Epic Wheelie Horse Custom Restoration (Part 5)

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curling p slippers here and we're already on part five of the wheelie horse doing that custom wrestle mod baby so why don't we jump in where we left lift off last time see what we're up to well we got our new steel two inch fully which we got from stems it must be for like an edger or something but they had a two inch fully with a three quarter bore steel pulley there's part number it wasn't that much money we got it all hooked back up and then we looked at the engine because we were having some problems with the motor um i got this engine from somewhere i can't remember where they said it ran it does run but it doesn't run right so started taking a closer look at it pull the air cleaner off and when we run it and rev it up which i'll show you in a minute it's shooting gas out of the carburetor and that's an indication that it's got leaky valves so it's probably going to need a valve job so that's that's an indication of that we thought it might have been you know it didn't have any back pressure because it's got an open header so we rigged up a muffin on it real quick and it still was shooting gas out of the carburetor so that tells me that it's got leaky valves so we got to pull the trans apart to fix third gear so we'll pull the motor and we'll do a valve job on it for the brakes uh i came up with an idea this is the brake drum and if you notice it's got flats on it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go visit farmer dan and i'm going to have them make a spacer that's going to fit inside here he could probably clean up the inside of this because it's cast so it's nice and flat we'll have him make a spacer that fits in here and we'll have to i don't know if we're gonna have to make it thicker or not but anyway we'll make a spacer and then we'll put this disc on the spacer and then we can drill through it and tap it we could tap this and bolt this disc to this existing drum and then we'll just have to make a bracket for the caliper and we'll go back to that existing uh vmc hydraulic brake system so we can make this thing stop a lot a lot faster good those other brakes weren't really working out at all no and then we also bought a bigger diameter pulley so we could play with the gearing a little bit so with a bigger pulley here we may be able to get it to go faster we don't know yet because we haven't been able to get it in third gear and we haven't been able to drive it you know get it to run good because our pulley broke but let me show you what it does when we rev it up and how it shoots gas out of there so i better stand back let me find the choke that's another thing we gotta hook up the choke [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] and it sprayed a bunch of gas all over the oh nice all over the hood so it's probably got leaky valves so i'll pull the heads off and then i guess we'll go through the trans too so yeah a lot more a lot more than we anticipated right slip dog oh yeah learning a lot of stuff on this build and i hope you're learning too yeah learning's fun it is we make it fun i'm having a good time you want to watch boring go watch some other boring video you want fun watch this channel right here a couple of fun guys right here not like fungus like fungi or like fun guys it's not like fungi like mold we're not well he's kind of yeah i'm a little bit moldy he's a moldy old dude a little bit yeah crusty moldy whatever you want to take this baby for a little ride gloves out here what's with the black leather gloves what do you speed racer i know it whoa all right let's do it [Music] sounds good look at some gas you know how to ride anything no that was awesome i think i'm done writing it so stick around for the next video and there's your supper [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now that i finally got to drive it time to pull the engine into trans out and that'll be coming up next i got the engine out of the rj and i stripped it all down got the heads off and what did you find slippers oh there he is well here's what i found leaky exhaust valve especially on this one look at that even my old little feeble fingers can spin that baby around look at that oh that's been pretty easy yeah yeah that one's not ceiling you can see it's all oily and wheel all over it compared to this one that one you can spin but it's nice a little harder to spin yeah a little bit harder but you can still you can spin both of them huh yeah so yeah this one's not but yeah so there we go pull out these valves clean them all up yeah we'll resurface them lap them back in didn't you find something in the carburetor too when you took it apart on the low speed end of it then you find something on the yeah i got that over here on the on my bench over here you want to check that out elk skins rebuilt this and i figured i would just check it out again since we have it off and i pulled this low speed low speed out and fine there was some stuff on there oh on the tip of it yeah so i cleaned that all off so that was probably that hesitation from going from idle to high speed how it was kept kept having that hesitation yeah that low speed circuit so we're all good now got it all cleaned out so when we slap it back on hopefully we won't have