How to use a Tile Leveling System for Walls

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[Music] [Music] what's up guys I've got a quick video for you today on how to use two of the most popular tile leveling systems on the market right now we're gonna show you how to install them we're gonna show you how to remove them one's a wedge system choose a spin system so what we're gonna do is pretty simple mock up a wall install some glass large format panels show you how to install them show you how to remove them and just talk about the benefits of a tile leveling system so let's mock this wall up really quick let's talk about the two systems we're gonna use here we go okay here are the two systems we're gonna use we got left tech this is a wedge system now this is nearly identical to our LS Raimondi we just like the clips a little better on these ones but um let me show you what's in here you got your Clips your spacers here's your spacer clip here's your wedge you install like that and we'll show you how that's done after we talk up this wall the second system is rigid a spindle system you have a base here 1/16 inch base and you have a spindle cap which will tighten the two tiles down so we'll install with this system we're also installed with that system what we're going to install our 12 by 16 inch glass panels so you can kind of see how these systems work with installation as well as removal all right guys let's mock up this wall and get to installation [Music] alright guys the walls all mocked up ready to go as you can see here got a ledger board here to hold up the panels we're gonna install eight glass panels four of them with length tech wedge system and four them with rigids spindle system here we go now normally it's always recommended to use a 1/2 inch by half inch trowel and installing large format tile we don't have one today we're using 1/4 inch by 3/8 it's gonna have to do for demonstration purposes here we go now we'll start with the wedge system left check here pretty simple slide the clip behind the tile and continue to install now normally you would back butter tiles I'm just demonstrating how to install using this tile leveling system and it's nice to show how these clips work with the clear glass make sure the tiles are nice and tight install the wedge now you don't need pliers necessarily you can tighten the wedges with your hands but if you're installing a quite a bit if you're installing a tile for a shower and you're using a ton of wedges and Clips your hands and fingers will get sore so it was recommended to buy a pair of pliers they're pretty Universal they work with Ramon DRLs they work with left tech use the pliers to tighten the wedges nice and flush again clear out some excess mortar insert your wedges and continue to install [Music] now sometimes you have to hold the edges of the tiles when you insert the wedge sometimes it'll separate the tiles from each other so hold one end as you insert the wedge and as you tighten down with the pliers like this all right so there is the wedge system install as you can see inside how these clip spacers pull both tiles together so that they're level and flat now of course I would have been able to get better coverage if I back buttered these tiles I did not do that just so that we can see how the systems work behind the glass but as you can see it gives it a much cleaner flatter and superior install using a tile leveling system like this for large format okay now we'll install ridges spin cap tile leveling system here we go again clean the excess mortar from the edge of the tile before installing your clips and spacers here are rigids level max spacer clips you install them the same way just let them behind the tile [Music] here's your spindle tighten it down to level the tiles out [Music] [Music] well there you guys have it how to install tile large-format with two different types of the most popular tile leveling systems for walls for applications like showers we're gonna let this cure up and dry we'll show you how to remove them and as you can see here everything is super flat no lipids whatsoever it simply helps give you a more superior installation with large-format tile they're inexpensive and they work well ok the thinset mortar has set up and cured let's show you how to remove the caps and wedges use a rubber mallet just like this to remove the wedge system you want to hit along with the grout line horizontally don't want to bang down vertically remove just like this now for the rigid system the spin cap system you do the same you want to hit along with the grout lines horizontally not vertically just like this now as you can see here the base remains below the tile the clips break beneath this grout line here giving you enough room to install grout same with the rigid system as you can see the clips here remain underneath the tile giving you enough room to install grout now for the spindle system it's easy once you knock all of these off you remove the broken clip here this is trash the spindle you keep this for future projects wedges you keep the wedges for future projects and you simply throw away the broken clip as well [Music] well thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed the video as always don't forget to hit that subscribe button below [Music]
Channel: Landberg Tile TV
Views: 1,557,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use a tile leveling system, trowel and error, leveling systems the right way, Trowel and Error - How to Set Tile the Right Way, tile leveling system, how to use tile leveling system, tile lippage systems, how to set big tile, installing large tile, how to install large tile, levtec tile leveling syetm, ridgid tile leveling system, rls tile leveling system, raimoni tile leveling syetm, spin doctor, qep tile leveling, Sal DiBlasi, #tile #howtotile #installingtile
Id: rWmQ3PXe-H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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