Truth of God Broadcast 1271-1272 Bronx NY Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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hallelujah we're gonna introduce to you the messenger of the Almighty God apostille Gino Jenna's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in here back in New York we thank the one true Living God for His mercy his guidance I asked my two brothers just in front slide y'all chairs all the way back it's not him all the way back me mixer more room we thank God for his guidance in his merciful sinning to us his servants the prophets and the apostle's we thank him for the way of holiness that's written for our learning in our understanding before going any further if there is any sisters standing back there there's some seats up front you can bring them let them get seated and if there's our young brothers can stand and how old brothers can remain seated to all of our ministers to our guests we sorry we don't have enough room it's a good-sized auditorium but truth have a tendency of collecting a whole lot of fish you know every place we go we run out of room in so many places because people are hungry and what's that I'm on mute let me reach back down here get this right make sure that my good now I think brother Minister Cole for those kind fiery remarks to all the ministers that are here to my wonderful brothers and sisters of New York and you that are visiting from other locations we thank God that you took the time out to come I often say over-the-air I wish I wasn't million there I'd be able to plant churches quicker the devil move fast you trying to do it right man you got a fight and do everything else but we are grateful for God's goodness we were in Jamaica last week and God knows we had a time baptized 39 in the name of Jesus Christ they claimed the auditorium could hold 2,000 but it couldn't it was what the cameras couldn't show you they had to set chairs all on the outside of the building and let the chairs wrap around a building and set speakers outside because no one else can get in when we first started to work in Jamaica we had no more than 7 to 8 people now we have over 2,000 and still grows still Joe I'm convinced you do not have to change your strick holy bible standard just against those men have changed who used to be firm and strict but I have said to people moreover we're not changing nothing if God said it we believe it and we're not changing from before that we were in Milwaukee Wisconsin we baptized 93 and the name of the Lord David I was in Detroit Tuesday of this week all day god bless us we may settlement on our new Detroit temple thank God for that from Detroit we flew to Mobile Alabama the congregation been outgrew that small church we had there and the Lord blessed us with beautiful large temple over close to 12,000 square feet sitting on three acres of land so the work there's going on beautiful also so New York we're still looking we're still looking to try to find something in Bronx or nearby only Yonkers or somewhere where I could kill your close range hey man because if anybody been following this program you know you're gonna get shot close-range shot I thank God for our mothers I love to see our older mothers and two older brothers it's a beautiful thing when I see them still contending for this one faith well God willing this week in common with being Baltimore and I do hope that many of you can come stop in Baltimore church anniversary give them some support after that I'll be in Norfolk Virginia for the combined anniversary of Norfolk Portsmouth Newport News Fredericksburg Virginia churches after that I'd be in Dallas Texas grabbing the devil by the horns if God will harass you to the ground after that God willing I'd be in Nassau Bahamas over there and let us remember our brothers and sisters in Freeport Bahamas because I believe the count is still growing over 40 something the Lord killed I can't say the devil dealer the Lord did it God control the wind God controlled the earthquake God controlled the rain let us get a clear understanding I keep telling people everywhere God proves to you you don't own nothing you don't own I don't care what car you drive what house you have size bank account guard can bring a wind blow your house down bring a flood I was looking at the news and it was talking about the White House there was a leak there leak in the White House just letting Trump know I can get to you regardless of where you had sooner the human family realized that all of us that are here and that are not we were made for one thing for God's glory we must thank him because it is his mercy that brought us here it is his mercy that's keeping us here nobody belong to themselves did you hear what I just said you're not your own you may think you're your own man or your own woman that's just deceiving you you're not your own the little breath you have now us in your own nostrils your body is equal to a place that you rent or lease eventually your time your physical body will expire you will go the way of all flesh white man black man yellow man Brown you may be a half bigot now but let me educate you I keep saying over there not a racist worm in the world I have never met a worm that's blade just for black folk when you die I've never met a worm that just made for white folk where do you die the words will feast sweetly upon your corpse you are made for God's glory who passes generous everybody as a matter how rich how poor how broke how honest how dishonest everybody was made for God's glory so then that's what got me traveling I'd be in Australia about a month at half being perfect then being Sydney then we'll be in Africa they come up to South Africa to Johannesburg and pound the devil there where we ready to start a new work now and Dubai God willing we'll be in Alaska next year we have been about three dozen different cities and one month in Canada I'm busy we don't have time for foolishness we are busy trying to wig men and women up because you're more hardhead than cattle and oh yes your man is more hardhead than cattle just look at your Bible God did not destroy the world with the flood because of cattle there was no hardhead cats or dogs or sheep every beast every ropes that God made every snake every species that God made do exactly what God made them to do every time of year the wildebeest of Africa take the same trail and take that trail and the alligators know they know when to just sit back and wait because they know God go give them a good meal the snake shed its skin the same time every year and it never rubbed its skin up against something that's off even the intelligence of the snake no to get rid the old skin Augusta rub up against something hard I'm saying that to tell you this New York we have been exposed for years of this sugar diabetes pretty this watered-down version of the Bible which make it difficult for us to shed off the old man so God bring holiness to the people it been here we just was walking around professing something else Baptists and Methodists and Presbyterians and Lutheran when we preached in Jamaica my opening statements was the only people won't be with God as holy people why did I say that thank God man people start making comments about the programming emails came in someone wrote and said if you think only your church is going to be in heaven I didn't say that I didn't say that the Bible said blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection that was written before I was born only holy people what is holy people passage enters then they had repented of their sins baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ has the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue and striving to live by the teaching of Jesus which is the teaching of the Apostles and not deviating from the left or right and follow that to the letter are you getting what I'm telling you they laid me out and said you got to be out your mind if you think no Baptist or Methodist gonna be there as I said before so sad now again the Bible did not say blessed and Baptist is He blessed and holy you see blessed it and nondenomination it was he didn't say that they didn't say blessed and Mormon is he the Bible speaks plain let's get trapped in verse 4 this I don't want full think I'm conjuring up something Revelation chapter 20 and then I know what you say Williams is trying to conjure up something you used to be a Trinitarian no no way two of the guards ain't talking to you no no so we all right up we're all right all right winds get chapped inverse Revelation chapter 20 and at verse 6 solomon blessed and holy is he that at part in the first resurrection on such the second death has no power that's not G no Gina's preaching no holiness is the only belief that been here before the world that's right I wanna say what you check out any religion Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Lutheran Mormon Muslim Jehovah Witnesses everybody out there got a date yeah when they started and all of them do holiness go back father then the world itself according as yet nobody can go back that far no gift wrapped in verse with this William now in the book of Ephesians chapter 1 and at verse 4 so don't blame it on passage in it that's right I said Jenny wants you to come to his holy I don't have no holiness that's right and if they're here now it will lift up the G note I wouldn't preach ol eNOS no my brother insisted us in the back that are standing if you want to come up closer there's some seats up here if you want to come up closer you can and then if you want to come up closer there's some seats back there up in the front listen at this now in Ephesians chapter one and adverse for all right according as you have chosen us in him focus on the language of the