Today is the “brokest” I’ll ever be! | Eric Thomas

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first of all I want you to see this first slide I want you to claim this write this down somewhere type it in your I just realized that people who write stuff down have a 97 chance of it happening versus only a three percent chance when you don't write stuff down this is not me this is scientist scientific when you don't you like I'm tired I'm bored that when you don't write something down it shows something about your character right when you write something down it shows like you're taking an active part in it so go if you don't believe me go look it up go Google the power of writing something down versus listening to something do you know when you listen to something you only remember five percent of it when you start writing it down you take so from now on if it's important to you write it down so I want I want you to declare this today today is the Brokers I'll ever be I want you to write that down today is the Brokers I'll ever be I want you to write that down I want you to claim that amen and I'm going to tell you why in a minute but I need you to understand we we're doing a pop-up shop the pop-up shop it doesn't do itself even though it's a phenomenal idea and even though it's going to bless a group of people it's probably going to take about 30 40 000 to make it happen hey man it's gonna take so so God I don't know about you but I need to be blessed so I can do your work I need money the AU team we have that costs money to do that the jerseys cost money the kids got J's two pictures that's called that costs money so I'm starting to realize this week as I was going through the week of prayer I don't know about y'all but I learned a lot I was so grateful to have GP Foster on because it gave me an opportunity to sit back and learn myself and one of the things that I was learning is I was studying the word of God and I was listening is that matter of fact let's go let's go to the let's go to the word this thing this thing shocked me when I read it it's a lot of stuff that I heard this week but watch the texts in Proverbs it says the rich rule over the poor it'll say nothing this is the bot I'm I'm right let me talk to you real quick it's Proverbs is from the Bible right it's Old Testament it's in the word this doesn't say nothing about the anointed let's not say nothing about spiritual people this says that the rich rule over the poor so you got two you got two people here Rich poor you got makeup in your mind which one you gonna be just being honest you got a choice it's two there are two individuals in this story did you see it give me the truth who are the two you got to make up in your mind which one you want to be now a lot of times we don't like to talk about what in the church can I I don't want to skip through these slides so I'm just going to say it and then you're gonna see it later 2300 times y'all think that's a lot somebody said something 2 300 times you think that's a lot of times I'm just being honest if somebody said something 2 300 times do you think that's a lot of times look at this in fact there are more than 2 300 verses on money wealth and possession in the Bible I just want to show y'all real quick for my statistician I'm saying for people are are are analytical so I just want to show you I'm not making this up the Bible there there are two dots how many of y'all knew that the Bible talks about the well 2 300 times how many y'all you knew that how many y'all this is a shot this is like man I ain't even know that 2 300 times the Bible talks about money Jesus spoke about money roughly 15 of his preaching so 11 out of 39 Parables is about money Hallelujah this is in the word of God money's in the word of God and because we have not understood this concept let's go back to Proverbs this is why many of us are in the situation we're in I want to read it one more time it's from the word of God the rich rule over the poor not good people rule over not caring people not anointed people rich people rule the world periods the richest people in the world making decisions so it should be more Christians who are rich if the rich rule the world it should be more Rich Christians so that we can be a part of that rulership we could be a positive decision making huh I'm sorry A lot of times when I look at government and I look at some of the things that the government is passing it's obvious that it's not being led by the scriptures it's something else that's leading these individuals like you couldn't possibly think that God said that was okay to do like you could you could there's no way you could come up with this legislation this has nothing to do with the Bible but the challenge is the Christians are being ruled because we poor and we got to get on the right side I'm just telling you what I saw as I was doing my homework this week like we got to get to Rich and apparently Rich must not be bad because it's in the word of God and Jesus talks about how many times is the word wealth or possessions of money mentioned in the word 2300 times so it must be important so the question is what could we could do about I just want to show y'all something real quick let's go to the next slide I want to show you we we got to get out of we got to get out of the slavery we can't we got to get to the rich we gotta get out of slavery okay let me just say this to you I won't make it practical now I look my boss was my boss so there's nothing I could do about that right I'm not even saying that you know it was inherently wrong for her it was just wrong for me that I'm an academic advisor if anybody know anything about an academic advisor that means that you're seeing students anybody know anything about college students don't want to take a eight o'clock class let alone come see you at eight don't even like it's not even something that happens the majority of people in y'all can help me out you're in the building I was an academic advisor you may not have been one before but the average student is coming to see me about what time of the day say it again afternoon yeah definitely not Monday Tuesday it's like a restaurant you know what I'm saying restaurants ain't packed on Monday it's probably Wednesday Thursday Friday they come to me in the afternoon my daughter is getting an award she wants me to come see her get an award my boss just say no that's slavery a slavery I can prove to you nobody's coming in here matter of fact Rodney I was so sweet with it I volunteered after I stay after work I'm not asking to go see my daughter like they don't get awards every day I don't know a kid get an academic Awards like once a semester or something you can't go I'm like okay God I see what's happening here you don't care for my family the way I care for my family and I'm not even suggesting you should but we're about to move away from slavery and the way we move away from slavery is wealth right I just want to show y'all before we go any deeper I just want you to see there can I go a vacation this is my you know anniversary or this is my birthday and if the day don't fall on the right it's like you got to pick and choose I'm like okay God this isn't the life that you would have for me because the same person is saying I can't go to my daughter's event I'm not even mad that person ain't coming at eight o'clock in the morning that person coming whenever they want to come to work out there were some days they used to come 11 12. hey the boss I can't say nothing about it and from what I heard they went to all they do it and stuff they had a daughter too so I'm not upset I'm not mad I'm just like okay God I don't want to be a slave no more he said well the way to do it is to get your wealth because the more wealth you have the more choices you have right so when I speak of wealth guys I don't want you to think I'm speaking of houses and clothes and stuff I I look at wealth as time I'm able to buy my time back does that make sense because the more you have to go to somebody's job depending on who they are and what type of Boss they are hey man my wife did on me all the time like you ain't no instruction up you know I'm like yo I feel you one thousand percent I just don't want to go before God as a slave master when I go I want God to say as it relates to my staff that I gave him autonomy you grown you know you getting