Troubleshooting: Bad Camshaft Kohler Command

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tonight's mystery comes from a man in podunk indiana whose story is so astounding it leaves even the top experts scratching their heads this mystery involves a damaged chainsaw in tonight's edition of unsolved more mystery [Music] but this is a lot cheaper than buying in for buying this whole store [Music] uh [Music] oh hey mr ed you got a cheat shot i can borrow baby no i'm just kidding yeah it's on the ground here go ahead help yourself oh great this thing looks nice that's cj you know you got to mix the oil and gas with that right yeah i know i worked at timber okay dude all right yeah don't get smart with me right now return that with a full tank of gas just how you're getting it uh there's no gas in here dude look you'll twerp do what i say return it with a full tank of gas otherwise that'll be the last time you use anything of mine oh okay all right dude all right chill all right thanks ed you're welcome tj you're a good kid tell your mom i said lie [Music] this is going to be excellent oh what the heck oh my chainsaw i don't even know that kid brought it back well good because i'm going to need it for tomorrow all right i got a couple big maples to take down this thing ought to work right what the heck this thing worked good before i learned into that little twerp i better not have messed it up great now i'm gonna take it to a motor shop if gerald look at it way to go your little twerp so you don't learn your stuff out to people after a few failed attempts at starting the chainsaw ed decides he should take it to his local mower shop and have it inspected by a professional so yeah i don't know what he did to it but maybe you could take a quick look at it and get it running all right well let's first let's take this cover off and take a peek inside wow that's some mind-boggling stuff there i never seen nothing like that before either have i what would cost something like that i don't know [Music] [Applause] no one had ever seen anything quite like what was witnessed in the shop that day no logical explanation even after investigators interrogated the prime suspect tj that concludes tonight's episode of unsolved mower mystery now there's your dinner [Music] pterodactyl here and today we're going to go over a problem we ran into on this here kroller command v twin so i'm gonna give you a little story about this came in this tractor came in it ran it just ran real bad it ran real rich almost like the choke was out [Music] so we tuned it up took the carburetor apart and we found the needle rubber tip of the needle was starting to come off so we got another needle with the needle in it still ran exactly the same so we're really scratching our heads what's going on with this thing why is it running so rich so we tried a bunch of different things nothing worked and then we decided well maybe it's got a valve issue so we pulled the heads off and we discovered that on these vertical engines they added this little valve to help control oil from coming up you know into the into the valve area they wanted to control that oil so they added this little reed valve as you can see it says breather design changed so you may not have this on your engine depending on when it was made i don't think it's on the horizontal shafts i think it's only on the verticals because of the oil level on that and it's laying you know laying down so we noticed that one of them flapper needle or reed valves was was broken and missing it's like okay well that little piece of metal is real thin it's inside the motor somewhere so we thought okay it's probably just that valve that reed valve is gone and we'll put a new reed valve on and it'll be fine so we put the new reed valve on we put it all back together ran exactly the same again so we're thinking geez what the heck could it be why is this thing running so bad like running real rich like the like the choke is on so we thought you know what maybe that little piece of reed valve got in there and did some internal damage so me and elk skins were thinking and elk skin said well maybe that piece of reed valve ruined the compression release on the cam and it's bumping the valve all the time instead of you know flinging out of the way maybe it's stuck and it's just bumping the valve so we started the motor up again and we stuck our hand in front of the inlet of the carburetor now if you know anything about engines you know it sucks in a lot of air so it should suck your hand in there it should try to pull your hand in there and choke it off we stuck our hand in front of the carburetor and it just kept running and running and running i even took a rag a shop rag and shoved the shop rag into the mouth of the carburetor and it still ran it ran exactly the same crappy like it did with nothing on it and i know what you're thinking well that's the manifold he got a manifold from now it ain't the manifold because we put a different manifold on it we have the aluminum aluminium manifold that was on there and we changed it [Music] it's got to be inside and i know what you're thinking it'll probably jump time and probably kill time it can't jump time because it's geared to gear it's not like a car that's got a timing chain where the chain can get loose and the engine can jump time this is gears on gears and the gear on the on the crankshaft that doesn't come off it's part of the crankshaft so what we're going to do here we already drained all the oil out we're going to pull the engine off we're going to pull the oil pan off we're going to take a peek inside and see exactly what's going on with this thing all right we got the engine out we got it flipped over got all the bolts out of the oil pan so let's get cracking get cracking her open [Applause] they got it glued together [Applause] there we go let's see what we find let's see what we find inside here it's causing all this malfeasance all right i need to get a rag beautiful one just take a quick look at a couple things all right there's our cam timing what's the chances of us getting that right on the there's a shim wall washer let's pull the cam out take a look at the compression release don't want to come out come out come out wherever you are we got tension on the because of the lifters i got to pull the valve covers off all right give me a minute all right got valve covers off loosened up the rockers because we had too much tension on now we can pull this out and what do we got here look at that stuck oh there it goes this thing was stuck so that's what it was doing kept bumping kept popping the bumping the valve couldn't get that word out kept bumping the valve and making it run like crap so remember that you got an engine that's running real rich like the chokes on stick your hand in front of the intake in front of the carburetor and if it ain't sucking any ain't pulling your hand in there or like i said it wouldn't even pull a rag in there i took one of these red rags stuck it right in front of the carpentrator and it wouldn't even pull it in that's when we knew there was something wrong that's when elkskin said i bet you that compression release is either broken or stuck and he was right and there he is right there look at him yeah i got a couple questions carol what's that if we put that right back in what's the chance of it getting stuck again well we gotta find that little piece of reed valve i think that might have had something to do with it all right i mean