any issues so now let's uh let's go yank that transmission apart see why it won't go into third gear okay got the transmission out now and i got the hubs off got all the shafts cleaned up and i ordered the new seals and a new gasket so we'll be getting those in soon so when we tear this baby apart but uh terrell's got a little thing going on over here yeah we wanted to drain out the old transmission fluid this is the 80 90 weight gear oil that was in there looks like a cappuccino yeah so for those of you that don't know when it has that coffee cream colored look that's because there's water water it got in the oil that's why it looks like that so then we thought we would flush it out so we poured some red diesel fuel in there that off-road diesel fuel and we poured it in there and this is what we poured out of it and then we poured some more in it let it sit overnight and that's what we poured out of it the next day so now it's all ready to be disassembled so we need to take this out the shifter which is just loosen this nut and back out this set screw that's in there and this will this will come out then we'll take these bolts off and we'll pop this side cover off and we'll take a peek inside and see why it won't go into third gear it's probably just the shifting fork and probably just rusted and it won't let it engage all the way but we'll find out when we get it apart so let's get some tool slippers and take this shifter off and take them bolts out all righty looks like 9 16. okay and this is probably i don't know 7 16 or 3 8. here i got a 9 16 here [Music] there you go there's your dinner see how that works that set screw goes into that hole and that's how you adjust the tension on it when you go to put it back together and then you lock down this flip dogs taking i them think this thing's been a part since like it was me i think uh elskin said this was uh 63 or 73 or something like that let's try to split this thing into here there's a little lip and i got me a a blunt chisel a little spot right here here right we'll give there too many frying points use these bolts there we go there we go i don't want to start putting screwdrivers and stuff in there oh yeah slide up let's see you know what let's put a little bit of some kind of lubricant on here so two [Applause] so here we go oh yeah tap on that slippers with that rawhide hammer got it tap on it there's a lot of needle bearings in here i hope they don't come falling out yeah we're probably going to get some grease and pack it in there i'm worried those needle bearings it might fall out pack them up pack them up you can see there's some a little bit of wear here you can feel some wear on that you can feel it's kind of raised down here too look at this here look at these gears are all he did give us another transmission elk skins yeah look at these are all rounded this is pretty bad too is that all rounded too you can feel it yeah these are all rounded off so here's our shifting forks here looking pretty crusty in here not much to it pretty simple and basic looks a little easier than the rj yeah we'll have to get that other transmission split that one in half and hopefully whatever gears we need are good in that one all right well that's as far as we can go until we get that other trans in here but this is all rusty this is it right here i bet you this is why i won't go into third this is all rusted right here so these these won't slide those are supposed to be free and yeah up and down and that's that's the thing i've seen online that happens because look because water had got down in here and rusted all this up but yeah this should be a pretty simple fix once we get the the gasket and the new seals sweet this is kind of raised here i don't know oh that's just some sealer or something yeah clean all this uh i didn't know what that was it felt like it was hard like a piece of metal or something like maybe somebody driven a screwdriver in there one time this gear here we may be able to flip this one over see how it's all war here but it's not war on that side i don't know if that'll matter yeah this is our reverse gear pretty sure this is for reverse so we may be able to flip this over and use the other side of it because it doesn't look like anything meshes with this this meshes with this for reverse all these look good on here it's just this gear this gear and this gear down here are bad probably from trying to jam it in the third gear and then not locking in it just started grinding this away that's what i think i could be wrong i've been wrong once before [Music] once i was wrong but i was mistaken i think we got a hat that says that somewhere so i'm worried that these needle bearings may fall out of these bearing housings here and it already looks like this one here might be missing one so it might be in the bottom of the trans we'll fish around with magnet on a stick maybe we can find it so to keep them from falling out i'm going to take some grease because this will be like peanut butter or for the needle bearings to hold them in place so we can move this cover around and clean it not have to worry about all them bearings falling out and scattering all over and then we gotta stick them back in there and then down here on this one too so there's a little tip for you hold those needle bearings in place