Truth of God Broadcast 1195-1196 Portsmouth VA Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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and I have a chance I have a chance - big day [Music] I and God [Music] by all day [Music] yeah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Grayden brothers and sisters we bear witness there is no god but one there is no god with him there is no God besides him there is no God greater than him and there is no God stronger than him we thank the one true God for His divine wisdom his perfect understanding of all things we thank him for being the sender and teacher of all holy prophets and of all holy apostles we thank him for the way of holiness revealed to his servants for our learning we thank God for this combined anniversary of Fredericksburg Newport News and Portsmouth I'm glad for the our ministers Aaron them that were here last night they had to go but God have been good to all of us had a very good meeting on last night and I understand that earlier today there was a sister that came in and wanted to be baptized right away she didn't want to wait that's why brother James left out they took her to the Newport News temple and baptized her right away last night 16 was baptized in the name I thank God for pastor Singletary ministering there in Fredericksburg and minister James right in Newport News brother Minister Fletcher who's been working here in the Portsmouth area to all of our ministers that are present Minister Harris from Rocky Mountain Minister Phil from South Carolina brother Minister Campbell who's the new addition to the Fredericksburg Virginia area to all of our guests we thank you for taking the time out to come to get you a feelings hurt hey man I'm glad and I'm not going behind your back to tell you this I'm so happy that you took the time out to come that I may hurt your sinful feelings because if God will work on you good enough you're gonna find yourself giving up and surrendering when I actually want to be baptized you won't come willingly and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ at the repenting of your sins so you can escape the judgment of God that he's gonna bring upon the entire human family we thank God for this message of holiness it is the greatest message not just in America but also the world and there's not a message that exists today that's more profound nothing stronger than it nothing greater than it and this is why you have messengers of Satan all over the internet trying to deter the people from obeying this message and let me say to all of my viewers false prophets over social media they're upset with you and the reason why they upset with you because you're being obedient to a message that contradicts Satan and the devil don't want you to obey God's message so you find men who spend time on internet I'm told who take out web pages out on us and I don't First Church and two and three hours having discussions about pastor Jennings and wasting all that airtime but that's like a little faucet drip trying to stop a tsunami it never happened what I'm preaching comes from God I didn't get it from a seminary school I've never been to Bible College in my life I never took not one Bible course I have the best teacher he's a great and mighty teacher and he don't make scared men in order for you to represent God right God gonna have to make you a minister they're criticizing us now they criticize us when we ventured out for our new international headquarters campus and many false prophets a few of them got over there and told the people and try to encourage the people not to sacrifice that we may raise money to buy our new temple they failed then God move us from 18,000 square feet to 200,000 square feet so God gave us victory and I'm probably the only appreciate you will see over there who when I ask for money it will never be for a car it would never be for a plane it will never be for a suit or shoes it would always be to either build a church or buy a church so we can cause false prophets much trouble Amen that's what we and so there were some false prophets because where we want to dedicate our international headquarters temple next year God willing and you talk about two hundred thousand square feet you know that's a lot of work that we're doing and we're working every day my sister you can come on in it go find a seat for your brothers find a seat for my sister and if any brothers got to stand up let them stand up and surrender their chair do any of our gets so who knew young brothers just get up you ain't got to think twice or three times just surrender give up and give over and so I was sisters I don't want none of our sisters standing our old brothers can remain sitting but you young soldiers you you stand up and suffer it out and man get some strength in your legs if you put your cell phone down maybe your legs to get stronger so there are and they're false prophets who have criticized us because like there was one preacher he said you mean to tell me pastor Jennings all them thousands of people following you and they don't pay you don't get a home offering I told them no you don't get a a car offering I said no they don't buy your clothes I said no they don't send your children to school I said no he said ain't coming to your church it's abnormal to people and you know what I said every time was abnormal that a preacher work that lets you know how messed up things have gotten because even the Apostle Paul he had a natural occupation not only was he a preacher sin to the world but his natural tree the Bible said he was a tentmaker that was as natural occupation the Bible tells us this book of Acts chapter 18 where at verse 1 be quick after these things Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinne Anna and found certain I've found a certain Jew named aquila yeah well in Pontus lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla yeah because they call this they commanded all Jews to depart from Rome yeah and came unto them and what had the wrong thing didn't all right so why you find that I'm gonna go on and leave you by he's they gonna take one and leave one I'm gonna leave you behind well and the apostille the other apostle's Peter James John they're not your occupation they were fishermen and it was another apostle by the name of Matthew he had a natural occupation he was a tax collector well I'm a property man I deal with commercial and housing I take property and redesign and my love architect I love it I'm a natural architect and I'm a spiritual architect amen because once I redesigned the building naturally God gave me divine skill to design to building within the building spiritually but a Bible says you're God's building so I have to do redesigned the building with descriptors that the Lord died for are you ready now now I'm ready in Acts chapter 18 again all right IRA beginning again at verse 1 all right after these things Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinth then what it found a certain Jew named a quill born in Pontus lately come from Italy get to the point which is why Priscilla because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome and came unto them all right and because he was of the same tray hey wait a minute because he was of the same crap or had the same skill he aboard with him he stayed with him and wrought and wrought for by their occupation what was the occupation they were tent makers tell your pastor you go get a job and go to work hey man you should not be paying your preacher well pastor Jenna suppose we give him an anniversary no false prophet deserve an anniversary you go and reward him for sending you to hell think of it order in the court think of it now listen to the old troublemaker you go and give a false prophet appreciation service you appreciate the fact he lied to you you appreciate the fact he told you it was three guards you appreciate the fact that he had homosexuals preaching in his church you appreciate the fact that he's divorced and got a second wife and she's still your bishop you're gonna appreciate the fact that I God never called him and never sent and yet he claimed God did only type of man that deserve honors a man of God whom the Bible says worthy of double water so we labor for the souls of people and because you know we're raising money to finish our new headquarters campus one man wrote me he said you don't have no Bible to get money to fix up no church give me the Book of Chronicles confer on uncle's chapters because they have to me that's a meal for everything I mean they have they're just hunting me down like predators but I got the duck in the scriptures that's right all right I want you to notice second Chronicles carnal mind is second chronicles chapter 24 mmm and we'll start at verse 1 follow me Joyce was 7 years old when he began to reign yeah and he reigned 40 years in Jerusalem yes his mother's name also was either of Beersheba and joash did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of jehoiada the priest all right real quick and your owner took for him to wives and he begat sons and daughters yeah and it came to pass after this women factored in his back then he took two wives that's back in the Old Testament I I knew probably heard that amen back then in the Old Testament when it was allowed it was a loud back then but Jesus come on the scene is here from the beginning that was before it was any written Old Testament it was not so all right second chronicles 24 and read verse 4 all right and it came to pass after this that Joe ass was minded Joe ass was minded to repair the house of the Lord he wanted to make repairs on God's house and he gathered together the priests he got the preachers together and the Levites got the Levites together and said to them go out into the cities of Judah and Noah and gather of all Israel money to do what to repair the house of your God Oh gather money to buy the preaches of plane gather of all Israel money to repair the house of your God yeah the money to buy the preacher a house gather of all these real money to repair the house of your girl yeah the money to buy the Bishop of car gather of all Israel money to repair the house of your God that's what we use God's money for from year to year wait a minute wait a minute how often do they know it from year or two years how often from year to year that shows you right there you