You Don't Know About This Secret ECHO Carb Adjustment!

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[Music] junior i need to go pick up this law mower so hold down the four i'll be back in a little bit all right that sounds good i'll hold it down all right let's see what they want hello grassroots garage this is junior i'm alone how can i help you are you alone uh yeah i just said i'm alone what do you want what are you doing getting ready to work on a mower what does it matter do you like lawn mowers well yeah there's a lot more repair shop look make this quick i got work to do what's your favorite brand of lawnmower well they're all kind of poorly made really what are you wearing uh work clothes all right this is getting weird why are you asking me all this stuff because i want to know who i'm looking at what okay this is getting weird now [Music] who is it what do you want grassroots garage juniper can i help you are you alone what do you want leave me alone just me slippers i was just wondering if you guys wanted lunch i'll be stopping by soon oh slippers all right just get us a couple beef sandwiches pepperoncini all jew fries all right slippers i'm busy i gotta go [Music] what do you want what do you want why did you hang up on me what do you want from me i just want to know your favorite lawnmower brand it's lawn boy all right who is this the question is where am i what you're in the shop look slippers is coming down here with lunch and he didn't bring you any and he also knows karate so i wouldn't mess around buddy oh that old man why don't you take a look out on the back pad what what's out there go ahead take a look okay you got slippers you better let him go he has my lunch too bad haha it's my lunch now now ah those are the best beefs in town you better save me some pterodactyl here the small engine guru and today we're gonna be working on this this echo hc-1600 we're gonna see if we can get this thing running somebody gave this to me they said they were gonna go buy a battery powered one and they said you can have this one i said i'll take it and you know what hc stands for hedge cutter that's right you you in the back you were right so first thing i'm going to do is put my glasses on so i can see what i'm doing then i'm going to grab my worn out phillips screwdriver and i'm going to take this cover off and we're going to give it a little shot because it's got confession [Music] so i want to give it a little shot make sure the switch is on for a test we're not going to ruin it by doing this we just want to see if it's got a carburetor problem nope get the choke open i'm going to give it a little shot of carb spray and see if it'll run and die without [Applause] cutting the cameraman up now see i'm left-handed so i got to be like this then i want to put the choke back on this doesn't have a high speed trigger lock on it so so you know what that tells me carpentry problem carburetor all right let's take a look in the tank here there's some old fuel in there not very much oh yeah look at that stuff it's got water in it see how cloudy it is and i can hear the uh the fuel filter oh there it is there's the fuel filter it came off the end of the hose so this should be a pretty simple fix for you grass rats out there now usually this grommet you know gets all swelled up but it seems like it's in good shape i'm gonna get my tool that i made out of a piece of coat hanger made that out a piece of coat hanger that nice and i'm going to drag out that fuel line that's in the bottom of the tank and we're gonna check that now that that's not real spongy that's still hard so that fuel line is good huh i'm going to grab that uh you know what i think i got a new fuel filter over here because i got new parts oh yeah i got an actual walbro branded fuel filter there's the part number 125 552-1 and i had gotten these from stens and there's the sten's number usually they take that number and cover up the walrus one because they want you to buy it from them so here's a new fuel filter i'm gonna stick it on the end of the hose you know you can tell when you got bad fuel lines you'll go to shove that that fuel filter on there and it'll just start splitting and then you cut it off and you shove it on there again it just keeps splitting but look at that it fit on there tight and it's not splitting you know what i wonder if we can this might be a short video y'all all right let's get some some dinosaur syrup i always like to give it a shake dinosaur syrup and dinosaur juice mix out of my gas can that leaks out of my leaky can pour some in there get a little more look there you go there you go baby [Applause] there you go sweetie oh that bulb look at that bulb that does that looks old i'll replace that but let's see if we can get it to run now i'm pushing that ball but it's returning kind of slow so you know inside these carburetors is a little fine screen that that fuel has to go through and uh like if you've got one of these and you push on it and it stays sucked in that's an indication that that screen that little fine screen in the carburetor is all uh plugged up because it's not letting the gas pass through it all right i got the choke closed i pumped that thing a bunch of times take choke off now they're popped and ran oh that's not good okay looks like we got to go into the carpet trailer it's carb crater time let me take my worn out phil screwdriver rectangle why don't you just go get a new screwdriver yeah like i got time to be running all over the place i got to make a video every week and run this shop i think i just got all kinds of time i'm not sitting on the computer watching videos i'm working 12 hours a day seven days a week it doesn't leave much time left for anything else you should you should take some time off you should you should take a little break you take a vacation so i got to use this kit that we got from john i think his name was from ohio john i love that kit i use it about every day now on something or another