Tristan Tate on how to get Women! TIPS #tristantate

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what about giving us some tips three tips on getting good with women oh I can do this all day well then I I I flew out here I've got all day right easy one there are no tips if women don't like you it's your fault and they don't like you I am sick of dating coaches trying to give tips to get women oh well if you make this kind of joke or if you first insult her subtly and then say something it increases her ego level of no no no I don't try to get women and that's the only tip I can give you but here are the tips one work super hard every day two train super hard every day and be in shape three make sure your hair looks all right your beard looks okay don't walk around looking scruffy take showers basic stuff live in a nice house have a fun lifestyle all the tenants of hard work it's funny actually the way that God works and the way the universe works all the tenants of hard work that I preach that makes men better men if you took woman out women out of the equation it would still be true but when women are in the equation then you don't need tips you don't need tips you're in great shape you got a six-pack you're worth $10 million you look smart you look sharp you showered that morning you've read a lot of uh books a lot of literature you've listened to a lot of audio books watched a lot of documentaries you got interesting things to say all the things that builds a great man but these are these are tips and this isn't taught in school so these are tips well the tip is if you need tips then you're not living life right no yes but every winner was once a beginner yes in the sense that there's many people who don't know this yet and you do and they're willing and they want to learn so if you want women I can't teach you but I can teach you how to be the type of man that women want and when you get the same thing well maybe maybe it is it's just yeah it is is the same thing I think what you're saying is no gimmicky tips what you're saying is cuz I think to get rich it's not just about learning secret tips to get rich you have to become wealth yes and exact you know when you become what you want to be you get it yes you know I believe you don't get what you want you get what you are that's a very good way of putting it yeah and so I think what you're saying is become the man the woman wants yeah as opposed to saying you know gain them can I in my current circumstances so I play Playstation all day I live at my mother's house I'm 35 I'm the same Tristan T I've never worked out though I'm really skinny I got no muscles maybe a big maybe a beer belly I eat bad food you know I haven't got any nice clothes um how does that guy get women he is me what tips do I give him there are no tips there are become this version of you that is tip yeah I guess it is I guess it is but I are you just a bit worried about coming across like those two give tips well yeah absolutely because I don't like to give dating advice in that way thank you very much I don't like to give dating advice in that way because I'm like if women don't want you I can't teach you anything because I've got it on easy mode because I've done all the hard work I've done all the hard work of getting rich staying in shape learning things becoming articulate knowing how to speak developing a sense of humor all the having a fun lifestyle all the hard things I've done mean I now play the women game on easy mode if I had Instagram which I don't if I activ because you got canel you I got canceled now I don't I won't make a new page there a bunch of fan accounts of me but I don't have Instagram if I did I'd just sit and look at the Inbox and 40 50 women would write me every single day and I could take my pick now those aren't the type of women you want to marry but like I said earlier I mean they're good for what they're good for and I could go and find a wife I could go to the library approach the beautiful girl talk to her a little bit and she'd be on my arm so I've done all the hard work so now I'm in Easy Mode so if you haven't done any of the hard work I can't tell you how I get women because I just do I just do and they just don't but you did you having this conversation you did you said work on your sense of humor work on articulation work on your intellect work on your body so you did well yeah I did I did but then but then but those aren't the tips that people want when a fat out shake you don't teach what people want do teach what they need need to hear so when a fat Out Shake dude lives with his mom and plays video games says he interested to give me some tips on how to get women he's not expecting me to say change your entire lifestyle work hard for seven years and then the women will come easy he doesn't want that what he wants is a magic spell something you could say to them to trick them brainwash them make them fall in love with you doesn't exist doesn't exist women are their own people and they like what they like and um men like what they like and
Channel: HighFlyBirdy
Views: 9,476
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Keywords: Tristan Tate, Tristan Tate reaction, Tristan Tate video, Tristan Tate interview, Tristan Tate podcast, Tristan Tate on women, Tate, Tate ban, Tate speech, Tate speaks, Andrew Tate, TOP G, Top G, Andrew Tate ban, Andrew Tate speech, Andrew Tate advice, Tristan Tate advice, Tristan Tate war room, Tristan Tate emergency meeting, the real world, matrix, matrix escape, Andrew Tate quotes, Tristan Tate quotes, Cobra mind
Id: 7gkOH4AyVhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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