i've had to do this on the transmission on my spitfire when i rebuilt it last winter so now's a good time to get your cell phone out and take some pictures of this transmission while you got it apart so you can go back to them as a reference so your cell phone is good for more than just taking selfies at yourself or taking pictures of your junk lawnmowers so i'm going to take some pictures of this transmission now ready slippers yeah let me get in here oh yeah that's a good one [Music] yeah that's another one of me all right we got the valves out of the head and we're going to get ready to resurface them and as you can tell one of them's got a pretty good sized groove in it and that was probably that one that was really leaking bad and when i could spin i had all the oil around it this one here and this one still needs to be ground these are the exhaust valves the intake valves don't look that bad so we'll resurface them slippers will lap them in and get that engine back together [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like brand new again all right well we got it the second transmission we got from the skin man we're about to split it in half and see how this one looks all right give her a few whacks put the rawhide hammer giddy up follow him up rawhide hammer [Applause] don't really give you too many points [Applause] that would have been a bad day there you go pry on it a little bit it was looking pretty rusty inside he said there's this one's got a bad dip or something we're going to find out with some light opening a hard to open christmas present there we go you may have to tap on that shaft again try tapping on it there we go a couple of little love taps from the man they had to steal a needle bearing out of this one too because i can't find that other one oh oh look at look at this looks a little one but you know what the gears look good even though they're rusty just got some sludge on them but everything looks good except for maybe no that one looks good too we're gonna have to clean it up i don't know this diff is good i think he knows what he's talking about right so between the two you should be able to make one good one oh you want to mention that you got the parts for the transmission oh yeah got the gasket in got the seals in you go grab them real quick so people know that you can still get these seals and gaskets for this whole transmission yeah we're gonna have to clean this up so now that we got two transmissions apart we can uh i make one good one out of two here's the gasket you can still get there's part number part number 3912 [Applause] and still get these bad boys the rubber boot from toro you're right yeah got all this from toro and got the seals there's the part number for those seals it's these little ones i'm gonna make the seal noise this time other part number for these seals four four or four four four [Music] 35-77 all still available from toro all right this gear which is like this gear uh-huh this one's shot look at it yeah that one looks pretty bad i just went and got a rag while you were yammering on and on about that stuff we could probably just flip it over and add this one over right no because the fork fits in there so what we'll do is we'll just clean it up it'll still go into gear we just got to clean it up so we'll just have to take the gear out and meticulously file the edges get all those burrs off of there this reverse gear looks good or whatever this gear is see how this one's all ground up this one looks good but this one's all trash too like the other one that must have been some kind of problem with that unless we can get these gears we may have to look and see maybe we can get these gears from sorrow too i don't know well what sets pulling this transmission apart so the first thing we can do is lift out the diff set that on the side we can lift off this gear here seems like there might be a little lip on here let me lift this gear off get this one out of the way i have to give it a little tap there we go now those two gears could have been flipped around what do we got here got this reverse gear now i thought we were going to be able to flip this one over but it's got a heavier heavier end on one end than the other but this one's good in this junk trans so we'll probably use that one all right now what else we'll lift out of here can we lift this out nope how about these oh this whole shaft looks like it'll come out oh yeah just pull that whole shaft out i can swing that out of the way got that gear off now we can swing this one out everything's good on here nothing wrong with that let me swing this one out yeah see this is this is bad we may have to buy a new one of these i think i seen it online i think it's like 85 bucks we can get one and then we got this down here which is going through so that that's that whole shaft so i'll have to flip it over and get the woodriff key out of there here's a woodruff key laying in the bottom down here and now this gear and this gear lifted out so pretty simple so our problem was this we couldn't get it to shift i'll have to get these out there we go probably a little ball in there as we pull this out yeah little ball and spring and then probably one on this side and then here's the spring with the little ball on it and it looks like there's a hole here that met