Trusting God Through Suffering | Eric Thomas

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I just need to understand like God is not impressed because you got dressed and you came here he's not impressed that you're here he's not he's not excited about the fact that you're here he's only excited if you come and you get what you're supposed to get and when you leave you're brand new I've never taken my car to get the oil changed that Cadillac and didn't expect I went to go get the oil change I didn't just go to let them see the car I've never taken my car to the dealer just to see uh somebody I'll try to try to make it plain I've never taken my car to the dealership just so they can look at what they already built every time I take it there it's because something's wrong and I need them to fix it when you go to God he does not need to see who you are he made you you're going to God because something ain't working and something ain't right and I need help can you fix it and I promise y'all Jeremiah 29 11. he's so ready to fix it because he's so ready for you to get back on the road hey man I'm gonna say that one more time God is so ready to fix you because he wants you to get back on the road and he wants you to perform the way you were designed to perform so when I picked up my Cadillac I'd be real with you I put it on the freeway and gunned it to see if it's all right I'm like let's I want to see it man you know what I'm saying I want to see if I hear some noise again I want to see if the pickup I want to see if it do what it's supposed to do are y'all hearing what I'm telling you and so Jeremiah 29 11 the Bible says for I know not I guess I think I know the plans that I have for you so I want you to be in favor with the piece of paper you have I want you to you're going to the dealer right now and I want you to talk to the I want you to talk to your maker and I want you to say this is where I think I need to move the needle to be moved amen maybe that may not be it but start with what you think it is amen I don't know cars but I'm like Jeremy was like what's up yes I don't know bro but it's knocking I don't know but I also know it can't be what I think it is because it's got oil and I change the oil hey man it can't be that hey man so whatever it is it's on them it's not on me are you listening to what I'm telling you I'm telling you that you come into this world with some stuff and God already know what you come with and he gonna fix it amen and if he does not fix it Paul Paul said three times he came to the Lord and told the Lord to remove it and God said I'm not removing it we're going to let you hold on to it because I need to keep you close to me and that's going to keep you coming close to me amen so there's some things you're going to take to the deal and he may God may decide that we're not going to fix it but we're gonna We I'm gonna work with you with it hey man come on praise God Amen so some stuff he's just gonna get rid of for you hey man some stuff you just gonna go cold turkey and some other stuff that it may not be gotten rid of but God's like I'm gonna show you how to make that bring us closer together so I want you to think right now before we get started what do you need to move the needle to be moved right now what part of your life do you need to move God I just can you do something in this Eric can you do something in that area hey man I'm gonna take you to the world I'm so excited like I'm like I'm I'm not only does God hold me accountable to the word DD hold me accountable to the word amen so I don't even get to come in here y'all might be thinking I'm just coming in here just a couple minutes before I got in here and I just I promise you I didn't I promise I've been studying the word I've been asking God God what do they need so they don't just have church but they whatever I don't care if they're in school I wanted to be blessed I don't care if they playing sports I wanted to be blessed I don't care in their health I want to be like I want them to look at their bank account and be blessed Lord I'm not up here just talking I want their relationships to be blessed Lord everything they touch I wanted to be blessed why because that's what you would have for us and as you're as your Under Shepherd at apoc Lord for those of you who are watching for those of you who are here we're not just coming to be coming when you leave you need to be changed you need to be you need to be more of the model that God created than you were last week praise God I'm gonna say that one more time you need to be more of the model that God created amen so you can perform in a way he called you to perform so your life can look like what you dream of so there's an area of your life that is not what you think it should be do not get frustrated do not give up do not give in just go to the maker praise God Amen all right so I I was studying the word and I promise y'all I don't know if any of y'all ever had this experience but you can read a chapter over and over and over again and God keeps showing you something different and so God showed me something today to help us move the needle in our lives and to continuously move the needle hey man he showed me something amen so so I I don't if you don't mind if you can just write your name down on the piece of paper on the phone I want you to write your name down you know what God told me God said Eric as long as you're operating Amen in the spirit and not in the natural you're gonna be good is when you're in the spirit and then you're in a natural and when you're in a natural then you're back in the spirit God said if you can just stay in the spirit you're going to be good Hallelujah if you could be the version of you that I created everything is going to be good son the problem is when you go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth amen and sometimes in my own personal life I promise y'all if I'm in the spirit 80 and then I go into the flesh for 20 I'll be trying to justify it all right God come on God I'm 80 90 in the spirit he like Well it's worse for you then because if you're not these percent in the spirit that 10 is going to hurt you somebody who's 60 40 60 in The Flash and 40 in the spirit like they ain't gonna see a movement like that but son of you stay in the spirit and then you go in the flesh it's gonna be worse for you because you're not used to being in the it's like anybody ever stopped eating pork for a long period of time and then you start eating it again you remember what happened when you anybody stopped eating chocolate and you remember what happened when you stopped eating chocolate then you went back to it like there's certain things that if you leave and go back to it your body responds different when you go back to it and so God is saying when you in the spirit and then you're going to flesh it like it has a reaction and so so what God is saying to us is that if we would stay in the spirit if we