paid you know you need to go to work but if your family has you should be able to take care of your family period I know I'm wrong but I'm not wrong I'm I know what I'm doing I'm like I'm trying to hire people who know how to handle their business people understand they're getting a check and they there's a reason why you getting the check there's a job you have to do but it don't mean you got to do that job at seven o'clock in the morning if your baby's sick you should probably go to the hospital you should have to choose between your job and your family if you and your husband want to go take a vacation if your work is done you should be able to go take a vacation so I'm very strategic what I'm doing I'm not saying I'm right in what I'm doing I just know traditionally what work has looked like and I know that ain't how God God wouldn't have you luring over me that's what slavery was you just took a group of people from another country just brought them over here made them work and you just that's slavery that's not God all of us should be free God has made all of us with this propensity to be free the the that's what America is about that's why everybody come over here because it's the idea of freedom it's the idea of the pursuit of happiness what that's the idea but I want you to know that that idea is just an idea if you don't got money the only people that's really living the American dream are people who have money so we're not talking about stuff we're talking about your time we're talking about your freedom right how many of y'all just be real you wish you had more freedom just be honest in terms of your time you wish you had more freedom amen and this is what God is telling us in Old Testament all right so watch this I want to show you all that so again here we have it right 2 300 verses on money so we know it's important we know it's what not just to you it's important to who it must be important to God if it's in the word it wouldn't be in the word if it wasn't important and I think one of the biggest challenges in the church is that the church for whatever reason has taught us ties and offerings because it benefits the church but the church has not taught us what God would have us for us economically that's why people be like I'll tell you you forgot to do tithes and offers I ain't forget I just grew up going to church and I would go with my grandma occasionally they'd be like three offers I was just I was a kid like something wrong with this they got three offerings didn't buy three they didn't they didn't pretty much you think I'm playing in some Churches they didn't pretty much lock the doors just being real they locked the doors all right we got pastor we got a special love offering for Pat I'm like did we just do Thai it's another offering and then we had a special speaker come in we want to didn't we budget for him [Laughter] like UK people only have so much money you can only take so much like now you're trying to take 40 IRS taking 30 you try to take 30. they only gonna have 40 to spend so when I'm in Chicago when I'm in Atlanta and they like Eric you forgot to do ties in August it's not that I necessarily forgot it's just that I grew up with a church on every corner in Detroit and people hustling people people are manipulating people spiritually for money so the church will teach you what you need to do to give them their money but nobody's preaching about what the Bible says about you and your money and so we got to start with you before we start with the church because if you ain't got no money you ain't got nothing to get to church and so so money is important why because we live in a world where money rules the world and so you're not going to be able to have freedom if you don't have money and so I want you to that's why I asked you in the beginning what do you want let's go to the next one watch this this is the thing y'all that blew my mind so I was doing my homework right and uh Americans are worried about the declining level of trust a Citizens having each other right so I'm not going to go through all of this but I'm just being honest if you look at the top it's almost 80 people just don't trust people right and this is not a sermon for you to trust nobody I'm not suggesting that you trust people go keep distrusting people if that's what's working for you I'm not against that but here's what's so funny when I did my research Rodney on uh Americans have far too little or too little confidence each other it's almost 80 percent here's my challenge though for we don't trust but yet one of the things that's the most important to us which is money we trust our money to other people I just want to stop for one minute I'm trying I'm if you don't get nothing else I hope you get this one right here the thing that's the most one of the most important things on earth which is money you've entrusted your money to somebody the way you get your money most of us have entrusted it to somebody else I'm just being if you don't get nothing else out of my sermon please take this away I'm I'm what I am on Earth with some of the most distrustful people every time I get on the phone people talking about how they don't trust people but then when they come to your money and how you gonna make money monthly you didn't rely on somebody else we got a whole system of if you work for 30 years they're going to ask why they ain't giving you that when you retirement and they and guess what you live in a world with a government where they don't even have to give it to you the rich people do not have to hold a bargain but you gotta hold yours that's why I call the electric company not like hold up the electricity went out today I'm gonna get prorated like you go give me my money back up cable you're gonna get my money back what Mr Thomas was only out today okay you make me pay for 30. I only got 28 day I need my two days back I'm just being honest I got a Cadillac it broke they gave me something I said I didn't buy I drive an Escalade this is not it's an X xt4 I didn't buy xt4 I bought a Cadillac I want my money back so prorate me for not giving me when my car broke the loaner you gave me it wasn't what I asked for I need my money back does that make sense so we live in a world where people at the top can say they're going to do certain things but when they don't do it they don't have to I'm telling you the we have to if you're gonna if you're gonna distrust I want you to distrust the money praise God how many of y'all you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth if you're going to be a person that distrusts people I can't trust them in this relationship they ain't gonna do right by me okay I want you to keep that same energy for your money he ain't a man in his word she ain't a man they let me down I want you to do the same thing in your money the reason why most of us are not where we're supposed to be financially because you say you distrust people but when it comes to your money you trusting somebody else to give you what you need to take care of your family you got your whole specially those of you who like got a single income you really messed up you didn't put all your trust in one person to do what they said they gonna do but yet we say we don't trust people I'm saying keep that energy if you don't trust people definitely don't trust them with your money why because money on Earth is so critical so you got one person right good bad or indifferent that's giving you a stream of income if something happened to that person you messed up so I got a good friend who was in the NBA I promise you on life I'm not making this up I this individual has an ability to speak great Storyteller I'm not saying it because I'm standing a superintendent said it this person is phenomenal I've been talking to this person for the last I don't know how long about you need to get started in your speaking you can get started to speak you got to give you need to use your gift somebody else can gave you a check somebody gave you a check two three times with 15 grand you need to you need to you need to you need to the person didn't do it I'm gonna get to it I'm gonna get to it and that NBA job they got they got fired now they call me E.T I'm ready I said bro I bent out I've been telling you to get I've been telling you to leverage the NBA now you don't even have that to Leverage they didn't fired you and the