Try Guys Extreme Coffee Trivia Challenge

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How do I explain how much I love this video? Love them all together, love the addition of Kwesi, the energy was pure chaos. Put a smile on my face! It's so fun when they do trivia like this too because you learn some cool stuff, Keith loses and reacts funny, Ned becomes competitive, Eugene vibes and the addition of Kwesi brings in some extra humor I love.

Maybe this is just a Kwesi stan comment honestly.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/heartashley 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

lmao I loved the end when it's like, "Johnathan is busy."

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/lejean 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

this one was hilarious!

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/mackintosh2 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

That mustache is Daddy’s Favorite

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/MMmhmmmmmmmmmm 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would like to go a bit off topic and say that I loved the sensodyne ad they did in this. Rather than plugs, I love this oldschool infomercial vibe. I would love all their ads to be little skits like this.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/wolfundermoon 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I loved this video!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I know it's his schtick but ned getting hyped up like a toddler drives me bonkers..I couldn't even finish the episode. Sometimes I wish they didn't do everything so over the top.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/pinkelephant3 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wholeheartedly agree with u/heartashley, this was one of the best episodes in a long time. MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE!

Excellent energy, very positive and upbeat, fun interaction, some real gut-laugh moments, and with a great, generous, celebratory ending (except for poor Ned: hope they found him a babysitter anyway)!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
(Ned whoops excitedly) - Here we go. We're doing a hyper caffeinated coffee trivia challenge. (dramatic music) - What kind of show is this? - [Keith] Every time you get a question wrong, you're going to take a drink of coffee to stay in the game. - I am I talking faster than normal? I feel like I'm talking the normal speed I always talk. - Chad, no! - Now I'm feeling this caffeine. - Questions get progressively harder as the drinks get more caffeinated. - Why am I being dragged here? Thanks to Sensodyne for sponsoring today's video and happy National Coffee Day. (crying out in pain) - Hello, and welcome back to a special edition of... - [All] "Try Guys Game Time". - [Eugene] Yay. (intro rock music) (school bell rings) - [Narrator] Cool! (soulful piano music) (audience awws) - Hey Keith, what's wrong? - I want to enjoy this iced coffee on National Coffee Day, but I can't. My teeth are too sensitive. I can't have hot coffee drinks either. (sighs sharply) It all causes me pain. - Oh, Keith, that's really tough. Fret not friend. Sensodyne is the number one dentist recommended toothpaste for sensitive teeth. - Sensodyne Repair and Protect with Deep Repair toothpaste helps repair and relieve the sensitive areas of your teeth, when you use twice a day consistently. Its active ingredient builds a repairing layer over the sensitive areas of your teeth and protects them from tooth sensitivity pain. - And then I can drink iced coffee? - [Both] Yes! - And piping hot lattes? - [Both] Yes! - Yippee! - Life's too short for sensitive teeth. Use Sensodyne and go back to enjoying iced or hot drinks. - Now back to the trivia. - [All] Yeah! - [Narrator] (echoing) Sensodyne! - Today, we're going to be playing three rounds of increasingly difficult coffee trivia. Shout out to my main man, Andrew, the cappuccino man behind the counter. What up Andrew? If you get a question wrong, you got to drink some caffeine to stay in the game. - Do we have a medic on standby? - In round one we'll be drinking espresso, round two- coffee. Just coffee? - Yeah, hell yeah. - Cool. - Yum, yum, yum. And round three, double concentrated cold brew. - For that ass. (Eugene laughs) (all join laughing) - Now today, there will be a prize, in fact, each of you has a specialized prize, depending on who wins. Keith, if you win, we have a bucket of fried chicken with your name on it. - I forgot to brush my teeth this morning. I was running late and I didn't have my coffee so my brain wasn't working right. So I can't wait to brush my teeth. Thank you Sensodyne for being