would stay in the person that he created man we're going to be blessed so I want to show you something that God showed me blew my mind Rodney if you can't if can you bring this uh trash can to me and then that table just write your name down if you don't mind if you don't mind if you can write a couple characteristics down of who you are and how great you are when you're in the spirit right just want to show y'all something real quick we're going we just I just want to teach today if y'all don't mind hey man God gave me a word I just want to teach hey man if you don't mind hey man I just want you to write down like some of your positive characteristics when you in the spirit I want you to write that down please put it in your phone don't just stare like follow instructions amen follow instructions do what I'm asking you to do God's about to do something in your life amen praise God so so so God brought job 3 and 25 to me right he said for the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me I said what God brought me this this week God said you we gotta we gotta stop going in this Spirit out the spirit right so so job said for the thing which I greatly not just fear what kind of fear was it Come on talk to me what kind of fear was it that greatly feared he said has come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me I said man God hey man I want y'all to get this I want y'all to stay like like when you in the spirit then you go in the flesh God is like do me a favor like the plans that I have for you do not include you running my place sometimes then you're running your own play it don't include that and so everything that's not a part of my play you need to get it out your system and you just need to run my play for I know the plans that I have for you and there are those of us in this room we have run a play that's not God's play and we're asking ourselves how in the world did I get here you got here because fear right or whatever you're thinking but I want to show you guys show me God told me that before this thing even happened to Joe Joe was thinking about it Joe was thinking about the thing that happened to him before every time we read about what happened to job we like man how in the world but the Bible says that before his kids got killed he was thinking about it before he lost all his stuff he was thinking about it all the tragedy that came upon him he didn't say he was shocked by none of it he didn't say he was surprised by none of him he said for the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me which means that even though the Lord was blessing him there is a part of his life that was thinking about what could happen if what wasn't already happening even though Joe was a man that feared God that was a man after God's Own Heart Joe Joe was the one the Bible says that while job was blessed in the way that he was blessed that there was a period of time in his life where he was reflecting on something bad was going to happen why Joe was probably one of the best blessed people we've ever read about in the Bible and why he was so blessed there were times throughout the day that he was saying man I know the Lord has blessed me but this gonna happen and it's gonna happen and it's gonna happen and that's gonna happen come on I just want to teach today we talking about Job y'all we talking about that somebody in the Bible that God told Satan yeah you can tempt my servant you good amen but the very thing that happened to Joe was not a coincidence amen it was something that he had been thinking about and why was he thinking about it because Satan told him to think about it praise God we got to stop going in and out the spirit y'all and so job said my children died one after the next that didn't shock me I thought that I feared that that was gonna happen me losing all my stuff even though the Lord had blessed him there are those of us who were blessed and we can't even enjoy the blessing because we're constantly thinking about what's going to happen to the blessing at some point and now the thing that you feared you didn't brought it on to yourself because you feared it you allowed it to actually happen I want to read it one more time I want to make sure we clear I want to move the needle today so part of moving the Neato is moving the stuff in our lives that are not a part of God's play God said run my play I told you that if I take care of the spirit I'm gonna take care of you so if I told you I'm going to take care of you at what point are you worried about me not taking care of you like why are you worried about that and you're worried about that because who who told you that Adam you naked Eve you naked that's not even a word and my that's not a word in my Godly vocabulary where you get that from what you naked naked naked is not a spiritual term naked is not a spiritual construct now I already know you don't think I know but I know but I'm gonna ask you because I'm trying to help you but I'ma ask you a question the word naked who told you you were naked I never used the word naked around you I never said naked I never explained naked to you naked is not a spiritual context naked is something that happens when you in the flesh who told you you was naked where'd you get that from where's that vocabulary come from oh you've been you've been that you've been entertaining the devil so in the midst of job being blessed he was still entertaining the the devil because he said for the thing which I not just feared he said I greatly feared it which means what he was thinking about it constantly it was bothering him he was worried about it he said now that thing has come upon me huh that thing you thinking about in your marriage that thing you think about in your business the thing you think about in your health you that's not a part of God's vocabulary let that stuff go he said and and that which I was afraid of is come upon me now I always knew this was gonna happen I knew I was gonna I knew I was gonna get that call about my kids I knew this business thing as this dope as it was I knew it wasn't gonna last forever I knew it I knew my body I knew I was healthy you haven't been healthy rather you healthy and then you like feel something you like oh man oh man if Joe was like man oh I'm gonna have and got nothing that happened to job as terrible as it was what was a surprise to Joe he said I feared all of that and everything I feared is come on me watch this next one I want to show you some God God God told me this is how you gonna move to need you in your life for God have not given us the spirit of fear God said that job I didn't give you that Joe where'd that come from where'd that come from now what's the term that he uses this is D he used this term spirit God brought into my life today this week he said Eric you got to be careful there's some stuff that you do that like son you need to work on that I used to wonder Rodney the difference between weight and