thing that you've been doing the last 18 years you can't even leverage that no more because you was relying on this single you was excited they said to me bruh this is the first 15th of my life that I haven't gotten a check in over 20 something years I said man you messed up and can I be honest with you Rodney here's the real truth if you would have leveraged the NBA and created another stream of income they wouldn't let you go you got one stream the person who know you got one string got power over you when you got multiple when you don't need them I mean can I just be honest it's a different game when you when you don't need people it's a different game like you don't have to deal with abuse when you when you're not when you know like bro I got options it's just a different game people treat you differently when they know you got options when you ain't got options people abuse you it's just human nature when humans know you can't go nowhere they treat you however they want to treat you but when you got options they can't bruh you had the NBA this is one of the highest levels you could get to you lost it all now you start over from scratch listen to me very closely you say Pastor you ain't supposed to preach it listen to me you already ain't got no trust and why you gotta trust with people with your money then if you really a person that ain't trustworthy why you trusting people with your money especially people who ain't prove themselves so do me a favor when you walk out today I need you to be the sole owner and responsibility person for your for your wealth you and God it just need to be you and God that's it however he bless you praise God but you need all right let's go to this next one this is this is I wanna I wrote this one down because I want to make sure I taught today the real economic dilemma Americans don't trust anybody but yet they rely on others for their financial well-being that's the real dilemma that's the real dilemma you don't trust nobody and you don't trust nothing but when it comes to your money you wait for the first and 15th for whatever little day your chance but listen to me as a man or woman of God you should put yourself in a position and ask God to see a check coming in every day like you are gifted and tired some of us are so gifted in this room you should be getting some economically every day the reason why you not getting some every day is because you believe in a system you say you don't trust I'm just being real you believe in a first in the 15th because that's the system you grew up in or you believe in the first I had somebody say net 30. I said don't net 30 to me that's your little world don't net 30 me give me my money now I'm doing that 30. I do 50 up front before I even get there I'm not doing on that 30 with you I'm not gonna do the work and then you pay me after I do the work because after I do the work you might not have the same spirit you might not rush with my money it might not be a priority to you now you just got my money sitting somewhere amen that's why I said for real I'll never do another publishing deal I'm not mad at the publisher but they telling me they gonna pay me every 30 they gonna pay me every three months but you got your check as soon as I got as soon as the book was bought you got your check but I gotta wait 30 days and I gotta wait for you to tell me I'm like I'm good on that we did the New York Times bestseller it's over from now on we sell the book why because every time we sell the book we get the cash every time I sell the book the money go to my account not yours and I gotta wait for you and I gotta believe that all you took all the taxes out and you took everything out and we was fair you probably took more than what you were supposed to take but ain't nothing I could do about it why are you here are you hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth stop stop trusting these financial institutions or the people that pay you like okay it's cool that they paying you but you should be making money every day or at least once a week or at least once every other week but you too gifted and talented be waiting once a month like you should have an account set up where either it's some trust that you put your money in it's some Ira whatever it is you got it in there and you're seeing money coming in every day not just money going out no we are where we are financially as a people not because we can't do better as Christians we are where we are because we're not taking money serious even though we know how important it is we are letting other people decide what our economic well-being looks like and we have to stop all right let's go to the next one I want to show you how some here I wrote all this stuff down because I wanted to make sure you got it when it comes to finances many of us have to admit we are lazy and inactive all right come on let's just be honest with me let's just be real how many of y'all like to eat let me see your hands how many I like to eat and how many of y'all eat every day good how many y'all eat multiple times a day and praise God how many y'all do dessert listen to what I'm trying to tell you we eat every day multiple times a day we eating dessert how many of us eat dessert regularly how many of us look at our money or do something for money every single day that you eating every day so how many of us doing some for our economic well-being three times a day how many is doing dessert as it relates to our economics come on we eating every day but we're not doing money every day and I'm even talking about those of us who are in relationships where we've been blessed to have a spot like my wife worked did he worked but I had to get to a point where I was like look we're gonna do one or two things she worked first she got the first real career real job we either need to help her with her money or I need to go make some money but I can't sit here because she doing well and just living off of her stuff either I got to be doing some stuff at the crib to you know what I'm saying I'm at home making sure the home life like she shouldn't have to work and worry about the kids if she doing money she just better do money and I'm doing the other stuff but I can't have the person that's making money stressed out are you hearing what I'm saying so even though I might not be making it I got to do what I got to do to protect the person that's making it so we can keep making it does that make sense and so now I'm saying God I want to make money every day can I make money every day he said okay yeah you can write a book you can sell a shirt like whatever you can get some stuff you can do to make money every day and so I'm looking every day to see if I'm making money every day and then I'm seeing if I'm stewarding the money right and one of the things I'm seeing is you making it but you're not restoring it until the extent that you should be Stuart does that make sense so let's go back how many of us can be honest and say yup I don't care if it's 10 20 percent how many is going to be honest and say I am being a little lazy or I'm being inactive when it comes to our our family's economics good where your energy goes where your focus goes your energy flows so if we're not putting no energy on our money ain't no money it ain't happening right and then some of us are excited because we got one way but God has a thousand and one ways to bless us that we know not of I'm looking at Warren Buffett one of the richest men in the world he got property in my neighborhood and I don't got property or I do have property in my neighborhood I'm sorry I do well he got a whole bunch of it in there he got a hole when you walk up front all those condos right there all those say birth uh what is it uh Berkshire Hathaway all I'm right there it's his properties he and Lansing the richest man in the world got property in Lansing and many of us don't have property in Lansing lazy here's a man that don't live here he ain't nowhere close to here and he realized Grand Ledge is booming he probably never been to Grand Ledge he know money is in Grand Ledge you live right around the corner from Grand land you live in Lansing wherever you live you don't have property you mean to tell me the richest man in the world is doing real estate and we not I was the richest man in the world knows that he need to keep adding to his money and those of us don't