all right so two screws remove that squeeze this up hold this with our finger and we should be able to get that it's all gummy oh look at a little spider-man spider-man spider-man hey spider-man leave him be he ain't hurt nothing all right so we'll turn this up we turn this to get that cable to relief all right look out cameraman i need these this thing is all gummy this throttle there we go now i can get that released pull that out i'm going to release in case there's any pressure on this thing loosen the gas cap and i'm going to pop these hoses off and remember which way they go just like that always remember because when you pump that bulb it's sucking gas out of the carburetor running it through the carburetor and then pushing it back in to the fuel tank and the reason they do that is so there's fuel in the carburetor so when you put it on choke it'll start easier before they started putting these purge bulbs these this isn't a primer bulb it's a purge bulb because it's purging the fuel so it sucks it up runs it through the carburetor and pushes it back into the fuel tank so that way when you put it on choke it starts easier one or two pulls it pops and you take it off choke the way they used to do it before you'd be pulling and pulling and pulling and then as you're pulling on it it's pumping the fuel pump to pump the fuel so it would take that many more pools to get it to pop that's why they call a pool on a pool on because your pool on a pool on a pool line and pool on to get it to start you like my funny joe all right so let's take the diaphragm side off first because this has got the diaphragm which pushes on on the little metering valve which lets the fuel into the carburetor so let's pop this side off first i hope i got a kit for this thing now we want it oh look at this thing hard as a carp hard as a carp look at that there's our first problem right there now let's take this side off which has our fuel pump gaskets on it it's not gonna lose those screws you need to get a little magnetic tray yeah i got those magnetic trays around here somewhere they're all full of crap you should get a little magnetic tray to put all your little screws and stuff in probably got 10 of them around here all full of crap well you should buy 10 more so you can fill those other 10 full of crap we're going to get rid of this because we're going to put a new one on there's a screw here on this specific carburetor we also have to take off and then we need to pop this off oh there we go and this thing is see these are a little fuel pump little but this has got the one that's made out of this hard kind of plastic these are better than the ones that are rubber so in case i don't have a carb kit i may have to use this over and there's that little screen i was telling you about we need to dig that out so we can see what's going on with that let's find some tool in here one of these dental tools will work because you know i'm not i don't need dental tools because my teeth are perfect so we want to dig that little screen out it seems all right and there's no crap down in here now see this little brass part here there's an adjustment in there that's the only adjustment for the carburetor so i'm going to blow this out with a little air as soon as i find what i do with that rag i had no i never got one oh that was the last video you know we're filming multiple videos i had a rag in the last video and i threw it away because it was all dirty so i'm gonna blow this out lightly i got that air blower right here all right now you don't want to blow a lot of pressure on these things because there's little check valves on these carburetors you blow one of those little check valves out you just ruin the carburetor so don't go all crazy with the compressed air so there's a little black plastic cap there and under that cap is a screw an adjustment and i'm going to show you how to remove that cap you need a little teeny tiny screwdriver and i got one right here and we need some heat so i got to get the torch so you're going to need a little teeny tiny screwdriver and some heat and i'm going to warm this screwdriver off so it'll melt that plastic now i just jammed it in there now i'm gonna let it cool all right see we let it cool nope oh there see sometimes it'll pop right out sometimes you may have to just dig it out a little bit i might heat it up some more a lot of times i get lucky in it when it sticks to it but i got most of it out that first time see there's that plug there's that little they don't want you in there messing with this that's why they put that in there they're liking the factory gun what can we stick in there to keep them from messing with the adjustments on the carburetor let's just stick a little plastic plug in there you'll never know it's there now it's cool off by now plus these fingers are dead so there there it is i don't know if he could see it there's a little screwdriver slot in there so there's an adjustment now didn't know that did you i just showed you something just taught you something let me blow it out with some air you might be able to see it better so a little screwdriver slot so now you can adjust the carburetor if you need to all right so say you need a kit for this thing where's the car spraying say you want to get a kit so you need to know what model carburetor this is so the information is on the carburetor and there's the information right there china that's how you look up china and then you'll be able to find everything you need for this perpetrator now being silly you're being silly taro china's a country so this is a zama carburettor see says zama right on there and the model of this you can go to zama's website this is an rv carburettor and then up here it says k-75 so we're gonna go to our website and we're gonna look up an rb k75 and then it's going to tell us what kit we need so now you're going to join me at the computer this is going to be fun so here we are on zama's website and then you want to go to support