book I want them to notice what it says according to as he he who God has chosen us in him when before the foundation of the world and what did he choose us to be that we should be holy and justify what I've been telling you that's right no body religion go back that far that's right before the world was so when I tell the whole world by God permission folks say but why do you sound so main passage in is it know how I sound pay attention to what God make me say that's it my job is to represent God and if I preach the Word of God right the word is called fire the word is called sworn the word is called hammer and a word is called ax ain't nothing nice about ax nothing nice about a sword and nothing nice about a hammer just so happen God make me preach into the following you like a hammer and it cut you like a sword and I have to use an axe so I can cut the source of your wickedness that's right you want a tree to stop growing grind the stump down don't just cut the limbs you've got to remove the stuff that's what the Bible said that act is laid at the roots all right I want to go to work today on the characteristics of Judas amen I want everybody to pay attention and judge yourselves because Judas may be sitting among you that's right Judas may be in a pulpit Judas was one of the men whom the Lord chose to be an apostle that's right Judas was a disciple of Jesus Judas also had a role to fulfill in prophecy that's right I want to explain to you of the Judas in the Bible of the past and then we want to look at this marmar in Judas that's right because Judas is still among us you know oh yeah the characteristics of Judas did not start here no there's a key statement that the Bible says about Lucifer and it repeats itself about Judas Lucifer in the beginning was a righteous angel oh so I didn't know that I thought that Lucifer was the devil Lucifer in the beginning was a righteous angel that's right in the Book of Ezekiel contrary bought it to follow me I want to take you to school this afternoon you can shout next year right now I want you to get this Amen column and Hemet first in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 28 and at verse 13 yes has been an Eden the garden of God has been an Eden the garden of God every precious stone was thy covering yea sardius topaz in the diamond the burrell the oxide and the Jasper and the sapphire the emeral and the carbuncle and gold yes the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the end the day that thou was created Holland let me destroy the myth of Lucifer let's stop thinking them loose affirm of some man and a rare tight suit with horns and a curly tail let us also rid ourselves of the Bible College mist of Lucifer of being the choir director in heaven that's right you all liar that's right my way never said it was that wretched a choir in heaven are you listen to the old man follow me the workmanship of the severance and of thy pipes now God is not describing the devil right he's describing the angel named Lucifer Lucifer follow me in the Bible listen at this the workmanship of our efforts and avoid pipes and was prepared in thee and the day that that was created the pipes of Lucifer the pipes of the angel was not talking about a pipe organ if you focus on the language of the Scriptures it says the pipes that was prepared in being the pipes of a man and the pipes of the woman is the voice of the man and the voice of the woman that's right are you listening that's really so his voice his pipes was prepared in V by who by God again he's not talking about the devil yet he's talking about Lucifer the angel that was made holy in that day God created him that's right listen I want the anointed cherub that covereth wait a minute that Devils not anointed know thou art the anointed cherub thou art the anointed angel that covereth and I have set thee so God said I set you like this I was upon the holy mountain of God now the Bible describing his authority he was upon the holy mountain of God that man God had him in a place of authority now has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fun yes that was perfect wait a minute do you hear this now it was perfect thou was perfect thou was complete what in thy ways was complete or perfect in that way from the day from the day that that was created that you were made till till iniquity was found in thee when iniquity was found in Lucifer that's the fall of Lucifer that's right so I said well who made the devil God did god that's right caught yes God see I create good and I create evil now when God made Lucifer Lucifer was holy when Lucifer when iniquity or Satan or the devil was found in him the devil took something from Lucifer and Lucifer took something from the devil that's right would the Lucifer take from Satan his character Israel because the character of Lucifer first he was righteous he done God's will but what did he take from Satan Satan's character now salient character transform Lucifer what they say in take from Lucifer Satan took a name from Lucifer that he never has right Satan was a called Lucifer Satan was called Satan or Abaddon or apollyon the wicked one the accuser of the Brethren the Prince of Darkness or the Prince of the air those are titles the serpent the great red dragon titles but now he took on a name so most people actually thought Lucifer were Satan all the time no no listen at the language of the Bible I was perfect in their ways what from the day that I was created then what happened to Ellen iqua tea was found in d - when iniquity is found then you change that's right now that's right after iniquity was found in a war broke out in heaven and where there's war there's confusion that's right and the book says God is not the author of confusion Satan was put out and comes to the earth and the apostle's talks about the descending of Satan and say woe unto the habitants of the earth up a hell Satan fall from heaven as like when Satan fell to the earth chaos wickedness hate evil and hypocrisy and vindictiveness follow him that's right Satan could not defeat God and Satan was angry with God of being put out so to get back with God he's put out come to the earth and now declared war on all of God's people therefore rejoice ye heaven there's it now in the book of Revelation chapter 12 and verse 12 rejoice heaven and ye that dwell in them and he that dwell in him woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea whoa don't sound like he's happy oh no whoa is like a sound of an alarm that's right he's letting you know whoa look out something's going to happen beware that's right woe to the inhabiters of the earth happiness of the dwellers of the air and of the sea and of the seats well the devil has come down unto you the devil is come down unto you having great wrath he's angry oh yeah the devil is angry at God and if he's angry at God it'd be foolish for God's people that think the devil love you that's right all right listening that's right if he hate God and he does then he hate you that's why his objective is is to bring all of God's people down with him that's right are you listening that's right listen woe to the inhabitants of the earthen of the sea yeah for the devil is come down unto you the devil has come to you having great wrath having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time wait a minute so the devil know that his time is short the clock is ticking on he's motivated to do more because his time is short now let me show you how successful that the Bible shows us the devil is and will be there's more loss and I believe estrous talks about this or the wisdom of Solomon there's more loss than save oh yeah New Jerusalem lie a Foursquare of the length and the breadth and the height of the city that the Lord wouldn't wait to prepare for the church are equal and yet there's a number that no man can number that would make the first resurrection but now you talk about hell hell the Bible say hath enlarged herself meaning hell became expanded it became larger because there are more people lost then say even such people don't talk about those that used to be his people he said he won't come until there is a great falling away that means many of those that were baptized the right way in the name of Jesus Christ and actually had the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue the devil don't pluck many of them right up out of the church let no man deceive you why was he going do it sometimes the devil can actually place people in your life and their closeness blind you to the agenda the only one you should be close to molded anything and anybody is gone [Music] [Applause] if you close to your brothers and sisters alright but it should be reasonable space there enough space that if they turn against God your closeness with them don't influence you to join them in their rebellion against your Lord are you listening so there will be more loss then save Satan or hell hath enlarged herself and s just tell us about disk and through the Bible it talks about straight and narrow is the way and feel that be that finer but broad is the way that leads to destruction and maybe that be that go in there end alright listen out now in the book of second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 2 yes verse 3 alright no man deceive you by any means Poland we come here to serve God all of us were privileged to hear the message of holiness all of us because it's a privilege to hear the teaching of God we should not abuse the privilege all down through the Bible there's always a point in time that God sends someone to alarm that generation some will hear some will not some will obey some will not in the days of Noah they heard but didn't listen did you hear what I just said they heard but they didn't listen what's the