sin I didn't know the difference between the two like you would hear it like all your sins and weights that so easily beset you I realized that What Makes Us sin a sin and a way a way that a weight is wrong a weight is a gateway into something but a sin means that it's in your spirit that's why he said for I'm not giving you the spirit so what do I mean by that when I say spirit I mean that it's something inside of you and even though that thing may have happened years and years ago it's still in you today like it happened today when it happened 10 years ago 20 years ago I'll never forget I'll never forget Jamie and I was talking hey man forgive me Jamie but Jamie and I was talking in our own space here one day and Jamie was different and I was like bro what's up bro like you know what I'm saying like you know I know Jamie got that energy and Jamie came in and he had that energy now we did what the Lord called us to do but he had that same energy and I was like Jamie what's up bro he was like man this is the season where my sister committed suicide and I was like yeah it's in his spirits you know it's in his spirit amen Rodney the other day we was going I was like Rod you good what's that going on this is when my mother was murdered or my mother died was it cancer I was like ah he was and it was her birthday I was like Ah that's an experience oh come on talking to somebody today sending spirit so it don't matter what he doing or what's going on how blessed he is during that time frame sin and spirit send Jamie's spirit so anytime that see it's in his spirit and God told me that the reason why some of us cannot move the needle in our lives because there's some stuff in our spirits that won't let it move it got some stuff in your spirit it's in your spirit it's deep down within so every time you try to grow a change you can't because that thing is in your spirit and you go the thing that I fear it didn't even happen yet it hadn't even happened to job and Joe was thinking about it as if it happened so there are things that have taken place in our lives that is not the fact that it happened that's bad but it happened and it keeps happening because it's still in our spirits and God told me to tell you today he told me to tell you today he told me to tell you today Rodney he told me to tell you today that that is some stuff in your spirit it needs to get out your spirit and go in the trash so God told me to tell you today I'm gonna show you in the scripture God told me to tell you today that I don't care how bad he was I don't care how personal it was to you I don't care how much you loved him I don't care what's going on it's still in your spirit and you can't move forward because it's still in your spirit and you keep attracting certain things to you because it's in your spirit and because it's in your spirit that's why job has come upon you you actually in your fear brought it to you why because fear is a spirit and Spirits have power oh I want I want to take I just I'm gonna say one more time I'm saying slow Spirits have power and that's why it's done in spirit because if the devil can do it in spirit he can keep it in you and keep an attachment to himself to you huh huh so there are terms that you're using stuff that you use that refer to the past and you keep talking about it like it's today and some of you got guilt that's why the Bible says there is no condemnation it doesn't mean that you should keep doing dirt it doesn't mean you should keep doing wrong but what he's saying is no condemnation meaning that after you bring it to me you got to put it in the trash because if you bring it to me and you don't put it in the trash it's going to manifest it's going to reappear it's going to show itself so you got to let it go for those of you with stuff that happened in your teenage years you haven't let it go yet that's why you can't go some stuff that happened in your 20s you can't you like why am I still attracting the same person because you got the same spirit why am I attracting the same opportunity like why is it that I can't never in business take off because you got the same spirit and God is saying for I have not give I have not given you that spirit all right so I want to go here before we go there praise God can I just teach at least I just want to teach for a minute if I can just teach for a minute amen for those of you who are watching please do what I'm telling you to do at home so watch what God told me God told me that it ain't nothing wrong with your marriage but what happens is when we get married we marry one person but then there are things that happen and when those things happen we become a different person and when we become a different person the person that marry us don't like us because they didn't marry that person ah come on come on come on when we start doing business together and I'm and the person that I was attracted to but when you become a different person I don't like you no more and I don't want to do business with you no more God told me to tell you that if we could stay in the spirit and we can run this play we always gonna be good God told me to tell you that there are many of us there are things that we've done that was not a part of God's play but it was a part of fear and fear made you run a different play whatever your brand of fear is when you got that fear you no longer trust God you was like yo if I don't do this my marriage if I don't do this my business if I don't do this my if I don't do this my if I don't do this my kids if I don't do this I and so now you become controlling now you scared something gonna happen to them so it ain't even love no more you just all on them every day all day you got to be in folks phones hey man you gotta put tractors on your kids because you got and God is saying let go what are you doing I got a tractor on them what are you doing you ain't gotta go through you ain't gotta go through the phone I got a tractor on him I got it I'm gonna take care of it are you listening what I'm saying and it does not mean that God is not going to correct us it don't mean that it don't mean that we shouldn't care about our kids it don't mean we shouldn't know where they're going it does not mean that but it means that we don't do it with fear because the fear will make you and act away that and your kids like why are you talking like that or why are you doing that why are you in my spirit like what's going on and it's not that you don't love them but you went from Love To Fear God says just trust if I told you that you was going to be on the basketball squad the football squad you was going to run track if I told you you can't you can't do 20 more hours of working out to get something that I don't have for you and you can't underperform to the point that I can't bless you what I have for you is you you got to trust me but in fear we become a different person and we actually destroy what God is trying to do because we become