is a no bueno. I only could wear this for a couple of minutes before I start losing my breath. The pants are way too big. The boots is okay if it's raining. (group laughing) - You are absolutely pulling this off head to toe. - Are you serious? - [Keith] You really are. - Yo, these are all lies, guys. - I think it's because you always carry yourself with a lot of confidence in your physicality. So even though you yourself don't like it, when you're walking around, you're fully owning it anyway. - Aw, Keith. Let me take the sunglasses off. Okay, with more brighter light it looks okay. (Keith laughing) (group clapping) - Historically Ned has become a lesbian more than once in our transformation videos. - [Eugene] You look like a really hot artistic lesbian mom. - Snaps to that. - What kind of lesbian is Ned going to be today? - Right? He pulls it off. - Word. - Dude, I can't with you. You're too cool. - I want to do something a little bit more out there. Something that plays around with gender a bit. Relatively dark color scheme. Sort of a grungier style. It's very different but honestly I think he could pull it off. - Honestly, it's me for me. (group laughing) - [Keith] Wow, yes. So many piercings, Ned. - Ned, is that a leather handbag or? - How dare. Did you hear what Zach just said? - You would never. Oh wait, is it? (group laughing) - Does it feel comfortable? - [Kwesi] Yeah, like walk around every day. I'm going to go grab some milk. - [Ned] You like milk? - Sometimes. - You know what I like? - What's up? - Oat milk. - Copy that. - I only drink oat milk. (Kwesi laughing) - Okay. - [Keith] Let's let Ned see himself. I feel like you don't even know really what you really look like. - No, I've just been in character this whole time. Oh my God. (Ned laughing) - [Zach] I really like the long cape-y look. Like the silhouette is really fun. I've never seen you in something like this. Wow. - One of the roasts that they gave me was they would like to see something like with a bit more structure. - The thing they keep coming with like, where we dress boring. How dare they. - I mean, look at Keith and then look at you and me. - [Keith] Yeah. - True. - It's very rock starry. But you know, we live in LA. - [Zach] I promise you, you could go to anywhere you normally go and no one would bat an eyelash at you dressed like this. - [Ned] Yeah, that's true. - [Zach] I really like the shirt on you. - Thank you. (group clapping) - I'm feeling like the guy at the front row at the fashion show. - I feel like I should leave. I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable within my own skin. - I accept you for who you are, but yeah, you should leave. - Nothing's off limits for me. If I still like wearing whatever, I will wear that. I want to just take this up a couple notches up. - [Keith] A few days later, they rolled away the stone. There I was. - [Ned] What. - [Keith] Move over, Easter eggs. It's time for Faberge. - [Zach] That's the one. - [Ned] This is not that far off for you. - [Kwesi] That's fresh. - [Keith] But I love this look. - I really like the Crocs and the socks. - [Zach] Crocs and socks. - [Keith] I didn't know you could wear socks and Crocs. Turns out it works. - [Kwesi] Love the glasses. - I wish they were prescription. (group laughing) I can't see anything. - Once again, I never would've thought that you could do those two patterns on top of each other, but I'm full on board. - Are these short pants? I'm too tall for short pants. Does feel a little bit like I'm in a musical, right? - [Ned] Oh yeah, I get musical vibes now. - [Zach] You look like Johnny Knoxville as a grandpa. - It is like grandpa core. It's Easter core. - You look like a kid from the eighties who's going over Thanksgiving dinner in Brooklyn. - Yeah. And everything about it is soft. Every single piece of fabric. - Oh. - So soft. - [Keith] Everything's soft. - Oh, it's so soft. - For me, it doesn't feel like soft clothes are for going out in the world. But this for going out in the world. - [Zach] You know what, Keith? You are one soft boy. - I must be a soft boy. I'm going to do a double glasses just to see. Yeah, I'm just an odd character in a movie. This is the DJ at the pool party that just goes, what's up, Shawn. Gotta get back to spinnin'. - Everything about this outfit, I'll wear. - You'd wear this? - Everything about this outfit. - [Keith] Really? - Everything. - All black Kwesi would wear this. - That's super fresh. - It really looks like I'm about to do a terrible rap. (group laughing) (group clapping) - I wonder where Gen Z's meetup now. Not the mall. - I feel like everyone goes to the mall, right? - Jake, are you a Gen Z-er? - [Jake] Technically, I think I'm a Gen Z-er. - Do Gen Z-ers hang out at malls? - [Jake] They do. And movie theaters. - [Kwesi] Yeah. - [Dhana] You have this delicate energy about you that I really think can suit the soft boy look. So let's get into it. - Hello Gen Z. Once you Ji-min, you don't Jim out. - [Ned] Oh wow. - [Keith] The gloves! - [Kwesi] It looks like a pocket square on his neck. - [Zach] That is exactly what it is. - You look like an old married couple ran at each other. (group laughing) Then turned into one person. - Dhana's whole idea, she wanted to allow both my masculine and my feminine to rise out. I don't know what I look like but feel like she nailed it. The pants are comfy. The blouse is super comfy. The blouse is not something I would ever wear. - [Ned] Oh, it's a blouse. - [Kwesi] You're giving us like a little bit of Prince. - Thank you. - Yeah. (Zach laughing) - This is not a real person. I don't know if this full Ji-min. Army maybe protesting this one. You know, weirdly it doesn't work without the sunglasses. If I take these off, I'm like what the (beep) is going like, right? - [Keith] I agree. - This style is just such a clash of different things. It's a Jackson Pollock of fashion. Come through, Jackson Pollock. I know things. - I don't think I would ever wear this vest or realistically this hat. But I learned a lot through looking through all the looks today. This is the first time that I've really felt like I've had full fun with an outfit in about two years. - I think you actually would wear that hat. - I actually definitely think you'd wear that vest. I don't want you to 'cause you'd be insufferable. - [Zach] Can't stop me now. - [Keith] Wow. - [Ned] Wow. (group clapping) - This was so much fun. Thank you to all of our Gen Z-ers for helping inspire our looks and giving us something fun to do today. - [Ned] It inspires me to take some more risks in my own fashion. - [Keith] And thanks to Crocs for sponsoring this video. Zach took my Crocs so I'm gonna have to take 'em back. - Subscribe to these guys' videos, man. They're nice guys, right? Peace. (Try Guys theme music) - I feel like a witch came and turned a turtle into a person, and now they're like trying to find their way through life. Excuse me, sir. Are you a turtle? No.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,782,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, gen z tiktoks, gen z cringe, gen z tiktok, gen z tiktok cringe, gen z moments, gen z, gen z funny, gen z vs millennials, makeover, makeovers, transformation, glow up makeover, styling tips, fashion styling, clothing, style, mens style, mens fashion, outfits of the week, outfit ideas, outfits, 2021 trends
Id: wHJBH4uwNfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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