have money ain't adding our money the richest man in the world is taking his money serious those of us that don't have a whole bunch we're not even taking a little we have serious it's a matter of focus it's a matter of intentionality 2 300 times he speaks about wealth or position he talked about it all day 15 of his Parables is money and yet 15 of ours isn't if we Christians we Christians what would Jesus do have property what would Jesus do talk about money oh he told him go to the fish and take it out why run until season what is Caesars and run unto God with his God that ain't God that season those are taxes don't get this money so we can pay these taxes even Jesus was paying taxes when he was on Earth you running from him or cheating on them but you say you're a Christian that's not what Jesus did Jesus didn't cheat on his taxes he found a way they're going to fish go get it out his mouth I don't know how he knew it was there but he had a he had multiple streams of income even Jesus go take that out of there go give him that we don't want no problems with Caesar I'm gonna ask you one more time how many of you like just you lazy with your money you're just being lazy you're not taking care of it the way you're supposed to take care of it even I'm saying there's a group of us that's lazy and we're not getting money and there's a group of us that have money and we just I'm gonna be honest my financial advisor know more about my money than I know about my money he hit me the other day I couldn't even open up an account I'm like I didn't have a password to it I'll be waiting for my man to tell me we went up we went down I don't know what we God is saying why are you even investing if you don't even know if it's working or not you know real estate is working for you the real estate bro just being honest y'all praise God we bought this thing 2017 2017 we brought this property it didn't look nothing like this but we brought the property we was worshiping over there we paid six hundred thousand dollars for it watch this very carefully God spoke to me about finances he said whatever you do don't go to the bank to get the 600 000. go to somebody you know I went to my boy told my boy look I need a loan his father's Jewish I said do me a favor I need a 600 000 loan so I got you said we won't really hit you on no interest to after the year we'll keep it super low like five percent whatever we keep it low that's all right bet a year later I gave my mail all his money back he couldn't believe it why because he was banking on her not in a bad way it's my boy he gave me six something thousand dollars out of his father's pocket what a blessing to have six hundred thousand dollars in your at that time I wasn't where I am now I wasn't thinking the way I was thinking but I went and bought the 600th thou I want to make sure we had no debt we don't owe nobody we ain't going to no bank that's gonna charge us crazy percent balloon interest 600 000. we did the appraiser on it the other day I got the appraisal what was the appraisal Jamie point eight million in Grand Ledge God want us to be about money we we 2.8 meal with equity we can sell it right now for 2.8 million go somewhere or we could put something on the land that's going to bring us more money we can put a sports complex with an event whatever put right there on the left and make money with our money this is what God wants for us but there's no way I would have known that if I wasn't with people who were talking about real estate and the importance of it and they told me whatever you do don't go buy land that's just got concrete and stuff all around go buy something that's small but got land where you can expand and land you can get money off a land I'm just being real this is all of us in the room could do it I'm definitely not that deep I'm definitely not on that level but when you put your focus on something as a Christian and you praying on something God's Gonna bless all right so here's the last one and then we're gonna do I want y'all to do this exercise with me and there was a young man online who I spoke with after the week of prayer and he said Eric hi and I said do me a favor I am I saved my time so I want to tell you I'm going to tell everybody and then you watching you can do it too this way I don't have to tell 50 people 50 separate times I just said one time in 15 minutes and save the rest of my time so I'm gonna say I'm gonna share the formula with you god shared with me a long time ago I want you to look at this one as well oh how many of you lazy is one thing how many of us are inactive that's something totally different how many of us are inactive as it relates to our finances let's let's get active it's all kind of free stuff online it's all kind of free you can go to Harvard for free now online you can take a business class from Harvard for free right now no strings attached so let's get active all right watch this we have allowed others to be more responsible and active regarding our economic well-being than we have ourselves I want you to write that down that's just the truth we trusting folks that they gonna do right by us pray hopefully they will but some could happen we're hearing about how young people are dying every day now people stroking out Anything could happen so even the person who is doing right by you something could happen to that person and now you your whole stream is gone I'm not trying to be more but I just want you to look at reality we driving every day hey man I tell people especially who I'm uh being a blessing to economically but I'm on planes every day but we what we call Key man Insurance like we got key man Insurance on CJ CJ is a very like his brain works phenomenally if CJ died we're in World trouble economically so we got key man insurance so we don't know how much money he's gonna bring us if he lived for the next 30 40 days but we know he a deep brother so we got on Josh we got myself on Jamal yeah I'm saying like we understand that we we being active we got insurance we active we know that each one of us is a critical component to everybody's economic well-being so every option or every opportunity we could take to cover ourselves we're doing that how much wealth is lost in our community because we don't have insurance you talk about it all the time right now this is one of the ways to get wealthy as insurance here's the deal they yo everybody gonna die Kennedy's has so much wealth from having insurance on it unfortunately a lot of them died of the year but they well they we got to get active y'all I promise you you'll be amazed just go on Google and type something in and watch all the stuff that comes up on what you can do even right now to get active about your finances why because the rich good because the rich how many of y'all want to be rude or we're going continually I'm sorry you want to continuously how many y'all have been hurt about some of the rulers you've had and the people that ruled over you to be honest they weren't Christians or if they weren't Christians they were in transition okay they were harsh Christians right but whose fault is it that we're in the situation we're in it's our own because the god that blessed the rich in the Old Testament New Testament is still the god of 2023. amen and he can still put us in the all right so let's go with the exercise all right let's go with the exercise all right so this is the success quadrant I want you to take a look at this all right so number one I ask you to write down I specifically ask you to write down and here's what I love about the Bible you do not have to write down your reality when you're talking to God you can write down his reality for you amen because I'm gonna say Amen to that amen I'm gonna say amen and myself let's be very close and you do not have to write down where you are and what's happening in your life God's not concerned God when God created you he know everything so I want to get connected to the God who knows where my financial situation is going to be not where it is today hallelujah praise God I'm gonna say that one more time hallelujah praise God God is not stuck in the present and more importantly he ain't stuck in the past God is in the future why he's in the present and I want you to get on one Accord with where God wants to take you economically not where you are Hallelujah so I want you to speak what you