can never do too much for God that's right never that's right so God blessed us with a two hundred thousand square foot campus our main church auditorium alone can hold over two thousand six hundred people our lower order term can hold over twelve or thirteen hundred people we have two gymnasiums two schools the largest school is over fifty thousand square feet and I love to look out for our older brothers and sisters so we're gonna convert that school to a senior citizens home for the saints of God we're gonna do that I believe the older brothers and sisters must be looked out for and our older brothers and sisters must be taken care of they did a little they don't earn the right to be looked out for and taken care of that way they can live on the church campus and keep the prayers go that's right yeah amen just just just keep the friends going you see the preachers today brothers and sisters they want yours but they don't want to use and it's I am after you not yours so this is what we're laboring for and I want to say also we're almost complete our new temple and Columbia South Carolina in a few weeks the carpet should be laid and my brother's out of little of you we get the pews shipped down there line everything up thank God by next year God willing 2019 we've been ready to dedicate the new temple in the Columbia South Carolina area God be our helper like I said last night we were blessed to find the temple here and the Portsmouth Virginia area God willing we hope to be making settlement on that by next month we found there our church in Mobile Alabama well this is the Saints been outgrew that years ago and we was blessed to find a new temple sitting on about three acres close to 11,000 square feet including administration building and they wanted almost 400,000 for them for it I told him you're not getting it you would never get it brothers have been around me in no way I do I bid very low I've been so low until make people nervous amen so that we they they agree to what we offer them we offer them two hundred and something about 235,000 and they counted me at 240 I said all right I'll take that that's a big difference from almost four hundred thousand so we took that God willing we mix settlement I think is next week or week after next so through the week I've been flying back and forth Detroit Chicago we haven't forgot about you I've been flying to in the Midwest I've been flying in the Chicago area through the week and sometimes shades in fact all the time she is with landing in Chicago looking at different churches I'm in Detroit looking at different churches in fact this week I'd be in Detroit we're starting a new church in Detroit and Michigan we're starting a new church in Chicago they're after not the star Detroit a church in Saint Louis Missouri and Pine Bluff Arkansas Little Rock Arkansas Colorado Denver Colorado where we have to move by faith and I tell the brothers and sisters the first church of our Lord Jesus Christ we have a strong purchasing power all I need is your cooperation buy so when we ventured out for our new campus we had to trust God we didn't have a million dollars in the bank we didn't even have five hundred thousand in the bank we didn't even have three hundred thousand in the bank I don't think we had two hundred thousand in the bank but I trust God and campus was selling for three point five million dollars I gave them an offer of 2.6 million and didn't have it did not have it sounded agreement of sales and didn't have it and they say well you we want to take our stained windows I say yes you can have your cartoons we don't want it but because I knew the value of them knowing about building the way we do I told them if you take them you got to give us some more reduction and you're gonna give us the net worth what them windows over so they dropped it down another four hundred thousand because by me being and building I'm familiar with the Catholic Diocese and I know that when they sell property they strip everything out of it is wall-to-wall marble and most time the Catholic Diocese will strip the walls I had a very drop of marble but I told them everything that's in here stays you can have your statues we don't want them take all your images out of here because Mary is dead she ain't in here Oh Mary don't you weep no Martha don't you moan I told him all your cartoons you can have and all your stained windows you can have so when we got the Saints together and told them what we wanted to do the cooperation of the truth of God family was so great we asked everybody to sacrifice a thousand dollars we was talking direct to the members not people not in the church centers know we talk direct to the members because it is our biblical duty to support the work of God and brother the same day we made the announcement people was coming up to the pulpit writing checks give them to the church the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ all of us came together then we raised over a million dollars cash and we did it in a few months - and every dime and I'm glad we did because that settlement they had the figures wrong they said we had to come up with several hundred and seven thousand s settlement how can you make over a three hundred thousand dollar mistake so we had to check and then they look back at the HUD sheet it's so old-fashioned Gentry so sorry you need another three hundred thousand at least a million hmm my wife looked at me I looked at up I say just a minute I called my secretary I said I need another three hundred thousand she said oh we got it she said the cooperation of the church was so great we raise over a million dollars I said send it here then it here and and through the sacrifice of the church and the people even viewers that watch the program and one thing stands out to me there was a woman preacher and we preach against women preachers this woman preacher wrote me and sent me a check and sent me a letter to say even though I know you preach against women preachers I disagree with you he said but even I want you to have that campus here's the check so the truth of God every dime go to the work of God our telecast alone is over we spend over a half million dollars a year just on telecast alone and brother we see the results of it all around the world so when I travel in different places like in Detroit I went to Detroit a few months ago and baptized 100 in two days and the people in Detroit and the meeting say tell us what you want us to do they said if you want to church here we'll work with your pastor generous we want a church here and we know you can't do everything you tell us what you want us to do you found the church will work with you the buyer and people are either because they got a leader who don't steal money they don't have no Steve that's almost like a miracle amen I never stole from the church since I've been black and I've been black last time I checked all my life I'll someone say well you're not tempted at all no you know why I'm too scared of him Bible say what do a profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul there's a lot that we can do if we come together and do it as one do you hear the Bible talking still in second chronicles 24 in verse father said what and he gathered together the priest he gathered together the priests and the Levites all the Levites and said to them and said to them go up unto the cities of Judah and do what I gather of all Israel money to repair the house of your God from year to year and and see that she hastened the matter hurry up that lets you know God don't like slow furnace see that you haste in the matter how big the Levites facing it done do you eat that the Levites thing getting hairy it's right what and the king called for jehovah the chief and said unto them why are still not required of the Levites to bring it out of Judah and out of Jerusalem the collection according to the commandment of Moses the servant of the Lord till you hear that we men Moses was a servant of the Lord he was leading God's people that's right so we don't believe in giving raising money and all that stuff but he should line to preach his pocket and buy him cars and planes I get on a regular plane like anybody else that's right be uncomfortable like anybody else that's right when it when I go through the TSA if my ticket they don't have only at the time TS L priority and the TSA ages their passenger is glad to see you again take your shoes off yes they do ain't looking at home pastor Jenna Massa didn't take your shoes off but yeah you put your laptop in the basket can we take a picture which I'm like alright alright go on in with that thing people passage in and I'm sorry I got the searcher I say go here you ain't gonna find nothing but gospel they're not gonna find nothing but gospel go Richie go the world need this message and the preachers are upset this way because there are thousands coming out of their churches like Israel was making the exodus out of the land of Egypt and the churches have been playing with your people for years you know I thought about what brother Bowser said well you think of the money you gave to these organizations these so-called movements and all the money 99.9% of the time went into the preachers hands and to his family's bank account and they made a proclamation we're not only build churches we feed the poor weak low the negative what that's Bible requirement we got over 50 churches in South India over 100 churches in East India they are poor Saints they're very poor so many times we bought land and bought tons of grain and had a shift so they can plant and grow rice grow food and make distribution to every family food grain vegetable just vegetables and fruits meats by livestock why feeding them hard-earned money from the sacrifice of the saints didn't just telecast man we our job and to do all of it or we don't get credit for none of it are you getting me so this is what we do with God's money we believe in building the work of God we want to start businesses for the church that way those who don't have employment can have employment and man well we want to do all this for God's people hey man you got to have a vision if you don't have a vision everything will perish now it came to pay listen at this now still at second chronicles chapter 24 at verse 11 they came to pass that at what time the chest was brought unto the Kings office and by the hand