a different human if we would just stay ourselves which is what love power sound mind I'm gonna say it one more time if you want to be blessed amen you want your marriage to be blessed you just got to stay in Love Power Sound Mind okay all right all right I'm gonna say it one more time I won't say it one more time hey man if whatever it is there I've talked to humans who've told me Pastor pray for me I said what happened I stopped paying my time remember we had that conversation Rodney about e my tithe I'm like Rodney bruh you what are you so what happens is you fear and then you go how long you got so much money I can't pay my time I'm gonna go do this and you start running God's play and now you didn't spend the time money on something else and now you're not blessed and like God what's up he said you stopped running my play my play is my Play I don't care how much money you have you must operate in love power and a sound mind fear take you know what when I used to hear this when I was younger in the spirit you know the two words that I would hear was love and Power I've never even studied sound mind but do you know as soon as fear comes on you that you lose your sound mind I just want to help you out as soon as you are in the spirit of fear you are no longer had your sound mind and once you don't have your sound mind you're not making them Sweet Sound decisions that you normally make now you're in fear and you make an unwise decisions and you say it unwise stuff and you feel in an unwise way and then you say like I got you Satan's like I don't even have to make you do anything all I have to do is make you fearful of the blessings that you currently have and tell you that at some point you're not gonna have them so you gotta react you better hurry up and do something because if you don't do something you're about to lose that and what you don't realize is what you do is actually causing you to lose it and now you're wondering why you lost it you lost it because you weren't you didn't have a sound mind so you weren't making sound decisions you weren't doing what the word told you to do you won't even be in yourself praise God the Bible says in Genesis 41 and 46 and Joseph was 30 years old when he entered into the service of pharaoh and man let's do our math let's do our math so if I'm not mistaken he's about 16 17 years old when he was put in I'm sorry let's start here I was going too far he was about 16 17 years old when his brothers tried to kill him take his whole life what's going to happen with your dream wow y'all got to watch what I'm saying God showed me I never saw this before at least I saw it but I didn't see it see it I saw it but I didn't see it see it what I saw this time when I read the story of Joseph is that Joseph is one of the few people in the Bible who never switched up oh I know that don't sound deep to you but I'm gonna say it one more time Joseph is the only person really in the Bible that you're gonna study is that when something bad happened to him he didn't lose his love his come on somebody come on somebody he didn't he didn't go into fear he he didn't go into fear he stayed huh he didn't drop into fear he didn't say my brother's trying to kill me let me do something to stop them from trying to kill me he didn't he didn't switch up he was like all right y'all can try to kill me if y'all want to I'm about to stay loved power sound mind he never switched up read the Bible Joseph never switched up his brothers tried to kill him he never switched up he always stayed the same he never changed he was the servant he never changed he was a slave he listened to me Saints he went from never after working he went from being a supervisor his whole life he went from being special in his father's eye to being a slave and he never switched up he never panicked he never went they saw me I mean I'm a slave now let me get an exit strategy huh the problem in your marriage is not your marriage when you went through a trying time you came up with the action strategy when God told you don't ever have one he said well let what God put together ain't no action strategy in that but you but you're wondering what happened in your marriage and actually you had an extra strategy foreign strategy that worked [Applause] it worked you had an action strategy it worked you have whatever whatever your business was and you were doing your business and they told you the economy is and you saw what the economy was doing and you was watching TV and you saw it was crashing and you saw some of your stuff go down and you feared and you made a decision job never switched up he looked at the economy crashing and went love power sound mind I'm not moving I'm standing right here because anything good gonna happen is going to happen here it ain't gonna happen over here and it ain't gonna happen over here my boys get you know they get on me like e you prejudice I'm one of the you know dudes that originally never believed in you know I was like if I had a choice as a NFL team I wouldn't uh I wouldn't naturally recruit a black quarterback my boys used to be mad oh so you think white quarterbacks are you know Superior to black quarterback I was like no I don't think that I just think because black quarterbacks can run they become a running back instead of a quarterback like I paid for a quarterback you didn't put up 236 that would I pay him for I paid the running back to do that I didn't pay you to do that so now you got a concussion concussion why because you didn't run the play you ran your own and for those of you know anything about football you really put the lineman in a bad position when you start scrambling all over the place because now you got somebody 300 pounds trying to scramble and now he didn't tow his ACL as MCL trying to keep up with you but some of the white quarterbacks I'm not saying are superior but what I'm saying is they can't run and because they can't run they don't have the option to try to be a running back so what they do is go Blue 5203 high and they see the and they just go so the same way you ran to try to buy you get hit it's hard to get hit when you go I'm saying Tom Brady has to be the slowest quarterback I've ever seen in my life my man in this Ford he's still playing going to the Super Bowl why because when it collapsed he goes and so everybody out there now they're going outward and then they got to come in work and by the time they go out and come in he's already most black quarterbacks you didn't ran into the guy that's coming towards you and now he didn't pop you and you don't have the bill to get popped so now you sitting on the bench for three weeks why because of concussion for protocols now we could cut we got concussions y'all why because we keep running when things don't look the way we think they should look we keep running instead of stepping into God you didn't made a decision without stepping into God you ain't stepped into prayer you ain't stepped