TRUCKING: My Slick Way of Finding Loads without a Loadboard (POWER ONLY)

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hey what's up everybody is david mcgill now yesterday somebody asked me a question in the comments they said hey how do you find how did you find loads and how do you build relationships with customers now I'm going to give you two ways that I find loads one way it's gonna be you know a pretty popular and common way and then the second way I'm actually gonna be giving away my secret message for finding my favorite type of freak now the first way I find loads is this using a local now there's several different low Porter's out there I prefer to use the da Tebow board but there's there's others out there like Internet truck stop that's another one but just my personal preference is the DAT load now before I get into the second way let me first explain what my favorite typo modes I like power only loads power only loads that is when you pour another company's trailer for them it's usually gonna be they call it dropping hood so the way power only loads work is let's say you have a customer they have their own trailers they load their own trailers and then they leave then they know Carl trucks to come out and take their trailers to their destination and leave them there so why they can be unloaded there now drivers they love those type of loads also because the cuts I don't you know any kind of waiting time is usually just pulling into the facility connecting your truck to the trailer and then you know driving where you got to go and leaving the trailer at you know wherever the delivery place is and going home from there that's my favorite type of free that's my favorite type of Lowe's now how do I find those well you can't find those on the load board okay if you depending on what load board you're using you can filter on the type of equipment that you have or the type of trailer that you're looking to pull and you'll make your selection well some low boards have where you can you know select power only now the way that I like to find these loads that a lot of people it's not intuitive is I just pay attention when I'm on the highway now before I go into you know how I find these loads I know some people out there probably thinking well if this is a secret way and if it works so good why are you you know telling everybody on the line what the truth of the matter is most of the people watching this video won't do it on top of that the ones who do take action some of the most of them we're gonna give up as soon as you know they don't have luck the first time or the first time they get told no they're gonna give up on this method anyway so at the end of the day it doesn't it doesn't take anything away from me by sharing this the secret with what you guys out there now back to how I find power only loads when I'm on a highway I'm usually paying attention to all the semi trucks that they come in my vicinity I'm looking at the company's name and I'm also looking at the trailer and looking at you know whether or not it's a drive and if it's a reefer trailer and I'm also I'm paying attention to the nameless on the trailer now if I see ABC trucking on the side of the cab of the truck and I see that ABC trucking is pulling an ABC trailer then I just disregard it like it's a company and they're pulling their own trailer no big deal now if I see ABC trucking on the side of the cap but they are pulling an XYZ trailer then that tells me that XYZ has power only loads and they just hired ABC trucking to move the trailer for so what I do is I'll make a note of XYZ company then when I get home when I get to my computer or you know when I got some time when I'm not on the highway I would just Google and do some research on XYZ you know on the XYZ company and I'll probably type something in like you know XYZ power only XYZ trailers XYZ motor carriers you know just different variations you know looking for information that they might have on their website that would you know instruct a carrier on how they can become a carrier for them moving their trailers now it's not easy there's no one thing to search that's going to give you all the information you need you're gonna kind of have to kind of do your research and be a little bit of a detective but if you're savvy enough online then you know you should have some success looking at the information you're looking forward now I'll give an example of a company that I did that for and I tell you what you know what I ran into so I noticed that there was a particular company pulling trailers I said you know Menards now depending on you know what part of the country you're in I don't know if there's a minority in your area but my Norris is basically like Home Depot and Lowe's now I saw that this company was pulling at Menards trailers so I went to and I just searched no carriers motor carriers trucking companies owner operators I typed in all these different things in the search bar and what I stumbled across was the owner-operator program for Menards and you know there was the carrier setup packet right there on their website there was also instructions on how to be it on the free it listed you know all of the distribution centers all the minority distribution centers as well as the logistics managers for each of those facilities now the one in my area I gave them a call and at the time you know he pretty much told me that they weren't accepting any new carriers but he said you know he'd make a note of my contact information and be sure to follow up with him the following season so I didn't have any luck you know getting any work from the Nords however that validated the strategy and you know how it's possible to find work so I was just maybe a day late and a dollar short on getting Menards work but the concept it works like you know just again if you notice that there is a company on the side of the truck that's different from the trailer that they're actually pulling reached out to the company that you see on the trailer and find out you know if they have freight power only Freight for you to move now one more thing about power only free the customers are going to generally require that you have a special type of insurance and it's called a trailer interchange now if you don't have trailer interchange insurance and most people that won't have it if they're not pulling any other trailers any other company's trailers so if you were to you know find a carrier and they were requiring that you have trailer interchange all you had to do is call your insurance company you know as that coverage it'll probably cost you you know a few thousand dollars a year but you know that that added cost would generally be worth it as so we're gonna get some you know consistent free from the customer now hopefully this video you know helps somebody out there hopefully gave you guys some ideas hopefully kind of shed some light on the way that you know some of the ways that I think you know how I look at things and if you find this video helpful like always please leave a thumbs up if you have anything to share if you have any comments or questions go ahead and leave a comment below also if you haven't subscribed to the channel please do so also if you know somebody who this information could benefit please share this video with them thanks again for watching
Channel: Trucking From Scratch [David McGill]
Views: 60,795
Rating: 4.9629846 out of 5
Keywords: trucking, trucking business, how to start a trucking business, semi trucking, hotshot trucking, entrepreneurship, self employment, owner operator, operating authority
Id: x1VNO7WjkUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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