Trump, Biden, Obama, and the Beast within ft Unimmersed Shapiro - Pres Amica Ep 34

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that hurt my ears oh okay paladon takes damage no n f this I roll to intimidate roast that ugly [ __ ] I'm sure this will go well okay paladon rolls and gets a 14 what do you say uh uh come on why are you all staring at me have you got stage fright no you idiot I need time to think all right greatness takes time okay let him cook um okay uh I tell that ugly disgusting creature to piss off yeah the creature looks stunned for a brief moment and responds by roaring even louder wow I'm so shocked that didn't work what do we do now what we always do baby oh yeah PR get into formation okay let's go all right all right um what's our formation I don't actually know but it sounded cool very true all right who knows what we'll need to beat this thing so look through your skills and spell sheets and let's do this PR Amika seemed to have entered the territory of a mysterious Beast after following Calvin's cute friend what will our beloved hero do now fight or flight or fail we fight but I'm a pacifist really yeah I'll pass a fist through my enemies he nice one hey thanks man okay I roll to shoot an arrow at that beast creature a 19 great roll obman shoots an arrow at the beast but due to its incredible feline agility this Beast Dodges it with ease and moves to another rock oh shittam that's total shittam the Beast watches you closely sizing you up restart the battle cuz I need to be the one to go first I'm afraid I can't do that afraid shut up [ __ ] I'm not afraid I'm never afraid and so I'll roll to Boomerang throw my shield at that final boss Beast a 17 great roll paladan launches his Shield at the beast in a horizontal Boomerang Arc but the lion cat like creature easily Dodges it again [ __ ] The Shield completes its Arc and comes back into paladon grasp I'm so cool so we have to slow it down somehow or blind it or the Beast Roars and kicks dust sand and Rocky debris over you ah or it'll make us blind instead [ __ ] what even is that thing I don't know but figuring that out could give us an advantage Joey you usually have useless lore for a got anything useful this time um that pink creature is getting away ah I get it you want me to throw it at the Beast no no Joey what do you want to do for your turn come on shabo Joey's going through something right now he can sit this one out wow paladon that's awfully understanding and woke of you yeah a bit too understanding okay I'll skip Joey's turn and no no don't skip it I'll take his turn for him what yeah let me roll I don't think it works like that it's fine okay yeah Joey rolls and does what Joey rolls to piss and [ __ ] himself but why it still doesn't work like that narrate it Benji no it literally doesn't work like come on bencho our lives are in danger shake my head go on um Joey rolls a 10 to piss and [ __ ] himself this is immersive he's not actually doing that shut the [ __ ] up don't ruin my immersion that was some pointless rolling oh God not again the ground beneath you and the Rocks around you begin to shake how is it doing that is the Beast even causing the Quakes with with your Keen Eye and perception you notice the Beast is also tensed up from the mountain Quakes and you see an opening oh [ __ ] now's our chance to strike let's do this are you an idiom we can't hit this thing whilst it's distracted by the Quakes we can try the patented pram Trifecta Triple Threat maneuver oh my god of course but explain well the creature keeps dodging predicting our attack so it's similar to what we tried to do against the skull Geist Sentinel bouncing the arrow off the shield oh yeah wait how do you remember that Joey weren't you asleep uh [ __ ] all right we don't have much time until the Quake stops so let's do this Joey you'll enchant my arrow with some cool strong magic paladon you'll throw the shield into the air and I'll shoot the enchanted Arrow off the shield and Bam the confused enemy won't know what hit it sounds good this is my idea by the way um you ready Joey he's still pissing and [ __ ] even with the Enemy roaring at us you don't want to help us your friends no that's not it guys please I my head it's all you're still sad right you want to end it because we don't matter no what the [ __ ] why are you saying this right now I the mountain Quake rumbles harder and you see some rocks falling H it's throwing rocks at us no the Beast seems as scared as us whatever I roll to cover myself with the shield absolutely prioritizing my own well-being protecting myself completely wow thanks all right and I'll send my thoughts and prayers to my friends it is a success you are protected paladon yes I'm winning I rolled a push Joey out the way so he won't get hit by any Falling Rocks but why another successful role you managed to push Joey out of Harm's Way but a few rocks end up landing on you instead what the [ __ ] no my boy's been crushed why fortunately you realize the Rocks were the size of pebble so you're all good to go great why did you do that Oban why did I what why did I try to help you is that what you're asking you're [ __ ] asking why uh-oh you're really [ __ ] asking why why are you guys why what huh you already know why right cuz you think we're all [ __ ] useless NPCs right you know everything yeah life is meaningless your friends aren't real nothing matters I carried you up the mountain we risked Our Lives to keep you safe because yeah we're useless NPCs that don't matter right Joey that's what you [ __ ] believe isn't it that's the weird [ __ ] up [ __ ] you've got going on in your head right none of this matters I don't matter right Ohan this isn't or it's just some real Twisted 4D level roleplay right you and Javon or whoever want to act like this and confuse us you like making us feel this way [ __ ] why does my head hurt what are you guys even talking about oh Shiva did you just piss and [ __ ] yourself no it was a cof you morons it seems like pre Amika took too long to attack whilst the Quakes were happening because the mountain has now calmed down however it seems like the stress of the rumbling has got to the Beast as it is now more feral than ever growling and roaring seemingly out of control you don't know what to expect but you don't want to wait to find out [ __ ] all right well I'm going to try one of my classic Ranger elf spells since my friends are being cheeky [ __ ] hey I don't know what exactly this Beast is but it should fall under the whims of my calm animal spell what the [ __ ] who said that um the creature suddenly stops in its tracks its facial expression looks bewildered calm animal calm animal did you really just say calm animal how dare you uhoh oh [ __ ] so you just assume I'm some mindless feral Beast some brain dead animal that needs to be calmed by the likes of you bipeds I'm not by um listen I you bipeds you elves and your elitism your filthy racism it makes me sick no I didn't mean I uh classic oarman always being racist come on man do better are you [ __ ] kidding me right now you bipeds come trespass onto my family's territory and start hurling insults at us and then throwing your weapons at us unprovoked yeah oan that's kind of [ __ ] up you [ __ ] and that pink one tried to cast magic spells too but we were able to stop it pink one what did Chupa do oh [ __ ] where'd he go no not that pink one it was the pink orc with goggles he trudges through here covered in bite marks acting feral and casting strange weak illusions that did nothing but confuse and scare my kids and now you come along after him to continue his stupidity [ __ ] Javon let me read through my skills to learn how to skip dialogue listen Mr Mountain um dweller we're sorry for trespassing I don't care do better be better learn more engulf yourself into other cultures and beings to destroy that undeveloped racist part of your brain but I'm not the being walks away disappointed after everything we've been through at how am I the one being called a racist that was [ __ ] up man calling that feral disgusting beast creature an animal for [ __ ] sake where'd the little guy go [ __ ] let's go catch up to Chupa wait what I just read new skills I've got about [ __ ] time it says I can conjure an STD no ST it says find Steve who the [ __ ] is Steve and why would we find him no paladon this means you can conjure a horse what the [ __ ] why didn't anyone tell me I could find cool spells if I read the sheet I told you so many times you could [ __ ] do these things you [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Klone Studios
Views: 9,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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