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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hot_Teenage_Grills 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

Posted this because my board always cuts out and I've had to foot brake a few times to avoid serious injury.

I never knew it could be as smooth and casual as this...looks like I have a lot more practice to do!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FailedMyFinals 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Foot break is at 8.00 by the way

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/maxxfrazer 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

So fresh and so clean

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thefatpanda333 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2016 🗫︎ replies
did you um did you vote yet today sure Daniel [Music] when I ran this morning it was not this nice out but it is now an incredible day it's also a very busy day it's also Election Day well I do have some exciting news to share you know I have like that light right here that it's helpful and it comes from the side which looks nice but because it's wintertime now it's like permanently dark outside I don't get that really yummy bright natural light what I need are like lights that are mounted in the window this company did send me some lights along well this laser light saber send me some lights a while ago maybe I can mount this in the window for permanent daylight I want to be the most well lit version of me for you this is what is this a hot battery this is here what I am your father okay this is gonna change everything look at light on me right on you it on me light on you how do you mount this thing you just knocked it right there some hooks maybe like an L bracket I think I've got it I needed to put that bend in there about pressure not so much speed too much speed you'll end up just destroying this that's much better do I look more evenly lit as if it's daytime outside cuz it's not today is election day I got to go vote which is like a process in New York City I've been procrastinating not because I'm not enthusiastic about voting that is my civil obligation it's just about like going waiting in line also I've got a very exciting agenda for the rest of the week battery powered vehicle battery power vehicle those might be three of my favorite word's [Music] Electric RipStik looks like a charger Sapir stay controller [Music] [Music] it's not so bad do you want to apply the battery-powered RipStik so the reason why I went to visit Oscar today is that Oscar and I are taking Oscar and I arguing to trip tomorrow to the Napa Valley Film Festival literally just came back to New York to vote I was just in California yesterday really yeah I didn't sorry gotta figure out it yeah absentee thing we are going to the Napa Valley Film Festival tomorrow which is usually exciting [Music] I both like three blocks from my office here I hope there's not a long line this is like the Chinatown this is like the Chinatown I will say nobody is in there what do I vote here what's up guys good I got to go home I almost definitely cannot film in here there's no sign other people already our permission to take video of myself this is it this is me doing my civic duty this is me voting done that's it thank you done voting well that's it I voted you know voting is something I take tremendous pride in also like the last year-and-a-half of campaigning has just been a horrible I'm very excited for it to be over and it would all be for nothing if I didn't vote by the time you're seeing this you will know the outcome of the election for better or worse whichever way you lean right or left I'm just glad it's over mark ladies and gentlemen world famous skateboarder mark Gonzalez right there mark what's up did you vote yeah okay literally one of the greatest skateboarders that has ever lived on a boosted board I don't know yeah [Music] don't forget the brakes right eat good food so I can have energy I don't usually depend on this kind of oh dude good to see you too wait I have your bag you know who that guy is god that's begun he's the man Ross those kids love the guns Marlin Jibo yeah six straight of this morning at 6:30 this morning yes good man good man is just a quick epilogue to the episode I'm at an airplane right now watching watching hillary clinton's concession speech truck one i just wanted to address that everybody on Twitter is like what do you think what are you gonna do first of all I know a lot of my viewers are Trump supporters so congratulations I entirely respect the outcome of the elections Trump won fair and square and and I think the key thing to remember whether you agree with him or disagree with him is that the beauty and the most incredible part again to live in this to well live in that country live in this country is that no one person whether it's a politician anybody else can really control how you live your life so if you disagree with our new president-elect then then it's up to you to stand up for your values and what you believe all right that's it I'm getting there I feel like I just didn't get down on it I'm sorry this is the greatest office building in New York City but I also feel terrible for everyone who works here that's not the three of us
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 8,492,107
Rating: 4.0642056 out of 5
Id: tFH6zuT-yPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2016
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