of the Levites yeah and when they saw that there was much money when they saw there was much money the Kings scribe and the high priest officer came and emptied the chest and what I took it and carried it to his place again and thus they did day by day and gathered money in abundance and the king and Jahoda gave it to such as did the work of the service of the house of the Lord no David to the work for the service of the bishop as such as did the work of the service of the house of the Lord they fixed the pastor's house with it the house of the Lord now gave the past the new windows such as did the work of the service of the new tires for the Bishop's car of the house of the Lord but the Bishop's wife a mink coat such as did the work of the service of the house of the Lord now brought him some new alligator shoes such as did the work of the service of the house of the Lord and ease to our preachers hate back to Genesis right my god by the time we'd done strip him both nigut he got to go to McDonald's and go to work amen are you getting that's right go to work false prophet for the world and go to hell after you go to work amen cause if you're not gonna stand on God work you and the lost cause that's alright let's go to work in the book of pain yes this is the book of pain program yeah open your Bible anywhere Williams and give me something good because all of us good all right son let's have it on the book of Isaiah chapter 30 and grad verse 9 follow man that this is a rebellious people do you hear they start off hurting you that's right but before I go further I want to greet our new viewers in the state of Wisconsin they have a telecasts there out of Green Bay Wisconsin and what is that other areas of major Milwaukee Milwaukee Wisconsin I want to greet all of you there as well I'll show you that's in Mississippi Jackson Mississippi I look to be in your area next year God be our helper we want to just drop it from there and we'll come there in person and shoot you from the ground you that are in California God willing we have being Sacramento California next month we baptized already over 128 souls in the name of Jesus Christ and think of it all them that was bad we don't have a telecast in California all of them that was baptized saw us over social media my god they've been reaching out from the all parts of California and Minister Santana he's so faithful my god he just he go all up and down the state baptizing people by the number so and also you that is in Connecticut God willing we'll be over your area next year as well to my viewers on the Fiji Islands over there and a Japan and China give us time we'll be sending a team over to you the Baptizer next year and few in the name of Jesus Christ units in the Philippines they have written us will be sinning for the first time our fact-finding team I organized a fact-finding team because about four ministers because people and church organizations that want to be a part of the truth of God family and I just can't be everywhere folks want me to be everywhere but it's impossible the only one that can be everywhere is God and I'm glad for the ministers who come aboard the truth of God trained who really want to work sincerely not trying to make a name for themselves because in this truth you won't have no name but the name of Jesus Christ on you so we sent our fact-finding team for the first time to two locations in Africa now about three weeks ago there was in Mozambique and Malawi and they've done an excellent job I believe in Malawi they baptize 44 and Mozambique they baptize 49 93 altogether was baptized on that trip that's a blessing ISM and then so their church organization throughout the continent of Africa throughout Australia throughout New Zealand so next year our fact-finding team I'll be sending you to the Philippine Islands because there are so many church organizations pulling on me please would you please accept this so we got a designate a place in the Philippine Islands and then have all the preachers and organizations come to one designated place and that way they can meet with all the bishops all the elders all the deacons and whatnot and answered all the questions that need to be answered and then they're there they're my forerunners they're my floor runners that way hopefully there's less I have to do when I get there but we send them out to investigate and see all these things so and then we get there and they're there come along and lay the groundwork and bloody there come on and lay all the wiring in order and then we have come down the level everything down with Bible alright well let's have it that in Isaiah chapter 30 and verse 9 that this is a rebellious people well I'm pretty sure God had a marathon when he said that this is a rebellious be hard head stubborn stiff neck rebellious fighting against God and fighting against the words of God that's right what else are they lying true liars liars I said lime children why children that will not hear the law of the Lord do you hear this they don't want God's law and some safe after Jenna's you don't have no love it's like a child who've been spoiled by their parents because that child so used to having its way and the parents let it run all across the chairs in the chute or across the shoot the chairs with his shoes on and go in the frigerator and don't wash his hands and talk back and want to talk back the parents say that's cute but when that child go to man Grandma and Grandpa house the child is unhappy that's right because discipline is the call of the day that's right all mama got to do I remember I was in a barber shop and there was an old man day obviously he was the grandfather of the young boy young boy was in the chair kept acting up and whatnot and the grand Papa kept telling me if you don't stop down my snack drop that chair and work you over and he was a he was a big fella the only 11 years older like he was in high school he hit back at his grandfather grandfather said boy listen I get a hold of you and he talked he just kept talking back to Grandpa and in some cases grandma have more influence than Grandpa brother Grandpop said all right he's done cutting your hair I'm going to tell your grandmother the boy froze and drop to his knees and just said please don't do it ah yeah he pleaded with him he said no need to plan me he plead infant didn't say I give you a dollar grandpa Hino that girl ma was going little so many people Phyllis doke that I am too strict and some of the people who feel as though I am too strict strangely enough came up in strict teaching but what have happened if you've been away from what you need too long you start to go back to your old foolish ways it doesn't matter how good we raise our children give teach them good morals good ethics how to be respectable to all people if they don't value that teaching and then get any atmosphere that's immature disrespectful foolish barbaric the good that they learn have a tendency to be diminished and then they become just like the atmosphere there in all bear witness what I'm talking haven't you look at young people just say yeah like you ain't got no home training and in some cases they don't have no home training but yet in other cases they have plenty of home training but don't respect it that's right del value that's right many of you that are watching and many of you that are here had old bishops who had some form of firmness then when Bishop died and junior stepping the pulpit everything go right down the hill that's right the weather the Lord is no longer preached the standard of God is no longer lifted the Word of God is rejected and the philosophy is more accepted theology become the sermon for the day entertainment is accepted more and the Word of God is rejected more and then when old folk who used to be saved that ties in the name of Jesus Christ and have the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue and hang around that sugar so long until now the same old strict teaching they used to live by they've been in the sugar bowl of hypocrisy so long until now they reject strict teaching they reject sound teaching in their old age be not to see I had an old woman telling me one day after service she shook my hand passionately generous now now I know you tell the truth but I ain't wearing my dress long like an old woman and she was holding my hand old enough to be my grandma shaking my hand she said I ain't wearing no long dress like an old woman I just looked at holiness years ago people felt good to say I'm holy and I said it was respected even by the enemies of God they fought it but they saw that holy woman just by her look and that holy man by his look and condom and it gave them a sense if I may use the word pride they used to call the churches years ago holy sanctified churches didn't do it holy sanctified Church so the more philosophy and theology have crept in church and the more the preachers allow their children to dictate what gone in church it went from church to having what is called children stretch have you ever heard of that there are churches that's so caught up in this world of foolishness they have what is called children's church what on earth is children's jet children's church is Sesame Street it's the electric company that's right it's a romper room it's mr. Rogers playground amen jesus said upon this rock I'll build my field my church now there is no such thing and I want your viewers to get this and you'd better hear if the Lord have one Church and if you see the church you're in is changing right before your eyes for the worse until it has become unrecognizable as Church and it is more recognizable as a bar Hey look just like a bar and look just like a dancehall it look just like a club it looks just like a party you know why because it is a club it is a party why would you allow yourself to claim your say for 10 20 30 40 years moves out with God Herod for the Holy Ghost 20 years and then the cost no love for some organization that you see is going to hell you sit right there and complain and yet keep patronizing it and loss these so-called apostolic organizations are doing like the Mafia the Mafia is set up by families Jerry Fletcher family Campbell family singleterry family [Music] you gotta watch them bow the family folks the right family the Williams family this is the way the Mafia set out and the family are responsible for their territory so