Lilly Singh's Book is Pretty Awful

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hey everyone please don't mind that I'm not on camera today it's just sometimes I don't really feel it for seeing people or having people see me and I just kind of want to cocoon in a blanket in the ice-cream but I have put off filming this video Florina so this is my compromise I'm like a ghostly voice without a face and if you're new here you're not gonna know what I look like oh yeah I can't be that much for shock my face is always everywhere the rest of the time this must be a nice break for you anyway in my search to review youtuber books I came across like a boss a title which I am far too nerdy to pronounce properly and also English it's a book written by Lilly Singh who also goes by superwoman I think on YouTube and it's a book which she describes as a guide to conquering life which you know is something that I think we'd all like to know how to do so universal appeal right there great stuff now for some background I don't know much about Lilly Singh I've seen a few of her videos here and there I think I've sat down and watch one the whole way through and because I just know I personally didn't find them funny or entertaining but maybe I'm just not her target audience you know I'm probably a bit too old and too English and just generally not really cool enough I admit that that's cool I'm used to it I think the first time she ever really popped my radar was when she was complaining that sexism was the reason she wasn't earning as much on youtuber some men which is ridiculous and by not earning as much as some men I mean she just wasn't in like the top ten highest earning youtubers or something she's still making literally millions she admits that in her book it's just apparently they weren't quite enough millions for her which you know was someone who scrapes together to pay the rent every month and I rubs me the wrong way but yeah this whole thing she like kicked her first about oh you've joined a pig up on YouTube and you ramier and you know me I call myself a feminist I'm all about equality and I have mixed feelings about the gender pay gap argument in general you know while it's true it definitely exists in some industries especially among women over 35-ish it's not a straightforward as a lot of sjw types would like you to believe for something the UK female university graduates under around 28 often actually earn more than men of the same age with the same education however as the age group we're looking at gets older there slowly shifts until men are earning considerably more than women in those same positions I did a whole essay about this at uni and why the potential reasons for this might be isn't because women have taken time out to have kids so they kind of lose that wage progression and is it because women if those ages are on the whole less assertive when asking for certain salary or pay rise or whatever is it because of sexist bosses is it something else and I did a whole I say about it I'll actually try and find it out if anyone's interested in reading it and I'll pop it on patreon and then there's other things as well you know you have to consider the data for unskilled labour semi skilled labour and so on and that's just in the UK it's different in every single country it's a very very complicated issue that in no way boils down to simply the world's sexist and you pay me less because I'm a woman it's not that simple at all and while is something that I think we need to discuss and work on it's not as simple as women like Lilly like to make out that aside little bit sidetracked there one thing I love about YouTube is that it is based on equality of opportunity if not equality of outcome yes and how does the algorithm screws you over for a while but that's nothing personal it's just an issue that we have to deal with when we're relying on imperfect algorithms and every algorithm is imperfect so what are you gonna do other than that everyone has the exact same tools at their disposal and the same rules for getting paid haiman is merit-based and has nothing to do with your gender or your race your age anything else I'm not saying YouTube's methods to pain their creators is perfect it's not by any means but the problem definitely isn't rooted in sexism no one person sits there and says oh they get an X amount of money they're getting Y amount of money oh they have a vagina let's take a bit of money out of their paycheck and give it to this man that's ridiculous and so I found Lily's complete stupid and childish and you know it's like a kid with four ponies throwing a fit cuz some other child comes he's like can I pet one and she's like no they're mine and reserve them odd give me another pony I don't know why I'm doing that voice I'm sorry the next time she popped up on my radar was when commentary channels started mocking her for being part of the loud equals funny community and then more recently she kind of popped into my life and my YouTube feed for her awful OneNote late-night comedy show which I'm sure you've all heard and seen about know seen and heard about there we go so with all this in mind I picked up her book because you know we've done Gabby Hanna we've done Trisha Paytas we are making our way through youtuber books and don't you guys worry Lele pons is next with her semi autobiographical novel about high school and it is as bad as you would imagine but before then Lily thing you might be surprised to hear this but I actually had quite high hopes for this book because for one thing this is not tuned to for her to explain her thoughts at length in detail with the help of an editor so maybe I thought she'd come across as more reasonable logical rational and interesting than just her reactionary tweets and secondly I didn't think you could translate loud equals funny into text so I figured we'd see a different more mature more wealth or outside to her humor really high hopes of quite looking forward to it but I was wrong even the first page of the book opens with her literally screaming at the reader I have never felt more intimidated opening a book before and I've read nearly all of this bad boy not joking great book look I'm a simple nerdy girl if I want to be yelled at and intimidated I'll go back to school but let's put on my big girl pants and have a read holy crap I wrote a book wait let