parts and service carbotrader lookup got that support parts and service carburetor lookup and then here's all the different carpentrators and here's ours rbc rb rhythm and blues this is the rhythm and blues carbotrader [Music] so we click on rb and now it's got that rv dash blah blah blah blah blah so we want k 75 under the k 75 all right come on scroll baby scroll here we go under the k 75 there's an okay 75 in bingo right there k75 and then it's telling us if we want to buy the whole carburetor how much it is well i can get one cheaper than that on amazon yeah you might be able to all right so here's the rebuild kit rb188 rv stands for rebuild kit i know terrell you went over all this before on another curvature that's right i did and i'm doing it again you know why because we have new grass rats that are watching all the time and they want to know so that's why i do this every time for the new grass rat hi new grass rats hi guys and then this is gasket and diaphragm kit gnd106 now dnd stands for gasket and diaphragm that's what that means gnd gasket and diaphragm not uh it stands for gnd good or ground no candy gasket and diaphragm 106. so that's the kit we need that's those are usually the ones i buy well what's the difference carol what's the difference between the rb and the gnd well the rv comes with a lot more parts the rv comes with you know like a new metering level that little spring the little uh metering level pin a new needle uh i think it comes with a new screen some other gaskets i normally just buy the gasket in diaphragm kits i very rarely have had problems with the metering valve and stuff sometimes then you gotta buy you know that's if you take it all apart but this one really isn't that bad so we're gonna see if i got a gnd 106. i'm crossing my fingers i hope i got one i don't know i i'm kind of thinking i don't but we'll we'll find out so here's my my little box with all my zama kits in there and i got quite a few and i didn't have the 106. but like i mentioned earlier this fuel pump gasket should still be good because it's made out of that other material i don't know what the name of it is i know one of you probably out there now it's made out of this material so i could use this over what i need is the diaphragm so in a lot of these kits they will give you this diaphragm the one we need and they'll also give you like this one so sometimes i save those diaphragms in a separate package just in case and voila i got the one we need so now the video can keep going so now we don't have to cut and wait three or four days because i got to order a kit so you always want to pay attention on in the order that it goes together too this is also important you grass rats you got to pay attention to the way things are got to pay attention to the to the order see this gasket goes with this and you can see the little lines on there and those lines were made by this so it would go like this you would not believe how many people buy these kits and then they go that didn't work i couldn't get it to work because the guy went like this he put this on first then he put that on that's wrong so you got to play pay play you got to pay close attention see these little things here these are check valves don't go taking little tools jet grills or whatever and go jamming them in these holes because you know what's in there a real tiny piece of this stuff a little tiny piece of that is in there so you see that you go i need to jam something in there that thing probably plug let me jam something in there yeah there's something in there that's what's doing it now you just ruin this part there's a little check valve in there that's why i tell you got to be careful that's why you can't blow a lot of air pressure in there you can blow that out with the compressed air just spray it spray it with some carb spray a little bit and if you are going to blow it with air just blow it real lightly because you'll blow those little check valves right out of there let's put this back together right see so you can see those little lines were all made by the little lines on here so this goes like this and this since it's a fuel pump it's going to go against the machine surface because that's machine you want to sit flat same with this diaphragm see this diaphragm you know you can put the gasket on the wrong side you can put it together like this that's wrong you want to put it like that that's the mistake a lot of people make and then you want to make sure that's moving up and down and then you want to get these tools too wall row and zama make them i know turtle you showed us these before well these are from the new grass rats foot at me see walbro makes one and zama makes one and these are all the different models of the carburetors this is the metering lever gauge you can buy these online so we got an rb so all these models here is for this side so you lay that up there and you want this metering level lever level metering lever to be right at the bottom see so ours is good and if you have to tweak it you tweak it a little bit because that that tells you how much fuel it's going to let in when that diaphragm is pumping that's how this works it's not as simple as just taking it apart and throwing stuff in there you got to check things i tried rebuilding that carpentry it didn't work yeah because you didn't know what you were doing you messed it up you put the gaskets in there wrong upside down backwards or this thing they flip it around the other way and let me show you what else they do they do this they stick this in like that on the ones that are square this one is kind of idiot proof because it only fits in there that one way but the ones that are square you know you can put it in wrong i've seen it i've seen it all that's why after this video i'm i'm gouging my eyes out because i've seen it all i need to see no more gouging them eyeballs right out i heard it all too so i'll probably jam a pencil on my ear i won't be able to hear anymore seen it