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what's going on peoples well today we decided to make a video of the apps that we use we're gonna go from worse to to better for us what what apps we like and what apps we don't like uh this here is the 360 app as you guys can see right down that corner says 360. uh me personally it's the worst app i hate it why because you bid on it and you have to sit and wait you know you can sit a half an hour an hour before you get a reply that your offer was denied or you're good to go i hate jb hunt 360. it's to me it's just i mean i can find another load quick you know uh before i can get approved on one of my bits right here at 360. so 360 jb hunt is the worst for me uh let me log out next swift swift knight it's a pretty good one it's a pretty good one i really don't have much to complain about it it's not bad uh but again the bidding the bidding part is the one that kind of gets me but it's it's not bad it's not bad they get back at you pretty quick with the with the bidding so let's log out for that one ch robinson all right as you guys can see right there nava sphere carrier that's ch robinson now let me tell you guys something about ch robinson this is the only thing i don't like about ch robinson well me and the wife we don't like about ch robinson is like say for instance you have a late load say uh after 6 p.m uh pacific time and you have lumper fees guess what you have to pay a portion of that lumper feed if the broker that gave you the load is not in the office they're going to deduct a percentage of that lumper fee this is the only reason why i don't like ch robinson they have a lot of work they do keep us moving but i tried not to book loads uh late late night loads because uh they're my lumper fees they charge us for lumper fees so stay the brother state of brothers bonds all the grocery stores i try not to touch uh later on in the day because of the lumper fees but other than that it's uh it's a good load board good load board they got plenty of freight so let's log off of that one what's our next one our next one is uber freight uber freight what could i tell you about we're afraid i mean it's not bad i guess uh the only thing i don't like about it is just the rates you know how much they play with the market uh their rates you know when they drop they drop dramatically they want us to all this free for pennies to the dollar i haven't did any uh uber afraid in uh say about nine months maybe a year right baby so but that's the reason why we haven't touched the uber freight because the rates i mean right now the rates are okay but i just don't because they like working they they like messing with the numbers so much that's why i just try to stay away from them they've called me uh i think uh they call me like twice or three times a week try to get me the book uh freight for them but i haven't touched them but that's the only reason why i don't mess with the uber freight anymore but uh the app is good they don't have uh a lot a lot of freight but they're okay next one convoy what can i tell you convoy is just uh berserks i like convoy like the rap uh but you know they're crazy with it but i do like them um the only problem i have with convoy is uh when one of them trailers doesn't get offloaded they try to milk it try to figure out where we're gonna drop that freight because i don't want to keep that freight in the trailers and uh you know they don't want to pay extra you know they're always coming up with drama so but i i like i like cowboy i like the wrap the wrap is real simple to use uh real easy uh but that's the only issue i have with convoy communication and uh yeah that's about it convoy convoy is not that bad our next one let's log off of that one amazon amazon all right look i i have a lot of issues with amazon i have a lot of issues okay uh first of all uh they they make you go through hoops just to get paid for waiting time or detention um if you book a load and they're providing the trailer like for instance right here and the trailer is not there they don't have a trailer for you to pick up they don't want to pay it they want you to dispute it online it takes forever for them to uh you know get back at you um the pay is uh they lagging on the pay and one more thing one more thing i've seen a couple people advertise this this right here contracts okay where it says contracts you can go there i'm gonna click on it so you guys can see it okay so these are contracts that they that amazon offers okay so we're out of ontario let's say we're gonna do two weeks two weeks uh how many drivers we're gonna do a solo driver how many tractors one tractor oh no matches okay let's do three weeks let's see if something comes up no matches a month nothing a week oh shuts so it looks like they don't have no contracts available right now wow that's crazy i thought they would have some kind some kind some something going but i guess they don't have no contracts let's try something different let's go with uh two drivers two tractors let's see if something comes up a team maybe two team yeah let's see let's go with team nope nothing well they don't have no contrast going on right now anyways let me tell you something about these contracts okay so right here it says contract duration whatever you put right there these are all weeks these ain't days these are considered weeks so say for instance you put you want you want to start in ontario california you want to do a week just one driver how many tractors we're gonna put one tractor right normally they'll show you these contracts that they have here but what they're not telling you guys is you book a contract through amazon right even though you tell them hey we only go 100 miles from where we park we want to stay local amazon tries to sneak in a vegas run an arizona run something going up north way past 100 miles that's the only bad thing about amazon when it comes to these