that and we'll get this apart make sure those needle bearings don't fall out on us and we'll get this case all cleaned up and we'll put it all back together hey what's up we're back and uh we got some stuff we got the apart got it all cleaned up and it was rusty up here at the top so i remember years ago when you we do like engine rebuilds on car engines they would tell you to paint the inside of the where the heads go where the intake manifold goes they would tell you to paint in there so the oil would run off faster so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna paint the inside of this transmission for the oil and then we we got it all apart went through all the gears and third gear was bad stripped out i guess that's a common problem with this transmission it would strip this third gear out so luckily there's a guy on the inner screen wheel horse parts and more or something like that it's called he makes a gear up there in minnesota so we just got the gear today and here it is that's that's a scruffy's knife i stole it from him in one video so here's the new gear oh what a difference yeah you can see this is all ground away in there and this is all trying to jam it into gear so that this gear fits on top of this see sweet so a lot of the problem with these transmissions is at some point they put the wrong belt on it and if the trans is still spinning you can't get it in the gear so they sit there and try to force it and you gotta shut the tractor off put it in gear start it back up when all you have to do is get the right belt or adjust the belt correctly so when you push in the clutch everything stops moving now the other gears we just cleaned up as best we could i just took the wizard wheel and just kind of divert them because it was going in the first second in reverse this is the no this is the one this is the original one and it's kind of bad on here you know they still make this part toro guess how much eight hundred and eleven dollars if you wanna buy it isn't that crazy yeah not even worth it yeah not buying that for eight hundred eleven dollars so this was the one out of the elk skins trans so it was a little bit better shape than that one so we cleaned it up and i cleaned up the teeth just like my teeth nice and clean sometimes i take a wizard wheel and clean between my teeth [Music] so clean that all up and we took this reverse idler gear out of the elk skins tractor this is the old one see it's kind of ground this is the one out of that other elks against donor trans that one also had a bad third gear so i want to talk a little bit about the shifters the shifting forks that go in here and you got those balls and a spring all that stuff's in here so on the end here we got it covered up there's a hole right there looks like money's coming in uh oh there's money's here so as i was saying these shifting forks this is what's inside the shifting forks if you can see this mr cameraman got these two balls this spring and there's a little pin that goes inside the spring that goes in between the two balls here now these balls are kind of rusted and pitted so i want to put two new balls in there so now this is another reason why you gotta have a drill gauge why it's important to have a drill gauge this comes in handy for a lot of stuff like sizing these balls so it don't fit in that one but it fits in this one quarter inch so if i want to replace these balls i know that they're quarter inch so i have a little container over here that whenever i take have old ball bearings and stuff that fall apart i save all those ball bearings that come out of there you know how you got ball bearings that come apart oh yeah not all of them are bad so i'll go through here and i'll find me two new two new balls are replaced there's one right there quarter inch nice new shiny one to replace those pitted ones sure there's another guy that looks like one right there yep so there you go slippers we got two new sweet balls for that now i noticed in that manual they don't they don't talk about this hole in here this because this is how when you go to put this transmission back together you got to load all this stuff back in there so on the end there's a little freeze plug they put in there so how i took it out was i put it easy out in there i found it easy out that fit in there and i turned it and i was able to pull that freeze plug out now some guys might drill it out and now they've drilled it out and they go okay now i got to plug that hole when i go to put this thing back together and it's like well how am i going to plug that hole i ruined that freeze plug well you could tap this out this is drilled 5 16. the hole that runs in there is quarter inch and then for the freeze plug they drilled it a little bit at 5 16. so 5 16 is the drill you use for 3 8. so you could take a 3 8 tap and you could tap the end of that hole and then take a bottom tap a 3 8 16 bottom tap coarse thread tap and then tap it the rest of the way down to the bottom and then you can just put a set screw in there a 3 8 16 coarse thread set screw if you don't want to use that freeze plug or you ruined yours so what you do is you drop in you can put that back on you drop in your uh shifting fork you stick one of these balls in there you stick the spring with the pin in next then you stick the other