it was stuck but it wasn't i mean i was able to unstick it with my hand elk skins you know he's the human shop rag that's what we call them a human shop rag all right let's get the magnet on a stick and fish around in there a little bit we did dig around through the dipstick tube we took out and we did dig around with the magnet on a stick before we disassembled disassembled it and we did find some little pieces of metal like strands and that's when we thought okay let's take it apart and see but i don't see nothing in there i don't see where that little reed valve went that broke off [Music] could it be inside the oil pump well the oil pump's got a screen on it oh okay there's a screen on the bottom here else good you know what you're the human shop rag why don't you lay on that don't think mop that up with your shop rag like body you got a better idea all right so we're going to reassemble it now that we got that unstuck and then we're gonna run it we'll show you that part i'm gonna slurp some of this oil out the crawler compression release works on this see see these here when you push that in they go away so when the engine's at rest this is what's bumping the exhaust valve when it comes around so by this being stuck you know the engine engine's gonna start because that's how the compression release works you crank the motor over and when the motor starts centrifugal force pulls this weight away because this is spinning so centrifugal force pulls this away these little guys go back inside their hole and then the lifter just rides over that so by this being stuck the motor ran but it was almost like an extra lobe like an extra lift so it ran but it kept bumping the the valve open making it run real crappy it ran and the guy was actually using it he said i was used i was babying it so he was cutting grass with it like i said it would run it would start up you'd have to choke it but it just ran like it was running way too rich it wouldn't idle either yeah and it wouldn't idle when we'd idle it down it wouldn't idle it would just die and it was just like really scratching our heads on that so yeah this got stuck and i think it had something to do with that little valve breaking off which we can't find but it's working now so that's where that reed valve is it's underneath that little plate there's a little reed valve under there so this is what it looks like out of there see it's a little thin piece of metal and here's our old one that had broke off so when it broke off this piece that broke off went through this passage here there's a passage on each side so it it fell through here and what's on the other side the cam shaft this is where the cam shaft sits so the motor is sitting like this and that that pocket is right here so that reed bell snapped off and landed on here the broken piece and somehow part of it got wedged under here that wouldn't let this move even though we didn't find anything it must have got chewed up because all we did find was like a little thread of metal when we pulled it out with the magnet so we thought okay when we cracked the motor open we're gonna find more pieces of that reed valve but we didn't so that's what made this engine run the way it did and was driving us nuts for about two days chasing our tails when all it was was a piece of that reed valve got stuck under this weight and wouldn't let this thing move it was stuck like that we got it all back together and it's running exactly the same so that compression release on that camshaft has got to be bad it's not flinging out of the way so here we're going to start it and show you what it was doing [Music] and i won't idle because it keeps kicking those valves open because that compression young release is bad so i went on a junkyard because we got a couple of junk engines out there crawler command twins and this was the first cam shaft i pulled out and if you notice this lobe is all worn down it's not pointy like this one so this is garbage oh yeah if you notice another thing it doesn't have a compression release on it so this is scrap metal so then i went cracked open another one that had thrown rod on it and this cam is good but again no compression release which i really don't think we even need so pull the engine back off pull it apart we're going to put this cam in and see how it runs like you see how crappy it was running running rich and i think there's something wrong with that compression release so here we are third times the charm had just came in and out twice now we put that other one in so there's something wrong with this cam to where when it's running it doesn't have enough centrifugal force to pull this out so we put that other cam in and now we're gonna fire it up fire it up fire it up let me put the parking brake on show [Music] give it a go so if it kept kicking them valves open with that compression release we looked that camshaft up that cash has 200 so we put that used one in you notice it does have a little hard spot where it cranks once in a while but just gonna have to live with that we're trying to save the guy money and speaking of camshafts got another one in here which we did a video on this is on this craftsman with this single intact they change the design of this camshaft like three times already briggs oh look there's supposed to be a compression release there where did it go where did you go compression release oh here we are here's our compression relief laying in the bottom of the crankcase so we're putting a cam in this one gave the customer the bad news and they said go ahead put a new cam in it we'll have to get all that all the extra parts out of there that are laying in there so there you have it that was our problem with that roller command twin but that compression release was giving us the flux and driving is crazy so subscribe to this youtube channel tarot fixes all go to our web store get some tarot apparel you got to be wearing that terrible feral while you're working on these things and riding on your mower and cutting grass and watching my videos and just wear it all the time just buy like kennedy's shirts so you'll have one for every day and then follow me which is junk engines with bad cam shafts on facebook and instagram come on come on catch up get your cam shaft your broken cam shed drop my glasses and as always there's your dinner finally got it done now we can get it back to the guy [Music] update shortly after this broadcast a local tipster called our hotline and reported someone stole the chainsaw from tj's garage that person was roscoe jenkins although he's been apprehended and pleaded guilty to the crime still to this day no one will ever know what really happened to that chainsaw meaning it is still an unsolved mower mystery [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 143,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taryl fixes all, grass rats, garage, unsolved, mower, mysteries, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mower, mower mysteries, Daryl, dactal, dactyl, taryl, teryl, kohler, krohler, command, twin, v-twin, engine, motor, small engine, riding mower, lawn mower, tractor, kohler command, compression, release, camshaft, cam shaft, cam, shaft, troubleshooting, troubleshoot, how to know, how to fix, fix, repair, parody, informative, how to, how, to, tutorial, instructional, craftsman, sears, runs rough, running rich, too rich
Id: JXfcFPW7k7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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