seek Hallelujah I want you to speak what you seek economically Jeremiah 29 11 God says for I know the plans how many of y'all believe that in 2023 economically you are exactly where God wants you to be when he said I know the plans are halfway the economic plans that God have for you raise your hand if you like oh yeah Pastor me and God we Jeremiah 29 11 economically right now I'm exactly where God wants me to be not not his permissive will I'm not talking about that I'm talking about God plan a for you economically you like I'm right there how many you like nah I'm not I'm looking at my bank account God is good but I'm not where God wants me to be amen hands down how many of you desire to be where God wants you to be hallelujah praise God is that all right so what we're going to do is we're gonna write Jeremiah 29 11. you're going to write that scripture out when you get home and then you're going to begin to speak What God Says to you hallelujah praise God God spoke to me and said you just Didi and I never forget we were in Atlanta Georgia we were staying at the Western Hotel at the time we literally got up that morning was obedient to God we walked two third I don't know what it's called a Fifth Third Bank we walk to Fifth Third Bank and we pay it off our mortgage I'll never forget when we paid off our mortgage God said this ain't this ain't it this ain't Jeremiah 29 11. I'm thinking you know I'm saying I don't know but I'm thinking that Jeremiah 29 11. for my wife and her personality stability you know this is big that you don't gotta worry about no house no it's big I said oh no no no he spoke to DD and we both looked at each other and said ah God wants us to be in a position and pay off whoever he tells us to pay off their mortgage oh you're not hearing that's what he told us I I need y'all to be I'm going to show you whose mortgage you need to pay off and I need you to pay their mortgage off I want you to be obedient to me because this ain't gonna be what you think you know I'm saying I took a group of kids to Dubai I told somebody my own kids ain't been to Dubai why because God said they ain't time for them to go to the but I ain't ask you to take them I told you to take a little Ray Ray from the west from the west side of Chicago because he ain't never been I I told you to take so we took about 15 kids from the west side of Chicago and kids from all over to Dubai because that's who God because it's his money and that's what he told me to do with it so he told me specifically we want to try to help people pay their mortgage off we want you to send kids abroad we want you to pay for kids to go to college can I trust you listen to me pastor's saying something deep today deep I mean this week GP Foster said something blew my mind he said God has given everybody a gift and God has blessed everybody God don't trust everybody I said my my mind hey man my prayers switched I was like God I don't want to be blessed God I don't want gifts can you trust me I want you to trust me I'm just being real I know what it's like I grew up I told you all this before you grew up with multiple kids you know you can't trust all everybody can't have the key to the house you got killed all mine why you getting her kid you ain't give me a key I can't trust you with a key you're gonna dance up you my house gonna look totally different when I get back why you not like he said his sister said you can't drive my car no more why because you drive that car in a way I don't drive it I don't drive that you messing up my car you driving too fast you can't drive my car no more because you don't drive it the way I drive it many of us God said I ain't giving you no more money because you don't spend my money the way I want you to spend my money you spending your money where you want to spend your my money it's my money this ain't your money I gave you a little bit and I see I can't trust you with that you want seven figures I couldn't trust you with six you have five and blew it you were trying you had five figures and was spinning it because you was worried about what other people thought he was buying stuff you couldn't afford doing stuff you could you could you should never I used to trip on DD like why are you so cheap like don't you see people are watching us we living in the projects we got roaches there are people who are looking at us she said I don't care who looking at us we don't we don't spend based on how people look we spend money based on being able to not live uh uh from check to check so right now this is all we could afford and if you want to get over to the nice neighborhood I've done my part as a I've done my part as a registered nurse so if you want something better you won't have to you're gonna have to help me my credit is 800. you yo yo I don't know if you have a score so you want us to go to another level but you're not being responsible with what you have so many of us want more but you haven't been faithful with the five figures but you want six figures I won't make a hundred feet thou I won't make 200. you you're not being faithful with the sixty thousand does that make sense so we're gonna walk through it number one is you and God are finally going to get unpaid how many of you daily get God involved in your economics be honest daily you and God are talking about your money I'm saying this has to change so at least once or twice or three times a day we need to be having a conversation with god about his one we got his money and we doing what we want to do with it we didn't talk to the person whose money it is we just got it and we're just going to do whatever we want some guy called me this week Eric I think I'm doing the Lord's will say what are you doing he said well I do do a percent I say what he said I don't know I said first of all that's not the Lord's will the Bible said 10 you can't make up what you want to make up a tenth of all your your first fruits he said then I give it to the poor I was like Ah that's not what the scripture is saying the scripture saying bringing you all the tithes into the storehouse that's not you can't do it and then it said bring there's some of you I'm not trying to be funny none of y'all in this room but there are people who call me who don't come to church and go can we have passed I'm gonna drop the tide off so don't you bring God money to me don't bring our money to my house you take he said take it to the storehouse go drop it off at the storehouse don't don't curse me with a curse that ain't mine he said bring you're supposed to be in church bring Yeezus the meaning come to church and when you come bring me back some of my money my wife told me to say right don't say give you're not giving God nothing you're returning Hallelujah so number one I just want you to go home and I want you to start daily speaking what you seek and so you should be talking to God God specifically told me I have no desire to be a millionaire I do not want the responsibilities of a billionaire God said you're going to be a millionaire you're gonna be a multi-millionaire you're gonna be I want you to be a billionaire I'm like God I don't want those responsibilities let me tell you once you get past 200 Grand it's just a different it's just it's response I don't even know why people want to be a millionaire it's nothing but responsibility most of you going to jail if you become a millionaire you're going to jail just on taxes period you're going to jail because you don't save and you're gonna take their money and spend it and they coming to get you trust me when I tell you the IRS is coming to get you and before they come get you they gonna put a lien and once they lean if the lean ain't leaning the way they wanted to lean you're going to jail they're not playing they gonna get their money with you um painting somebody house for free uh eight to five while you a prisoner prisoner's not sitting in the cell chilling all day y'all it's free labor they going to work they working for 25 cents an hour I'm not playing you're not in prison watching TV all day you working you're working for some real company it's free labor then once you get out and you got a felony then you can't even go so number two let's go to number two so Number One You're Gonna you're gonna you're gonna talk to God he's gonna tell you what he wants you to do economically and you're gonna be obedient all right now number