Trixie and Katya moments that NEED JESUS (the shequel)

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it's like oh my stomach did you hear that did you hear that maybe i should bite something give me your heart oh i have been with the guy with that mustache though and it's called handlebars because mama held on for dear life some individuals don't have a gender-based orientation see that's me in the middle that's that is my body doesn't know its age or gender that is literally you i like the science of sex do you know about sex do you really know about science if i pulled down my thong panty and said find the clitoris would you be able to do it not on you no but on the you know yeah there was a straight guy um who used to show us his hole nobody asked for that i'm so tired i mean i am judging them and i have been peed on so i guess i need to like yeah but that's different i would always want to read but would never like actually take the time to do it bring the constitution bring the bible these tastes like soap that might be fakesis some of these are fake are you eating a fake one [Music] if i was on the trapping block i'd whip out my dick i'd take a ballpoint pen and i'd write don't pick me on my dick hold it out don't pick me i really need to stop looking and putting so much where's that over there i say t scores i credit my psychosocial development to being raised on horror films is this not the poster child of a person who is fine i think so but i think mama look at the material look at the material i do want to read your fortune i've got some human teeth here oh no you're gonna have your period about 10 minutes i've often joked about like spreading my seed and just kind of rolling the dice of my genetic build with different women and races around the world yeah i'm [ __ ] sick of it i was so scared i literally want to stop myself i want to douse myself in gasoline i want to set myself on fire i'm going to run like careening through that beachfront paradise hey man on average have more older brothers than straight men do you know about that i have an older brother okay if you're second third fourth born you're like exponentially more likely to be gay get into it i have an older brother but he ain't gay because i'm telling you how come you can be a respected drag queen have to do it all yourself but you can go home first on the voice and get [ __ ] a makeup artist stuff all over for six years thank you hey mom have some kind of gay talking going on the whole hallway smells like [ __ ] sharks oh that's an airplane oh it's mild and the plane goes straight up the ass and no it's not a shark you [ __ ] blind oh shark in the [ __ ] okay deepsea diving mama born in the game jaws circle i would like to start a group chat with the girls only i would like to call it the skinny queens let me get this together today because this day is the best thing that's ever happened to me you guys are the best do you ever kick both legs you ever do two kicks at once okay can you green screen floating do you see a green screen but no they can't green screen back in boston i was in line at dunkin donuts to get an iced coffee and i was in back of a construction worker and he had the fattest ass i've ever seen in my life in real life in person i started having full body reaction almost like uh allergic in a good way i started getting flushed where'd you bury the body where did you bury the body immediately the family wants to know they just need closure mama relatable yeah me every time i have a little too much a little too much little too i don't even know what i was gonna say i don't even know what i was gonna say it doesn't matter do you think that's supposed to be paul yes of course it is look at that forehead i know that's what i'm saying it's amazing more makeup than they do here as a nation [Music] but we're a little more dramatic when our julie falls off nobody move i got a little present for you is that molasses on your sheets wow i'm sorry i saw a video of a car on the highway and a girl with her legs out the window in the passenger seat i saw this too and i just sent it to me the world is lucky i don't have a [ __ ] because that'd be me do you know that i used to pee in the sink i did know this because once i had to i was rushing to the bathroom once and my i was undoing my garments as i was running kind of like i was in a romantic age or anything yes they do yes they do because it was an accident so as soon as i crossed the threshold of the bathroom my urine left my body and my tingling was right above the sink so i just let it happen there and he's going to joust her [ __ ] but you can't get pregnant through a forged steel were you scared first time you kissed a boy i mean looking back it was not like like most gay people i don't think my first kiss was like optimal safety optimal like if my body goes missing will people know where i am were you were you turning tricks in the truck they were this close to calling this circle jerk i would like to be perceived as a real ass [ __ ] in a fake ass world well that's not how we perceive you glenn you need a 45-minute nap to process that guess where i met the kool-aid man i had a mixer what if i went like this and just just just allowed us the darkest part it is blood blood part a blood part come on a blood fart come on trashy new york hot he doesn't shave his [ __ ] i know he threw a wicker basket and i'm completely fine with it and what