How to Make Cree Bannock

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Aereo hello Don said my name is Jean Doris Belford Cunningham and I'm a pre native from originally Alberta but anyhow I would like to share with you on how to make free Bannock which was taught to me by my grandmother and I would like to dedicate this video to my grandchildren by Knossos amok and also shared with you okay and I'm about to show you how to make cream Bannock which is which was taught to me by my grandmother the traditional type that the trees make is actually baked and not fried but the method the method I'm going to show you is basic you can actually change it to a raisin a sweet man up or a fried Vanette or a campfire banner which is very very good anyhow all the I have to pre heat the oven to 400 and or Mele I would probably bake it at 450 the harder the oven the better the Baloch bakes okay and this is what my grandmother taught me and that's the way I'm going to do it and I'm going to dedicate this to my grandchildren no sistema I have eight of them I love them very much and I hope they continue with the tradition that I'm going to show them I would love that so please kids try it I know you love it okay so here I go flour 3 tablespoons of baking powder half a teaspoon of salt I don't like my Bannock salty and what you do is give it a nice little stir throughout the round the goal awake it's ooh oh it's so bond up what's my nothing god you see how they are so good all the time okay now the next thing we do is put in the large it's about 1/4 cup of large and we always use large some people use oil we always use learn ok the next thing you do is is squish it into the flour hey and you want about pea-sized ok round and round and round of course there's always little secrets to what you do to chill you know but you don't need to share them secret - tada how pains I just watch my grandma doing this no girl I did most of the eating did the watching but I didn't mostly be eating and that time she would do something special and she would add raisins to this basic recipe and we'd have raised the banner but you know what I really liked was the campfire Bannock what she made at a space it's us this recipe is the same as what I'm doing here and then what you do is you strip willows and clean them up and you roll it on the stick and cook the wrong campfire ok and you can also make fried Bannock but you would eliminate the lard when you go to fry it you do not put the oil in here ok so the next thing you do is pour in your three cups of milk I'm using milk because I have some left over in the fridge you can use water waters this is good and of course you I made a well you'll notice I made a well in the middle and bad you give it a good stir and the work was lukewarm sometimes I'll use cold cold water or cold milk but leave it afternoon temperatures okay - I've used frozen lard and that's a she worked okay as well it's a little bit harder to stir some time but you just keep going and going rolled around and once it gets too hard to be rolling around the spoon don't you now do is use your hands so people's world to keep it from sticking I just use a little bit of flour and pounce okay and what you do it and years ago my grandmother's told me that they always made their Ballack plot and a cookie sheet or wherever just made an oval shape so that when the hunters went out they would carry the badnik and sacks and it would fall apart and you go just keep the flour in there and don't need it too much the trick here is handle it as thin as possible if you'll not do that quickly because I don't want too much Florida absorb into the dole okay and this is the traditional way my grandmother do it you can use a rolling pin if you like use a rolling pin sometimes okay and this looks pretty good the rolling pin all your ballot is uniform size but who worried about uniform size when you have that I could just let it eat it with Jam butter lard years ago people would eat their bad up with large and I know some elders still do okay there we go now we need a fork oh I just wonder why my grandmother used to make it look a little fast you're such or just you get the air holes and air pockets I just do it because she did it okay and here I have a cookie sheet which was already greased up with lard that's sometimes if you don't want your about it stick to your Cherie that's not a stick that way okay so now here we go oh this is I'm making these just so that you know it's easier to handle and easier to eat if you have the wrong ones but a lot of times I will simply make it a lot thicker than this and we slice it up and toast it but lately this is what we do was just easier to put away and and you're not having a whole bad it's sitting around okay simple simple simple throw it in here okay some may be a little bit thicker than others but so what people list some people like they're a bad a thick and slice it up so people like it crispier make it thinner and it's crispier crunch here and or you can make it so that sometimes I make it I make it square even just whatever you want to do with it okay then sometimes I have some leftover like this and my late husband liked it this way that's your your mo so MUC my grandchildren Kimmo so muscle this is what muscle light okay he like to have a very big piece of mana he wanted this this is why he wanted some ends left over so that I can make him this great big chunk of anak okay there we go so this will fit in a corner there like I said what stuck at my school though he wouldn't okay now you pop it in the oven I'll keep the camera please okay here we go 450 degrees and I like to leave it there I like a taught hot oven cuz years ago it eased wood they used a wood stove and I was always hot and so I like Babic made high heat okay and I guess the next step is we'll be eating it okay so for now I 35 minutes has passed already and here is the banner like I said high heat it doesn't take us long to bake and put it on the counter and this is what it looks like okay and normally what I would do is leave it in the pan and I would turn them all over like that like this like this okay normally I do that let it cool off the reasoning for that is if you leave it in the hot pad like this is the moisture gets into the bottom so this way okay you're evenly then your moisture evens out that way okay so that's what I want we do okay and let them cool off ten minutes or whatever and Nora and I would you could freeze them by the way to it freeze the banner freezes really well and okay the next thing I would do is this is my late husband's painted this would be his bad there you go that's not me liked it thoroughly this would be mine and we would ease right away some people would wait and then to come off but I would just handle it this way I just open it up like that there you go okay and put it on your plate put your butter on it'll melt really quickly there you go mmm ghosty Oh lots of butter all it's about her put your jam on top okay jam on the other one and your butter is running all over the banner oh boy oh by the way ah the beginning of this on this video the videographer forgot to start the tape on time it was six cups of flour okay there you go so anyway ah I guess I don't have to eat this on the video but anyways what I would like to do is as like I said I dedicated this to my grandchildren whom I love very much I love you I love you I love you I love you and I write reading miss grandpa and I'm sure you do too and hopefully he's watching us from heaven and smiling down upon us and looking at his portion of the banner was always his okay oh and to you people I hope you've enjoyed the video and enjoy the barrack and grandchildren let me know how many hits you get please okay bye now take care and ah mmm it's tomorrow good bye except mmm Rick it's so wicked so wicked soul bye love you okay if you really want to know the secret to coulombs Ballack you can email me at JDC six two six nine to nine hockey players at TELUS dark net okay I may give you the secret
Channel: Rod Cunningham
Views: 331,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bannock, Cree
Id: xLoZjfpIuSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2015
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