Trucking To The Mexican Border | Reefer Load | DAT Load Board | New Authority Trucking Business

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all right what's up everybody welcome back to trucking california with velox 18. we're going to san diego we're going we're going to san diego we got a good low we got it off the d.a.t load board so uh let's go get in the truck and get rolling let's go [Music] all right all right all right all right all right so before we go to san diego we got to stop and pick up our load because we're not we're not going to go to san diego empty silly uh what we are going to do is pick up something frozen my paperwork doesn't actually say what it is picking up something that i need to pre-cool the trailer to uh negative one minus one degrees yep not zero negative one so uh we're prequel in the trailer right now while we're on our way down and we will stop and get some fuel up here and then we will grab the 41 in fresno and head down to the moore home of lamar air force base we'll get loaded we have a 9 30 appointment we should be there around 8 40 uh maybe 8 45 maybe 9 o'clock because we're gonna stop and get some fuel and i'm not going to be in a hurry so i'll be about half hour early for our appointment and uh yeah what we do tonight will just depend on how quickly they load us uh if they load us quick and i still have some energy to go trucking then i'll go trucking and you know get a little further south before we uh call it a night or if they take a while to to get me loaded and i'm kind of feeling like you know what i might just might just sleep right here then uh i might just find a place and lamar to sleep and just uh yeah tuck it in for the night so it just all depends on them but our appointment isn't until tomorrow night at seven so you know we have a 22-hour window to deliver this load so the reefer will be running continuous that whole time so it is kind of a a little bit of a cost prohibitive load as far as reefer fuel goes but you know it's it's not going to kill us and we're getting a decent rate so uh we'll talk more about that when we get um further down the road all right so let's get to the shipper and then i'll talk to you guys there all right so we made it over here to lamore so i'm not sure exactly what we're getting i uh i should have asked someone when i was checking in but i was just trying to figure out where i was going and trying to figure out which pickup number for whatever reason you never get like the pickup number the one that says pickup number is never the one that you give them you have to give them some other random number that's like down in the comments somewhere it's like pickup number and they're like oh yeah two six three three three whatever and then the guy's like uh yeah another number starts with four five you're like hold on let me scroll down oh yeah there is a four five number down here and it's like some random you know it just has some weird i don't know why wouldn't that be where the pickup number like it just it doesn't make any sense anyway so uh we got to get loaded here and it's already 9 45 i think i've been here about 15 well 20 minutes because i got here five minutes early i mean i checked into the shipping office five minutes earlier i was scaled in and all this other stuff up there at the front um so yeah i was here 20 minutes early but it took me a while to get back here uh anyway so yeah we'll see how long it takes them to get actually get me in a door and then once i get in the door we'll see how long it takes them to load me and then once they load me i'll decide how far i'm going to make it tonight so maybe just uh kettleman city i don't know we'll see we shall see we'll make that decision when the time comes but for now i'm going to get back in the truck and wait it out and uh yeah i don't know that's that check in with you guys when we get loaded all right uh we got out of there um i went ahead and um trucked it all the way so so we got there at 9 30 well we got there a little before our appointment at 9 30 but our appointment was at 9 30 and we got out of there at 11 30. so a couple hours um i was right on the on the border of saying i'm tired and i'm just going to pull over and then we'll get an early start tomorrow instead i decided you know what screw this let's truck a little bit tonight so trucked it a couple hours south down here to bakersfield well just south of bakersfield just at the foot of the grapevine and so this is where we're going to call it quits for the night uh we'll take um we'll take a full 10 off and uh we'll have uh be able to start tomorrow morning at 11 30 so it's 1 30 in the morning now and we'll be able to start at 11 30 and we should be able to get through la without too much hassle uh we may hit some traffic you know going down through oceanside and carlsbad and i haven't been down that way in a long time so i don't i don't know what the traffic patterns are i just know getting into san diego um you know can be a little bit there there can be some congestion down there too it's definitely not not like some small city down there it's uh there's a lot of people living down there in those beach cities and down in san diego so um anyway uh let's let's let's go to bed i'm tired i ramble when i'm tired so i gotta cut this off see you in the morning all right hey good morning everybody we are here at the bottom of the grapevine you can see behind me that's the hill you got to climb that's what we're going to be climbing up here pretty soon but um basically um this morning i've just been looking for a load for tomorrow and um the brokers aren't really budging on on their their