Trump Judge: Jail May Be Necessary | Students Should Be Allowed To Protest | Blankenship For Senate

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welcome welcome one and all in here up there out there to the Late Show I'm your host Steven colar now for those of you any of you over there anyone in homek keeping score today was the start of week two of testimony in Donald Trump's hush money trial here in New York City it is clearly taking a toll on the man here he is entering here he is entering the courthouse this morning with his cheeks full of acorns for later Trump showed just as much stamina as last week reportedly he was sitting with his eyes closed for significant portions of his testimony so either he's falling asleep again or he's doing that little kid thing where he thinks if he can't see you no one can see him it's a real challenge for his lawyers I got to tell you oh oh uhoh where I wonder I wonder where the former president is I guess I'll have to eat all these cookies by myself oh well wait I'm here of course when Trump hasn't been asleep he's been violating his gag order by posting messages attacking Witnesses and prosecutors and jurors so before testimony resumed today judge merchan finally issued his ruling on those violations finding Trump $9,000 now I know $9,000 may not seem like a lot to a successful businessman but what about to Trump the judge lamented the judge lamented that that is the most he could legally find him warning that if Trump keeps violating the gag order jail may be a necessary punishment I don't know if it's necessary for Trump but I need it now when the testimony resumed we got a glimpse of Trump's uh the team the legal team their overall defense and it's that Trump didn't have sex with any of the women who he paid off for silence so he paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars so his wife wouldn't find out he didn't have an affair Melania honey I know this is going to be hard for you to hear but you're not the only woman I'm not having sex with okay throughout all of us Trump as being represented by an attorney and guy who just spotted all of his gym buddies hanging out at a Chile's happy hour Todd blanch uh attorney blanch is a formal Federal prosecutor and reportedly Trump liked him at first but recently behind closed doors Trump started complaining that blanch has been insufficiently aggressive and wants him to attack Witnesses the the jury pool and the judge not sure that's the best legal strategy ladies and gentlemen of the jury I may be a simple country loyer but at least I'm not fugly like you jag offs and your honor no and your honor if it pleased the court ninja [Laughter] star blanch isn't the first lawyer to find himself on Trump's bad side Trump is often complain he doesn't have an attorney who will do anything and everything for him venting that he does not have a Roy con now for our younger viewers if you don't know who Roy cone is please pause right here and go watch angels in America Parts one and two I'll see you in seven hours it's worth it okay you're back and and you're ready to laugh of course one of the biggest stories right now is the Nationwide Pro Palestinian student protest around college campuses in the United States and what's being called called perhaps the most significant student movement since the anti-vietnam campus protests of the late 1960s they're even bigger than the protest when I was in college in the 80s when students held rallies declaring I Want My MTV and is this how you spell it apart tide the protest ramped up a couple of weeks ago after students erected tents on Columbia University's main lawn to show solidarity with Gaza and the University president took the controversial step of calling in the police to arrest those involved now even if you don't agree with the subjects of their protests as long as they are peaceful students should be allowed to protest it's their First Amendment right that that is the kind of idealism you learn in college it's one of the few College lessons you can use your whole life unlike beer funneling which you stop being able to do around 35 when your wife catches you and it's not just in Columbia yesterday cops arrested at least 100 protesters at UT Austin this morning they arrested at least 30 protesters at UNCC Chapel Hill yes College administrators are using the classic deescalation tactic of sending in heavily armed police and threatening to call the National Guard photos online show police snipers set up on the roofs of buildings at Ohio State University and Indiana University although the Ohio State University administ ation stated that these were state police officers which the school also employs during football games what are you worrying about students the snipers are always there for football games women's volleyball Acappella you've been warned guy who go Shad dupa Dy doop buy a guitar now sessions are tensions right now are so high that overnight protesters at Colombia broke into a campus Building which probably will not help their cause with the public also not helping Donald Trump last week he weighed in on the protest outside the Manhattan courtroom where he's on trial and went after Joe Biden's response this is somebody that shouldn't be doing what he's doing because he can't do it he can't do it well we're having protests all over he was talking about Charlottesville Charlottesville was a little peanut now before you criticize Trump for downplaying one of the darkest chapters in modern American history as a little penis nut I will remind you of this disturbing image from Charlottesville that day of course the presidential race is not just Trump versus Biden there's also independent candidate and chyia Vector at the old folks home Robert F Kennedy Jor last month one pollster told Politico any support Kennedy deres comes almost totally at the expense of Biden probably because people are confusing them for each other I'm voting for The grizzled Irish guy there's how many well it turns out according to a new NBC News poll that RFK Jr's candidacy hurts Trump more than Biden suddenly Trump seems worried about this after the poll came out he angrily truthed RFK Jr is a Democrat plant we all know that RFK is not a plant because clearly this man has never been watered of course there you go I got something I got a few things there so of course other people are running for other things it's an election year and many of them are also old and weird take take West Virginia where the Democratic primary for the US Senate is heating up and the latest old weirdo to throw his hat into the ring is businessman and Guy patiently waiting for the adult baptism to end so he can drink the water Don blankin ship this week blankin ship dropped this truly baffling ad I'm Don blankens ship candidate for the United States Senate and I PID for this ad Don blankens ship will tell you the honest truth Don blanket ship he's the most honest CEO in America your choice is simple you can vote for more lies or you can vote for most honest CEO in America if they tell you I fell off the bed and hung myself I didn't [Applause] what kind of a weird way to introduce yourself hi I'm Ryan I'll be your server tonight if they tell you I fell off the bed and hung myself I didn't can I get you started with some nachos as I said blankin ship is running as a Democrat but he used to be a Republican and he seems like a space alien wearing human skin here's another ad he dropped the same day I'm I'm b blank ship West Virginia Democrats have abandoned their party no more transgender nonsense or illegal immigration no more black lives matter no more deadly China fet and all if they tell you I fell off the bed and hung myself I didn't so it's his slogan which just like those Beauty ads maybe she's born with it maybe she didn't trip down the stairs into a basket of knives so weird but it's not like blanket ship released a third ad on the on the same day right democrats should vote for me to help make your party relevant again independent should vote for me because neither party deserves your vote if they tell you I fell off the bed and hung myself I didn't wait wait wait wait where where'd he go at the end there there only one possible explanation he fell off the bed and hung himself so clearly he's building his entire campaign around this phrase but it's just not quite catchy enough which is why we decided to help him with this jingle democrats should vote for me to help make your party relevant again if they tell you I fell off the B and H I didn't we got a great show for you tonight my guests are Jeff Daniels and hack star Hannah einbinder and when we come back meanwhile join us want you [Music]
Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 1,838,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Steven Colbert, Colbert, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, late night, talk show, comedian, comedy, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny video, funny videos, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: E4s126jCHGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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