ball in there and then you take a punch a straight punch and you use that to hold it all in place and you push it in a little bit and then you work this other shifting fork down in there and then you pull the punch out that's how you reload that to put the tension on them balls once you pull this transmission apart we'll show all that when we go to put it back together but for now we got it all prepped we're gonna paint it paint the inside it's a real simple trans there's not much to it so now that we got all the parts all we got to do is put it all back together put the new seals in the new gasket start doing wheelies yeah can't wait and we'll see if my valve job uh worked out okay yeah if he did the valve job and put that all back together never did one on that one before i'm sure it'll run okay and then the steering we got to do the steering next i've got all the gears reinstalled back in slippers transmission so i wanted to just talk about a couple of points in case you're going to rebuild one of these particular wheel horse transmissions now earlier in the video i talked about putting a set screw in here to eliminate this plug you know that's the access hole for the for the little balls in that so that's what i did i put a 3 8 set screw in there all it does is block that off so the hole is already drilled 5 16 and that's the size you need for 3 8 so i got to do is get a 3 8 pipe plug and a coarse tap and then you can block it off that makes it a lot easier than trying to get this freeze plug in and out because when i was putting this back together i had to you know do it a couple of times so if you put that plug in and you ain't got something right then you gotta dig this plug back out it's easier to have that set screw another thing i learned is when you put this shaft back in the one with the snap ring the snap ring goes up here to hold that gear and the last thing i'm going to tell you is this differential can go in this way or this way it does you know it can go in either way but you want it to go in this way with these bolts with the nuts facing up because if you put it the other way it's too long and these sticking down will hit this gear down here and it'll it'll lock up the transmission so you could get this thing all back together and you go oh it turns a little bit then you find out it won't turn because these are hitting on this gear down here so it's got to go in like this if you put it like this these are going to hit on here because they're too long i found that out when i put it back together and i was trying to get it to spin and it would only spin so far and it would stop so now we just gotta put the gasket on i'll spray some of that high tack gasket sealer on there we'll put the other half of the trans on and then i'll put the seals in i'm going to put the seals in last i want to be able to slide them over the shafts and put them on now let's talk about the steering slippers got the steering all apart so this is what i'm going to do this is the block that went underneath there for the steering it's just a piece of square steel that they drilled some holes in so i took me some cardstock 30 brick cardboard and made me a template and then i'll weld a weld a piece of steel to this and then i'll drill some holes in it and then that's how we're gonna hook up our length one on each side to steer it so that way when we steer this turn it it's going to turn the turn the wheels back and forth kind of like on a four-wheeler or quad so that's how we're gonna do our steering [Music] okay slippers i'm working on the steering yeah i see that and i've uh kind of changed the way i was going to do it oh really before i was going to take this centerpiece that mounts to the end of the steering and i was going to weld this triangular piece on there like a uh quad like a quad would have i remember you talking about that and then i was gonna put this on here and then we were gonna bolt it to each kingpin but that wasn't gonna work because this is so big that when it and it's at an angle that it hits here gotcha so i scrapped that idea [Music] so what i did is i took one of these spanner bushings which is for a wheel grab that bag behind you which i got from rotary and the part number is 8706 and it's just a spanner bushing that goes in a wheel of a zero turn so it's the right size of that three-quarter hole that wheel horse had in there but yet it's half inch for a bolt so i welded this in so what i'm going to do now is put a long bolt in there and we'll slide this on one side and this on the other like this and bolt this on so now when i steer with the steer shaft when i have this mocked up under here it'll go back and forth to steer our kingpins and another thing i had to do is the same that same bushing that stain same spanner i had to cut some little sleeves to fill this in then i welded those in and i made one a little bit longer than the other since i'm stacking these on top so i needed one to be lower and one to be shallower so that's where we're at on the steering sweet and i know you voiced some concern over these snap rings holding the wheel and these kingpins on yeah i don't think that was going to be a very safe you didn't want to trust that so i had to drill and tap the ends of these so what i like to do to try to find the center of that or get as