contracts and a lot of people are not talking about that because you don't know what the contract is going to consist of to about three or four hours before they give your driver all the work that he's gonna do that day so he might do some local work he might do one or two local uh loads and then his third load is going to las vegas or arizona or up to san jose california you know way past 300 miles and if you deny that then that goes bad on your record uh they keep uh this performance crap performance let me see if i oh it's puffy let me show you guys see our performance is uh 80.1 percent and they put uh could be better but uh so when you so when you start canceling loads on these people they put you at this in this category over here you know but they want you to be over here this category because you know they just want you to haul but that's that's the bad thing about booking contracts with amazon don't get fooled by oh you're gonna get paid 700 a day your trucks are gonna make good money oh here we go here's the contract here's a couple contracts right here i didn't even put nothing but anyways i'm not gonna put anything so here's a couple contracts so they start sunday november 22nd and they go through saturday november 28th so you're not gonna find out till sunday i say about seven o'clock in the morning pacific time what it is that that truck is gonna do and these are all teams yeah these are all teams so you don't know what it is that these guys are gonna do and that's the bad thing about it because you know uh you could be asking to just just do a 100 mile radius just local work but amazon don't give a crap about that they'll put in you know a 2 300 mile load on that contract and if you don't do it then your rating goes down so that's the bad thing about amazon there's a few things wrong about amazon their app is great i love their app their app is real simple but that's the issue with uh with amazon uh it's a mission trying to get paid uh you got to go through hoops you know to get paid for detention for uh waiting time for their equipment not being uh ready you know stuff like that and they try to squeeze in these loads when you book these contracts and uh you know you have to do them so do i like uh amazon no i don't like amazon uh it's been uh i say six months i think maybe maybe longer since we booked with amazon so let's click off of that one let's go to uh uh here we go schneider schneider uh we like schneider a lot schneider schneider's real good to us uh they pay on time um waiting time i mean there's man there's there's no arguing with schneider schneider uh as long as uh say for instance you're there picking up and you've been there two hours and you call in you let them know hey uh you know my daughter's been there two hours it's coming close to uh his detention time they have no problems uh paying you for detention time uh lumper fees i mean easy you just call in get a money code and boom um the only bad thing about it is that schneider has come up with this app right here let's see this app right there that one uh the app is great i i like the app it's cool as you know what uh when it's working uh they're still going through the glitches on the app but uh you know right now it's got some some glitches on it where uh if your navigation is not on and you try to log back in it's not gonna let you log in so you're gonna have to log off and log in and log off and log in um if a load gets cancelled it doesn't automatically get canceled from the app so you have to email uh freight power for them to cancel that load uh and take it off the app uh if there's anything going on with the app uh you have to email freight power because uh it's not uh the app is not uh how should i say it honey it's not functioning at its they're still working on how to improve it yeah but i mean as far as for us it's it's it's nice because you know we don't have to clock them in when they arrive to pick up a load uh none of that you know they the drivers do it all you know they input the trailer number and all that good stuff but schneider is uh i think sniders are number one aren't they yep yeah schneiders are number one it's just the app right now that they're having a lot of problems with uh my drivers are having a lot of problems with them with the app but um i'm making them use it that way they can get used to it that way when the app is fully functional you know they're not jumping into something new so them were some of our so again schneider good it's just uh the app is just it just needs help that's about it but other than that uh i think schneider's our number one place to go to uh to get freight uh as a matter of fact all that is schneider freight right now that we have up there for our trucks so i just thought i'd show you guys uh some of the apps that we work with all these apps you can get on your phone uh good thing that we can get them on a desktop because uh i'm going blind so i'd rather look at them from the desktop than uh the phones and it's it's better for me i could dispatch the guys better this way print their their rate sheets out and uh dispatch the trucks that way you know so just thought i'd show you guys a little part of uh what we do on a daily basis what i look at on daily basis how i try to uh book freight for these guys i don't try to go to uh d80 load board uh truck load board all that i'm not paying for any of that you know more power to you if you are but i just i'm doing fine without paying for apps that advertise freight so hope you guys uh enjoyed this video i hope it was helpful for some of you guys uh if you have the driving drive safe be safe we'll see you guys on our next video
Channel: Vic Med
Views: 19,159
Rating: 4.9551568 out of 5
Keywords: power only apps, freight apps, southern california trucker, rating the freight apps
Id: NgV8Ld_swDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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