Truth about Bannock Bread

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hi everyone welcome to the channel welcome back to the channel if you already been to the channel and if you knew thanks for having a look race is going to be the true for that Banach bread and what people were like when they actually went out and did journeys and that to cook it we've got recipes but the truth about it there there is it wasn't any measuring it was flour and water basic might have had some salt if you had salt we didn't have salt it was just a flour and water flat bread but if you've got the extra ingredients I've got some ingredients here and we're going to cook on the fire I've got a pan called a tava it's a flat brick pan sort of like middle east it's very popular over there to use these pens it's just a flat piece of metal with a handle so you can put it onto the hot coal and cook over it on it I've also got a different sort of pan so you can put all in this pan you could do a little bit of light frying fries and bread so what we're going to do is we're going to make some planet Mix [Music] got a fire going I shouldn't take too long to burn down and give us some hot coals so as I said the measurement is basically on how much do you want to eat so if you're cooking for yourself for making bread for yourself you know roughly how much bread you want so I'm gonna want about probably that much start with and I probably do a different type of bread as well as face and different cooking techniques and then I've got a little bit this is self raising flour so this comes with baking powder in it so you don't need it here this boy I've got a little bit just to show you because a lot of people put this in that's all I would put in is a very small amount no measurements this is all by I got a little bit of sugar again just a little bit if you haven't got the sugar or the baking powder you can do it with just flour and water there's a lot of places like India wrote each Apache basic ingredients flour and water and you can make breads that way salt now salt is an optional but again I will put some in I don't put a lot of salt in just a pinch you can put all in this bread as well depends on how you're cooking it if you're gonna cook it on over the actual coals and that I would put a little bit of all in it all butter I've got raisins here as well first another optional you can a sweet a bread with raisins so so far we haven't measure anything we've just looked at it because the end of the day all this ingredients is edible so you don't need to worry too much and we've water the key is to add as little as possible don't go crazy with it just had a little bit and then start stirring in you can all without it and can't take it out you can add flour if you go too much though I never use all your flour at once staring at in gonna make a nice dough you don't want it to dry you don't want it too wet so you just add your water slowly yeah I know ones in a rush maybe you're in a rush make mistakes and when people say oh you need this much water this much this yeah you don't know really and she actually making it what you need but the thing about it is people overthink it and they're out there and they've got their lists appearing and they're worrying about getting it right overthinking it is complicating signs are simple this is simple it's the most basic bread mix in the world it's a very simple one old recipe goes back to they say a 5th century and the word Bannock it's an old northern English Scottish word and they say it's taken from panacea which is Latin for baked dough and panis is for bread so if you go to France you'll find up there breads called pan PA em it's probably from the latin word palace now i'm gonna get me ends in this so what I'm gonna do let's put you back on me I'm gonna put me hands in it but I know it's gonna stick to me so I get a little bit of oil just to touch I'm gonna coat my hands with oil that way I know it won't stick to my hands this is another Indian in India they do this when they make their bricks just pop this stuff sticking from [Music] let's get back down in there this isn't the biggest bowl but you know I've got to carry this as well get some more water in there they might be done with that yeah fires burning down nice let's get a nice on way work this in but there's a lot of dryness in the middle see a lot of people do this on YouTube they put in a bag and they mix it in the bag yeah if you want to prepare at home I would I'm just doing this video for the purpose of the video I think I would have prepared this dough and I would report a dope you have I'm honest if I was doing it from home this is starting to stick to me but it's fine it's not as bad though because of all the ends that's burning down lovely over there I've come up to one of my old campsites I haven't been here for a year or more now I want to add razors to mine so I should have done it during the dry mix but it doesn't matter this is the point don't overthink it doesn't now you make it how you want to make it because it's just so simple you can't really go wrong you might have a few mozzies in there but then again it's protein isn't it right get some raisins in there I like raisins so without that quite feeling we're gonna work visa on also you didn't know well you've got banner and it's Scottish banner with his Irish planet there's there's so many varieties about but once you've cut a piece of banner it's then becomes a scone I'm sure that everybody's trying to scone wherever you live and if you're a North America the native Indians is to UM make banner they're never a Navajo they might ban it so here's a spread out bread recipe and I plan it out on my plate on my arm metal plate don't have strongest tables either you sell a lot do a lot of good though inhale it's like a dough agent texture I did bring a car I was thinking about cutting somebody is insisting smaller ones but I'm not gonna I'm gonna leave it is one one large one and obviously the flat you get this the quicker it's gonna cook because it's no the yeasterday then a raisin agent in this is the baking powder and the way that this actually raises itself slightly is that the speed of and the heat of cooking it evaporates the water so quickly it raises the art from evaporation so I'm going to put it on this one to cook that fire is looking good I want to get it before it gets too low and when I put them all on it you can dry cut these with a bit of flour but and I put a bit of water on it no a lot right let's get you over to that file this is gonna go straight on a on a Miss it's just hot this basically just say like that it's a hot fire just have a look I'm gonna get you a bit lower so you can actually see the fire let's get it on you know that quick