into your word you'd have stepped into your own way job ain't never switch I don't care what you're trying to do you want to go to NBA the NFL's stick with the manufacturer stick with him stay with him he made your body he know what he's capable of doing and what he can't do he know how to motivate you and get you moving the way you can but every time we end something and it don't work the way we want it to work because we self-centered we ready to run when God is saying no no no no no just come it's gonna you're not gonna play football without some tackles you're going it's gonna be somebody gonna rush you so watch this this blew my mind so if Jose if Joseph is 30 years old then that means we know for a fact that he's gone through at least 13 years of hard struggles and he ain't moved [Music] foreign you go find a scripture with Joseph in it where Joseph is either thrown into jail because she lied on him you go anywhere and see him question God like why are you gonna let her do me like that that one you know I ain't even do that to her why are you gonna let me go to prison for something I ain't even do every time he showed up somewhere he showed up in love power in the sound mind where can I serve this must be a part of the plan we're looking at the plan when it'll go the way we wanted that must be a part of the plan let go Joseph diet Joseph like let's go what y'all want me to do oh y'all want me to clean up he was not only cleaning up y'all he was considered the best slave of all slaves he was such a good slave that the owner said you can have everything but my wife and she was like that's what you say when you leave I'ma let him know he can have me too because my man on another level Joseph was like I'm good on that oh either you sleep with me or you're going to jail he was like cool I'm going to jail there must be a positive plan sign me up I'm good that's the part of the plan let's go to the next one we don't need to I don't need all that let's go I'm gonna try her and finish this I got three things so I'm gonna go do two today watch this y'all watch what happened when he followed the plan 13 years later after going through all he went through he did not switch up on God he knew it was all part of the plan and Joseph's store upgrade in great abundance like the sand of the sea until he sees to measure it for it could not be measured he ran God's play he never questioned God's plan how you let me get caught have my brothers how you gonna let my brothers that wasn't right how you gonna let me put them in the hole how you gonna let me get soul to sleep how you gonna let her lie how you gonna put me in prison for that long Joseph went through all of it like yo this must be God's plan let's go our problem is as soon as it don't look like we think it should look like as soon as it caused us a little problems we out and Joseph was like I'm running to play that's what you told me to do that's what I'm doing nowhere in the Bible will you read other one is talking about God and Revelation and that and you ain't gonna read nowhere else in the Bible where they could not measure it that's how much right do you understand how much money you got to have you understand how successful you got to be that you can't count it you can't measure it what kind of go back to that one I just want y'all to see it what kind of math you on what it means is I want y'all to see what this is saying he ceased to measure it before it cannot be measured meaning what that it was no longer it was no longer being produced in the flesh it was being produced in the spirits this is what this is saying so when you get to a spiritual point you can't measure it you can't measure the spirit you can't measure law of power in a sound mind you can't measure that he was so dope and that he stuck with the plan and did what God told him to do despite what was going on around him that now he's so prosperous you can't even measure it the system that he using is just bringing grain in out of nowhere like how in the world is grain being produced on this level because it's not being produced in the flesh when we get to a spiritual realm we can I was tripping man I promise y'all I ain't nowhere where I need to be but the other day I had to go pick up a prescription for my father and it was kind of late and my wife was like you need to hurry up because like you know they closed you know I'm saying pharmacies closed they close close they don't stay up and I was like all right I'm just gonna feel like being in the rush but I'm gonna get there before I get there and my daughter was like Dad he mind he gonna be all right dad's favorite but I was like whoa that's dope and my daughter who've been around me definitely not perfect but she like yo my daddy got a relationship with God that's not natural he's favorite I was like all right let me go went got there my the pharmacist behind the condo was like E.T what's up you remember me I was like I ain't gonna lie I'm old I don't remember you he's like bruh I was going through pharmacy school when we met and you was hollering at me and you told me what I needed to do when I did it and now bro I've been here six months I'm a pharmacist what do you need bruh [Applause] I'm telling you for real when you start getting in the spirit part it's just so it's different you think the flash you think you being able to calculate something and you can figure it all out on your own and you got this little system that's where I promise you your sister might be dope but wait till you leave your system alone and do it God's way and you ain't got no fear and listen to me fear does not I'm not saying what you think I'm saying when I'm saying fear I'm not talking about you being able to trust in humans I'm saying you ain't even worried about humans because you're so worried about what God's gonna do I won't say that one more time because you kind of scared though I don't know if my kid's gonna be this don't got nothing to do with your kids when you trust the god that's got your kids you don't even have to worry about your kids like you wasting time you want some I hope they gonna be all right they don't have to do you ain't got to worry about they gonna be all right now you asking if they gonna be all right it's not a question of them being all right it's a question that you don't believe he gonna do what he said he was gonna do that's your bigger issue is you die you don't know if he's capable you like my husband is a I I promise you he got him my wife is I promise you he got her my kid my boss I promise you he got here he got the whole world either we teach the song When We kids it's real or it ain't real He Got the Whole World in His Hand so your trust ain't in no man your trust in that God's Gonna bless you through whoever like he said he was so once you think the last time you got afraid in the decisions you made when you was afraid I promise you they didn't work out on your behalf I promise you you didn't come