dip between hearing and listening the difference between hearing and listening is the same as reading and studying you can read but they don't mean your study or what you read if I study what I read that's a whole different approach to my reading because now I'm trying to itemize in detail and running abstract from the contents of the book that's right and if you asked him what did you study I can relate and repeat what I studied in research but if I read and not really into it I'm reading you asked what did you read something about something so the Bible says he that has ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit said to the church then the Bible says take heed how you hear so when you're in God house you just don't want to hear you want that listen and study self based upon the context of the book that you're listening to that's right and see today are you a Judas or do you know are Judas are you close to a Judas or is there Judas in the pulpit of your location is there Judas in your prayer meeting is there Judas in the Brotherhood me honest this is good now in the book of second estrus chapter 8 and started verse 1 second Esther's 8 in 1 says honey answered me saying the Most High has made this world for many the most high maintenance world for many but the world to come for few that's tough explanatory this world right here has made for many that's right but the world to come the new heaven and new earth is made for who for few only a few gonna be safe there be many created there be many that's created but few shall be saved I told you that's right that's plainly written that's right he will be saying why because many want to serve God with strings attached and you want the brain stipulations to God listen how foolish the human family is you don't work for a job for you to brain your rules you abide by company policy and you stay with the job and if you stay there you're gonna cooperate with company policy if they want to be safe they want to be right with God you're gonna have to be compliant to scriptural policy now remember what the Bible says about Lucifer iniquity was found in him let's look at Judas hmm follow me in your Bible quickly now in the book of Saint Luke chapter 22 and we'll start reading at verse 1 all right now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh which is called the Passover yeah and the chief priests and scribes saw how they might kill him you know Judas already conspired right with the people I already made plans he already had his plans and an in motion you know listen at this and the chief priests and scribes saw how they might kill him yeah so they feared the people then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot being of the number of the twelve now when the devil come in a purse there's a transition there's a change that's right if they used to walk with God and when that Devil come in them there's something about the Bible they will start to denounce their views about the Bible that's going to start changing they're gonna start complaining churches to strick tired of doing this tired of rules tired of gotta go by rules and I'm tired of it so what happened there start hunting around behind the back of the righteous that's right go visiting false churches or they start calling and communicating with the false church they came from the see is they space still open and my position still available do you understand you see brothers and sisters when you come to walk with God you don't come with the attitude looking for position you don't come seeking a title the purpose of walking with God is for the salvation of self not for title not for position but for self salvation are you listening the Word of God says what and the chief priests and scribes saw having might kill him but they feared the people priests describe how they will kill him because they feared the people then into Satan into gen that devil got into the Apostle Jude surname history miscarrying of the number of the twelve yeah and he went his way and communed with the chief priests and captains let's look at Judas Jesus haven't even died yet but Judas was already in the background conspiring and he went his way and combated the way the Judas's are in churches that's right you come to church I thank God you know car is the highest thing God is the greatest they were even saying we bear witness there is no god but one we took sweetheart the devil believe that too you know that's right a father said if that believe there's one God you do well the devil's believe and tremble but the Judas's of the day is like the Judas of yesterday they profess that they know God but in works they deny him so you have found as Judas Kiss fired then against his Lord right against the Brethren against this teacher the Judas's of the day do the same thing they conspire against brothers and sisters and they would even conspire against their own teacher that's right thy tongue devises mischief do you hear this now in the Book of Psalms 52 when adverse - why doesn't my tongue divide mr. see back then do they have telephone or Internet but they did communicate oh yeah Judis today he's always on the phone or tweet emailing that's right here's Sam you know I'm not gonna be in first church alone you know I'm I'm on my way I'm on my way out but doing the overseer come around you know that that fellow passengers I met him too when you come around they say good things about it but when he's away here so often so Judas will communicate with this male or male or female or female friends and trash the church they trash the ministers and trash leadership but yet keep coming that's right ruk what I'm tell you he recalled that brother or call that sister trying to be booked lessons of holiness and trying to debunk scriptural truths now citizen speakers against that brother the Bible says went in the book of sound and the Book of Psalms 49 and add verse 20 now Judas was a traitor that's right but yet he kept hanging around Jesus ice terrible isn't it it first started in heaven and when they hit the earth it's pray listen in Psalms 49 Psalms 15 adverse times I'm now citizens speakers against thy brother you sit and speak against your brother the cylinder is thine own mother's son you slander your own mother son son these things has they'll done you're done it and I kept silence and I was quiet though thoughtless that I was all to get such an one as thyself ah but I will reprove thee and set them in order before that I did you hear that now consider this think about this yeah he that forget God eat what now consider this consider this you don't forget the Lord ye that forget go what lest I tear you in pieces hallelujah lujah I one thing I have been passing for thirty five years I've been preaching for about 43 to 44 years preaching so I do have you know just a little bit experience amen and 35 years or over 40 years I have witnessed numerous of Judas's and one thing I learned they all have in common all of their actions are the same now 1 Judas I met was different from the other great for any time the Lord have moved on me to bring a message like this Judas were always after the message or some days after all hours after he will reach out to his friends that's right and he gonna call them or him ordained what do you think about that message gonna be one question Oh somebody must been talking to Pastor generous yeah Oh somebody's in passage in his ear because Judas is too dumb to realize you have the same character of the other Judas's that will before you that's right nobody got the run talk to me do someone got to tell you you have a cold when you know your nose is running Judas is a coward that's why Judas one of the Apostles work behind the scenes he would not face Jesus like a man he worked behind the scenes that's the same way it's done among the wicked take this in heaven have you noticed Satan worked among the Angels that's right he didn't gets jumping God face he worked among the Angels that's why a whole third a whole third now ask yourself you may say well man how can people be so weak that somebody can come among us and trick him and manipulate them and pull them out the church and we striving to live holy very good question but consider this angels don't strive to live holy angels aren't holy and if Satan can remove 1/3 of angels who did not have to tell you for the Holy Ghost there was made holy from the day of decoration Satan tricked them condom and what was the subject oh I'm going to be like the most high for you to leave God and to side with the devil until you will have war you have to believe what the devil is saying that's right for any brother to make you leave church and follow him who have no insight and is not sent by the God of heaven at all see Judas was said pastor Jenner think he the only one sent no I don't that's the spirit of Aaron and Miriam because you know if they said about Moses have God spoken only by you has he not spoken by us and the Bible says God heard it and as a result of such gunk came down in the cloud and said cut out you three Moses and Aaron and Miriam came before God come out to the tabernacle hurt something and as a result of such god Smith Miriam with leprosy and she became white as snow and when Aaron saw that he fell down when you are in church for your soul and you know that it's the Word of God that brought you here that's right are you listening you know let's show husband your wife your brother and sister nor any local minister pour you out the check the Word of God says what still in the Book of Psalms 50 and add verse 20 and now citizens speak against that brother now slanderous thine own mother's son these things has doubt done and I kept silence though the Faunus that I was altogether such and one as thyself and I will reprove