if Fletcher is the head of the family and if he died either his son or someone in the family will be what is called the underboss that's exactly what churches have become if Bishop Jones bout to die before he died he will groom his son he will die look at the life of his son whether his son is holy or unholy he just want his work the stroll in the hands of family notice his work not the work of God these were say this is not the work of pathogenesis is the work of God Church should not be set up like organized crimes because shirts don't belong to me and church don't belong to you jesus said upon this rock I'll build my chest surface his church he said the rules he makes the preaching he decide who's gonna leave his people until he said he will take down walk and raise up another and no what is that so church should not be ran like the Mafia Church should be ran government operated functioned by scriptural law that's right now fear will see you daddy here because I'm pretty sure if my many guests that are here you from some church and many things we preach over the air you actually see it in your church even if you don't like the fact you're faced with it because many of us was once in a crossroad and you know what made us being a crossroad our understanding begin it come open and brother when your understanding come open and now you're faced with the reality if I stay here I'm going to hell because now you're looking at how long you went to this place how long you followed this man the years of commitment that you gave but you cannot look at the amount of money you gave and the position you hold you can never look at that more then you look at your soul weights I look at my soul I may love you but I love my soul more than I love you [Applause] I love my soul man the Gulf was entailed Bishop Bishop there Y is no wife distant past Bishop there how did you get a second wife when your first wife is live bishop why is it now that you used to preach about speaking tongue but now wake up to speak Bishop how was it you whistle one God telling us is own wife a woman preacher Oh now this what happens the preacher is so into himself bishop feel as though you ain't got the right to question him okay so when you ask Bishop questions what's going to happen you will be the topic of a service that says he's gonna label you as hard hey that troublemaker just follow you take of my tithing may come off I've got the right to tell you this is a sin the questing God tell them you ain't God you ain't God and if Jesus was walking here on earth if he was a key question him for there's no Bible that says you can't question God who is it better to ask questions he know all things I had asked him anything [Applause] another tactic that bishops have is scare tactics when you begin to ask questions right then oh now if you asked is if you go question me now you won't go to hell you won't die you won't die or plague on come into your house and burn or a make it traumatic this is why as thank God for the telecast because now it educates the people only the bishop wished we'll stay ignorant then he put some boring they back and a bishop ken Duke you like to use to do the longer scared of him but now you're scared of God this is what we're laboring for people to do stop being cowards in these sheep organizations stop letting them trick you bamboozle you laughter you would have good song and dance and then see you on your way you can't stand up until you get knowledge in you truthful guard program is truly designed to educate creation and makes you look at trust different you will look at just the same you become more aware of no religious around now you begin to look at the Bible and you listen more closely to the preacher will fold then whatever preaches saying you just sit home and pretty shake that way you check that way but when knowledge coming you now you can judge properly are you getting what I'm telling and when you get knowledge you become motivated the question preachers you see we encourage folk you question me all you want imma take your nose to the Bible imma take your deep sea divers because in the book is infallible information knowledge develops of people ignorant handicaps of people no deceiver want you to know he's deceiving you a deceiver want you to be ignorant dumb let me make it more plain you take a sister good morals good at this good standard even if she's a sinner just seven things she may say look I ain't doing but this she meets someone who she think got her best interests at heart here so he has street smarts which give him a different form of experience and a different level of intelligence because street smarts don't come from the library it's a different kind of intellect there's a street intellect and there's an Internet intellect and most people that got an Internet intellect when the internet died a census died street smarts call the Judy here what's not being said that you get what I'm telling you what do you mean passage in is a man who got street smarts and a woman who don't have street smarts that man can strike up or in every conversation with you about just your job and whatnot and that's all are you talking about you're not talking about anything inappropriate at all but simply just having to talk about your job or about your likes or dislikes oh or the weather you can talk about the Sun the Moon the star in the leaves in the trees and you can tell him about you where you're vulnerable where you're strong where you're weak you wants your experience and your inexperience because his Street intellect know what to look for know what word is more aggressive than others no one words is more passionate dinner you understand right he know what to look for how to look for it's like a piano player if you an experienced piano player depending upon the song there's certain cause you were hit more aggressively and in there certain cause you were hit in a more metal tone if you never heard of soloist sing a song you got a good ear you know her next key if you got a good ear if you don't have experience the one that have experience no the next key that's exactly where these preachers are they are experienced devils and they've been hypocritic for years so they have become masters the scripture turn the witness clouds the devil that a seconds now if the serpent is a deceiver in the Bible says old serpent that me he's a master in tricking Connie manipulating deceiving so he can tell the congregation anything and this is why congregations go to church and carry a Bible but never follow a preacher in the Bible have you noticed a difference most people go to church they may carry a Bible but they following the one in the Bible because the man's message not even coming from the Bible it's coming off the computer that's right everything coming from the computer is coming for a sermon he got written in a stack of paper if you get knowledge that's why I tell the people when you watch to tell the cast and they don't even entertain you get your Bible get your pen and paper and follow me are you here William 3 and here does break down explain you're getting understanding you're getting food for your belly leads for the belly and Billy for the meat the more knowledge you get the closer you can walk with God then the better you can serve God the less you know that less you can do so when you get more knowledge in a fall stretch I know from experience now for my pastor was my uncle my great uncle and some of you can bear witness go some of you your father probably is a bishop some of you sisters your husband may be the pastor or your brother get ready to start a false church and you want to help him because he's your brother see that's what I mean by not being family see if your brothers are fault probably you don't help them start a church because he's your brother you don't help someone because they're your friend and they say you know what I think I'm a star to try go ahead and do it the buck in the preacher crowd and just start a church like it's a game this is going on across the broad house didn't want to start a church wife said okay come on that's what you want to do go ahead this is the famous quote if the Lord leads you let's talk about that this is the famous quote if the Lord leads you how can you make this statement so frequently so loosely the Lord do not lead nobody opposite from scripture always the Lord do not lead no one to perform anything that contradict Scripture so in a man said God have led me to start a church he lied right then just been started you not even baptized in the name of Jesus Christ which me you were sinners you don't even have the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues so you're not in the body of Christ so what was the Lord move on a center started trip a man called me on my way here yesterday I don't know the man he started I didn't I answered the floor I didn't recognize the number I forgot what part of the country he was from he said faster generous I say yes he said you don't know me I say that's quite obvious who said I'm scared I said oh I say before you started talking how you get my number I mean you called my cell phone how you get my number he said ah I apologize I said I probably accept it now before we have this conversation sir how did you get my number he said well I went on internet did an investigation I start probing because my type of background my job and I found yourself on them that's crazy he said I humbly and respectfully apologized he said but I I had to call you because I'm scared he said I was innocent I said what kind he said the devil he said up being honest with you he said I lived a life smoking all the weed I want got married five times he said I use women just to marry he said one day I was searching internet on my phone and you came up and you preached hell and he said such terror came upon me that I never experienced I forgot he said he was somewhere he said but a ball of fire appeared to me right in my face and he said I've been terrified ever since he said I don't want to go to hell he said when I saw this ball of fire I haven't touched we since he said the fear of God like I never experienced he said I am NOT trying to administer no more I want to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ he said all I did was plea churched for years until I met you or Internet people have preachers but there's mistake