close to center as you can i find a socket that fits on there then i take a transfer punch and hit the transfer punch and that gets you pretty close to center see that's pretty close to center if you don't have a lathe or something where you could chuck this up and find the center we're just using it to hold it on there anyway but these are pretty sloppy look at that so i got some some plastic bushings that are coming they're real thin they're for a craftsman for the steering and i think those will work to take up that slop because you can see where it wore through too yeah from over the years 40 50 years of this thing riding on there so i got some some shim washers here different thicknesses and then with those bushings it should be pretty pretty level with the top of this and then when we put a bolt in the washer on there that'll hold this on and we'll get rid of that slop that's in there nice and then when we put the wheel on we'll put a bolt in there instead of a snap ring so it'll be bolted on so we don't have to worry about the wheels coming off yeah don't want that happening especially at like 45 miles an hour yeah or more who knows how fast this thing will go yeah now that we got third gear up in this baby so here's the transmission it's all back together and then i had to make a mount for the break because we went back to the disc break so this was what the original drum break looked like and then there's our our little adapter that we had farmer dan make us there's the adapter and then here's the caliper mount that i made to mount the caliper so this is again some 30 brick cardstock i put in there as a spacer so when i was mocking this up and tacking it i had the right clearance so that'll come out of there i'll take that out so it doesn't rub on the caliper but yet the pads are on the disc so now just two bolts two bolts here i can take this off weld it up smooth it out grind it because a little little long here i'll cut that off but that's what you do when you mock it up and i bent this all real easy in the vise with a crescent wrench and i'll show you how i did that in case you want to do something like this sweet real simple and easy no no heat required with this hot rolled steel that i bought so just an example to show you this is some inch and a quarter wide flat stock quarter inch thick and i bent that with a crescent wrench twist it bend it put in the vise and get a big crescent wrench and if you want you can even put a pipe on it and look this stuff vents pretty easy yeah we do that on the uh augers and the snow blowers when they get bent i can bend it back how i twisted it took that twist out of it see how easy that bent you don't need to heat it up with a torch or any of that stuff easy peasy there's your dinner well we got it all back together it's all together now got trans back together all the gears work got the engine back together we did a valve job yeah it turns out my valve job actually works i did a good job well to a point we're gonna cover that later um eliminated the governor inside the engine and these are the parts we took out we took the whole governor off either the governor waits this was the spool governor school took all that off so there's no more governor don't need that slowness down but when we were running the engine which we'll show you later it's still doing the same thing it's still kicking still kicking up through the carburetor only if we over rev the engine past 3600 rpm does it start doing that so we found out that the valves are floating and that's why it's kicking kicking back through the carburetor because we're over revving it so we went online and they make what's called a high rev kit there's a company that makes a high rev kit for this vanguard and this is what the kit consists of we don't need this stuff anymore [Music] you eliminate those two aluminium push rods for two steel ones and they give you these shim washers which i guess is supposed to add more tension to the valve springs and they give you some new caps and some new uh collars to hold the valves in place and they also give you an offset key which is supposed to change the timing at high reps so we need to install this kit which we're going to do in the next part there's going to be another part to this because we still have to we still have to make the wheelie bar that should be the last part though before we get everything all nice and gussied up and we got the brakes hooked up now i did have to move the caliper remember i showed you how i had the caliper bracket all hooked up well when i went to put the wheel on i didn't realize the caliper was right here and was going to hit on the wheel so i had to relocate the bracket so i had to move it back which was no big deal just a little bit of cutting and welding that's what happens when you're building stuff from scratch you always got to keep changing stuff and then we're going to show you how i uh how i hooked up the throttle since i eliminated all that governor stuff so here's the original throttle link and all i did was shorten it up and i cut it and bent it and drilled a hole in this which is the original throttle control mechanism here and then i just added a return spring so let me give you a tip when i did this rod when i cut it to bend it i took my propane torch and i heated up the end of