here. - Ned, if you win, we've paid for one night of babysitting so you can have a date night. - What? Oh my God, these are real prizes. I don't know if you know this about me, but caffeine really affects me. Like, a lot. - Your babysitter is Jonathan. - [Ned] Okay. (all laugh) - What? No it's not. - [Keith] Yeah, all right! - Kwesi. - (shouts) Yo. - Hear you've been taking private flying lessons. We bought you the special $1,000 headphones that you requested so that you can fly a plane. - [Kwesi] No. Way. - So a $20 fried chicken bucket, $100 worth of babysitting, and (laughs) $1,000 headphones? - I think I'm allergic to coffee actually, so. - Wait wait wait, Kwesi. (laughs) - And Eugene for you, we have a stack of $200 in singles, so you can go out to a drag show. - [Keith] Ooh... - That's pretty good. Typically I'd have like three cups of cold brew. So, can I get the questions wrong? (bright rock transition) - According to a 2019 survey, what's the number one reason Americans drink coffee? Is it "A." to stay awake. "B." they like the taste. "C." more energy. and "D." beats having a personality. - What was with that "D" one? Did Zach just make that one up to drag coffee drinkers? - Now, Zach you don't drink coffee because it hurts you, right? - Yeah I become- I fart like crazy. - I thought we could have a real good flatulence contest. I wouldn't know who'd win- sorry. Continue, sorry, Sensodyne. (Kwesi chuckles) - Well, I believe that it's like most people who start drinking coffee in college cause they want to "A." stay awake. - I don't think it's so much about staying awake. I think it's about waking up and getting energy. - I like the taste. - And I've chosen "D", Zach's stupid answer. Give me that coffee. (drum roll) - Surprisingly, the answer is B. (all cheer and exclaim) - Wow. - Wow! - Most Americans, most Americans. Most Americans - Americans are liars. - 42.9% Of Americans surveyed said they liked the taste. - Maybe, maybe they drink frappuccinos for the taste, - Drink it up, boys! - but people drink coffee to stay awake! - Andrew I'm gonna need three on tap, my man. (scores thud dramatically) (slurping sounds) - Wait, wait, wait. There's 12 questions. - There's 12 questions, so yes in theory you might have 12- - Oh no. (laughs) - servings of increasing strength. - Can I have another one? (bright guitar transition) - Coffee beans are only called beans, but what are they actually? "A." seeds of berries. "B." a nut with a shell. "C." the root of a vegetable. or "D." the bitter invention of Satan. - Is "D." always going to be your invective against coffee? - I didn't write that one. - Oh, okay. - Seeds of berries, a nut with a shell, the root of a vegetable. All right, y'all ready? - Yes. - Go ahead, Keith. - All right the rhyme goes, "beans, beans, the musical fruit," therefore a coffee is a seed of a fruit, a berry perhaps even. - 'Cause coffee makes you toot. - Coffee makes you toot. - I also guessed "A" cause I remember something about berries. - I have "A.", seeds. - It's "A." seeds of berries." - You are all correct, (all cheering quietly) what we call a coffee bean is actually the seeds of a cherry like fruit. I guess that's why coffee is so "berry" good. (Zach and Rachel aww) - That's a nice pun. (Eugene boos) (bright guitar transition) - Which of the following should you not use your coffee grounds for? "A." mosquito repellent. "B." gardening. "C." skin scrub. or "D." dyeing your hair. - Is the "D." another one of Zach's crazy answers, or is it legitimate now? Is this a pattern you set forth? - [Zach] I know, I didn't mean to do that. - Oh no, no, no. Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughs) (Zach laughs) - I think the answer is "D" only because if it were to dye your hair, coffee's water soluble, so it would wash out by the next day. - I just guessed mosquitoes, 'cause I don't know. (laughs) - "A." Yeah, because I never heard it before, mosquito repellent. So you can use your coffee for gardening. 'Cause I used to compost - That's true. - Very good for gardening. - I put some coffee grounds in my worm bin this morning. So if the answer's "B", I'm going to say "No." - Yeah I just thought "mosquitoes." - Well, Hmm, despite popular myths, a 2016 study found applying spent coffee grounds directly to urban agriculture soil greatly reduces plant growth. (dramatic orchestral motif) The correct answer is gardening. (all shouting) - [Zach] Can I get four espressos? (Kwesi exclaims sadly) - Yay! - I changed my answer. - [Ned] Incorrect. - And this is an easy question? That felt like a trick question. (scores thud dramatically) (slurping sounds) - This game is not going- I was hoping I would like top out at maybe four. (bright guitar transition) - What