up I promise you you ain't looking at your fear the the I promise you you can measure probably going backwards go let's go to the next one I'm gonna get this one to y'all and get out do me a favor before you get out of here figure out whatever that thing is that's in your spirit and before you leave today get that joke out your spirit so you can go to a whole another level in your relationship with God and in the world does that make sense so so I don't let's just go here in the middle and this is our last text for today and Joseph named his firstborn manessa and said it's because God has made me forget all my trouble in all my father's household do it myself I thought y'all I thought I had taught enough that you was going to catch it I'm sorry I thought you was going to catch it I apologize y'all just dead today or y'all just really students and paying attention huh I thought just that the Bible declares that go back I want to show y'all the Bible declare he named his son this he says it's because God has made me forget all my trouble the problem with us you ain't forgot your trouble you still thinking about it today like it happened today when it happened years ago you still think Joe uh Joseph was so dope because Joseph said I'm not even gonna remember my troubles and if this is a part of God's play it's a part of God's play I'm not going to sit here and go I can't believe my brother sold me like that I can't believe he wasn't on that he 13 years after this is after he has been 13 years for some accused of something that he did not do and he still said I'm not going to remember that your problem is you blessed you in 2023 but you're still living in 1982. you're still in 82. you're still in 82. then you didn't marry somebody and then that person has to deal with all the hurts that you had to deal with before you married that person now they got to get that and now we're wondering in our marriage like what's going on what's going on is you treating your spouse like the last two three people you've been through and because you fear that it's Gonna Come I say you gotta get that stuff out your system why every time I go to school I can't pass the test you still got that I don't know if I could pass the test you still got that sphere in your spirit I don't know if I'm smart enough of course you're not if you say you not my marriage ain't gonna make it of course it's not you just decreed it wasn't gonna make it he just said it wasn't going to make it you're absolutely right it's not you you didn't realize that blessings and trouble are part of God's plan I'm gonna say one more time slow Joseph understood that one don't come without the other so when the blessings come you are your authentic self when the curses come you switch up and become somebody else and then you're wondering what happened what happened was you didn't stay you because you allowed that trouble to make you something that you weren't and the Bible says I love you I'm just gonna just give me a minute if you don't mind the Bible says it is because God has made me forget all my trouble I'm telling y'all when you hear people speak or when you see people do certain things you don't even know what they went through and you could tell they went through something because that's all they talk about it's the only that's the only topic on your mind you can't talk about the other stuff that's dope about you because all you talk about is your trouble I'ma say it one more time so you can get it I'll never forget bro I'm gonna get this one to you I never forget years and years ago my God told me do me a favor how you feel about Didi I said God you know that you know the the difficult like you know how she'd be like a perfectionist that kind of be there's no no how do you feel about Diddy I said man I love her I wouldn't be where I am without her he said so do me a favor that's all I want you to think about when you think about her every day don't ever think about something she said to you that ticked you off don't ever think about something she did don't forget everything she's ever done that you felt like it wasn't right and only think about the per when you talk about her talk about it in the streets well when you think about it I think when you preach about it preach well that those of you are wondering what's going on you talking about your mama like that and that's why you had a relationship you had with your mama cause you dogging your mama out and so now that's that this is what's happening to you how you speak about your father I don't care what happened or what they did how you speaking about what happened this is the part that blew my mind Rodney I was cool with it he forgot all my troubles but he said at all my father's household this is going to be the one that's gonna be hard for you Joseph said when I left home and I left my father's house I forgot about my father I forgot about my brothers I forgot about my brothers who tried to kill me I forgot about them the whole household I forgot about him not in a negative way I forgot about them because there's nothing I can do with them here when I'm not with them anymore it must have been God's will that I'm no longer with my father Jacob must be my father's will I'm no longer with my my little brother Benjamin it must be God's will must be God's will and I'm not with my mother no more it must be God's Will and the problem with us is that we move on but we still holding on to stuff that we ain't even it ain't even present no more It Ain't Even in our lives no more it don't even matter but watch this he did not hate them why because when he finally blew up and his family came he took care of his family but God says you can't take care you what you're going to be able to do for your family you can't do it being with your family I'm just saying God was like what what I'm about to cause you to do they ain't on that level they not gonna understand so what I need you to do is I need you to cut them off completely and when I'm ready to bring them back then you can bring them back because they back but when they gone they gone and for some of y'all that's your struggle you it's people that you it's loved ones like no harm no foul I had to just be like yo you dead to me period you dead to me not that I got nothing against you but I'm moving forward you're going backwards we're not going in the same direction I can't go backwards with you because I love you I'm not going backwards I'm not on that I'm trying to be a billionaire I'm not on that I'm trying to leave a legacy I'm not mad at you where you at like I'm not I'm not even bothered with where you are I'm just not where you are so I can't be where you are to be in a relationship with you Joseph went with his father he was with potiphar he was with pharaoh he was on a whole different level he was Pharaoh's two-man and when it was time for his family to come God brought his family but before that I'm telling you Lisa what the Bible