the sad mistake is you thought you got away with it nobody that pays with God gets away with it there are two ways that God stopped you one in mercy King in judgment I really forgot to stop me in mercy if God stopped me and mercy like the song says I have a chance to be saved all of us here good stopped us in mercy and please don't think that is anything so good about nobody including yourself that you just had to be saved salvation is a gift if the net of God's mercy God don't look at you two when people look at each other you don't look at what you own or your status your position your beauty your money going to look at that God look at your sincerity man see a lot of folks says Lord I really want to be saved and I don't want to go to hell please leave me the right way and then God end up leading them to this message yeah but what this message does a challenge what you told God you know I if you really want to be saved nobody is going to be saved without paying the price and that's the thing that most faith is not prepared for you clean with God Lord lead me to the straight lead me to your word I want to be right and everything I don't want to go to hell do you know how many thousands of people ran upon us or YouTube had never heard of and thought it was a mistake and then they found out it was God's will it's not a mistake being run upon holiness it is the purpose of God and the will of God in fact will you run upon this it is a act of mercy now everything you told God how you want to be saved now knowledge come that you never heard opposite from what Bishop been telling you that you got to give up everything If any man will come after me listen that Jesus talking in Saint Matthew chapter 16 and at verse 24 follow me then said Jesus unto his disciples what if any man any man we have Captain vest again st. Matthew chapter 16 and with the 24th verse preachers don't teach this no if any man will come after me and do what let him deny himself now I don't want to do that I know you don't want to do well look like you don't want to do it it is not the nature of a man or woman to deny themself of what they love doing but in order to walk with God we must be trans fall if any man if any man will come after me come after start to pursue Jesus come after me and do what let him deny himself wait a minute before he said did not what he said before then if any man will come after me and let him deny let do what let let let go that's the word I want the moment you say it let this that mean you have to do it willingly Piton for sure your volunteer now let's understand something you're not going to give up everything overnight and I tell you this because many folks hear us preach and preach hard they were like man that man expect for you to stop everything overnight I don't expect you that even God don't expect you because you're not able there's some things have you gripped for years that's why you need God to help you to overcome if you want Christ Christ weren't you but you can't come to Christ and not change if not what to change give me the Book of Chronicles second chronicles chapter 7 chapter 7 verse 14 I want you to pay attention to the language of the scriptures like the chronicles chapter 7 and at verse 14 chapter verse again 2nd chronicles chapter 7 and at verse 4 Ptolemy then we go back to Matthew second chronicles chapter 14 chapter 7 and verse 14 I want you to pay close attention to the way the language of the scripture is written listen good if my people who do you belong to if my people who do you belong to my people my young brothers a young sisters you belong to God and some of you ain't got sense enough to know it because you're given the devil so much time you are robbing yourself of such beautiful knowledge that you're not your own you belong to God and there's only the mercy of God that you still living and yeah acting like a fool right some of you here are still cigarettes suckers joint surplus partiers still chase men still chase women take your heroin smoke a joint for municipal purposes every Friday night you out there party and then Sunday you watching your brother on television with a beer in your hand calling each other yo yo yo sup dawg hey hey we watchin Gino yeah man watch it you know hey hey he's coming to town you going to steal I'm going to see my dog man we'll hang out with alright I'd be your dog because I might chew you up with Scripture Satan wants us to love wrong more than right which make it more difficult for us to surrender wrong and get right do you understand the Lord you love wrong you become woven more tighter with sin and you become committed obligated you feel a sense of obligation with the center and then God's will step in and break up your relationship with your Center you ain't our nature to hate sin because sin work in favor of our flesh this is why we need a new nature that's why God instituted being born again which introduced a new nature and when you have a new nature you gotta be taught the Word of God with formulates a new mind if I have a new mind it gives me new feelings another help us all so it develops a new heart my heart give me a new connection or relationship with God that I never had are you listening to what I'm telling you second chronicles second chronicles chapter 7 chapter 17 verse 14 if my people if my people which are called by my name which I'll call by my name shall humble themselves wholly then what and pray right there how many of us here pray pray Jane everybody here pray now have you stopped that there's something you must do before you say those prayers no prayer and I want everyone to listen good you that are washing around the world you get this there is no prayer that's a penny valued without humility purse amen you have to be humble first pay close attention to what I just read if my people wishes second Chronicles to serve at the seventh chapter and verse 14 and verse 14 if my people which is my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves then was acting of humility and pray but what's first humble themselves then what and pray in other words God don't want you to talk to him until you come with yourself what do you mean before you talk to him God wants you to agree to submit to him now humility we get on our knees but that don't mean we humble it has a humble appearance either bill my knees but I'm self-righteous arrogant stubborn high-minded with in my heart now do you understand humility is bigger than falling all your knees that's right wait a minute pastor Jenna the Bible said every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess you think that means literally your legs if it meant that how can a person kneel who don't have no less true million is the submission and the humility of the hot if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves now so all of us in here pray sometime ask yourself is it out of ritual is it habit or you know it because mom and pop taught you to do it humility must be first prayer after humility first prayer after because when we started doing things just as a form of ritual there's no significant meaning behind it with sincerity we're just good just to do it a formality but if I'm humble in my approach the Lord's my lord if I'm humbled you know you throw a gun to someone face it humbles them what is it about the gun that home are you the power now look at God maker of heaven on earth he controls the breath in your nostril the giver of food or your table the supplier of all need and the sustainer of all worlds there's nothing about him that we can afford to do without that's right everything about him you need a minute my young brothers in the hood with your pants hanging down stolen out there in the street you thank you good with your hands thank God stroke you you're only 17 he take your punching momentum away the mouse that used to cuss out women that's old enough to be your mother he twists your job you are too arrogant and too disrespectful towards God your young sisters who love to switch you Goods so everybody can bump their horn at you young girls in school who's constantly pushed up against lockers you think it's cute to wear pants smaller than your body wear blouses smaller than your body that's right so when you live to get complements for men from men what's gonna happen to you when you don't get enough our whole life supposed to revolve around God will you come to the realization what you was made for God said I may sit for my glory now God didn't make you the strip for men God didn't let you do lap dances for men God didn't make you to be a bad mattress for men God didn't make you to advertise your body for men God didn't make you to use women men talk to me you will never get a man to respect a woman until you give that man a truly respect God you another get a woman to respect herself until she first respect God because when you respect God you have the knowledge of what she was made for he was made for God's glory where you realize you was made for God's glory you will feel a sense of loyalty and commitment to your Creator by listening amen if my people which are called by my name well shall shall I want them sell themselves and pray and pray and what else and seek my feet look at the steps humility prayer seek my face my face humility prayer seek my face if you want results of your prayer humble yourself humble themselves that's why the disciples said to Jesus teach us how to pray teach us how to do it honestly what is prayer pastor Dennis what kind of words should I use sincere when you truly talk to God there is no proper or improper punctuation marks at the time you talk to God like you got a college degree he's not impressed have you seen preachers who don't ask Reverend Lucifer the lead us in prayer most wise and up nipa tenth awesome Heavenly Father that I've created the solar ubiquitous the luminary up in the heavens the god of the middle way did god of Saturn Oh Oh Great God I don't have the supercalifragilistic in the SPR don't use I don't know I said so when we hear these pulpit entertainers we say oh man I wish I can pray like that he ain't prayer and for a pretence make listen at the Bible find the man in your Bible down the book of st. mark chapter 12 and add verse 40 mark 12 and 40 says it's devour widows houses they devour widows houses and for a pretense and they pretend make long prayers they faking if I talk to daughter