me back up here hi my name is Lily and holy crap I wrote a book if you're reading this I'm assuming it's for one of three reasons one you are familiar with my youtube videos and also know me a superwoman not so much also I find it really hard to do like shouting bits here the bits in all caps because it just keeps like bloom on my couch and my little like audio thing it's like yeah I don't do that now anyway if so thanks for supporting me outside of the digital space and allowing me to come through your screen into your home like that terrifying lady from the ring come to think of it we have similar hair so I apologize in advance for that terribly accurate comparison 7 days JK I'm chill I know this is her time to a joke but reading this makes me feel like I'm having a conversation at a party with someone who's had a bit too much vodka despite only being 8:30 and she's talking in your face just a bit too loudly and a bit too quickly because she thinks she is the life and soul of the party if she went home no I'll be having a good time right she is the key to this night and she's gonna be in your face about it and you're just standing there politely some Island nodding while she makes you feel like crap and intimidates you and kind of scares you a bit and you're just waiting for the moment you can turn around and drain your white wine and go crying to lose what you mean too specific we've all been there too you're a parent and found this in your child's bedroom and you're curious you're also nosey and want to ensure that this book isn't filled with the filth that will corrupt your baby's brain hi there I can assure you this book is family-friendly with a healthy hint of sass yeah family friendly which is why one of her chapters opens with the suppose a joke in sex education class I learnt that when a man and woman have intercourse the woman can become impregnated and carry a child in her belly for nine months me on the other hand I have many kids but I didn't have intercourse to create them I just have the kids with none of the action that's why I drink vodka on Tuesdays it's funny because as a woman your self-worth is tied to whether a man wants to pay his peepee in you and when he doesn't you turn to alcohol isn't that funny and relatable are you young impressionable children in Lily's audience three you have no idea who I am or you vaguely heard of me that's completely fine maybe you're a total stranger who just wants to know how to be a boss or maybe you're looking to add some diversity into your life oh there we go this is me got it okay except the last point Lily seems like this like weird warped view that people collect different races of people in their life like Pokemon you know like gotta catch em all I mean call me old-fashioned but I like to choose my friends and the influencers in my life based on how much I like the most people their interests what I can learn from them how much fun we have together not their skin color that I couldn't care less about and trust me when you start viewing people as individuals and just caricatures based on their skin color or whatever other appearance thing you want pick up on you genuinely end up with a much more rewarding and diverse group of people in your life then just going around saying Oh need one of them lily goes on for those of you who aren't familiar with me I'm best known for creating uplifting comedic videos on YouTube amongst other things and the holder of a psychology degree an activist gender equality and occasional rapper assist at a unicorn and now an author so call Z's decent start not Unicom bit that's kind of cringe II but the rest decent good to know she's actually a pretty well-rounded person with a lot of skills uh she write what's a boss i I'm just I can't pronounce that okay I'm too English I'm just gonna say boss from now on all right what's a boss you ask great question a boss is like a boss Oh a boss is like a boss but so epic that I had to change the spelling unlike a boss who is defined as such only within the workplace a boss I know screw it I'm going back to boss a bosses and a boss is someone who excels in both personal and professional settings a boss exudes confidence turns heads gets hurt efficiently communicates effectively and hustles relentlessly my hope is that this book will unleash your inner boss and give you the tools necessary not only to survive life but to conquer it so I hate the word hustle but that aside cool it's a fairly generic self-help book with more like cool kid language so yeah okay I can see it being a bit crunchy but fairly decent influence on young people don't hate it so far she goes on to say I'm not an expert and I'm not claiming to be one however I've had some truly unique experiences that have taught me valuable lessons I'm writing this book for the same reason I started making YouTube videos because I want to be a positive light in this world damn yeah I can respect that that's awesome brilliant this book isn't merchandise or a checkmark on my to-do list it's so much more than that the first section is titled rules for reading this book and actually start to think it wasn't so bad she's like think of these as guidelines not strict rules don't go into learning something new being all defensive haven't open mind okay mad at yourself I'm sorry you're thinking yeah damn this is actually really reasonable advice maybe this is gonna turn into a really positive review and then she goes and ruins it she just falls every reasonable point up with unnecessary screaming and I know that sounds weird screaming in a book but just just look at this all right here we go start stretching is about get real cue rocky theme song are you ready please proceed to beat your chest with determination this is the moment would be great if you could clench your fists in preparation the time is now initiate heavy breathing bonus points if you squint 3 maybe jump little - roaring noises are encouraged 1 here we go it's time to be a boss you know how sometimes books can get you all excited and hyped up and ready to learn you're like yeah this is amazing this isn't one of them this makes me tired and confused and leaves me with a little headache if be in my chest and roaring is what it takes to be a boss I think I'm probably better suited to being a plain old boss part 1 of this book it's what if it is like four parts it's called master