said he said and he forgot his entire the whole household he forgot his father all his father's kids and relation all of all of Israel all of it was gone he wasn't there he was in Egypt there are those of you who have been blessed to be in Egypt you're still in Israel now some of you you married and you still hold on to a relationship you wonder what's wrong with your man you're still in the last relationship you ain't left to change you had left the scars of the last you still thinking about it you went you were actually in Egypt but you can't enjoy Egypt because you're in Israel your heart is in Israel your spirit is in Israel I tell kids all the time I ain't gotta prove nothing to you it's a GED that show you I'm from Detroit I got proof none of you there's a birth certificate I say Chicago South sides I gotta proved none to you I know where I'm from I gotta proved none of you but I ain't Detroit no more that was a season of my life I ain't Chicago no more that was a season in my life I'm global I ain't attached to no City I'm Dubai I'm Singapore I'm Africa I'm Global and if you can't deal with that that's your problem that ain't got nothing to do with me I'm not telling you you can't be Global but you've decided that you don't want to be you decided this way you want to be that's cool but don't get mad at me God said and Joseph got his whole father's whole household his little brother that he love he didn't keep him in his heart he like that season is over This Is My Season and God blessed him with a wife and God bless him with kids and God blessed him with a child and because Joseph did what he was supposed to do he actually put his family in a position where they didn't have to deal with the consequences that they had his family should have died in the family too Lisa they should have died they was in Israel he brought his whole family over to Egypt and said y'all can have whatever y'all want I'll leave you with this Joseph detached himself from his troubles detached himself from all that God had detached him from including his family your problem is you can't detach from what God has already detaching from God God already detached you from it and even a part of your life no more but you still holding on to it I know it hurts but it ain't you ain't even living that reality no more ain't nobody even doing you like that no more but you feel like it's being done to you why because everything that looks like that Spirit that's inside of you God is saying today you got to do me a favor I already blessed you I already hooked you up but that stuff is still in your spirits and so we can't really move you to where you want to move you to because every time you see something you think you see that when that's not even that ain't happening since 1978 79 but it's all the way in 2023. let's go back let's go back I just want to show that one more time this is it y'all it's the last warning he never lost his love for his family they lost his memories with them it was as tough as though they had it was though they had never existed until God permitted them to re-exist I'm just saying for those of you who not happy you're not where you want to be financed like look bump the religious stuff I ain't on that you don't want to go to church you don't want to read your Bible love yourself enough for you though that if you're only going to be here a few years that you get the best you could get out of it I ain't tripping on religion I'm tripping on you you ain't happy but you still running that same unhappy play I've been there all my daddy was in my life God like how long you gonna run that play [Music] you're a grown man and why you keep talking about who wasn't there start talking about who been there for you Pastor Willis was there for you Bob was there for you Pastor dog it was there for you let's talk about David trophy was there for you let's talk about the people that was there for you why are you using that old language who wasn't there for you I didn't put people in your life and you can't even get what you're supposed to get from them because you so worried about who wasn't in your life and what so and so did that bro you grow you ain't 12. I don't care if you had everything you were supposed to get at about 18 you got to cut it off anyway or it's unhealthy you're 25 years old still doing certain things to your mama that's a healthy period you grown now let's talk about what am I doing for you why you always want to talk about what you don't got let's talk about what you do have why you always looking at the negative Come On Son get over here you got the lead at I got you I got you blessed I'm blessed I'm blessed we got techno I'm blessed I got folks watching we go to Atlanta it's packed I'm blessed people are I I can't believe the church I'm like I don't even see what you see boo I don't even see that I don't know what you looking at I don't see that I see blast I don't know what you looking at you might want to go outside you might want to go a house wash your face and come back outside again watch your face I don't know what you seeing I see blast [Music] I see overflow I'm looking at the bank statement we made one year we made this the second year we made more this year we making more than we made I just I just see blast I'm baptizing people every time I go to Atlanta I just see blast well I don't see so and so I'm so I'm done I'm done I'm not chasing someone so I'm done I'm working with who here I'm working with God's giving me I ain't tripping all I ain't running I ain't chasing nobody I'm moving forward you can't walk with the footman you definitely can't keep up with The Horseman by the way Lisa that scripture I'm not walking with the footman I did that I'm 52 years old I don't got time for that I'm on horses now I'm loving it I'm on a horse like oh I like this oh let's go hey what I can't I can't do it I can't keep I can't go back I already been there I sang when Jamie's saying I'm never going back I'm never going back I'm not even going back for you and I love you but I ain't coming back to get you I'm not coming back for you because if I come back for you I might get caught I might get stuck cause I'm from where you from and I sin just like you said I don't want to go back I'm not doing this because I'm perfect I've been there I stand before you sinned and I got the rewards that come with it I'm never going back I ain't coming back but I can tell you where you can learn to ride horses Tuesday at 4 a.m they learn doing teaching folks Tuesday how to Wednesday Pastor preacher you can figure out a Sabbath we got afterwards we got potluck Saturday morning we got Alicia I can't enter I can't go walk I can't we going walking though I'm sorry I can't go walking with you I put up my walking shoes I got my boots not so if you want to stay in that that world stay in it I'm not even judging you I've been there I just pray one day you get out of it because it's hard to get out once you get