and talk talk from the heart I don't care how broken my grandma is wait ain't right do you understand now not not your Lord Haman I'm I'm so improper I am out of my comfort zone dear Lord no I'm right god help me I'm wicked I got problems Lord in other words when you talk to God be yourself but be humble he'll understand be humble and talk to God from the sincerity of here you men don't be so caught up in your manhood that you're scared to cry if be weak sometime your soul come out they intent they talk the dog nothing come out your mouth until you obey God in a real man in this building until you obey God you ain't a real woman at all until you obey God I cried pastor Jenna's what do you say about beauty what is your definition of beauty your skin your hair your shape your nose beautiful when you're holding [Applause] over the years skin change shape change vision change but the beauty of the law and never change when hit a whole ego set in the book of proverbs chapter 31 and at verse 30 parlament favor is to see favor this favor is deceitful and beauty beauty is vain Sun profit but a woman that feareth the little woman that fear God she shall be free oh yes if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves I'm with himself and pray pray and seek my face see calafate seek my feet a doge is only one god to talk to her my face my face one then what's the results and turn oh wait a minute turn four laughs from their wicked wing all right holy check now you've better listening first thing humility less stank next thing pray next thing seek my face then what's next and turn from their wicked ways while I'm humbling myself while I am praying and while I'm seeking his face what am i doing and turn from their wicked wings I want God to do something for me so I gotta start stomping that's right I got to start turning to him that's right yeah that's right well Lord change me turn let's talk how did God change although he allow something to happen to give you the opportunity to change change come when you're willing to be changed sometimes certain experiences that God allow to happen in your life change you forever that's true is it right change you in a way that you never thought would change we have to be making an effort to turn from their wicked ways now hold it what may seem to be not wicked don't mean it's not wicked that's right when a thing is wicked is when that thing is against God even if I put a smile on your face even if you feel good even if you enjoy doing it if God is against it it's wicked that's right if billions of people patronize it and forward but if God is against it it's wicked so turning from our wicked ways that means we have to make an effort to refrain cease stop separate ourselves from certain places certain things certain acts and certain people are you listening for me to stop contaminating my physical temple with cigarettes if I'm trying to stop I can't afford to keep hanging around my smoking buddies trying to stop smoking weed I can't keep hanging around my weed smoking buddies trying to stop drinking I got to change my atmosphere man I can't keep hanging around you you know every chance you get you asking me for light I'm giving you money to buy liquor how can I criticize you for getting drunk and yet I'm helping you to buy the bottle think of it I'm criticizing you for getting drunk but every time need a ride I'm driving you to the bar I'm your own personal Oba so I have to start turning from their wicked ways so in some cases that fake marriage gonna have to dissolve because brother Barbara is still living and you married to grace and yeah you want grace from Jesus barb is still alive so now you got to give up grace you and grace have to make haste to make space between you ingrates [Music] that'll be some space between you and grace that's right thank God now because in God eyes during adultery that's wicked in God eyes but is satisfaction to your body so now you got to decide who's more important who was more valuable grace or God you decide that God is more important you and grace gotta have a sit-down grace hey I love you but Barbara's still living in I can't be safe you know we keep doing this thing well wait a minute you know grace grace showing that chewing gum wait a minute you talking about giving all this up for some Jesus and all of a sudden grace do a lap dance for you and you send it the Bible says choose you this day you shall first if God be God save help if bear or the devil be God save helps the whole world have to make a choice and as a result of such we are placed in the valley of decision that the Bible talks about multitudes multitude do you hear this in the book of Joel chapter 3 and at verse 14 listen multitudes a whole lot of folk multitudes multitude and the valley of decision and what for the day of the Lord is near dare the Lord is closing in on you in the valley of decision why you still trying to decide what you want to do he's a good man there's none good but one and that one is God did in my first husband he beat me you don't have to stay with him the Bible justify separation the Bible says if she depart let her depart but let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her own husband the Bible is justifying separation you ain't got to sit under a roof with no man beating you verbally abusing you or threatening you you ain't got to do that that man can quote all the scripture he want what do you quote don't mean nothing tell him to come on and live by themself or sit down and shut up it ain't no woman and you women that are washing it ain't no you don't have to stay under the same roof when a man beating you slapping you cussing you out threatening you so President as I believe give me the book of Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 7 was starting at verse in 1st Corinthians 7 and 10 are none super married I didn't marry I can't man yet not i but the Lord and not the wife depart from her hood off the furnace you don't leave the husband but but and but but but but but God knew that every marriage ain't gonna work out that's right so he implement a law just in case you both end up leaving each other but not divorcing each other leaving each other listen but but and if she depart no if she divorced if she depart divorce deport you can leave without divorcing so the Bible's talking about leaving separating not divorcing remaining but if she but an if she's alive let her remain unmanned mission said if said go on the leave and give to another one right leads your Honda and go get you a Camry leave your Lincoln and get your Cadillac leave you leave your Ferrari and get your Porsche that's what your Bishop told you that's why so many you for watching it is mad with me because I come on back to Bible and giving you what God gave you one Eve and one Adam faster Jenner you meter tells me if I leave my man alright pastor Jenna I'm still young I still got some fire in me what am I supposed to do to put the flame out but and if she depart if you depart let her remain unmarried you can't getting them or me or but if your fire getting if your fire get too high here's your spring here's your sprinkler system or be reconciled to her husband you gotta go back to the one that you left that's right I don't want a passage anything I can't give you permission to give your body to Tom when bill is still living right that's right I can't give you permission to give you a body to Tom when bill still living you mean have told me I don't think what I got to do with my body offered up as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service that's right he made well what about when Jesus said let you put away your wife gave me the tenth chapter book a mark mark mark chapter ten and we're starting at verse 1 listen and it rose from thence and cometh unto the coasts of Judaea you know just certain scriptures pick folks don't feel the spirit Oh third ones nobody nobody speaking Tom certain words you know a certain script you folks don't feel the spirit always you know other schools look like Oh glorious how about my shot hey we get one of these scriptures Oh and I realize it all right away and what is that and he arose from thence and cometh unto the coasts of Judaea yes or the father side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again yes and as he was one he taught them again he taught him again and the Pharisees came to him I said what and asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his why is it lawful for a man to get rid of his wife tempting him trying to tithe trying to try Jesus can you imagine that how you gonna try someone who know all things that's right you know you got to be a fool yeah that's right all right and he answered and said unto them what what did Moses command you what did my folks love Moses they love thee that's right I can't even count the amount of letters folks talking about Moses Moses Moses don't you know one Brendon and Moses came on the scene oh yeah all right and they said Moses suffered to write a bill of divorce hey Jesus Moses lets you write that divorce and to put her away and get rid of them and Jesus all said unto them jesus answered and said to them for the hardness of your heart wait a minute why did Moses let you do it for the hardness of your heart why the Moses let you do it for the hardness of your heart right then that told you who the boss is for what kind of people that's right God people don't have a hard heart a hard-hearted person is a person that's caught up in the flesh and they don't want to follow the will of the Spirit the hardness of the heart is a stubborn heart that's gonna let you do it for worrying or the hardness of your heart cuz their heart wasn't right he wrote you this precept but what but from the beginning of the creation God made male and female from the beginning of what but from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female or what they God said for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to what and cleave to his wife holy I hold it right there I want this to be good for you fellows that are leaving your father mother but your cleave into the wrong species [Music] [Applause] your cleaver to the wrong species that's right that's right Godzilla too manly for this cause shall a man shall a man a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife to his man his wife his man his wife his man his wife