thee and set them in order before thine eyes I know now consider this consider this he that forget God you never forget the law less I take have you forgotten the law have you forgot how terrible God is social waiting that God is not terrible he's good he's called a terrible God well I thought he's good he's good and terrible he's good to go that I'll pay him but he's parables of those that hate him this teaching if you strive to live by it you want to stay on the good side of God hallelujah Larissa go stay on God's good side [Applause] don't be a crowd follower alright listen a lot of us we get too close to people and then get caught up in a sick weak frail church clique that's why I tell the members in every little quick location you've been I get too close of no Minister that we appoint not one that's right don't get too close too cold don't get too close to Harrison you better get close to God well why is that passage Enders imagine if one of them turned to Judas I'm not saying they will be I'm using a parable because Judas wasn't a pasto in deadlock that's right and if the apostille turn he was an apostille handpicked by Jesus walked with him talk with him handle him talk by him and then turned on so imagine if one of my brothers turned to Judas and if you're too close they gonna turn you and the very thing that got you out of falsehood now that you go and announce let me make it stricken harder than that if I turn to a Judas and turn against God you's a fool to follow me are you listening that's like I am endeavored the stick with the book but God is too cool a cat who don't like it I'm not trying to make friends with nobody but we trying to save as many in our lifetime as we possibly can you don't follow a person because they're your blood brother you don't follow a person because they're your father they're your son who do you think it was that the Lord overlooked from leading Israel Moses brother Aaron was the one that made a calf wasn't it it was Moses blood I don't care nothing about blood wouldn't come to that Bible and because we take this stand people say oh they get dramatic woe is me woe is me no but we're living in a real mean world by Satan's domain ain't got time to be this sugar daddy water down preacher it ain't nothing watered-down about the devil you want to water down bridge up go to Jake's gonna pity him go to one of them but here we had war with the devil yeah we had water oh yeah we're at war with if the devil ain't God the devil is out to destroy every one of you you got a choice either man up or let the devil walk all over you I say like the Bible said that me and my house shall serve the Lord who you know I say go ha are you kidding what I'm telling you when they say oh he's arrogant he's I don't paint none of that junk no mind seeing thou hatest instruction the word of the Lord is truly with the truth of God watch any of the preachers on television or Internet you don't find now one the country getting the results like the truth of God is getting none they criticize it and say it something devil but they're gonna be nothing hundreds are coming going down in the water and receiving the Holy Ghost go back to Judas brother anybody all right back in Luke 22 and verse to Parliament and the chief priests and scribes saw how they might kill him but they feared the people then it said Satan into Judas surnamed as scary being of the number of the twelve yeah and he went his way and commune with the chief priests and captain yes how he might betray him unto them and they were glad wait a minute he communed it with some fellows how he may be trained Jesus unto them unto them how did they feel about and they were glad he one of us Judas you one of us man hey brother how you doing great greeting brother yeah you know what man you know make me sick you too I thought it was just me I had internet people criticized the thousands of people around the world because over Internet thousands thank God first they're not praising us that's right then I wish up in US that's right they thanked God for using us to pull them out of fossil so Judas hate if you thank God for your brother pastor Jenna's Judas will say all you talk about him Lord you talk about God how you gonna say that you ain't around me every day that's right that's right you give our know who on his dude I don't care how both was this sound but God I had to say like the Apostles God make choice among us and send me to the world made me on a bus tour the Lord a thing and putting words in my mouth resurrect the heart of creation Lords my god I can't change that no I can't do nothing about that all I can do is say like Jesus said not my will but let's dine will be done [Applause] Judas conspired against Jesus and the ones he talked to they were glad they were glad oh I would want to be an F fella shoes for nothing listen and he went his way and commune with the chief priests and captains how he might betray him unto them brothers and sisters that are here so many standing out there can get in here that are watching never let nobody suck you in a conversation of trashing the church [Applause] Martin Luther King made an interesting statement he said a man can rise her back unless his bent he said but if you straighten up then that man to fall off of that's right have you noticed Judas and I want you to evaluate your own experience have you noticed people that are like this they don't go to everybody in church it's certain ones they go to the church only ones that are tolerate them only the ones that will listen to them they know who won't tolerate they follow they don't go to the one that I tell them get out my face don't even bring that stuff to me get out of my face they don't they won't go to them they go to the ones that's weak like them cowardly like them if first Church just so wrong you just backstabbing the church then get off the quiet that's right get off the instruments get out the pulpit make your exodus out of Egypt it won't change the Word of God is here we are for God and we don't have the time we have hundreds of Ministers hundreds in it just keep growing and I refuse to get too close India amen none of the ministers been around me longer than my brother deke and wheels whims and us grew up together we as was the ex-con tell me what yeah I mean wind was ex-con yeah I didn't know that any time you believe in three exhaust who's a criminal you know criminal when you believe in three guards he was an ex-con he's born again now amen I had a man wearing this clothes oh yeah but even here tell you there's a certain space that's right between him and I ain't close at the same time that's right that's people over Internet now because when they see me talk like this about wind someone said won't you stop picking with wind they don't know the corroboree that Miriam's had that's right that's what man wills can spar each other all the time all the time they don't see what we're doing in our travel am i right here am i right Shey am i right now you know so I'm sometime I you know Spiro Williams up here but when we in other cities and we in the car after service you will get this check it out figure my face alright alright explain description then is a local I've got analogous but I'm touching them well we have that karate that's right which should be in at the same time he come at me like that is still respectable in other words I am NOT a type of overseer that look at himself as a king God is our King as you are servants of the king here we need thousands when I come down I love to sit and rap to all the brothers and most time when I talk to you ain't talking to you from passengers the brothers I've been around me a long time know this most time I've talked to brothers it's not passage in this book something like a PJ what's up what's up you cannot leave people unless you understand the language of the people and that's why God don't make it so well some folks say I'm a preacher a man can be a preacher tell me he's a leader a leader is a whole different category do you understand listen at Judas follow me in the Bible still in Luke 22 now at verse 4 all right and he went his way and commune with the chief priests and captains are you communing behind the back of the church and behind the back of the pulpit of your treason or anyone in New York being sucked into conversations of church slander hmm if you are back away from that person that's right get away from that's right and I don't care who they are are you listening listen and he went his way and commune with the chief priests and captain and watch how he might betray him unto them yes and they were glad they were glad and covenant to give him money wait wait wait wait wait that's another side of Jesus Judas will use you for buck Judas will have money Judas will use you for money then if you don't give it to Judas Judas and letting you out oh yes that's right listen closely and they were glad and covenant to give him money I remember of a form of Judas that back slid and made himself a preacher actually gate sent a cheque of $500 the wheels yeah Tennyson you met a lot of folk didn't know about it cuz we're in advertising the wheels Cantonese that William said do you play this guy this guy gonna send me $500 yeah see when the person gonna try to send you money to come with them they let you know you're worthless that's right because you cannot think of me of any worse you actually think I can be bought like a hope even talk back to me the book says you're bought with the price who is the one that bias Jesus how through death anytime somebody can offer you money to side with them you are ha I don't give you in this pulpit you are a oh if you're man or woman and somebody can offer you money to make you turn against God or leave God or turn against the