that rod and when you get a cherry red like that it makes it real soft and easy to bend because you can see i bent it so that the z bend is back here so it wouldn't interfere so it wouldn't interfere with this mechanism and now it's got good return on it so it's very simple all i had to do was drill a little hole in here for the rod to go in and then where the the uh governor shaft came out of the motor i just tapped this and put a bolt in there i tapped at 7 16 spine thread and then i threaded a bolt in there i put silicone on the threads too so it's seal it and then we added our choke we added a choke cable and then we relocated the key switch because remember it was on the side of the engine and your leg was hitting the key so i had some stainless little piece of stainless sheet metal so i made a new bracket bent it on my harbor freight we need a little terrible key chain for this key yeah so now you just reach down and start it from here and we'll talk about the steering and then we'll take it out for a little test drive all right so we had to angle these back so in order to do that i could have either cut these loose and re-welded them but i thought i'd try heating them up and bending it first and that's what i did got the oxygen and amphetamine torch and heated this up cherry red and then i just took my big crescent wrench and a pipe and bent them back 20 degrees and then second i use my handy dandy degree finder which i stuck on there when i had it apart to make sure i was at 20 degrees so that's what we went with and it turned out good so now we should see how it handles [Music] [Music] little baby can move hopefully i can take it for a spin hopefully lets me [Music] this thing is scary [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even wheelies in reverse scary this is a scary thing i built [Music] i get that wheelie now do more work than a motor [Music] [Music] i think it's throwing the fuel around too much [Music] [Applause] so what'd you think slippers oh this thing's so fast it blew my hat off and i was only in second gear i think some of that belt was ripping off and hit me too got got a little bit over here in my pocket for you yeah that's because we got to get used to driving it i'm grabbing the brake like it's a clutch and i still got the clutch out so yeah same here i'm not used to it yet but yeah this thing's fun the handling is way better since you fixed that steering got it yep i think once we get that uh revving problem out of there this is going to be yeah we got to get it to run smoother and then get the wheelie bars on there so we can hold it at a wheelie yeah that'll be fun all right slippers pull it in the shop all right kanji [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] brother you have to make that belt guys and cover too yeah we got to make a belt cover we got a lot of stuff we got to make look at it it roasted that belt that was a brand new belt that's because i had to clutch out and was grabbing the brake like a clutch on a motorcycle and it was fighting it you know same here it was smoking the belt kept forgetting to hit that pedal every time it'll break it's something new something new you got to get used to driving yeah we need to make a guard for this protect us so we still got a lot of stuff to do before we tear it down and paint it but at least the brakes work good yeah that was pretty important you seen when i was going real fast and that one and i locked up them brakes and that thing was hopping and bopping around the steering's not all squirrely either at high speed yeah it's pretty solid yep so those little modifications that we were told work kicking them back 20 degrees and towing it out a little bit all right well that's it for what part is this five part five part five so now there's gonna be a part six so subscribe to this youtube channel tarot fix is all on carol that's slippers what's that go to our web store buy some of our merchandise that we got on there we got all kinds of stuff so we can keep these projects rolling baby help us out follow us on facebook and instagram with your wheelie horses too bad i couldn't get it to wheelie i did get it the wheelie off camera and i flipped it [Music] yeah we don't need terrible getting hurt so i didn't want to flip it again i'm sure you're probably thinking i wish i had to saw that on camera you flipping it and as always there's your dinner [Applause] we're closer to getting this thing done taking forever [Music] you
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 127,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grass rats, garage, taryl, fixes, all, grass, rats, taryl fixes all, wheelie horse, wheelie, horse, Wheel, Horse, wheel, wheel horse, rj58, RJ58, 1958, 1950s, nut roaster, ball burner, mower, tractor, custom, vintage, old, antique, original, restore, restoration, fix, repair, modern, restomod, slippers, bars, trans, transmission, tranny, brakes, front end, tires, wheels, part 5, part 6, part five, mustie1, will it run, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, issue, problem, hood, battery, diy, DIY, tutorial, walk through, instructional
Id: 1Ba_xf1aXno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 26sec (3986 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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