two right uh this is one of my favorite ones and this is why it's hard for most of us not to get there is because number two you got to give up to go up hallelujah amen you have to give up something I had to give up having a relationship with money and affirmation that's the first thing I had to give up I was using money as a way to affirm myself so I got a Mercury Mountaineer truck that I can't afford but I felt good Rodney riding on campus in it I had no money but I was on campus looking like I had some you know sounds okay I was worried about where other broke people thought about me being broke he was all broke he was all in college but I wanted I'm like I'm a different type of broke like messed up credit broke I'm taking broke to a whole nother level but I wanted to I wanted you to see I had a car and I was wearing certain stuff and so you could feel like I was somebody and God said do me a favor I'm not giving you no more money until you fix your affirmation issues you're an affirmation Junkie you're spending money to impress people that you don't have to impress people that don't even care about you they probably going he know he broke I know he don't know we know but he broke and they trying to act like he got some money because they live in the roach effect they had that kind of money they'd have a house I praise God was one second person who wasn't concerned about what people thought let me tell y'all something as I shifted that I saw a comma started to come in my life as I started Jeremiah 29 11 and I started spending God's money the way God wanted me to see it I saw more commas in my life but I was irresponsible I wasn't taking money serious I wasn't actively engaged and involved I didn't know if we had bills if we was paying bills because DD was doing all of that I didn't really know I didn't really care God was like I'm not even going to bless you let me tell you something as responsible as Didi was we did not know as I was the one that had to change because the bulk of the commas was going to come through me so I'm sitting here relying on Dede when God was relying on me I'm just being real I was a large nurse she got a regular check I'm calling what she can bring it in every month we go and God was like she ain't even making the kind of money you're gonna make you shouldn't be focusing on her she already good that's why y'all get what y'all got you're not getting what y'all supposed to get because you ain't got your stuff together does that make sense so number two what are you gonna give up to go up what what what what are you not doing right now economically that's keeping you from blowing up some of us we do we had that first and 15th mentality you get a check you running through it you buying all kind of stuff you trying to do you're trying to make up for what you didn't get when you was a child you grew up poor broke now you trying to make up for something that happened back in the day you can't make up for that so now you spending money in a way you shouldn't spend money because you're trying to heal something that money can't heal that's God does that make sense so not everything your mama wouldn't get you everybody got Jay my mama wouldn't buy me Jordan there was a reason why she should and you shouldn't be buying a whole bunch of them you're not economic man I called my guy the other day I had he gave me these one pair of Jordans and fire like grayish kind of crazy with a little red in it in the back of X and the black boy fire a man gifted to me every time I go somewhere people like them Jay's fire I called my money the other day like Jay you got some more of these he was like yeah I got you I was like how much he was like 380. I was like oh no no 380 dollars I was like bruh bro when I was coming up 60 was a stretch I said are they doing something is it different leather now they got some light they make him better leather in 2023 I'm like bro 380 bruh the fact that he said it so calmly blew my mind like 380 and I'm hooking you up I ain't about to get no real money off of it you et so I'm gonna bless you I'm like well I don't want to be blessed I'm good I'm just thinking with 380 God this guy's money I couldn't see giving God's money of 300 hey for some shoes you know how many books we could buy for a kid in college with 380 probably about one or two now y'all like you can buy a ten no UK now I know UK two at Best in books about 180 a piece is being real times have changed you think when you went to school you had two Eddie I could pay tuition no you can't so so I want you to ask what mentality what mindset what Behavior what characteristics do you need to give up to get to that next level and can I be honest with you for some of you what you need to give up is there's no reason for you to make more money if you're not going to do more for God's people like you good where you are right now you good for where you are you don't need no more money not God has not giving you 8 billion so you could just be sitting there flossing it's not why God has given that to you so a lot of you you probably don't need to ask for no more you need to ask God to help stretch what you have because you selfish you ain't trying to get no more money do nothing nobody you're trying to get more for yourself that's not a Biblical construct so what am I going to give up God to go up all right number three all right number three Hallelujah put it in order Hallelujah put it in order speak what he spoke hallelujah praise God speak what he spoke so here's what I want you to do I want you to find ten scriptures that around money that you feel comfortable with that you feel like yep I understand these yep I feel these yep I believe in these when I saw this one on this week about the rich rule over the poor and and make slay I re I thought about many scriptures where they were parents that had to do certain things because they were they were about to have to get their children up into slavery to be able to pay their bills it's in the words they were going to have to sell their child to be this person's workers so they can keep their land and that's not in the position that's not a position we should be in that's not a position good why because each one of us in this room have gifts and the Bible says and your gifts so you have a gift that if you would stop relying on man and you start relying on God you have multiple gifts inside of you that can each be a stream of income multiple I don't care what your profession is I don't care what you're doing that single thing you're doing you acting like God only gave you that single that's the one you're focusing on if you're doing one thing God has at least one or two more I gave one ten gifts I gave one five gift I gave one two nowhere in the word as God said he gave somebody one of anything he gave you multiple you're allowing this Society to make you focus on one I was talking about yesterday and they was I said first of all this to be very close we're not in competition it's seven billion people in the world seven billion people in the world Coca-Cola ain't tripping on Pepsi Chick-fil-A is not scared of McDonald's as a matter of fact uh Chick-fil-A they built a company right next door to the mall and uh Chipotle right there Panera Bread right there McDonald's Burger King Chick-fil-A ain't tripping they ain't scared they valued a product you serve chicken and we're gonna be closed on Sunday what we still gonna outdo y'all they go they we gonna close and go to church and you ain't got to church go to church but you ain't coming here we gonna close on Sunday and still beat y'all we give y'all a whole day in advance y'all take all the Sunday when they getting out of church they hungry take the weekend we're gonna murder y'all on Monday we're gonna kill y'all on Tuesday they're going to be so thirsty on Monday because they didn't get it on Friday they man how many y'all honestly how many y'all are trying to go to Chick-fil-A on Sunday before you try to go outside and you like oh Sunday Monday morning you like right I went one day for breakfast I don't even eat Chick-fil-A breakfast I went for breakfast I wanted that chicken thick so I was like can y'all make that for me and it was like yeah we can make it just give us a minute just being honest we have gifts y'all multiple gifts there's no reason for the body of Christ to ever be in debt has no reason for us to ever