all hurt it all so i'm going to use this screen over i'm going to spray it a little bit in case there's any any crap in there because we're like fixing it on the fly it's like you know what i gotta fix this today the hedges got to get trimmed i get that time be messing around i got to get this thing going today if i wait another week those hedges will be even taller that's you got to get that thing in there right too you don't want it sticking up so you gotta play with it yeah i keep getting one little corner sticking up that ain't no good nope then you drop it and it went into the fourth dimension so now we're gonna put a new purge bulb on too while we're at it they call it a syringe they call it a syringe and they come in a bag of 10 is how i buy them and there's the part number in case you want 10 of them yeah i want 10 taro i got a bunch of these things with those little bulbs on them well if you got a wall bro carbotrader it's a different size than this one but i have a shop so we go through quite a few of them we're sticking that on we'll stick the screws through kind of hold everything in place oh you know what i forgot to do you forgot some carol there was another screw in there first that's right you're right you caught me so we got to stick this on like this first now there's little those little nubs there will fit in there to hold everything in place for us i forgot there's a screw that goes in there that's right taro i've been watching you you almost made a crucial mistake yeah and another mistake i made is i got to put the right screw in there that's right terrell one of them the head is a little smaller like your head like your little head you're a little peanut head you're a little peanut head carol there's the right screw that went in there now i got my grubby mitts all over it i'm going to just spray that off a little bit lightly and wipe it give it a little spray now we can put this on with the purge ball you just said it was a syringe now you're calling it a purge ball what is it is it a syringe or a bird all right let's stop splitting hairs over the terminology there's some crap on there it's still on there still on there carol crafts show on there all right i blew a little harder that time that's better that's much better is there a torque spec on those screws yeah there's a torch back on them it's called tighten them down now this throttle cable was a little sticky so i kind of wiped all this off and we're going to spray some some lubricant in it some multi-purpose lube oh i'm quiet you're using your gel loop tail because that gel looks a little sticky for this i like to use something a little thinner on these cables i've used the gel lube on it on other cables and it's just a little little sticky that's better for like assembling engines and stuff i mean it works good for other lubricating purposes but something like this i like to use a little lighter lubricant try to get it to work down in there all right so we can stick this back through open this thing wide open like that screwdriver so this little this little device here you know it's got a bigger end on it on one side than the other side the other side's just a slot this side has got the big hole for this to go into so be aware of that i'm going to spray this top down a little bit it seems kind of gummy from all that two-cycle oil and stuff over the years you know how it gets that gumminess on there all right watch out mr cameron oh we're closed and money's calling they must have hung up money hung up on you all right so remember we said we had to remember which hose went where can kind of tell that this one is fatter so that one went there i can tell that one was spread out a little more you can mark them if you get them mixed up you'll know okay i got my fuel lines hooked back up and i'm punching on my purge bulb and we got fuel coming through so now we're going to put our screws in you should replace that gasket carol well i don't have one oh it's kind of weak it's not gonna work you just waste it all your time i'm turning this video off you wasted my time and your time by not replacing that gasket well that gasket's fine it's perfectly good okay we'll see you and your little trickster photographer man tricking us when we know that you should replace that gasket yup just for camera man just over dub the sound of this thing running even though it's not running because we're trickster all right let's see if this thing starts now i had to let it warm up a minute [Applause] hello baby come on come on [Applause] hide a little high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i gotta be careful with this [Music] wow [Applause] all right so remember that little screw i told you about that i am blocked which is right here now we need to open that up give it a good half a turn we may have to set that idle up again now this thing has got a clutch in it those blades are still supposed to stop spinning of course this switch is hard as a carb too let's spray some carb clean around here [Applause] blow it out all right let's see how it runs now [Music] hmm [Music] need to oil these blades [Music] [Music] no [Music] pop the plugs off so the quilt skill switch is broke now there is a way to set these you know you can set these blades attention on them because it works like a um almost like uh setting the valves [Music] on an engine this bolt is threaded in that nut so you loosen that nut and you kind of tighten this up a little bit so you can get that play out of there see there's a little play in there to make it cut better see how this one's real loose right here so you need a couple of ten millimeter wrenches break this one loose and you can turn the bottom one you don't want to over tighten it because then the blades won't move at all so i see the problem here is this isn't the right washer they got these real thin washers on here so somebody didn't put the right washer on here i'll have to get one so now i'll hold it in that position and i'll tighten the