church you are no good good-for-nothing worthless to folks out of hell Oh [Applause] I've been offered millions of dollars to denounce the faith I've been offered millions of dollars mansions business Ferraris rolls-royce I've been offered all of it and I'm always insulted I've been offered other preachers organizations the bishops have met with me off of me their entire organizations with a string attached if I will compromise I told them no you go off of meal movement God made us a builder I don't need your touch now either you save or you're not you're not a man who don't have nothing to die for it's because he ain't got nothing to live for we had died for God first we have determined that you live for him preachers have offered me churches their organizations if I were change up and just a five divorce if I were stop teaching there's one God if I were stop teaching Jesus Christ as God women preachers that offered me their organizations if I were ordained other women if I would tell the women you know it's all right that you know not to have your dresses so long if I was justified looking like Jezebel the very thought of Act offering me this stuff someone said did you second thought no no why what can you offer me that's compared to what God offered us now think of the Lord offered me living for ever and ever thank you not living alone but with him and the Saints of all and the Saints of male and the sake of the future to walk with a friend who to walk with Joshua and to walk grip the prophets and the foam apostles alone and then somebody just offer you a million dollars oh yeah prioritize get your priorities in order understand this God is more valuable than a wife than the husband then money then a mansion than a yacht God its first who you thought I said Jesus for us what will a man give in exchange brothers and sisters are you changing your soul for someone or for something are you swapping your soul are you selling your dignity grid are you allowing someone manipulate your self-respect do you find yourself now after dealing with him or her or them questioning questioning your loyalty to God you didn't do that before you met him you didn't do that before you met her you didn't do that before you went there you got the Holy Ghost 30 or 40 or 50 years and he gonna let some worthless piece of trash take it overnight talk back to me you don't carry for years sweating and turning your plate that fasting the dipped attention of the most eyes when you finally got gone attention and you came through speaking in tongues Satan is waiting in reserve the challenge that Holy Ghost you have some time we get so angry with the word we lose sight on the fact it's God's Word and that devil makes you bitter with the one that preach the word and this swear to devil trick is as if I wrote that man you know how many people upset with me I don't got so many death threats even by maces that death threats by maysa I got death threats by the Klu Klux Klan I got threats from some Hebrew is your life I have to say some because all Hebrew is your life some of them are very respectful I have talked to some very respectful in fact there's some on internet that promote others to wash our programs but my large you know what's so crazy if I use that term my largest confrontation don't come from sinners it come from them that clan there's some creations preachers who claim they love Jesus had a bishop called me and laid me out because I preach about women looking like prostitutes he said you don't have no Bible in the New Testament where the Bible call women you said I know that's in the Old Testament but you'll have that in the New Testament I'll say you sure about that they say yes mr. free chapters I actually did God inspired the word he's here yes I said God say he's the same yesterday and today I say yesterday did he call them he say yes I say that's what I call him today I don't hate women know I'm married to a beautiful woman I was born of a beautiful we had beautiful sisters in the church but my sisters that are sinners you ain't got to walk out here like the way you are it's not trying to like Beyonce and all these other artificial lip wearing women you wanna buy lips buy hips buy breast buying all this silicon that's why I don't take you long to deteriorate when you die it ain't nothing real about you but I've time they put you in the ground your whole face collapsed there's not even your face silicon and deflated one breast up here one breast down we teach our sisters love the way God made you no girls help stop allowing your children be manipulated by social media and the world you're respectful boys that stop humming around your daughters hips she's only ten and you got her out here with something about it shorted this hatch again you tell her keep them boys away from you look at what they coming around so I don't blame the women that don't know no better that's why we got to teach so church people say you see that day in a cult women on one side men only the other Jews do it yeah Muslims do it that's a whole lot of religions do it I mean if a husband and wife wanna sit together go ahead but if a man is miserable because his wife is sitting there wailing on the side for about three hours he like [Music] and she focus on the world who praise Him praise Him hallelujah he man up stop acting like you sow wheat he wasn't born with her and you ain't gon die with her the batter said maggot you came in the world and negative shall return you stick around this message to make a man out of you yeah to make a woman out of you many of you women feel as though if you put on this stuff you look sexy look how low you put yourself why everything you do you got to associate your behavior with sex right that's right well fashion gin is sex is love roaches don't love one another but they keep multiplying you don't believe it turn your lights on in the morning will you turn the lights on the roaches since when do sexiest lipstick sexiest fake eyelashes sexiest fake hip sexiest laboratory hair sexiest laboratory nails sec what what about your mind what about self intelligence or is it what about self-respect what about self decision what about fearing God oh yeah all you can offer is a good feeling hey nothing let me get wrong man can get that from two pieces of liver Lord see men that have prison background know what I'm talking so anytime you think that your sexiness or your beauty is based upon bad performance suppose you have a stroke and you can't perform no more then what brother you love her because she got on all this fake stuff suppose she's so ill she can't work then when he changed towards you sister then less you know it wasn't the real Hugh he loved it was that junk to head on and I read I said we want the world to make God the center of attraction that's right it is written beautify the meek with salvation you want to be beautiful repent of your sins a nothing so beautiful you shaking you're behind in the clubs of New York address no longer than my jacket you and your daughter's dead with some young fella in the middle and you old enough to be his mom that's right and you sweating and your reasonable facsimile thereof of curls don't tell on out I was all buckled lips all puckered looking at him here in the middle like cam punch and the mother is the thick piece of bread and the daughter is the heel part of the bread yet you called that beautiful what's so beautiful brother and sister you out here drunk smoking gambling living like a fool what's so beautiful about you brother you getting great hairs in your beard and in your moustache and in your hair and you want to paint it black looking like a fool the texture of your skin don't even go with the badness of your face here you got crows feet round your eyes and your bed is midnight black you old fool talk back to me and sometime two fellas when they get their beard all silver they want to make it art work today goddess left side and right side chick real black keep the mustache silver and keep the chin silver and got all hair black you know like the Hulk Hogan what's the matter with you how did you get this demented and how did you get so mentally weak that television manipulate how you look and television make the human family look sleazier and sleazier and sleazier there's a disgrace you men wanna fight other men because they look at your wife and your wife press all showing up behind hanging out that tattoo on her butt is seen that's right you wanna fight some man no you need to argue with your wife for coming out being an undressed Turkey that's what you need to do amen are you listening well fasten gymnast I do this for attention what you gonna do when you start aging and your body start changing [Music] when gravity calls on you to come home brother I used to have those ABS huh he go from ABS to absent stomach used to be flat you know here where the body shirt jeans stunning flat now he started like a lowercase s back started going up stomach started coming down there like a lowercase efforts wipes him I know an alphabet you'ii see if you love yourself and love God first if you love God first he will bring you into the true knowledge of self because the true knowledge of self is to know why you remain the Lord says I created you for what my glory so to exist but then don't know why you exist is living in sheer stupidity that's the Dennis I'm here to get rich gotta make you for that if God want you to get rich here make you rich and that Bible oh yes it was the Lord that made sound rich and some wooden axe Solomon asked for wisdom to lead God's people but God stepped up and made Solomon rich God will not make everybody rich and the reason why he won't do it because he don't want to send everybody to hell some people was arrogant with fifty