be living from Check to Check there's no reason for okay I'm gonna say this before I go to this last one and please forgive me on the time thing just give me a second can I just be honest some of my closest character ain't nobody like them on the planet people often come out of character because they broke the saddest thing people who I know I'm like if my man had money he'd give it to everybody but I watched the manipulative I watch the cuniness I watch the fighting I watched the back buying because he ain't got no bread and now he got to turn into something different so he could get money I'm like we was in college my man ain't no never been on that character flaw flawless I had these dudes I'd be gone bro I'll be gone out of town they coming over taking care of my family I ain't got no I ain't tripping once so at Great Character but gotta come out of character because they ain't got money now they gotta act like a slave to somebody Rich so they could eat I'm telling you the people of God we got to make money so at least we could just be in our character we all out of character when we broke all kind of compromising and doing stuff you wouldn't regularly do I'm like yo that ain't that then I got to defend people like bro you know that ain't that person you know they don't act like that they just don't got no money right now so they doing stuff they wouldn't normally do and acting the way they don't normally act because they don't got money but they need to do whatever they got to do to make a couple dollars but we know that's not their character I'm just being real with y'all you got to get some money so you can stay in character you got to have money so you don't got to be compromising I'm somebody called me the other day like you know they did the Whole 30 minute boy I I would dial out 52 bro I'm from the D bro I've been around the block a couple times I'm like I ain't heard from you in a minute it was a 30 minute how you doing boy I was like okay let's get to the I'm just I'm waiting like when we're gonna get to the bag bro we on the phone for 30. how you doing how the kids how's your wife how's the MS I'm like she doing good kids are great we hang up 30 minutes later hey I need x amount of money because my rent or my bills I got to can you yeah and I was like you should have you'd have done better we just would have got to that in the beginning the Whole 30 minute how we doing when you don't really not that you don't care but you got to come out of context now I got to be a bank and not just not a mentor not an uncle I got to be a bank now you're not a bad person you just put yourself in a situation where now you're Bare Necessities you don't have now you got to take me out of Uncle row and put me in bankroll now I'm Wells Fargo just being real we can't do this now now I gotta I got it come on Saints we serve a God that you have gifts whatever you got to give up whatever character flaws you got to give up give those up so you can get to the bag you don't need nothing else to get to the back but to be your authentic self and figure out what you're doing wrong and fix it so I want you to find 10 scriptures so for me the proverb ones like yo Eric when you wake up I had a conversation with my kids like look try not trying to be funny y'all know that there's a need out here and both of you are boom boom and both of you are yo this should be a company let's go should be a company y'all you went to college you got a master's degree Jalen you did got a full year you sat under Izzo for four years coach that's a Hall of Fame coach right there Hall of Famer oh oh gee what's his right hand I'm like son you didn't go through all that not to get the bag don't just rely on me you got your own gifts and talent let's turn this into a there's a need out there that y'all can let's go get it let's go get the bag what are you doing during the day that you don't have time A lot of us got gifts we got but when you get desperate you start working outside of your character and once you desperate you don't attract you can't attract that which is good that that which is what do you say um think on these things what sort of things are pure what sort of things are just what sort of Things Are Holy what sort of things of a good report think on these you being manipulative that ain't about to bring wealth but we get desperate and then all of a sudden we start doing stuff and then you're wondering why people react because you you didn't turn me into a bank I'm your cousin I'm not a bank I'm your friend I'm your childhood friend I'm not a bank you a bank we we all we all we God has given all of us gifts to be able you don't have to rely on Northern Human we all have gifts and we put our gifts together we're able to do some wonderful stuff so I want you to I want you to put it in order I want you to okay God I got to do this first and then do this effect and then do this third I don't wake up in the morning think about money the first thing I do is spend time with gods and then depending on DD's schedule I'm trying to go straight to worship with her why that's my partner I'm trying to get on one Accord because when people are on one Accord they're dangerous when we're not on one Accord we we're useless and I just want to say to every parent and child every mom dad won't say every marriage every partnership in here for real that's the devil's goal he already know if we on one Accord we dangerous so the goal is to get us off one Accords period That's a job every day Jesus never sent a disciple out by one it was always by tools so here's the final one before we go there I'm sorry I want to make sure put it in order to make sense to you get the scriptures put the scriptures in order what is God saying to you with the scriptures do what he's telling you to do and then you speak with God spoke stop speaking your reality because every time you speak your reality I told you all you're doing is recreating it stop saying you broke I told y'all use your words wisely I'm in a financial transition so why are you in a financial transition do what go open up an account get a clean account wake up every day and work on your credit score like you in transition do with people when transition do before you move you just don't move you start getting boxes you start labeling the boxes then you start putting stuff in the boxes then you move you're in financial transition start preparing yourself for money what do people with money do go to the bank and start a relationship with the person at the bank go take them a gift card go sit down and talk to the person at the bank build a relationship find other wealthy people and sit down with wealthy people you in transition So when you say you're in transition your body moves transition when you say you broke and you ain't got no more money and you wins and you that then you create what you just said so do me a favor for those of you who are not strong enough shut up and speak with God spoke you shut your mouth I'm just being real because every time you open it you make stuff worse that's the craziest thing people who talk too much talk too much it's the craziest thing it's like you talk too much but then you keep talking too much so you keep putting yourself in a hole shut up this is what God has told me God says you ain't got to tell them everything on your mind shut up you don't even need to know what's on your mind because if he know what's on your mind it might mess the relationship up shut up and just let the relationship do what it does shut your mouth let the action speak louder than your words just shut up I'm like okay and the final one is what I want y'all to do advance most of us in our communities know about Advanced pay I'm shocked I ain't know anybody somebody told me about Advanced pay I'm like what you give them what for what it was like yeah they pay me and then they get I'm like how much you get they taking a portion of your check what in the world we was growing up in Detroit if you would go to the uh to the Middle Eastern store they would cash your check for you but it was a it was a big they charge you a lot it wasn't a bank if they cash your check they took a nice little Porsche now I learned at a young age I'm good on that I'm just gonna have to get a bank account I gotta get the bank account because they taking a lot of my money to give me my money back and so a lot of us are