back those up it's got heat everything up let's cook out really nice I'm gonna move the camera around so you can actually see it at different angles squeaky tripod I think that's slightly raising slowly but there's a lot under that a lot of heat I've done this in the fire pit today because I didn't want to build a fire dig a little pit make a fire and mess about because I've come to this site I've got all the makings of afar and I've got the fire pair I think people have been here using this site they'd be honest things move about every time I come up here so yeah this is going alright I'm gonna flip that over a minute I think it's time to burn see a lot of smoke Mouse's get that flipped it's cooking up well I'm going to do another batch if the fires coming I've got some wood here because I want to do one on a stick that's traditionally if you haven't got this metal sheet or a stone or anything to cook on what you're going to cook on you cook on the coals well I'm going to cook on a stick that's a very popular one just to wrap it around a stick and hold your stick over the fire I know they show on a lot of videos you chew it up and check it towards the fire yeah that's an option they send all up right [Music] that's it let's cooked we're gonna rip this and I won't have a look at it my father went away yeah slightly going you see so I don't take out the edits basically that's gonna go back on fire so let's get it back on this is what I'm saying it's not a science do it how you do it no one's a perfect no one does it right the first time McKee one go into it's white do we feel that's burning a bit too much we put a bit more oil on the pan so I was going to leave that on there I did notice on Ray Mears video at the very end when he broke it it didn't look fully cooked they just cut the video end I mean that's a bit I think that's a bit wrong you show it properly you don't do that so I'm going to give that another in 20 seconds and I'll flip it over Inc of it 20 seconds and see what we got I'm not going to toss it because I know I dropped it it's not a pancake and I'm no good at that anyway even though people say I'm a bit of a tosser there's little burnt bits they aren't burnt bits their flavour countering flavor like I say it's no science to this and there's no you just do it don't be able to think it get it on cook it so this is my first time at doing this outdoors I'm natural open fire let's give that a try we're stuck you can smell it burning more understand it come on my bear it's a long like the raisins it's stuck to them [Music] riots have a look now that's cooked but that used to be our broke this breaking a little bit yeah it's fully cooked that's not bad I thought it tastes good I love raisins I'm suing them keep an eye on it but I've got a bit that's a really nice I've tried this a coconut as well that's okay listen desiccated coconut flakes that's right it's an achievement when you can cook Bank in the woods from ingredients and it ends up fluffy like I say I don't cutter idiot I don't cry out there the bits where it's not perfect ghost life isn't perfect I will you out doing this everything's harder to do I mean I've got a table ever built one year or two ago I got seating normally you'd be doing this on the ground it's excellent like a big old biscuit perfect just don't overthink these things anyone can do this children take your kids out there easily and they love it they don't think about it at all they just do it what I do now I'm gonna cut them cut the video stop it and I'm gonna prepare another batch which you've already seen me do so you have to sit again and they're not gonna get a stick and I'm gonna cook over to fire on a stick all right so we're gonna cook on a stick I've got a little bit dough down I'm gonna pour on a stick so we want to get a stick preferably not too dead cuz it just be brew it's clean off the bark because you'd never want to cook anything on box throw your bacteria slip so go down to the inner would know now that's interesting this has got a little bit of a branch coming out of it and it's quite hard so I'm going to leave that because that helped hold my bow I'm gonna go get the go get the bark off it right now we're gonna mold it go that it was not your sir help felt hold it on what they doing on these you roll it get yourself a little sausage shape going on this this might fall off you know I've never done it so it's all fun gosh dropped it on the floor but in this some environment and you're hungry you just got to go with that badness says I'm sure that's happened more than a thousand times to people but you learn after you're done that don't do that again little bit muddy ain't gonna kill us is it right there now I'm gonna try and wrap this around the stick finally let it out as I go at this point you're probably either throwing up or turning off but didn't swear refrain myself from swearing and there we go like a little corn dog covered in mud okay then another tip I've heard is that we tap it and it sounds hollow you know it's cooked and it sounds hollow to me so I'm gonna try and twist this and pull it off that's a bit doughy in the middle I know I saved our he's not that bad blow out your pipe really let's break it now that's fine that's not belly it's bread this is our this is my favorite method wives ever samosa yours bite the corn off from on the triangle samosa buy one coin off grab a corner blow for it takes two here I love this way to hold it I can grant him a hand by far that's where the cookie thanks beautiful thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it it was eye-opening for me it's my first time at doing it helping researching it a bit and it's easy and this is on the stick mefferd do that on the stick method brilliant just like nice thanks for watching see you on the next one [Music] whenever you've got a file cut like this on the fire check that with look let's go if you've not made planet break it out with your bit okay what can go wrong you get a bit burnt it's fine
Channel: Paul Bisseker Bushcraft
Views: 129,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping, bushcraft, wild, survival, forest, woods, hiking, paul, bisseker, uk, skills, drones, camp, fire, cooking, outdoors, dd, hammocks, tarp, hammock, tent, kelly, kettle, hobo, stove, trangia, gas, zebra, billy, cordage, paracord, shelter, whoopie, slings, bergen, british, army, alcohol, thermarest, Bannock Bread, Bannock, tawa, tava, food, military, ration, flour, water, raisins, bannock stick, frying, ddhammocks, trekking, scout, cubs, scouts, openfire, bread, breadt, flat bread, bannock cake, bannock review, bannock recipe, gadgets
Id: ogW8MkOMDcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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