color are freshly picked coffee beans? "A." brown, "B." green, "C." Black, or "D." That shade of orange right before sunset, on a clear day on the beach, when you look into your lover's eyes and realize, "Yeah, I think it's going to work out." - Wow. - [Eugene] Brown, green, black? - Or, "D." That shade of orange on a clear summer's day on a sunset, when you look into your lover's eyes. - I'm going with good old fashioned brown. - I'm guessing green. - That (beep) green. - I'm guessing green. - Raw coffee looks completely different to roasted coffee. When the beans are picked they're green. - (beep) Green... - During roasting, the starches are broken down into sugars, which caramelize, giving the beans a brown color. One more espresso, please, Andrew. (score thuds dramatically) - I still don't feel too awake yet, but I'm hot. (bright guitar transition) - The final question of round one, which as a reminder is the easy round. - Easy round, you got it. - We've made a mistake. After which event did coffee first become popular in the United States? Was it "A." The Boston Tea Party, "B." World War I, "C." The Civil War, or "D." When we ran out of peyote. - (laughs sarcastically) Nice. - I got an answer. - I got an answer. I went with World War I. Things are getting crazy and we need a little bit of extra energy to help us think of a good strategy. - You know, I felt the tea party was a silly answer, but it's going to be my answer because I think it's like a patriotic thing. Tea was very British. - I say World War One, everyone in Austria-Hungary? You know what time it is. (all laughing) - I went with "A." Boston Tea Party. I think historically Americans are really good at rallying behind dumb things to say we're better than this other country. (suspenseful string crescendo) - The answer is in fact that coffee is the original "Freedom fries", the Boston Tea Party. "Prior to the events of the Boston Tea Party, the majority of American colonialists were tea drinkers. However, after the Boston tea party, they started drinking coffee. So when you're drinking coffee, just know it's basically "Freedom fries". - I'll take another coffee please. ( orchestral "My Country, 'tis of Thee" plays) - Right now we have a three-way tie for first, with two answers wrong. And then Keith is taking up the caboose with four cups of espresso. - Already starting to feel it. (all giggling) - [Eugene] But this is good 'cause, Keith you where the most sleepy. - I was the most sleepy, I'm not going to be much sleeping much longer! (all laugh) (bright guitar transition) - Before round two, it is time for a quick teeth brushing break brought to you by Sensodyne. You got to keep those pearly whites white. - That's right. (whoops) (Ned whoops) - Ow! (Eugene mimics fart) (all laugh) - Let's go brush our teeth! - Let's go. (upbeat 80s-style rock) - Welcome to round two, where the questions are medium. (thriller-style violin sting) (Keith yelling) (Ned shouting gibberish) (Eugene shouts nonchalantly) - What the (beep). - I got stung by a bee in bed few weeks ago, the sting hasn't gone away yet. I'm wondering if I have a- (all recoiling) - The bee dies after it stings you, a little trivia. - I know that's how I knew it was a bee, I found a dead bee in the bed. (all laugh) - How's everyone feeling? (Ned chuckles) - I'm hype as (beep). - (stuttering) Yeah a little anxious. (bright guitar transition) - This should be an easy one for everybody. What is an Affagato? (all laughing) "A." A device with a propeller-like blade to grind coffee. "B." Vanilla ice cream with a shot of espresso. "C." The highest certification given to a barista. or "D." I forgot-a the answer. (all laugh heartily) - I think that I forgot- Avocado, Affagato is a "B" ice cream dream. - It's the the "B", a coffee and the ice cream! - It's "C" a smart coffee guy. - (with Italian accent) Is ice cream and espresso. - Can I get a coffee for Kwesi please? (Keith cheering) (Kwesi laughs) - (screaming) I got one right! (bright guitar transition) - Which country drinks the most coffee? - Per capita or by pure volume? - Italia, (they ooh) Finland, (they ooh again) Brazil, or Morocco-iado... Morocco. - By volume or by per capita? - Per capita. - (with increasing speed) I've asked twice about volume vs per capita, 'cause it really makes a big difference. Brazil is one of the most populous countries in the world, that'd be an auto answer. (still talking rapidly) But once you said per capita, I think I got to Italy, they have- - (laughs) Oh my god, you're talking so fast, Ned. - It could be Morocco though, I think there's big strong- and I mean, I know it, I think in Morocco they have like big, big old, like in Italy it's like, (speaking high pitched) little tiny