dollars some want you to call them Serb the cost of the car they drive that's right nothing materialistic you should get to change you before then everybody knew you in the hood as bubble or shorty or slim now the moment bubble go got a Mercedes he'd get out the car different get a Jag in a fire he step out deaf means can I hear when you get out heat [Applause] what's the matter with you brother do you understand as God's people we're not here to compete for nothing why do God want us to focus on him because he is Alpha and Omega he is the ending of all things so that means this once you lose everything in life including your own life the only one that's going to be the last stop it's gone so no one should get so involved with anyone or anything until you say that's my world that's my life no God have to be your world that's right God have to be your life to serve God with any other mentality is failure oh yeah you will not succeed in serving God in the mandate he required because you're scared to lose him you're scared to lose her especially with him or her threatening you to choose between them Oh God you know the mistake that we have made we love that man and love that woman with all our hearts God ain't never told you to love the one like that but he'll you love from the heart but you don't love no flesh with all your heart because that empowers flesh to manipulate you in a direction you never thought you were gold are you listening husband may want to know you know what no I know he's telling the truth but the girl ain't doing that now yeah ain't doing it well look look Billy your your wife is still living little girl want to talk about that no we got to talk about it because I want to be safe wait a minute you listen to that cat Janice - well you don't want to introduce me - yeah but I didn't think you would be that interested well your wife is still living she's in Brooklyn [Applause] yeah well I know I know she's in Brooklyn well I've never been married before so according to the Bible I'm living in fornication because I'll never be my it before but you living in adultery because your wife is in Brooklyn well God gonna fix it well wait a minute wait a minute what what you want God to do because he already fix it by telling me I'm a fornicator and telling you you are an adulterer so he fixed it by letting it on the record for us and you don't want told me passage it is pretty stupid and you ain't never met no preacher like them but now you're but now yeah I know what I say I know what I said but with me but you turning off that's what they said all day because now what are you challenging sister he's bad some minute go to hell before they give up that bed that's right I haven't been telling me pathogens I'm gonna go to hell look before I give up that bed I told him you're right you're right right no hips no thighs no male anatomy so have more power over you than your Lord I'm not saying you won't get week I'm not saying you won't have no failure but if I fall I'm getting back up but will you have total power over me that means I have chose you instead of God and when you threaten my salvation what look girl look you had to choose between this this church thing and me think of it sister look at what this cat said choose between Church and him accent what did you give me life can you promise me eternal life can you guide me to the Lord do you know God well enough to even talk to him well he may say well the Bible says you want the northern think national I wasn't at home but that's right but I ain't got none cuz you ain't it hey man did you keep talking like that you mana you gonna make us argue will be go back I know that's what JJ used to say I know I want you to fight it out you know why your stolons were fighting for you choose let me let me let me make it wrong let me make it wrong let me make it wrong you choose between his drawers and eternal life with God you choose between her panties and bra or eternal life big God the chips is on the table you choose many of you don't like to hear it that way but that's the bottom line oh you can say it in a nicer way than that and I'm gonna call a spade a spade and you better wash and don't like it turn it off that's right yeah that's right let's go back to the book a look real quick my time is gone I can look 22 it's still in verse 4 and he went his way in commune with the chief priests and captain yeah how he might betray him unto them yes and they were glad and covenant to give him money and and he promised he promised and sought opportunity to betray him Judas is an opportunist he's an opportunist sometime a person get close to you in church not because they're your brother or sister because they were to use you or the way they really feel about Church God church leadership brothers or sisters they wanna you know all folk say misery loves company that's the truth because a lot of people were miserable they want to communicate their misery to others so they're very selective judge yourself and see are you mr. or mrs. Judah Judas should I say all right and he promised and sought opportunity to betray him yes on to them in the absence of the multitude then came the day of unleavened bread when the Passover must be killed yeah now down in st. Luke chapter 22 and at verse - likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood now which is shed for you participating in the Lord's Supper Judas are hang around church for years many years sometimes we say wow that brothers real spiritual how do you know some folks say I know that brother I know that sister the truth of the matter is this you can't know anyone until you know they heart because you want to know what part of a person that never lie to heart the heart no I don't care what image they project out early the heart tells the truth about everyone all the time someone say well you can't know nobody heart that's where you're wrong the Bible said the heart that's desperately wicked are deceitful and desperate is dust believers wicked so yes you can know somebody hard only if God showed you their heart is that Bible in the fifth chapter of the book of Acts of the Apostles there was Ananias and Sapphira husband and wife who conspired to keep back part of the price they keep back some money the cost of land that they sold and Peter by the Holy Ghost knew their heart and said what half you lie and didn't say oh I have Satan filled your heart Satan filled a heart and then analyze drop dead after Adam Nuys dropped dead in front of the Apostle Peter his wife came in and his wife had no clue that her husband died Peter by the Holy Ghost saw her heart and said before she started talking what have you lie have you come to tell the same lie the saint-denis prophesied the ones that carry your husband now is waiting to carry you out she dropped dead Peter said you did not lie unto men but you have lied unto God do we understand this be careful how you treat one another just say what you do to my least was you do unto me you backstab that brother keep backstab and that's tough to keep backstabbing your overseer get better you backstabbing Jesus you got a beef man up or warming up go talk to them if it come down to doctrine and principle come talk to your brother that's right because what we preach me wrap around with Scripture airtight exciting that's why we don't mind the world challenging it are you listening to what I'm telling you what God people eat in New York supposed to be the same thing they eat in California Florida Philadelphia Jamaica Africa Dubai India all these places they got to eat the same thing I'm a food inspector oh yes I'm a food inspector I got to make sure that bread is Jesus bread so he said I'm that bread from heaven that's right I got to make sure that meat is Jesus mises for the Bible said meek for the belly and billion full of meat and I make sure that milk is Jesus milk for the Bible said of newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby that's right I'm looking at the menu oh yeah it ain't no flies on this menu either so I say well I've got to pick up the bones and I eat the meat ain't no bones in this little boy it's all me are you listen to what I'm telling you what he said in Luke 22 now at verse 20 why does likewise also the cup after supper yeah saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you yes but behold behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me at the tape now prepares a table in the presence of my enemies jesus said but behold look the head of him that actually of him that betray me is with me is with me on the table brother's ministers in all if you want to phone dog and passage enters he was a traitor that's a traitor and it no and ain't no one in passage in his ears no is no one talking to Pastor Jenny Noah is no one talking to Pastor gentleness this message about Judas hit me when I was in Detroit at settlement not the preach in Detroit to preach here this was brought to me in Detroit well not the fridge in Detroit to preach here and God don't lie you want to leave first Church okay I'm gonna be where I don't want to be that's right no man God have done too much for me to desert him we had one brother here brother vada he was a minister from another Church and I wasn't gonna put him up in the pulpit quick will you just come here I don't throw you in the pulpit I don't care what church you came from no I'm doing from other preachers a lot of prickers you go in they get stumped you in the pulpit oh no he would call me pastor Dennis I'll agenda with I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I said okay I'm not people who people who knew me a long time know this not the way I just started a man who's anxious to get up here will make a mess regards to who he is when he get up here that's old school