prices um they're trying to get stuff moved for about three dollars a mile for about 500 miles that's 1500 so they're between 1500 and 2000 for the most part most of these people so i'm not really eager to jump on any of that we are a day ahead you know looking for tomorrow in california it seems to be most of the crate gets booked up a day ahead of time mean it's like book booked uh but that just means you got to hold out and wait for the stragglers that uh the the emergency loads you know the people who are waiting to move them and then you can get a little closer to your rate so uh i had a guy tell me this morning he goes man look at the market look at the market and i was just like i i don't know what that like i don't i don't have a way to look at the market do i i mean i'm i'm just a one truck carrier i mean i can see what you guys are offering but that doesn't mean i'm going to take it like what uh it's not like i'm the great freight sage logic over here you know using freight waves and sonar and all this crap trying to read the tea leaves on what the market's doing i'm just a one truck guy out here sleeping in my truck you know smelling nasty getting fat and uh anyway so i just i just kind of it's like i i don't know what to tell you man like that's that's what i'm looking for and uh he just he was so put out that i would ask for you know over five dollars a mile just oh my god yeah we're not even close like half that like half that and i'm like all right cool man let me know if you have trouble moving and he hung up on me so anyway we'll see uh what we end up with and um probably end up waiting till tonight to book something uh this afternoon or um or possibly even just tomorrow uh the one intriguing thing i did see was a load from san diego to petaluma which is a decent amount of miles i mean it's like almost 600 miles like 570 or something like that and um but it was one pallet for uh for like 1900 she was she was willing to go up to 1900 so i just kind of told her well you know if i could find another partial to put on there blah blah blah blah and um she just said well you know we'll see i i'm i'm not trying to um i'm not trying to overpay and and my customer doesn't really want to overpay but if i have to get a dedicated truck i will and so i just said well you know i'm still it's still early in the game for me so i'm not really looking to hamstring myself if i can find something that i can combine with yours then i can get under under what you're asking and uh you know combine it with something else but i haven't been able to find that yet so i was gonna call on one load that only uh was 20 000 pounds and ask him about that but um he didn't even he didn't even answer so anyway markets the market it does what it does these brokers act like you know we're we're mental out here and uh you know you get four guys who slam the door in your face and say you're way off and then you get another guy who's like okay yeah yeah let's do that yeah that that 3000 works 3000 works let's do it and so you know you just you deal with the rejection and you deal with the people acting like you're some kind of an idiot because uh because you're trying to feed your family and you move on and you find the load of the guy that actually wants to use your services and then give him the best service of his life and you try and make sure that he knows that you're the best trucker out here uh anyway all right so we gotta get up over this hill get down along the coastline get down to san diego to the border and uh deliver this uh cheese i think it's cheese i think we got cheese so uh anyway let's roll all right we are leaving the ta the bottom of the grapevine uh lebec or arvin depending on which map you're looking at it's kind of this no man's land between all the towns but uh they uh yeah we're we're gonna go head up over the hills we gotta go across the scale right now and then we've got to uh um climb up the hill and then drop down into la and get through la and it is 11 45 so we will uh we will go and get through all that and i will catch up with you guys in a little bit we gotta make our delivery uh in seven hours and 15 minutes so we've got seven hours and 15 minutes to go 220 miles let's see what happens all right we are santa clarita getting down to where the five splits off with the 210 and uh and it's kind of kind of gloomy overcast a little drizzly i'm digging this you know it's summertime in the valley when you get excited to see overcast skies and fog and wind anything to drop the temperature down it hasn't really been that hot lately i mean we had a few days in the hundreds but it's been mostly you know 80s and 90s but i'm still excited to see it i'm like all right yes we are out of the valley the central valley the the the death pit of heat of california so uh yeah we're gonna get down here we'll keep going looking forward to seeing the ocean but if the weather's like this by the ocean it's not going to be as you know as beautiful as picturesque but i will enjoy it thoroughly you guys may not enjoy it visually but i'm going to enjoy it because it's going to be nice and cool so uh i will catch up with you guys we get a little further south okay we got to go through the gotta go through the tunnel you guys get to go through it all right now we'll talk to you guys later all right so we uh cruising through san juan capistrano and dana point we're about to come up to the pacific ocean and uh it's a cool 71 degrees i'm excited about that 71 stinking degrees and uh we've got about an hour and a half to get down to the border give or take and it's only 2 40. so at this point we're looking at just after four