it's easter every day when people first meet me they are like girl you're so confident where do you get it from i said honey it's called confidence confidence i have to fight you now oh my god this is what i would do with that guy's piss serve it up tea service honey tea service i would say is this your piss oh oh this is your piss i got his piss [Music] wow that's some really good piss thank you yeah that literally is like the guy who taught my like social studies classes in high school he told me um being gay was illegal and when i looked it up i said no it isn't he went it should be yeah nothing under any christmas tree love i want to bone that dad though oh with the kid yeah i mean not with the cat with the kids not with the kids you know when the guy has a kid yes that hot potent dad nut you know it works functional all i want for christmas is genuine human contact she's like you should smell the yuletide bread i'm cooking in this oven bacon bread don't you if i ever had a [ __ ] i would never say i was baking bread that is so not it they want to watch the bone collector like that is what three people jerk off to the woman is like like i know it's like sbu yeah it's [Music] center it's not herpes all the way up there are you rolling three of the most searched terms are mom stepmom and milk i find it funny that stepmom is hotter than mom i just if i take your clothes off do you look like your father it gets very that i have done sexual things on the brooklyn bridge nice bridge sex just about to jump until somebody came up and flashed me that's trade leaving your house oh god yeah yeah except knowing you you don't chase them out you're like you're good yeah bye [Music] yay that's me opening up my craigslist what was that voice he did yeah and that's coming from us and also he was like this yeah yeah i love that if i was going to be a cantankerous [ __ ] what i'd like to say is ding dong what are these oh my god oh my god okay oh my god oh my god the next time i'm getting [ __ ] you like that baby i'll be like ding dong this is a man that is gross you're not just about to become the queen of montenarro he says queen in my heart i'll kill myself you've also become the queen of my heart he said it he said it he said queen of my heart found me out so i just send him packing if they meet at the airport i'm gonna throw up i'm guessing he's on his way to the airport did you see that oh that was true if they show that model looking at the camera one more time i'm going to flip this table [Music] 30 seconds first kid i ever met who's a top wow what kind of what kind of what kind of program maybe that's why you're not good at anal sex because you poop so fast it's not used to a lot of traffic now rupaul says what's this now someone help me i've never used a mac is this a mac is this the apple do you guys have apple did you guys have a wall you want to see me checking it out because she won the hunger games spoiler alert here was living in germany at the time we didn't call it santa we called it yes in the classroom we believed in it very much you know why i believed in it because it was an old man who wore only red who lived on my block and every year he would take one of the children make fun of my goddamn you know what color this is called from the paint store baby girl i think that's pretty accurate john's a muscled up bully kind of guy [ __ ] the hard ones but the hard ones i'm going to take my [ __ ] and slide it in between those teeth so fast last porn site that i subscribed to i want to say the names just say i've recently canceled this subscription to dot com and anyways like is being as in heavy anyways this woman who literally should be given like a purple heart or something she i think do your ariana grande impersonation it's so hard okay okay and you're not hearing no anyone you know and you know what you're fine mama oh lipstick teeth no no spinach we got some chicken [ __ ] in her mouth my first time having a salad i would have my legs uncrossed purposely because i wanted to do this but i didn't because it's gay kid yeah straight kid totally she has full eyebrows and just perfect skin the only problem she has is going to school and not coming home pregnant every single day she's probably walking on the hallways and guys are just like ah and just at her feet just gallons gallons of high school c just slip and slide right down to third period i said skinny pop white cheddar what i got was varying types of kettle corn that is delicious this piss is delicious pop off cis have you been heckled like really well they're always asking me to take my top off um oh sorry no moisturizer and i'm allergic to foundation no cut the camera's dead ass i'm allergic to foundation why are you here why are you a model i would have dead ass got in her face and said it looks like you're gonna have a really bad rash tomorrow because i'm about to dip you in full coverage liquid and you need to just shut the [ __ ] up because i'm here to win the first child jinx has seen in years ruby girl there are burgers at the bar are you hungry i am what is this miss hannigan i know she we have a lip balm it was a place where all these misfits could come together and be with the king of misfits seriously go on get out there get faster and jump in front of her please sorry fatty [Music] now what's the difference between a lion and a tiger well a lion is like and the tiger's like perfect yeah that's what i