old school business ain't old you in the pulpit no they watch you they observe pallagen - you deserve someone you in another state or do you got a lot to learn wasn't for long they die call me patty Jenner's well I'm you know I'm going to another Church I said I know you say ain't got nothing against what you preach I said oh I know he's here but I said tell me why are you going I say cause you supposed to be here for the word according to you you told me that you never heard the one preach like us will you give with better understanding of the Bible you know folks talk that he said well the Saints in New York don't wish up and praise God enough for me I said you ain't come to church for singing you come to church for the world you can know New York can change and today turn the colors of the carpet they don't get the word in them New York has gone to hell sayin don't save you the word is what Savior I told they got the same thing I said the folks in New York and ain't none of them come the first church because they heard me saying ain't any of this off my mind daughter Sierra she always teased me she said if the telecast is on they watching it she is sometimes she I have a computer just look at me just and look I'm like what's wrong with you she said you can't say I said I can say there's nothing she said look you don't sang it you preach it Saints just said because well you don't know the words you just fill in blanks yeah she's right she's right I feel the blank yeah III grunt my way through but it's the word what is God showing the people saying it is common in the earth but the word is uncommon in the earth so everyone that comes here that they heard the message and there was more into to the message dinner opening song then acquire then a ban wearing all the other triggers that both focus on the choirs they got no no no we want the Word of God to be the focus of church when that happens you're going back now to the way it was when the Apostles was here the focus for them was the work you don't really where the up when the pumps was around it was having testimony service and someone saying it God's not dead he also was saying preaching of the gospel no no it wasn't doing on that working on me Lord keep working on that what I was doing that you know what they did they kept preaching was working on the people singing is part of it but the greatest part and the most important part of wish' don't you ever forget it it's not singing it's not fasting is not praying it's the preaching of God word because without the word you don't know how to fast you don't know how to pray and you don't know how to sangil's you can sing a lot quicker as you can tell why the word challenge the lyrics of the song are you listening me quick but behold the head offend that but that betray I've been trained is with me on the tapes with me on the team and truly the Son of Man goeth as it was as it was determined yeah but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed and they began to inquire among themselves which of them it was that should do this this was in a minor some folks here knows each other mature make sure that ain't you that's right the word of taking anybody else that's right the world will take care of Judas in fact Judas will take it himself we keep it up now come on real quick now in st. Luke 22 down at verse 45 let's see what happened when he rose up from prayer and was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow yeah and said unto them why sleep ye why y'all sleep rise and get up they enter into temptation yeah and while he yet spake while he yet spake the whole aim altitude and he that was called Judas and he that was called Jude one of the twirl one of the twin went before them and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him hold it right there that's the point that I want to elaborate on briefly kissing Jesus was a sign so all the ones who won't capture him know he's the one kissing is a sign of affection correct here you had the image of affection but a different agenda behind the image that's right so the appearance of affection is not always affectionate do you understand I'm saying out here you're had too much on man he kissed Jesus he must love him oh man he embraced him he must love him mani he said and talk to him he must love round that's not always the case never let your enemy know what you're thinking and never be quick to let your enemy know that you know that's your enemy I'm listening wisdom is this make your enemy comfortable because when your enemy is comfortable they are more careless and manifest quicker what they do if your enemy have knowledge that you know him or know her they will always keep a facade never show you the real self but when your enemy is comfortable man a lot of time Comfort bring on carelessness and they will truly manifest how they think how they feel you got to be a pool full class child of hell of the devil if you were just called brothers I don't care what one brother or several or one sister or several and you just gone dog first Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Church you claim you in a dog passage in is who you claim as your overseer I'm not your overseer you just hanging around the church like a flower on the wall we will squat you with the Bible do you see why folk a passage I've got to mix it up with the book I got to do it again I'm not one of these Binney hands I'm why brothers and sisters respect me like they do I'm a realist I'm just real with you you know and brothers and sisters who come from the hill I mean real hood who had a real tough sinful life even they know they cannot sustain following some sugar preachers that preach the word got the whole yet where you know that life you lived in the past you can't afford to be on the no we creature you got the hassle one who gonna jump on you I mean when you know that thing out there pulling on you you got the hassle when that's going jump on you with the book what what the Bible said look what the Bible but the Bible's you got to thank you you have this synonym pretty just oh you're bad boy you use the devil you're dumb nice you'll be like I'm really here ten from the hood raise your head how many here know that the Devils ride and no back raise your hands so don't you know it takes a strong message to fight that devil that you're dealing with they take the food so to all brothers and sisters that safe passage Ennis don't have no love and he's arrogant and all that stuff I'm not your problem your problem is that you are so weak that's right and have become so spoiled about digesting the sugar from these worthless bums called preachers you take a child who's always eating candy and then go to grandmom and Grandpop house where they give you collard greens turnip greens killed and chicken sweet potatoes and bok choy and candy and you know the way you were and you was a little eat them greens even the baby out the baby job you give it it's a mother tricky Mother's know when you got that green peas and that's all nasty give it by a such a child be like things like you like why you do that to me so the mothers gets licked you take the the the baby food or green peas and you mix it with some applesauce see and that way the child is digesting it but he ain't doing it I'm giving you straight-up green peas say hello sir listen I'm just going straight with the peas and I know some of y'all frown like oh god did you already say some time to women be like lord help a couple Lord help you know my job I'm determined to save your soul from hell that's touching and the famine to do Satan is fighting God's people everywhere and many of God peoples given up backsliding everyone who's trying to live godly have it hard some area oh yeah something you do oh yeah if the Word of God hit you don't think I'm picking on you because don't look at me it's the book my job is to preach it your job is to strive to obey it and if you're struggling with something just come on back and ask God to help you to come up to it the brothers who got the earring in the air some brothers say look Jenna I know you're preaching the truth you preach against that earring man so i'ma wait and get my earring out before I come you may die you can never get yourself straight staying out there you got to get yourself straight by coming in here that's right there's nothing there's nothing that would challenge your manhood like the Bible man the Bible challenge old manhood and waging of a dream nothing challenge like the Bible finish up on Judah so I can knock off and while it was fake behold a multitude and he that was called Judas one of the twelve went before him yeah and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him kiss him but jesus said to him Judas cutest betrayus now the Son of Man I told he no it is not Judas Jesus knew it Judas the Tres now the son of man I've had brothers come to me Judas a lot of time I don't say yeah and they I just say like Jesus said thou says this and that makes something like whale annoys me like that I mean yes or no doubt says oh and I leave it just like that Tao says come on but jesus said unto him Judas Judas betrayed all the Son of man with a kiss are you a traitor he gonna kiss me dead split you gonna leave me listen when they which were about him saw what would follow they said unto Him Lord shall we smite with the sward wait a minute hey Lord so we start killing killing hey Lord one of us betrayed you what you want us to do Lord what make one react like that love do it do you see what I'm telling you listen and one of them smoke the servant of the high priest yeah and cut off his right ear hmm these were the apostles that's right I let you know not even they in the spirit all the time it was the Apostles man that was ready we