his man his wife somebody's wrong that's right then it shouldn't be a rainbow flag nobody touch a man now don't get upset with me and say I disagree with dead get chopped inverse March up is my name a mark mark mark so you can't say pastor Jimmy you were doing all right until you came to that it was here before I was born that's right the reason why your flesh disagree with it because it's good to you but it's wicked to God and this is one of things you run a turn from stops your turn that's right anytime that woman is married enough first husband still living and she got rid of her and mr. Brown divorced and now she's married to mr. black every time she used mr. black name she lies alone because she's a brown brother longest longest brown breathe you're Brown that's right you may switch like you black but you brown when you sign those check mr. black and mrs. black that's truth in life mr. black he's black but mrs. black is not black she's really mrs. Brown hey God eyes you're Brown you know i mr. Brown is still living that's that superhero mr. Broun still living who i take off amen cause of mr. black come by you up Mercedes mr. black can buy you a mansion mr. black and give you a joint account and mr. Brown can be no good but long as Brown is living you're bound to him and long to live with mr. black you are living in adultery okay and if you're mr. Black's first wife and mr. black never been married that me mr. black is living in fornication because mrs. Brown who's married to mr. black her husband's living so it makes her living adultery adultery so the whole relationship is unclean that's right dirty wicked then living in sin and every time she lay with you she commits fornication but every time you lay with her because you've never been married before you commit for our fornication and she commits adultery flex on the one sheet that's right go to one hell that's right for this cause amen let the people say let the church head you mean I feel good don't want to give him up want to go to bed find a place to lay your head else you feel better now does it hurt but this is old-fashioned preaching their preachers used to preach years ago but they stopped preaching it because the devil dealt with these leaders these bishops of many of these Apostolic churches who were firm against the boss Bible we're used to preach against Bishop Lawson organization the one half pounder to coal refuse treasures of our Lord Jesus Christ used to preach against it Bishop Brooks by way of the cross he's to preach against all these churches that baptize in the name of Jesus Christ has a whole oh speaking in tongues from old picked up half ashamed out for meat then had the audacity to tell you in these organizations it's God's will it's a new revelation the Bible speak plain is for the heart and ordinance harden your heart and the heart is stubborn that's why the promise said created me your heart is too hard you judges have become an embarrassment to God you members doing no better cost you sit right there and whine and complain and you still support it that's right so that means you got play well I don't agree with a passage in we should go therefore I'm not a drunk I don't agree with drunk why am i hanging out with him knowing the judgment of God do you hear this in the book of Romans chapter 1 and adversative I'm away Church of the Lord Jesus Christ where the whole street your mother calls what happened Church of God in class what happened Church a pillar ground and truth what happened Assemblies of God won't happen they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh they better outfit of the things of the Spirit lot of you bishops was good and yet held a strict standard but then you fell in love with some church member you saw her directing the choir too much stuff was moving oh all that stuff just moved every town bishops all this was just crap he loved he lost all composure before then he ever stand and now Bishop was ready to leave his wife for the choir member and then would make us so bad to get other members on board he's thrown God in his lusts and say judge I got a revelation here's the goal we used to be against the boss he color by shut up I'm a layout visited you get that tongue did you get it huh I don't want that tongue to skim by you now he color by shut up on my land up you get unity and they take God because they don't fail him and blame Eli and say God gave them a new revelation about divorce and the reason why he showed you that line because he's burning for this woman and they do resort to the same method when he want a man they say God said it and y'all see this taking place right in your church is just sitting right there and watching the church I shade until it's unrecognizable you going home trying to call different ones who you know is prayerful man we gotta pray for Bishop we got if Bishop don't respect God Bishop is gone to hell amen when a man means respect for God's Word he have lost respect for God that's right if passive Dennis wants to do wrong don't let me blame god Odin or children the Lord showed me nothing just call a spade a spade that's right brother you see that woman's switch it don't say man the Lord works in mysterious ways no you just see them hips that's all the Lord ain't dealing with you lust is delicious now you're calling a spade a spade this message is just too real and too raw for people who don't want to do right that's right because it's up in your face and make you accept the reality of your own weaknesses but if we don't accept the reality of our own failures how can we talk to God to bring us up if we first on admit we're down in the first place don't you hear the prophets they rejoice not my enemies for when I fall I shall rise when I sit in darkness God shall be my everlasting life you think the Word of God is designed to work in favor by my flesh away man serving God and did God telling me that I got to humble myself I got to pray I got to seek his face I got a turn man you know mr. Turner for what you enjoy doing that's right amen at that time for my wicked ways then Oh then will I hear from heaven hallelujah but I got to be doing something that's right then God promised sure what then will I hear from heaven you'll get an answer and we'll forgive this thing wait a minute who in here who in here don't want God forgiveness see a lot of folks see me preaching against wrong and because of that they misinterpreted thing I look down on people I don't look down on nobody it's my job the preacher gets wrong I have folks telling me passage in as well I'll pass it on preach against wrong I know you don't party none of these preachers do god preacher if you represent God he must preach it is written preach the words and from Genesis of Revelation is speak out against our wrong there's nothing the Bible that condone our wrong if there was no hell I wouldn't ever preach against wrong and there was no hell they don't need to have a future for what what kinds of courses you've got to deal with nothing I wouldn't go to check I would never even come to Fort Smith so what do whatever I want how I want pretty sure I can get some brothers to hang out somewhere I'd rather campers from the mountains of West Virginia but there's some clubs up there ain't that much Hills it's a ism it's a math club somewhere somewhere in the valley somewhere in other words if you want to go to hell somebody will help you that's true somebody will come we should help you now you listen to what I'm telling you that's right listen at this then will I hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and and will heal their lay now the land that God will heal is you the word healing also mean deliverance and all of us need to be delivered from something's and the greatest thing we need to be delivered from the way we think and what we feel to the truth of the matter is we need to be delivered from ourself our enemy is ourselves the evil made of us are so quick to see the evil and others but we don't want to acknowledge the evil in ourselves and one thing about God word is shows you into the Bible describe the book like this it says as beholding yourself into a glass now when you look in the mirror sometime a person may think they're skinnier than what they are because how narrow the mirror is and they say oh I lost weight no you did your mirror is just now and then some folks said man I can't wait no your mirror is just water like some focal to the carnival and the mirrors make them look all distorted all kind of ways well there's a distortion in our nature and that distortion does not agree with the equal ways of God we are distorted mentally emotionally spiritually distorted and corrupt and a lot of our corruption not only did it come because we were sinners we have received added corruption because when we came into the church Satan corrupt us in the street and he kept corrupting us when we county church through teaching that they may add see oh you hear the book of Isaiah in the book of Isaiah chapter 30 and at verse 1 says what won't you the rebellious children said said the Lord and take counsel but not of me wait a minute they take counsel but not of me for God to have nothing to do with this kind of counsel and that cover with a cover they cover with the covering but not of my spirit but God is not in it that they may add see they add sand to sin you just keep piling up you was out there drinking partying smoking dancing the same thing that so many of you was doing now some of you go to church on Sunday because their son is ritualistic to you mom and say alright let's go to church come on mom I don't want to go to church you live here don't you you going to church alright I'm going to church or you go to church because your boyfriend want to take you or you go to church because your girlfriend want to take you or you go to church because hey your buddy want to take you but some really don't want to be in church some don't want to be in church I've got the same junk they dawn the church they go to do they went to a party out there here we go here we go - shut up about just hops they jump nanny went to a trip Sunday someone got into portrait here we go stand on your feet stand on your feet let's get the Jesus beat Jesus uh-huh yeah that's right and that's what church become now this is the logic that a false prophet use we had the reason we got the resort to something to gain