need to know they make it look like those little alexas they're just gonna gas the place well david it's gonna be hard for you to get erect when you have co2 going into your airways in the middle of the night good night this is fierce she's about to pick her nose what am i doing what am i doing and if you slow it down the biggest [ __ ] fat comes out of that cave are you serious no i'm just kidding oh my god totally believe you should get like a haircut are you frozen no i thought you're frozen finally doing a space walk they got the umbilical cord and all that by the way did you know with babies the umbilical cord is not a food tube it's just blood it's like a vein mama i've got some terrible news i got a brain tumor three weeks to live just kidding i'm only gay [Music] are you proposing proposing something it's the key to the locker at the bath house it's an everlasting gobstopper you can suck it and suck it suck it never get any smaller oh my god does anybody else want to [ __ ] with me today i flicked my bean and this for three hours last night flicked your beans my shirt little brown red irritated i caught it that little acorn all night honey me at the liquor store when they close at 801. yeah may i have some more we don't have that available in brazil we can't do anything reckless somebody would be like just starting to flick their tongue on my pistol and someone would be like trixie diva and then i would have to like duck walk out of the steve yes and it's just like we don't have that available to us she'll bite you you're not healthy right now should we call her nibbles you're hurting her my bracelet in your hotel room last night first guy i was with seven years older than me my mom found out oh she wasn't gonna send my brother to jail when i looked at the one word fantasy description begging please sir it's not sexy i changed for a dollar cloud and the first time i did this without your hand what is it it's a human turn oh yeah okay i'm very into rupaul chasing a kid get out of my apartment [ __ ] you walk out there and punch that little girl straight between the eyes no i take them both heads boom what [Music] talk about your lashes right now i wear about 10 pairs on the top and about two pairs on the bottom what is that 12 pairs and two two each there's 24 strips of hair on my face right now and that's why everyone wants to what now did you see me i was acting acting is reacting that's why she left the room she saw you and reacted she was like no thank you i just have a call to action here we actually got to do season one of glow up and sorry to this man sorry you became an overnight celebrity when i was on tour people were coming to my meet and greets dressed as this person he's probably doing bookings pride events at this point we don't even know his name that's how famous he is she is totally in out of her mind [Music] that's how you eat i wouldn't even get in the opportunity to do a self tape because penis penis skin taped my leg you tape it to your leg yeah yeah i do yeah who had fantasized about being forced to have sex at least once so it's me being in a position where i'm being pursued and i don't want to be honey go to dragcon i'm so over it after i come i'm like was i even gay when this started like i don't even care that you're here like that's wrong i'm sure by the way sharon he's so hot sharon sharon what are we talking to sharon james is open to interpretation you could just say i won totally you lost that dance battle um it's really damaging when you say that that's how everybody sees that performance i was crying in the bathtub with burger king close your eyes i could never be an actor because look at me ready you'd be like close your eyes look at my eyes i can't even tell if they're open hi oh it's the sex police alexa alexa chop off my dick buildings in 15 minutes i remember seeing him on telemundo really i mean you know flipping through the channels i didn't speak spanish i just quickly jerk off and keep going shut the [ __ ] up see my butt okay um is justin made of wax looks like a bell he said hair one hand bangs to the skin they're all like individually straightened it takes part in the morning tweezers gonna do my hair i'm very gay and that i don't like gross stuff except for all the gross things i say all the time all the time literally it's only fine if it comes from my mouth or goes in it where'd you get such a thing gucci really no a sauce yeah yeah oh for loin at the trains you ever been gagged at the train station ball gagged yes who would scream when the teacher turned the lights out i hope every girl whoever screamed when the don't worry i'm a dry queen there's no dignity to begin with i have literally like four or five extra sets of human teachers laying around in my apartment i would love to fling myself from the castle i would love to see it i'm gonna teach each other something put your dirty pillows away oh my god did you [ __ ] yourself i just shoved a canelabra up my pooper i used to date a bisexual in college and he gave me crabs and we stayed together but then it got weird show
Channel: Ratapus
Views: 5,588,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trixie and katya moments, trixie and katya funny moments, trixie and katya best moments, unhhhh compilation, trixie mattel best moments, katya best moments
Id: 00cmt4vFZNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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