o'clock to get there for our 7 p.m appointment but i kind of knew that also uh kind of knew i'd be way ahead of schedule and that was the plan so that was that was what we were shooting for so there's the ocean there it is all right big blue big blue all right i'll catch up with you guys when we get down to san diego [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right we are just around the corner and uh we are coming up to this uh the border is right here it is right here we are literally at the border folks so this is uh this is interesting this is fun i was hoping there'd be a little bit of parking out here looks like there is looks like we can park on the street at least these trucks are we'll go uh check it out over here and see um see if we can get checked in early cool innovative cold storage there it is all right yeah so for whatever reason they can't ever get the correct confirmation number on the paperwork like ever so i'm waiting for them to call me back all right so uh we got here two hours early but i just decided hey let's see if they'll let me check in so they let me check in and uh we checked in they said they'll call us when we get a door um so we just gotta go park out on the street back where we were uh when we decided to come check it out so all good and uh start looking for a load for tomorrow see if anything got left uh we'll pick up the scraps from other guys and um see what they're willing to pay on so all right let's get going let's go park on the street and uh look for loads all right guys they gave us a door door 17. they said back into it but don't open your doors yet so we're going to hang out and wait but they give us the door half hour before our appointment time so we're looking good we should be able to get in and out over here and uh i'm probably just gonna sleep on the side of the road somewhere over here because i don't yet know where my uh there's a truck coming i gotta get out of his way don't yet know where my um my reload's gonna come from so i'm kind of you guys motor in and out of here pretty quick all right so um uh yeah so i don't know where my reload is coming from i i got uh rejected a lot this morning um because i was trying to book a day in advance and i was trying to get good rates and you know they try to act like oh we're going to cover this for 1500 you know 1700 1900 and so when you're asking for 3 000 they get a little offended but come tomorrow the day that it needs to be picked up they're they're gonna be a little bit more willing to negotiate so we're gonna try and get something over 2500 going back towards the house somewhere up to norcal um and then we've got to put the truck in the shop to fix uh some of the crap that's broken on it already so um we are yeah we oh we got to do the numbers right now so we'll do the numbers um i could just sit here and look at this truck all day long with the airbags dropped and with that reefer i don't know man there's just something about it looks good it looks good uh but we'll go inside and do the do the numbers right now all right guys i kid you not this is the seventh or eighth time that i'm recording the numbers right now because i'm in a talkative mood and i'm in a goofy mood and i keep making jokes that are dumb i mean they're mildly humorous but they're not like gut laugh funny and then i just keep talking and talking and talking so i'm just going to try and get straight to the numbers so we left the yard went to lamar and picked up came down here to san diego 450 miles okay now normally a lot of times what we do is we go north to get a load and then we get a load from like stockton or the bay area and then we got to go south with it so there's those deadhead miles there but then there's those loaded miles extra too so this one was pretty exceptional to only have 450 miles and to have it go all the way down to um to san diego so i mean we're right next to the border right next to the border so um that comes out to for those of you who don't have a calculator handy four dollars and 44 cents per mile so i'm excited about this i'm loving this reefer i love that um it's just the rates are significantly higher than power only but then also higher than drive-in as well so i'm i'm stoked guys i'm stoked uh this is what i was hoping for when i bought it and this is the reason why i went out on my own authority was to get loads like this and so hopefully tomorrow we can find something that'll be just as good if not better so we're holding out for something good not going to take this the the cheap freight that these guys are trying to move you know trying to offer 1800 for you know 500 and something miles that's just not what the market's doing right now and no matter what they say the market's doing up i'm telling you there's a hundred and something loads left on the board because that's not what the market's doing so anyway love you guys peace out um yeah we'll we'll catch up with you guys in a little while peace
Channel: Trucking California With Velox 18
Views: 6,792
Rating: 4.9610391 out of 5
Keywords: 18 wheeler, big rig, chicken lights, class pays, custom pete, custom peterbilt, day cab, jb hunt, kenworth, kw, landstar, largecars, lease operator, live the show, local trucking, long hood, otr, over the road, owner operator, owner operator trucker pay, peterbilt, peterbilt 379, peterbilt 389, power only, prime inc, regional trucking, semi truck, starting own authority, swift, truck driving, trucker, trucking, trucking authority, trucking business, w900, werner, DAT load board
Id: m7HAccjJ78Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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