Trump, Biden, and Obama Make a SoulsBorne Tier List - Ranking From Best to Worst

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all right fine I'll move Dark Souls down to a thank you but why it's the progenitor of the soulsborne genre wrong everything we love about souls likes is captured to such a high quality degree in Dark Souls for [ __ ] sake Dark Souls is the literal epitome of the term soulsborne wrong what's wrong Don Demon Souls came first no one cares about Demon Souls wrong Dark Souls is what took it to the next level took it to mainstream that is true Joe plus no other soulsborne has been able to capture that tight uh Immaculate level design that's all fair and cute but if remastered is detier then Dark Souls can't be EST here remastered is a greedy corporate lazy upscaled Port exactly smart business for [ __ ] sake easy money for them with no effort involved I respect that you dumbass that's exactly why it's D tier this is why your dumbass companies keep going bankrupt Don shut the [ __ ] up I'm the greatest businessman alive yeah keep getting loans of a million dollars from your dad maybe if from software had a loan like that then lost izalith wouldn't look like such a giant Oompa Loompa orange piece of [ __ ] true when we talk about Dark Souls in its Immaculate level design we tend to ignore lost ezelith okay fine you guys are right it's not perfect they rushed the end of that game like Rosie O'Donnell rushes to the dinner table I agree they rushed that area like when I took a School exam in 1847 and almost ran out of time so I had to completely Rush the last page in under a minute boy those were good times what the [ __ ] we used to go out into the playground and praise the sun I had to go to the hospital for staring at it for too long America is clearly in good hands Jesus Christ let's move on now Dark Souls is confirmed a tear agreed praise the son agreed praise the sun bed so if Dark Souls is a tier seems like a no-brainer for Dark Souls 3 to be a tear as well hard disagree no way Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2. even harder to disagree why the [ __ ] is Dark Souls 2 so low anyway we discussed that for 20 minutes already Donald yeah even I can remember that sleepy Don shut the [ __ ] up don't you dare call me that you're the Sleepy Joe not me Focus where should Dark Souls 3 rank then s tier B tier it is the culmination of three amazing games finally reaching a perfect conclusion nothing can top the ring City DLC and slave Gale boss fight you said three amazing games admitting that Dark Souls 2 is a for amazing I was being nice I do agree though Dark Souls 3 had the best DLCs out of the trilogy Ultra agree and that's saying something since Dark Souls 1 had Artorias I can admit ring City DLC was special but are we forgetting the snowy copy paste job of Ashes of ariandel hmm true they did just copy The Painted World concept from Dark Souls 1. exactly yeah but it was all worth it for the sister freed boss fight s tier I don't believe in hitting women shut the [ __ ] up S tier plus hard bosses are part of what makes souls-born games so fun Dark Souls 3's DLC definitely had the hardest boss fights that dark eater madeir was one of the longest and toughest battles I've ever fought agreed very memorable and tough midir was even harder than my time during the Civil War stuck in the trenches of Gettysburg trying to do everything I could to survive such fond memories how [ __ ] old are you okay so we can agree Dark Souls 3 is the best ending to the trilogy has the toughest bosses the bosses were easy [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up sorry you have a skill issue you can't deny Dark Souls 3 was the hardest excuse me snowflake are you forgetting the dragon slayer armor boss fight lazy design easy dub nameless King he had a name you just forgot it you see Nile [ __ ] okay that's freaking enough I'm putting it on a I know you both agree but are just being dorks fine a tier it's obviously a tier Barack come on let's rank sakiro now it's a soulsborne tearless dumbass which part of the word souls and born are insecuro I hate that that makes sense it's obviously a Soul's born made by from software by Miyazaki all right then so I guess we're going to rank armored Core as well then no we are not I think Donald just found sakuro too hard but doesn't want to admit it I think you only like it because it has a little kid you filthy diddler he's not a little kid he's curo the Divine Heir and I won't let you disrespect him I think sakiro had some of my favorite gameplay in a video game ever yeah the pairing blocking dodging and posture mechanics were amazing the game was so good that they didn't even bother to make DLC for it uh uh that is true why didn't they they knew it was trash and wouldn't sell so they just moved on to Eldon ring I hate how that also makes sense Love Me Or Hate Me I'm good with words you're pretty cringe with words I still don't understand why ishin came out of genital The Who and the what see I told you it was too hard for him he didn't even get to the end I beat it so fast it's all a blur skill issue in cap we can all agree though that the monkey boss fight was one of the coolest boss fights of all time the twist at the end when you beat it my God I still have nightmares but then they had to ruin that special moment by making you fight it again twice I don't understand why they had to do that it's simple they invested so much effort and money into developing the monkey AI that it made good business sense to reuse it again that does make sense that reminds me of the time back in 1870 we don't have time for another history lesson Joe right I'm going to say seat here I'll say a tier as much as I love sakiro I'll put it in the middle and give it a high B tier now nice now let's do bloodborne all right time to rank bloodborne what are we saying boys obvious S rank no question S rank definitely S rank well that was easy but the game wasn't Ludwig ebratus orphan of coz well Mama those were tough bosses it's pronounced orphan of cause or some say cosm I really need that sequel you and me both brother incredible game incredible atmosphere incredible bosses incredible music incredible twists wish Miyazaki would get his thumb out his ass and give us bloodborne too well said now let's rank Eldon ring oh Eldon ring oh Eldon ring easy B tier B tier are you actually as dumb as you look it's obviously s tier sorry idiots but it's definitely eight here it's not on bloodborne's level yet absolute convoluted mess of a story had no idea where I was going I did like the horsey though B tier don't listen to him Barack we're really going to Value the opinion of someone who uses summons and mimic tears for boss fights tell me this isn't true Joe tell me you don't summon I just get lonely okay skill issue summon user child abuser okay relax using summons is cheating you'd know all about cheating Don hope your wife's okay whatever my wife Melania is hot I rank this game in s we can't give it an S until we've played the DLCs come on the DLCs of fromsoft tend to be the best parts of the game [Music] goddamn right Barack you're like you're goddamn right I'll be honest guys all the characters names sound the same radam radhan radagan Rana like what the [ __ ] is this yeah but that's part of the charm you're full of [ __ ] Barack mad copium I thought you wanted an S tier oh yeah amazing game great names you just like the incest angle with radagon and Marika why would I like incest you know yeah come on Don listen my daughter is a beautiful lovely woman smart and sexy she's incredible talented nice yeah what the [ __ ] let's focus well I don't know the game's too big and I lose direction pretty easily B tier that's because of your dementia okay I bet your favorite weapon is Saint Trina's sword so you can make others sleepy as well huh sleepy Joe very funny coming from a god-skin noble looking fat ass Shut the [ __ ] up you piece of [ __ ] 1v1 me right now Online PVP that's enough out of both of you it's going into a tier wow would you look at that it's beautiful yep uh we finally did it guys we finished the soulsborne tier list ranking every Soul's born great work guys Good Team Hustle I'm proud of what we all accomplished today I couldn't have done it without you all right well I'll see you later guys this was fun yeah see you both tonight don't be late okay Michelle's making spaghetti wouldn't miss it for the world bye guys yeah see you both soon bye bye bye guys and thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe to clone games foreign
Channel: Klone Studios
Views: 698,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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