cups. Also, would they do Morocco? Unless it was- - Goodness gracious, Ned. (Kwesi giggling) - Am I talking faster than normal? I feel like I'm talking the normal speed I always talk. - (shouts) Okay, When I was in Greece, all the Greeks were saying that Greece drank the 6th most in the world per capita. So that's made me think that maybe Italy was closer to them. So Italy was out for me, I'm going with Morocco. I had put Brazil because they love to party, but now I'm going with Morocco. - I'm voting for Italy. - Italy. - My guess is "B" Finland, because when I was in Sweden, I learned that these Scandinavian countries drink a (beep) ton of coffee, because they drink a blonder roast? - Keith, Keith make a joke about me. - (scoffs) Have you guys ever seen Ned? (all laughing) - That's what you call... - (laughing) You ever seen Ned? Also, Morocco you can spell coffee with the last two letters of Morocco. - Wait, let me do my other joke. It was a set-up for the real joke. - I was only half listening. - Hold on. (coughs) (all talking) That's what you call a blonde roast. (Kwesi laughs) - That was good, that was good. I (beep) it up. - Well, I am so sorry, Eugene. You're the only one not getting a coffee. The answer is Finland. - [Ned] I knew Italy was the trap answer. - Wait, when we're all done with our coffee, we'll all be Finnish. (all exclaim) (Ned whoops excitedly) (scores thud dramatically) (slurping sounds) (bright guitar transition) - What is the overwhelming type of preferred coffee consumed by millennials? Fair-trade latte, gourmet espresso, drip coffee. - I'm going with "C." Coffee. - Wait, what was "C."? - (laughs) Coffee. - I'm going with drip coffee. - I'm going with the espressos. - I thought American millennials, so I changed it to fair-trade latte. - Can I change my answer? - A staggering 70% Of all coffee consumed by millennials is in the form of gourmet espresso-based beverages. (triumphant orchestral motif) - That's why he allowed it. - Gourmet espresso drinks. - Espresso-based beverages. - [Kwesi] I'm coming alive! - I thought it was espresso. - I thought it was espresso. - I got one more coffee before I'm over the (beep) edge. (bright guitar transition) - What country holds the record for the largest iced coffee? Italia, - [Keith] No way. - (beep) random guessing. - Antarctica, - Ha, Hilarious. - Guatemala, North Korea. - [Keith] Oh boy. - North Korea? Not south- North Korea? - North Korea doesn't want do anything Western. It would not want to participate in iced coffee largeness contest. - And Guinness wouldn't- verify it. - I like how we're just openly discussing (Ned laughs) improbability of this answer. Antarctica, no. They're too busy doing science. - There's no one there. - How you gonna ship it all the way down there? - I'm ready. - I think we should all answer as a group. - I'm ready (laughing) - Let's talk this one through. - I'm gonna say Guatemala. - I'm gonna say Guatemala. - And then I'll say Guatemala. - Guatemala! - I'm gonna say Italy. - Guatemala! - The record for the largest iced coffee was a cup containing 14,228.1 liters of iced Americano coffee. That country was, improbably, North Korea. - Bullshit, bullshit. (whiteboard crashes) - They lied! - Ain't nothing in North Korea named "Americano". - (laughs) Ned has broken his board. (Kwesi laughing) - I need a new board. - Guatemala! - That's some bullshit. Speaking as a Korean person, that's some bullshit. Now I'm feeling this caffeine. - We're just going to believe North Korea, now? You don't think they're inflating the numbers? - Listen, listen guys, guys. I found out, I found largest iced coffee, with 14,228 liters was created in South Korea. (dramatic fanfare) - I told you. I told you. - You're speaking to a Korean. (all clamoring) We had a war, they're not naming nothing "Americano". - What kind of show is this? (bright guitar transition) - Besides humans, what animal is obsessed with coffee? - North Korea. (laughs) - "A." Otters, "B." Koala bears. "C." Bees. - [Keith] Where's a koala going to get coffee? - [Eugene] Koalas primarily eat eucalyptus. - Otters like to go on dates, and a good intro date is coffee. So I'm going with "A." otters. - [Eugene] Ooh, I like what you did there. - Thank you so much. I guessed bees because you know the number of times I've been drinking coffee and a bee is all up in my business? - "B." Koalas. - I guessed bees cause I felt like they were the only ones who actually need caffeine to work. - The answer is B... zzz, bees! (all exclaiming) - Aw, nice. - Oh, I got it wrong? - Oh (beep). (laughs) - I wanna know how. - Bees love coffee plants and are attracted to the caffeine in the coffee flower's nectar. - Because it gives them a buzz. - Their flowers also contain caffeinated nectar. How about that? - [Kwesi] Damn bees. - Caffeine makes busy bees as alert as it does humans. - Oh my god so I was right! - You were right. - 'Cause they work so much. (dramatic crash sound effects) (bright guitar transition) - Final question. What is the literal meaning of espresso? "A." Move rapidly. "B." Force out. "C." Impatience. "D." To get all jittery and sweaty and do that thing where you keep tapping your right foot, like Ned's keeps doing. - [Keith] That's a good question. It's making me think. - Let this video be the antidote to anyone who says that coffee makes you think clearer. - I think it means "C." impatience. - I think it's gotta be "B." 