in as I leave stay in the pocket she also stayed in the pocket hey man I don't know who you are can you help me with this I don't know who you are amen I don't know who you are amen I don't know who you are if you're watching at home go get you a trash can hey man go get you some paper I don't know who you are yeah I don't know who you are hey man you're at home watching you're in the sanctuary I don't know who you are I don't know what you heard in the sermon today but whatever you heard amen it's something amen that you're gonna we're gonna stop preaching hallelujah praise God you about to symbolically Let It Go ball it up speak to it say goodbye to your little crying and say God I'm about to let 1982 go once and fall I'm letting two thousand go 1974 it's got to go at your time when you're ready to forget about all your troubles and forget everybody in your father's household that's appropriate take that piece of paper talk to God put in the trash it's your time it's your time it's your time I'm done I'll pray after everybody is finished I'm done I'm done balled it up don't don't tell your spouse don't ever remind your friend about it your spouse about it your kids about it your church members about it don't ever bring it up again don't ever bring it up again it's over it's done something happens speak about it as if it's happening right then it's over it's done don't bring it up again forget all your troubles forget all your troubles they're done they're done talk to God put them in the trash don't ever they're done leave them don't ever remind that person all you did this you did that you said this you said that it's done it's done it's over speak well of your parents speak well of your boss speak well of your church speak well Hallelujah speak well Hallelujah speak well Hallelujah for your own spiritual and emotional health speak well of that person speak well we're not talking about lying we're not talking about lying or acting like you don't know no no we're talking about forgetting speak well this is mines I'm going to take care of you hallelujah praise God this is mine God gave it to me belong to me I'm gonna speak well about it treat it well Hallelujah praise God speak well hallelujah we're gonna stop talking about it like that you're wondering why it's like that because you did that let it go I don't care what it is if it's gone it's gone and you had it for the time frame God wanted you to have it so move on get what's next praise God I want to say this to you in the spirit I mean it's with all my heart listen to me listen to me very carefully because God's he kept telling me this to tell you and I actually forgot he didn't want me to forget do me a favor if you're not if you feel like God I can't do this this person is too abusive this person is like I can't deal with that whatever do me a favor but don't be going back and forth either cut them and let them go but if you keep them level and make it work I'm gonna say it one more time I'm not telling you to hold on to something that you shouldn't hold on to if you feel like yo I I I can't do it then don't do it but stop going back and forth stop stop doing it and then bring it up the past stop doing it and then talking to them like trying to make them feel no stop just stop talking about it like act like it never existed they never existed let them go and move on with your life but if you hold on to it don't ever talk about it bad don't ever treat it bad if you're gonna hold on to it hold on to it [Music] but if you like man I gotta let it go and I gotta move on because I can't keep doing then go go he said Joseph forgot his trouble he forgot some folks go don't and don't feel bad about it you did what you thought was right for you or whatever you do if you say yes to it then just know the success of it is not going to come from some fantasy the success is Gonna Come From Joseph doing what he did and saying even in the midst of my troubles I'm gonna trust them that this thing is going to work out and by the grace of God he had grain measure I don't know how a lot of other people that could say that in the word and so father we come now in the name of Jesus Christ thank you and some stuff we need to get out of our spirits today for once and for all it just it shouldn't even been there rent free it shouldn't have been there all these years we apologize but once and for all is out of our Spirits now listen to your hands we cast those Spirits out of that pig and they said where we gonna go Lord we don't care but cast those Spirits out of fear of anger of hurt Revenge depression anxiety stress and worry you've not given us those Spirits they shouldn't be inside of us it doesn't mean we won't be tempted it don't mean it don't mean we won't have some weights but the sins Lord the things that are deep down Within you ready to let those things go father we know we we on planet Earth we're not in heaven yet so we may be so into slavery it's real we may be turned into it's like we it's real we may we may be live on we may be thrown in prison it's real there may be some stuff that's that happens it's Earth but from this day forward we're not going to come out of love power in the same sound my Lord we're not going to be going back and forth in the spirit of the spirit in the flesh out this in the spirit and the flesh Lord we make a commitment today like Joseph an example in the word that no matter what happens we can still be in the spirits and get the things that come from being in the spirit and we love each other Lord and not be each other's enemy and we not attack each other Lord but lift each other up we do know Lord there is a healthy place for corruption correction and instruction and we receive that correction in that instruction but the spirit of the devil that we never mix the two that we never mix your spirit in the enemy Spirit together may we keep your spirit and everything we say and do in every relationship and every situation because we know if we lean out into our own understanding but acknowledge you in all our ways you shall surely direct our path and you shall surely bless us we thank you we praise you we worship you we honor you we adore you we lift you up we magnify your name and we just ask in a special way that you will forgive us for our sins that you would save us and keep us in your son's precious name amen [Music] thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and ties if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at where you can make your donation via PayPal credit card or certified check or money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service Wednesday evenings at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time with Pastor TJ tyus on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 173,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Id: bzGW2lJuajQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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