uh we're familiar with Advanced pay that mean they give you something before whatever here's what I want y'all to start doing to God give God Advanced praise I want you to shut your mouth on all that negativity and I want you to give God Advanced praise watch this I want you to speak with you seek until you see what you said and how does that happen praise precedes the victory biblically I'm done that's it I'm done praise precedes the Victory and what some of you do is you wait for the victory to praise It's Too Late by then God didn't get his credit it's too late it's over once once once you're blessed and you say thank you Jesus it's over it's over God was like anybody could have done that a non-believer could have done that I blessed you and so you're saying thank you because I blessed you I want to see if you could say thank you before I give you everything you want I want you to see if you could praise me before you have what you want or you're going to be sitting here whining complaining like the children of Israel and that's why I made them walk for 40 years in the desert it was a 40-day trip I turned into a 40-year trip because they was whining because they complained and came up to me they have to get no new clothes but all I hear is what they don't get that's some of us God's done so much even people in our lives have done so much but all we can talk about is what they not doing go to the Old Testament that's all Israel talking about they're not talking about the the pillar by the cloud by uh the fire by a night in the cloud of pillar by day they're not talking about that they're not talking about the fact that they've been wearing the same shoes they're not talking about the the the the food that came out of nowhere even the stuff they weren't supposed to get the quail even though all this stuff that got all that money man you ain't do this you didn't do that we want a king like they got a king I said all y'all I've ever done is wine all y'all do is complain you know what I'm gonna do to you since you complaining we're gonna turn a 40-day trip into a 40-year trip you know who got blessed was the two individuals that saw the Giants and they came back and they praised on their lips oh 10 of them came back did you see the Giants God how in the world are we going to be able to do what you said we're going to do two of them came back and was like we're Giants we ready to take the land god let's go we ready right now you ready you want us to take it now we ready let's go the tendon came and they didn't told the whole not a whole congregation that took on that negative Spirit oh Lord the Giants they didn't got they didn't disrupt the whole all the adults now disrupted so much so Moses even had to die before it was time to go because Moses messed up his relationship with God dealing with the people he didn't let the people get him so upset that he didn't win against the will of God now he can't go in the promised land because of the people with them two young boys that came back and was like yo let's get it Joshua Caleb hey like let's go we can take them Giants right now we can take the city right now y'all ready let's go guys say they not ready y'all I'm sorry it's gonna take 40 but I promise y'all y'all gonna be the first two to go in and everybody that was on your side and agreed they gonna go in with you these older folk that stuck on their ways we just gonna let them die out first because they ain't ready for the promise they want this life they don't want this life huh I just gave y'all the Quadra to success you could take it or leave it but you're gonna have to leave some stuff behind some attitudes some ideology some philosophy you're gonna have to let it go and I'm just being real there are many of us in this room that God is blessed and we worship so much what God is blessed that we can't get to the next level all we want to talk about is the past all we want to do is hold on to what we have God like am I not the god that gave you that how did that become your gods how did all of a sudden security for money become your God I was the one that gave you the money how was how was a paycheck monthly all of a sudden you got faith in a check every month you got a faith in Insurance every month but I'm the god that kept you from getting sick all right that's what y'all on y'all die over here in your security Joshua Caleb come on I got something for y'all God is saying this morning if you're ready amen Jeremiah 29 11 if you're ready to speak what God seeks for you bump the past bump what they saying they ain't run the number they mouth bump that parole officer they don't control nothing bump that judge that judge ain't doing nothing but running his mouth running her mouth it is God that said before you was born I know the plans that I have for you said the Lord of hosts your spouse okay they doing something dumb they don't got to do with God God got something for you you say I ain't grew up in the right whatever God got you this ain't man-made your blessings don't come from another human ain't no human doing nothing but running a mouth if God bless you you're gonna get your blessings I was just talking to somebody I was like oh they did I'm like I don't got no you don't get to decide you don't get to decide on another man's Faith because of how you fill a bottle this God that decides if a person is blessed or not blessed [Music] number two what you're gonna give up to go up number three God's got an order please excuse my dear Aunt Sally if you change that to dear Aunt Sally please it's gonna mess up the equation God has an equation do what he tells you to do and then finally [Music] you should be praising God regularly but you shouldn't be waiting for him to do what you prayed for before you praise him you should be thanking him in advance because you know that if it's something you really need God's gonna give it to you and if it's not he's going to tell you to wait until you're ready for it amen come on if you're ready to change your financial situation amen for for the kingdom now come on let me see your hands come on brother keep my put your hands together you're saying God I'm ready God I'm ready God it's your money and I'm ready to do what you want me to do and come on say God is your money and I'm ready to do with your money what you want me to do come on God you can trust me come on God you can trust me father we thank you right now in the name of Jesus Christ give us a different relationship with money give us a different relationship well we we learn money through our environment not through the world so now we want to be brainwashed take away everything we've learned from our good community for my good family for my good schooling may we not rely on good anymore but ungodly we take our eyes off of Godly principles I mean good principles and we put our eyes on Godly principles what do you want us to do Lord how would you have us to do it and so as we go through this exercise father and at the end of doing it may we return it to you and we put it in a safe Lord somewhere and come back to it six months later a year later and then we open it up and look at everything we wrote down and may we look at it Lord with joy seeing how this one reality is one series of instructions you gave us turned our com financial situation completely around we love you we praise you we worship you we honor you we adore you we give you back everything you've given to us and we will no longer do things without your permission we will no longer do it in our wisdom or in our education or in our title or in our experience no more from this day forward like Solomon we will consult you about everything and we know if we do that like Solomon we will be blessed forgive us for our sins and our shortcomings in Jesus name amen thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and tithes if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at where you can make your donation via PayPal credit card or certified check or money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service Wednesday evenings at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time with Pastor TJ tyus on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 148,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Id: yO_t3ovbLzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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