'cause way espressos are made are with the pressure going (mimics coffee machine). - "C." Move rapidly? Or was that- Impatience. - I think it's "B." force out because my partner speaks Italian. - Oh dang, that's rough. - Yeah, it is an Italian word. And embarrassingly, the Italian didn't know that, but Eugene did know Italian and the answer is - They got the same answer. - No, I know, but you didn't know that it was an Italian word. - I knew it was an Italian word, that wasn't my reasoning. - We all knew it was an Italian word. - Everyone knows it's an Italian word. - We get it right or wrong? - Did I get it right? - In Italian, as Eugene correctly stated, the word espresso literally means "when something is forced out", the answer is "B." - Why am I being dragged here? I said, the reason why- (Kwesi giggling) - Because you didn't know it was an Italian translation and he did. - No, obviously everyone knows it's a translation! But the point is what is it in Italian if you don't know Italian? - You just gotta accept that you're (beep) wrong, bro. (all laughing) - No! I guessed the right answer! Obviously, the Italians named it based on the thing that it does! - At the end of two rounds, Eugene is in the lead, but anything can happen. (Kwesi groans) It's time for the hardest questions: Round three. (bright guitar transition) This round, you better not get it wrong. This round, if you get it wrong, you'll be drinking... Double concentrated cold brew. (suspenseful motif) - For that ass. (laughing) - Here we go. What invention was first created because of coffee, - Sewing machine. (laughing) (continue laughing) - Is that an answer? - [Rachel] This is why you're losing! - Did I get it? (all laughing) - The mortar and pestle, the mug, the first webcam, sewing machine. - [Keith] Oh shit. (laughs) - Webcam makes no sense. - (slurring) Okay, guys, listen to this. People been grinding spices long before coffee, people been drinking liquids long before coffee but people never had a webcam without a good cup of Joe, I'll tell you what. - Not a bad reasoning, I almost went with that. I just reflexively said mug at the last second. - "B." Mug, 'cause it's a coffee mug, not a tea mug. - Boom. - I said, "C." Webcam, 'cause the answer is way too out there to be right. So give me that cold brew. - Workers at the University of Cambridge invented the first ever webcam, with the sole purpose of checking the status of the coffee pot. - What the-? (dramatic orchestral motif) - Well that's vague. - I did it! - [Kwesi] That makes no freaking sense. Keith, unfortunately, since Eugene got that right, you have been mathematically eliminated. So we're going to now make you watch, as people off camera eat your chicken. - But why would they do that? No, you don't need to eat it, you don't even like chicken! (whining) Don't eat the chicken! (screaming) No, you haven't even finished that piece, don't move on to the next piece! (bright guitar transition) - What do the two most expensive coffees in the world have in common? They're grown in high altitudes, which promotes their unique flavor profile, they use a new irrigation process, which includes organic nutrients, they have used an agricultural hybrid process to maximize scent and taste, or "D." they're extracted from animal fecal matter. - I'm going with coffee poop. - I'm going with the poo poo. - I'm going with the poo. - I'm going with the poop too! - Poo poo! - Give us the poo poo. - Can I get a toot toot for poop poop? (all cheering) ("Ode to Joy" plays) - From the freaking civet cat. - There is a coffee that's more than $500 per pound or 50 bucks a cup. The beans are sourced from the poop of an elephant in Thailand. There's another coffee from the feces of civets, regarded as the world's priciest. (Zach makes whoosh noise) (bright guitar transition) Okay, why are most coffee names in Italian? Is it "A." traders name them to appeal to Italian customers who were early major consumers, "B." they invented the espresso machine. "C." the first large-scale branding for coffee began in