Andrew Tate on Music Industry #andrewtate

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you know like I'm I'm against the music industry as a whole I'm I'm very convinced the music industry is a perfect example of how to control morons like I I sit there and I see Rihanna and she's got the best life ever and she's richest [ __ ] it's like how does she even play an instrument probably not does she write the music no like it's all produced for her and they bring her in the room and they say okay we're gonna make a whole bunch of money here here's your lyrics and she says work work work work work like what the [ __ ] is this how you become like it's it's crazy is kind of sold to people is this and they'll play it on the radio so many times Everyone likes it regardless and then people will buy it and then she'll go do a concert and there'll be people in that crowd like she's Jesus and I'm just sitting there thinking that's the I've never been to a concert in my life but I'm just like what [ __ ] she doesn't even play an instrument like what the [ __ ] is it you can listen on YouTube for free like if the world lost his mind but this is the world and like you said no one gives a [ __ ] about the important stuff everyone's concerned with this absolute garbage and and and this is it's a big tapestry it's a web but you know for the same reason you external your problems is the same reason you idolize someone else or externalize your your happiness sources I was on a I eat alone quite often because I travel the world all the time for about the last two years I've barely even had a house I've been all over the place okay so I was eating in a restaurant of my own and I heard a guy and a girl in there on a date and I was just sitting there listening about an hour just listening just chilling listen on my phone whatever and uh they were talking for an hour and everything they spoke about as they got to know each other was the absolute achievements of other people well I like this band oh I like that band too or have you ever been here like everything they talked about nothing was I've done this or I want to do this it was have you seen this movie what do you think of this or do you and it was just everything everyone else has done and it's amazing that if you were to make a movie about that person's life they're not even the main character in their own [ __ ] life they're just the consumer of everyone else's achievements and this is how people are going through the world nowadays and they're wondering why they're unhappy well if you're externalizing your happiness to some football team who doesn't even know you exist you know they have to win for you to be happy like if you can externalize everything and have no self-control and just be a feather in the win well then life's going to kick your ass and you're going to end up a [ __ ] muncher and and you that's where you're going to end up so tough
Channel: HighFlyBirdy
Views: 91,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate reaction, Andrew Tate interview, Andrew Tate speech, Andrew Tate mindset, Andrew Tate advice, Andrew Tate on music, music, music industry, Tate speech, Tate ban, Andrew Tate ban, Free TOP G, Top G, the real world, Andrew Tate podcast, Andrew Tate talks about music, Matrix, Matrix escape, Andrew Tate being funny, Andrew Tate quotes, Cobra mind
Id: 2DnLEFH8Stc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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