thing on the top and not on the top and that locks it see how that washer's spinning so i'll loosen this on the top loosen this nut on the top and i'll turn this now just back it off because we want that washer to move a little bit back it off a little bit and then tighten the nut on the other side up went a little too tight so let me back it off some keep backing it there now it's moving and then you keep tightening it back it up a little more tighten it up here until we get that that washer to move a little it's got to move and that's how you adjust and then i'll show you how to sharpen it all right i got the blades all adjusted now i want to start it up again kill switches is bad i don't know if it's a switch or the wires going to it so i disconnected it this is the wire going right to the coil so i got this little jumper if i touch this to ground it should kill the motor and if it does then this switch is dirty or bad and i'll have to replace it at some point [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me open that carbon crater up a little more all right let's see if it's the switch or something else yeah it should be should be killing it right now and it's not [Music] so i gotta keep popping that so let's find out why it's not dying not killing it and there's another thing i noticed too is this one of these little anti-vibration things is gone i'll have to look that up and get that order this cover is broke this muffler cover i think i'll look up one of them and get a new one but i'm going to pop this cover off here that goes to the coil and find out why we can't shut this thing off because i'm going to use this at home all right let's see what's going on under here oh wires off the coil somebody's been in here monkeying around see what else they did make sure the air gap on the coil is okay is this fitting tight no it's loose knuckleheads oh there's a bunch of grass and debris in there i'm gonna have to blow out of there look at that i'm trimming the hedges so i like to use a pair of side cutters to kind of crimp that you're going to cut that you're going to cut that tail and ruin it stop that why don't you just use some needle nose because that gives a little better bite the side cutters still fit a little loose crimping a little bit more there we go all right look out mr cameraman i'm gonna blow that crap out of there you tell somebody's been in there they oh look at this the kill wire looked like it got pinched that touches ground that's going to create a problem you can put some tape around that i don't have a new wire to put on there right now i could always replace it later so i went upstairs in the parks room my old bedroom for those who know and i got me a new air filter and this is a rotary branded one and there's the number 10759 for some reason they don't go with that 27 dash they only use the back part of it we're going to see how it may run a little different because i know what some reason you're supposed to tune that carburetor carol with the air filter in it it's not going to run right because you did you didn't tune it with the air cleaner on there yeah well i wonder if i would have tuned it with that air cleaner on there probably wouldn't have ran any better either [Music] if it doesn't run right just open the screw a little more if it's running too rich then close the screw up simple as that all right let's see if that uh kill switch is gonna work and see how it runs with an air filter in it [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign wow [Music] [Music] yes so [Music] well i keep having to open it up quite a bit shouldn't have to open it up that much i think it's that screen in the carburetor should have probably replaced it [Music] kill switch [Music] works it's like it's starving for fuel i'm gonna take that screen out and put a new one in there remember that little screen i showed you i think i got something here i got one left i'm gonna i'm gonna take that out and change it and see what happens i can do that without having to take the carburetor all off i can do it right from the bottom where's my little here all right there's another adjustment down in here now if for those of you that remember when i did the backpack the echo backpack blower i had to get in there and adjust that that was on a newer piece of equipment oh here we go with the phone again it's after hours we're closed not get in there to available it but this older one they blocked it off like they did the other side with that plastic plug and you have to use a little teeny tiny screwdriver so you got to do the same thing i heated this screwdriver up the little the little end of it and i stuck it in there and see there's another plug that's keeping you from getting at that other adjustment but you got to have one of these little teeny tiny screwdrivers boy that thing's really stuck on there i let it cool that time that's what you want you want it to stick to it so you got to have one of these little teeny tiny ones now i can get in there and get at that adjustment i just felt the screwdriver click in now i can open that a little i want to give it a little more fuel because it was falling on its face on high speed let's see how it runs now kick that fan on again so we don't die [Music] my [Music] hmm [Music] it's just a matter of playing with all them adjustments another thing is it might not have enough gas in it still yeah i didn't put enough gas in it i don't think so since i played with that idle and i had to give it some more gas ricking it up i need to turn the idle back up [Music] all right so now we got it running good so you learned a couple things where they're hiding those perpetrator adjustments so the last thing i want to go over is sharpening it this will just take a minute don't miss the camera man you got to get over here so i can show the grass rats how to sharpen this and i use a wizard wheel so on these you know this is this is what does the cutting here so you have to get the blades forward