Italy, or "D." it sounds so sexy. - Hmm, this game is kind of like Balderdash cause three of these answers, Zach just made up. - Do it to it. - (scatting) B-b-b-b-b- "B." - I'm also going "B." - I'm going with "C." the call back to the World War I question, or answer. - That was the wrong answer that round. (Zach laughs) - [Keith] It was wrong, but... - (beep) (all laugh) - I got a write-in answer. I went with "E." imperialism and colonialism. - Boom, for that ass, yeah. - The answer is that, "B." they invented the espresso machine. - Hell yeah. - Unfortunately with that, Kwesi, you have been eliminated from winning, which means we are going to have to return those headphones. - Damn it. - Rachel, if you could go ahead and start packing that up please. - [Kwesi] Oh no. (beep) - And Kwesi, you've been waking up at four in the morning, every single day to study. - every single day, yeah. - So winning today would have really meant a lot to you. - A lot, yeah. But, hey (beep) it. (Zach chuckles) (bright guitar transition) - Which one of the following is believed to be the origin of the discovery of coffee. We're going back to the beginning. Was it a pharmacist who began prescribing it for narcolepsy, a monk who used it to transcribe holy texts late into the night, a herder who noticed his goats were more energetic after eating them, or "D." a chemistry student, trying to find a way to stay up and study longer. - I'm going with "C." funky goats. - I'm going with "C." the herder. - I'm going with "C." the herder because it was actually in Ethiopia where they discovered coffee, big-up to my Ethiopians. - Well, I also said goats. Because coffee's really old. - Yeah, you know, I didn't write this questions, but I would have replaced two of those answers and made it older. Funky goats. (all cheer) (bright guitar transition) The final question: As a reminder, Ned, you need to get this right, Eugene needs to get it wrong. You get it wrong, you lose. But if you both get it wrong, I'm saying (beep) it, we're going to dig out that fried chicken and Kwesi, you're getting those headphones back. (all exclaiming excitedly) - Let's go! - If we both get it wrong, both of them win? - Even if I have the most points? - Before coffee became widely available, what was a popular breakfast drink? (thrilling orchestral music) "A." Milk, "B." juice, "C." Beer, or "D." Daddy's favorite? - Ooh, cinnamon raisin juice. (all giggle) Yum. In the late 1700s, Benjamin Franklin was credited for having a good workforce when he forced his staff to stop drinking beer for breakfast, and make them not start drinking until the afternoon. So I believe it's beer. That's a true fact is that everyone was drinking beer and no one got any work (beep) done. So he's like, "You gotta stop drinking beer all the time, guys." - Oh (beep) (laughing) - That's why I think it's that. - That sounds pretty convincing, man. - [Rachel] Ned. - I just, I just said milk, 'cause you know, cows. - I say beer. Beer because water was dangerous to drink, that's why a lot of people drank tea because you have to boil it. - Everyone's favorite breakfast drink, beer. - Get ready to make it rain, Eugene Lee Yang the answer is beer! (all cheering) - So I won the coffee challenge with an answer about alcohol? - Wow. - How fitting. - Wow! (all cheering) - Get ready to make it rain. - Shit, (beep) (shouting) throw it down bro, throw it down! (all laughing) - As the winner of today's trivia challenge, I hereby bestow my cash prize to go towards Kwesi's airplane headphones! - (screaming) Make it rain, make it rain! (all screaming) - Let's go, let's go! - Get in the sky, go fly like a bird Kwesi. - Kwesi, I ain't returning this. You get some headphones, buddy. (all hollering) - (shouting) There was extra chicken! (everyone screaming) - So who's babysitting my kids? - And unfortunately Jonathan is busy. - (beep) (all laugh) - Thanks to Sensodyne for sponsoring today's video. (upbeat rock music) - (mimics radio tech) The wings are not on fire. I repeat the wings are not on fire. - Copy that, Ned Eugene, what's the word on the street? - (mimics radio tech) The word on the street is you are about to enter a storm of singles. (all holler) - Let's go! (cheering)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,755,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, Sensodyne toothpaste, sensodyne, sensitive teeth, remedies for tooth pain, Sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair, coffee, coffee beans, how to make coffee, coffee shop, coffee recipes, coffee recipe, coffee challenge, extreme, trivia, try guys game time, tggt
Id: t_MRr0K3CvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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