young people have you heard them say that look at the thousands of young men and women we had we resort to nothing but preaching the word that's it because the Lord speaks plain if I be lifted up from there I will tell unto me God have proven to me that I do not have to go backward I do not have to resort to sinful methods to get one soul we ain't gonna slow down or back up from this hard gospel to keep remember and we ain't gonna back up to get a member that's right we gonna kill you to get you here and we gonna kill you when you get here that's right let's do a brief survey now would you agree that some people were more hardcore settles than others only only you can judge yourself how many when it was out there may consider themselves a straight-up hardcore Center raise your hand come on just tell the truth now hardcore a hard call center how many will consider themselves you know a reasonable center how many will consider themselves just always a goody-two-shoes ray join T Carter cut Matt put the camera here man stand up Carter stand up now I want all of you in South Carolina know this brother right here he raised his hand to the goody two-shoes now I want to say to him that you are lying and the truth is not in you all to tell the church to stone you like Israel [Applause] now hey buddy all right a real hard call Sena man a woman know what it takes not only to get him or her out of sins they know what it take to keep them out and this little sugar daddy chief weak preaching will never do nothing for him aha the cost they constantly filled that sin hugging on them with such a force that's right a son that love evil cannot afford to have a passive father who will never reprimand him you may talk to him but some time talking stop my father talk to us but he was one that said ain't gonna keep talking when he reached and he had the fastest belt in the West when he took that bit off I always would look at it cuz I know it's going up and I had the look of Terror a hardcore sinner or so-called mediocre sinner churches today because there is no crying out against evil in churches there is no crying out against Satan in churches they make sin appear to be fair-seeming and acceptable and by the time you done here in the preacher you concluded well and ain't no sin to be a sinner so therefore you become comfortable now the more or the longer we are comfortable in sin the more difficult it is to get out of it because the more comfortable we are in it we don't see the wrong with it so then it becomes a part of our life and we start calling wrong right until God's in a preacher shake you up out of that sleep wake up wake up wake up wake up remember you're a sinner and there's consequences even if you're baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and do have to hold it go speaking in tongue without sound teaching you start getting weak with the new birth you get weaker and weaker and weaker and the same things that God deliver you from the cost there's nobody pounding on you you start drifting right back off - are you listening a hardcore Center needs something to pound on him AHA oh yeah all right listen amen you have when I came up in a slap boxing body box body boxing hurt more slap box you know they go out there and try to be pretty and whatnot body boxing you ain't cute no we still a toe-to-toe and through our our hip into each other ribs kidneys stomach jaw everything from top to bottom I mean we put it in each other dished it out and we're taking we have a body boxing gospel your pastor's got this little slap you gospel with their finger you better stop it stop the Lord don't like ugly stop and the world you're gonna take that infidel serious yeah sin is a problem is it not the only one that can help us overcome it is God to the point we have to ask God lord help me two eights in that's right I'm alright you literally gotta ask God to help you here's the word of god is falling and you can drift off right water Word of God is preached you see your sister sitting out there or you see a brother out there or you see a minister up in a sister may see nothing but his necktie Bulger a brother may see nothing but her in a hat she welcome to the offering plate he just see a hat right in truth where the water God is appreciated stripped her clean she does strip him clean because the Bible requires a single eyes do you see where God deals with and only God can command us what we can or cannot do with our physiology and anatomy only God can tell us what they do with the body our body is the temple of the Living God it takes a hard gospel Bible describe the word as a bit in a horse's mouth and when you get the reins of that horse and pull to the left or the right it goes right left goes left when you pull them all it stops that's what the word is we're telling creation whoa and career just dragging me all right I'm yelling Wow I don't want to stop presaging I don't wanna stop are you getting what I'm telling this is the most tough as a message in the world a day that's right that's right and it shocks people they see so many people come and do it what it proves is plain and simple everybody don't want to be lost and there are many people that just got tired of this junk that they know was not tragic they meant that the church can't save my soul what in the world am I going for oh yeah if the message in that church is not qualified enough so I can meet God what I'm going for you don't go to church to see your family you go to church so you can get right with God so ask yourself what you're in is it good enough so you can meet the first resurrection well I know my pastor preach the word how you know but you got the Bible up there I don't mean nothing anybody can read from the word and yet not preach what they're reading from I want to encourage you brothers and sisters turn from your wicked ways it's time to get on God's side repent of your sins who everybody be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ if you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you're not saved who you you're if you're preacher today or thank you up you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you never been saved still a sinner and you're still in your sins anybody want to be baptized the right way and the name of the Lord Jesus stand on your feet come on well if they got time in the water get it right out of your fake wonderful all of you all of you that are standing see them brothers and sisters back there go where they are I'll leave that a standing go right where they are if you bow your head and raise your hands you're not saved you join some church you ain't say you pray the sinner's prayer they ain't never been in the Bible you ain't never been sayin everybody got the repent of their sins everybody or it take god and be baptized in the name of jesus christ then Peter said unto them Portsmouth time for you to get on God's side passage it is I'm safe safe from what you ain't baptized no damage this question still a sin up too soon if you bow your head and raise your hands you are sent up join the church Sena got sprinkled by priests you a little damp sent up then pray the sinner's prayer such a prayer don't exist you've been bamboozled lied to still a setup do everything under the Sun must repent your mother your father sons daughters the Bible says then Peter said unto them - 2:38 repent repent and be baptized every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ all right for the remission of sins watch the results and ye shall receive the gift of the holy promised it for the promise is unto you - who else and to your children and to all that are for even as many as the Lord our God shall call with many other words that he testified exhaust saying save yourself washing everybody in Portsmouth Virginia nuke serious in Norfolk Virginia Chesapeake Virginia Virginia we thank God for the souls gathering this has to be the message for the last days my god to keep getting results like this everywhere around the world with a hard message like this how you can baptize boy in one day true the most preachers have in the entire lifetime they've been faking in the pulpit truth get your separate come out of your churches when you repent of your sins don't you go back to these stretches no more stay out of the church stay out who everybody that's right stay out the churches they come walk with the way of holders now I want to give everybody an invitation to our closing year service come on up to Philadelphia I know some of you won't travel no way come on up to Philadelphia I'm giving you a personal invitation December 27th through December 31st come on up to fill up your service every night every night prayer five days of prayer church will be open for morning all the way to evening praying everyday five days of Prayer you come on up to fill up yeah hang out with the truth of God family you don't hung out with your boys on the corner you don't hung out in the bar I don't everything else come on there hang out with us be a part of the best thing that's did brother this is a great move of God that's sweeping not just America but it's sweeping the world Oh nation's Bible says shall flow on it who give me correct time we're giving the correct time brother what is it alright 349 339 just like preachers can't speak the same thing now even in session beginning at 5 o'clock 5 o'clock prayer begin come on back hit your knees pray everybody come on back amen I'm gonna guess you two hosts you live here come on back come on back and get another dose bless God this evening at 5 o'clock let us all stand Minister William to close us out impressed thank you for your precious words we have the father's you would give us strength will beat you all the day whereas s you remember the soul that's going out in the water we ask you to bless them and fill it with the gift on the holy note ever help the father we do give a name to praising our on name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they don't want to say Amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 136,931
Rating: 4.7361274 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jennings, Holy, Holiness, Truth of God, First Church, Gino Jennings, Religion
Id: dTeAvNQD8m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 14sec (7874 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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