Trump still raises millions of dollars after guilty verdict

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He said 39 we're saying 34. It was still a huge chunk of change. It may even have crashed the website, right, Jordan? How is President Trump or former President Trump Guilty on 34 counts, 34 felonies. Raising so much money right now. We saw the same thing play out when Donald Trump was indicted last year. In four criminal cases, a rush of Republican support from his hardcore base rallying around him. These are people who buy into his claim that these prosecutions are politically motivated. And so they're coming out to demonstrate their support for the Republican presidential nominee. Now, whether he can sustain that momentum and also make the same appeal to independent voters in battleground states remains to be seen. Exactly. And we will see that throughout the coming weeks. You have to wonder about the bigger donors, though, what will flow in from them and how can they possibly support a criminal. You know, it's a great question. This criminal conviction is a watershed moment in U.S. politics. If Donald Trump were to win the election, it would raise a lot of questions about the rule of law. But these Wall Street billionaires don't seem to be asking a lot of those questions. They are throwing their financial support behind Donald Trump. You mentioned Miriam Adelson, Stephen Schwarzman. Bill Ackman has indicated he's willing to go there as well. And for them, it seems to be the bottom line that Trump is promising lower taxes, a lower regulation, and they seem to value that over all of the other concerns that a second Donald Trump presidency might prompt. Will there be any kind of court challenges about the legality of donating money to a criminal in circumstances like this? You know, it's interesting question. They are donating to his political committee, so they're not doing anything to Trump personally. I'm not sure there would be any legal barriers there. But there are some practical questions for Donald Trump in his sentencing in the New York case is going to be on July 11th. That's only four days before the Republican National Convention is due to begin. And then if he is sentenced to jail, a lot of people think he won't be. But if he is, you know, how would that even work out for a major party presidential nominee? And not to mention a former president who's under Secret Service protection. So this really all goes to show how the US now is in uncharted waters with, you know, someone who could be president being a convicted felon. I suppose if you're going to give money to Donald Trump, now is the time, right? Because now is when it's going to be most noticed. Presumably, if you were a big money donor, a big Wall Street donor, though, that doesn't preclude you from also donating to everybody else if you want to write. Sure. And some Wall Street donors have chosen to still withhold support for Donald Trump and focus on down ballot races. So House candidates, Senate candidates, candidates for state governors. One of those is Kathy Griffin, who hasn't gotten into the race for Donald Trump yet. And so that shows there still is some skittishness there among some big Wall Street donors. But we are seeing some big names, you know, rush into the fire here, kind of disregarding any concerns about this criminal conviction, because they seem to value their financial bottom line above all else.
Channel: Bloomberg Television
Views: 22,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donald Trump, Jordan Fabian, Vonnie Quinn
Id: mqLX-iMlKFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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