were saying in our language they're ready to rumble there's ready mix it up you don't kiss Jesus and then some folks go great a move on you hey wait wait hey hey wait can too close to our t-shirt hey y'all packing anybody package no got some swirls around here it shows you too now I don't how much Holy Ghost you got there's a natural side of you is that the truth this is what I mean by being brutally honest when you get these overzealous so-called Christian folk where I'll child a loss save me I'll you know I got the Holy Ghost and I don't even know how to cuss no more you are liar you do know how you may not do it but you know out and all right I said you know how to cuss don't you win yes you know you know how to cuss president charlotta cook just can't do it the sinner challenge is to guarded you sure he does oh yeah you're challenged on the job you're challenging the street that's why I keep telling people don't say what you never will do how can you say that without experience you got to get some experience under your belt first which qualifies you to talk brothers belenko passage in you know I thank God for this way you know it took the fight out my hands okay dinners man and woman slap yeah I did any fight back okay god bless you that time that's great suppose a man roll on you yeah oh yeah what you gonna do suppose you know one of your brothers is out we walk it what's your name brother brother Brian brother Jose brother Andy brother game all right Brian Hosea Randy guys all of us walk it welcome down and she don't walk a widow on our way to one of them peace the place is handing New York you know I'm walking with all four this is mine jump on me do that passage in it oh yeah now what all for it I'm gonna do just stand over me or man Pasadena's going through it Randy L suffer with them that self up Jack you better get these men off me do you understand it's like church is being held up today I'm telling you straight you ain't coming in first Church and hold us up and you get out all these churches we trying to build you don't take out my don't step engine you gonna pray for I am because he gonna need I'm dumb just being straight up I'm not a hypocrite you ain't coming in here tonight you're gonna hold the trash up it's time to lock the doors i'ma tell brother lock the doors buckle you had to choose between that money and Jesus the reason why you found a lot of folk going these triggers and doing this because they looked at church people as this passive softest I've had triggers criticized us because we got a security team I'm not the one form the security team most people don't even know how it happened years ago on Frankfort Avenue our old headquarters I was doing a radio broadcast live and there was a backsliding system sitting to my right and you know you can tell she's been out there because she still had these needles or marks on her arm her mother and her brother went to the church so while I'm over there she started yelling out all that junk you preach it and I'm like sister are we over to arrow down I said sister please don't interrupt the service so then she stopped and start laughing let out him again shut the so-and-so up passage in I'm in a pulpit I'm like sister if you don't be quiet we're gonna have the ushers I'll show you out and I started back teaching again she yelled again a few I said all right we were over the add so her brother used to be one of the keyboard players he got off the keyboard and went to get his sister her mother came the sister stopped fighting her brother and starts swinging on him and pushed him off he lost his balance at the time I had only six kids my youngest daughter Persia was the baby sitting on my wife's left the woman jumped ran out to Al and the sides running out the door she attacked my wife if she would have had a knife my wife would have got stabbed easy about seven to eight or nine times my wife went down to protect our youngest daughter she held the head down and then they went to get the woman off my wife's but then my daughter fell on the floor now I'm in the pulpit all the time all I remember is seeing my wife like so on one track because now her baby hit the floor right right then she forgot she was sister Genesis and I'll tell it right then she forgot she was pastors Gina's wife all I remember was seeing her back and the back part of pews is hot she went over them feels like someone's running hurdles she was gone after that one that attacked Ellen she went after I think it was hewing who would scoop my wife up like took her off the four legs admit it never say what you won't do that's right until you get some experience are you listening now that's reality preaching when trying to snowball you ain't trying to Duke you walking with God is tough yes but life is going challenge your walk devil don't care nothing about you and the truth you don't care not about you speaking tongue no you can be speaking in tongue in one hour within the next hour if you're not careful you will be cussing experience old folks say is the best teacher get some experience don't claim deliverance until you have experience don't say god that live with you from something and your mind our heart is still in it true deliverance from a climatic example true delivers from a club it's not because you don't go there physically true deliverance from a club is not when you're just physically not there but your mind is not there and your heart is not there because when your heart is not there there Detroit the club is not even attracted to you no more when your mind is not there you'll have no thoughts that were wishing that she was there that's true deliverance do you understand let's read Judas in and one of them smoke the servant of the high priest and cut off is right here yeah and jesus answered and said suffer ye the sufferer ye those come on sign honey just his ear and healed give me Judas in I want to see how to rascal end it now in the book of Acts chapter 1 verse 15 logic and in those days Peter stood in the midst of the disciples and said the number of names together were about a hundred and twenty men and brother in description must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before them yes concerning Judas which was guide to them that took Jesus where he was numbered with us and had obtained part of his ministry they got Peter reflecting on Judas who once was huh now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity and falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out he hung himself falling headlong in the midst in the midst and all his bowels gushed out and it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem in so much as that field is called in their proper tongue else edema that he the field of blood that is to say the field of blood Judas in was self murder/suicide to all traitors of God you're killing yourself choose life brothers and sisters repent of your sins New York everything in here they're having oh babe this message is time for you to walk with this now choose God more than weed cigarettes liquor partying gang banging boyfriend/girlfriend choose god above that repent of your sins meaning be sorry about all your wickedness be baptized in water and the name of Jesus Christ cause without it you ain't never been saved and that the Lord see with the Holy Spirit which is the Holy Ghost and that's when you're filled with God anybody want to obey the Word of God and be baptized the right way and the name of Jesus Christ down on your feet - hallelujah wonderful all of you that are standing go to the back all of you better standing go to the back all of you that are standing go to the back where is the world gonna be convinced that the truth of God is designed by the Lord for the salvation of humanity then Peter said unto them repent that's what everybody got to do you got to repent if you are Baptists you ain't baptized right you're a Methodist you ain't baptized you might as well line up with them you're Mormon you ain't baptized Pentecostal you're not baptized either you might as well get it the right way so you can meet the Lord in peace if you want to go back with him the Bible says repent and be baptized how much in new york every one of you how much every one of you or it a god how williams in the name of jesus christ a lot for the remission of sins that's how you get your sins washed away and what did he promise and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost isn't it beautiful to be able to go everywhere I mean everywhere in the world and watch God not passage in and watch God God in us that's right amen reconcile the world and to himself that's right that's what he's doing do bringing a human family back to him oh you better get on board the truth of God trained viewers and New Yorkers this is your time that's right alright we're gonna be back at 5 o'clock God be our helper you that live in New York you that don't come on back I'm the host you to guess what should I say I'm the guest you to host come on back don't worry about your evening Sunday football game or basketball game you come on here I throw a pass slam dunk you with the Bible I free throw you acts 2:38 come on back let us all stand on him that is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy the only wise God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who ham be glory and power both now and forever brothers and sisters same Act
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 230,096
Rating: 4.7419047 out of 5
Keywords: First Church, Holy, Holiness, TOG, Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, Religion, Truth of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 18sec (7218 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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