in this position to do this side and i just take a wizard wheel and i can do these because i use this part of the wheel and i use a thick wheel i like to use a thick one and you just try to follow that angle that's already on there and you can feel that it's sharp you just do every one or you can buy new blades but [Music] these are pretty dull and you can feel when it gets sharp this edge this tip is real dull so you may have to take a lot off you're not going to hurt anything just a stupid head screw so you got to go along and do every one of them on this side and then you got to do this side too see this side's got cutting edges on it too see you just feel it and you'll feel the shower it burn you i can feel that this edge wasn't sharp right here on every one of them it goes pretty quick but there's a lot a lot of them to do so then once you get all them done then you got to flip it over again and then you got to get it so you can do the other side because remember we did this side so now we got to get it to go to that side so you're going to have to start it to do that or you can get it in this position here if you get in that position you can probably just that's kind of tricky because you don't want to you don't want to hit the other one [Music] until you get all them edges nice and sharp so you got to do this side this side this side and this side so i still have more work to do on this like i said i need to uh i need to get the proper washer for here because that's not the right one somebody put that in there i need to get one of these my brother farrell's probably got a whole bunch of these he works on a lot of this stuff i need to get this cover that's broke because i don't want that muffin to be burning me and i know you're saying terrell terrell it's leaking gas why is it leaking gas it's leaking gas because this is the tank vent this is what vents the fuel tank there's a little vent in here see that's the tank vent that's what you see leaking because there's no vent in the cab so when i had it flipped upside down to sharpen it you know and i'm shooting sparks so if you're doing this you need to empty the tank empty the fuel tank on yours because you don't want to start a fire so when you flip it over you don't have a bunch of gas laying around and then the next thing you're starting on fire but i'll get this sharpened up see all that fuel that's coming out that's coming out of that tank vent so yeah safety first and here we are well you didn't have to taro you're a knucklehead yeah i got a fire extinguisher and a hose right by ain't like i ain't been on fire before so what do we got into it air filter diaphragm tank filter i'll put a new plug in it uh we fixed the kill switch i got to get this this anti-vibe buffer or we put a purge bulb in it i got to order that part order this cover and get me that washer and then i'll finish uh sharpening it up and i'll have me a good little little hedge trimmer that'll be all nice and sharp and ready to go so we got this uh this turd running and somewhat polished polishes turd a little bit so subscribe to this youtube channel terrafix is all this is me terrell crazy guy grinding on the hedge trimmer blades when gas was leaking out of it and throwing sparks that wasn't very smart of me i'm sorry i shouldn't have done that subscribe to this youtube channel follow me with your head trimmers but don't don't cut me with them on facebook and instagram go to our web store buy some tarot apparel we got all kinds of stuff there we got tools we got other things check it out and as always there's your dinner got the echo you learned some things like hidden uh carpentrator adjustments that's for you that's my dinner coming back up [Music] look you jerk you already ruined my lunch so just leave me alone i'm already all locked in the shop here anyway so you couldn't get to me even if you wanted to you forgot to lock the back door too late i'm in the shop watch out there's a ghost face kill on the loose he's already got slippers what are you talking about junior there's nobody in here but you and me telling you huh there's a guy calling here harassing me he's got a ghost mask on and he ate my lunch that sounds like crazy talk well i'm here now junior so he ain't got nothing to worry about it was you it was you that ate all our lunches no dude i found this on the seat of that customer's bowler i just went to pick up i was gonna use this mask to scare slippers i don't know if i believe you paw seems a little bit too close of a coincidence you've been taking these halloween pranks a little too far [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you're mine now junior before you kill me at least tell me who you are i want to know who ate my lunch i don't think you can handle it but i guess it's only fair it was only me elk skins what elk skins you mean it was you the entire time yeah we were just messing with you junior and we got you good got you good didn't we junior bet you didn't see that coming gotcha junior happy halloween huh thank goodness it was all a prank so does that mean you didn't actually eat my beef sandwich no i ate it [Music] and it was good yeah happy halloween i'm telling you pie that will gasket go
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 113,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taryl fixes all, grass rats, garage, taryl, fixes, all, grass, rats, scream jr, scream, echo, Echo, brand, model, weed, trimmer, hedge, edger, 2 stroke, 2 cycle, little, mini, carb, carburetor, gasket, diaphragm, kit, kits, GND, RB, rb, gnd, stens, rotary, oil, gas, mix, secret, adjustment, adjustments, troubleshooting, troubleshoot, won't start, won't run, get, running, run, bad, runs, won't, start, stay, dies, walbro, zama, aftermarket, chinese, china, diy, DIY, how, to, rebuild, install, fix, repair, tutorial, instructional, step, by, walk, through
Id: fYureYmPpiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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