your mind and it opens with the foot of lowly totally 100% legit playing Nintendo 64 you know it's a candid photo not posed all this is how I always play games and then there's this really cringey intro where she just grabs herself playing Mario she's trying to be funny there's it's like metaphor in there about life being like a video game but honestly it just feels both unoriginal and like it was written by someone who doesn't actually play games very often if all it feels more like a trying to relate to the kids thing rather than actually having some personal or meaningful thing to say like it's ad knows a weird place to start the book I don't hate the message but I think it's a weird choice with metaphor it doesn't seem suited to Lily it remains slightly undeveloped and yeah like so in the summer at the end she says if you have played a video game then loss because you realize you're looking at the wrong part of the screen the whole time you confused as to why your controller wasn't working but really you just try and control the wrong character that's what trying to control people is like in real life we're often so fixated on getting people to behave in accordance with what we want that we forget to focus on ourselves the best way to stop people from pushing your buttons is to start pushing your own a plus y plus C left joystick I think it would be better if she made a reference to people being like NPCs and who you know you can interact with but you can't control or you know she wants to go with AI this like looking at the wrong part of the screen thing she could have made a reference to like playing this split screen and you're looking to the place after spree by mistake which i think is kind of what she was getting at but even then like she didn't explain it well and it's kind of outdated in gaming there's not a huge amount of split-screen games like that anymore barely any are when we're talking about multiplayer so again it just kind of feels like she doesn't know games it feels like she's put in this analogy and purely for kids to relate to and only for that reason not because it actually means anything to her not because she actually likes games it all just felt kind of disingenuous and kind of fell flat her actual personal story in this chapter in this section is about being in a dance troupe before starting YouTube and that felt a lot more real and a lot more genuine and I wish she'd focused a lot more on that instead of this weird gaming analogy that doesn't really work for her and you know what the really annoying thing is she tells literally this exact same story a bit later on in the book but I talk about Mario she's talking about Mario Kart and you're literally just sat there thinking wait haven't I read this before just because it's like 100 pages later doesn't mean you can repeat the same thing just kind of weird to be honest next up there are some surprisingly useful sections about stuff like dealing with hate online and it works because it's genuine advice you know she shares her genuine experience and yeah there's a few cringy jokes in there that are a bit like oh did we need them but she doesn't over crowd it with awkward pop-culture references for no reason and yeah I don't know it feels real it feels personal it kind of works it's fairly good and while I'm not the target audience I can see it actually been useful to young people but then a few sections later she just reverts back to her bad habits and where she could have a potentially really interesting discussion she ruins it by making some terrible Game of Thrones reference and some awful jokes just to try and seem relatable and cool so basically the premise of this section is that it can be good to share some stuff with people but you shouldn't share everything because that makes you vulnerable and now this is something I actually think about hell of a lot and I've discussed it with a lot of people I've spoken out in videos before and a couple of weeks back I have like the absolute privilege of discussing this exact topic with one my favorite musicians of all time who I like after being a fan of him like the last eight years I actually got to spend some time with him a bit and it it was amazing and we were like texting I said to him like you put so much of yourself into your lyrics and your songwriting and that's amazing because you take a song like freak and when he came out last year I was going through some stuff and it helped me through some really tough times it made me feel so much less alone to know that someone else especially someone who I looked up to and respected so much knew how I was feeling and wasn't afraid to express that and kind of show it to the world and like I said this to him but I was like how the hell did you do that without making yourself too vulnerable and he gave me this great advice about using art to heal yourself but still protecting your heart at the same time and it was just it was amazing to speak to someone who gets it and who could kind of like give me as amazing advice and I'm rambling but like when you're a public figure like this and I'm talking kind of more about Charles here than me and because you know I'm not half as well-known as he is but it's difficult to know how much of yourself to put out there you want to be real and genuine and honest and you want to create things you're proud of and that you put your heart into but you don't want to leave yourself too open you don't wanna make yourself too vulnerable finding that balance is very very hard and if you get it wrong the stakes are so high and it can be terrifying you know when I opened up about struggling with like self-harm and stuff so many of you guys have shared your stories with me since I think it's helped all of us feel so much less alone but when you look at someone like Kent Hovind he latched on to what heaps does a weakness in me and used it to try and push his agenda when he thought I was vulnerable and if I hadn't had such an amazing support network around me of you guys and my friends I yeah I don't know I don't know what effect that would have had on me so you've got to be careful with people like that I guess what I'm saying is it's a really really important topic with a lot to potentially be discussed and Lily undermines it all with this really awkward Game of Thrones reference and not even a good or relevant one at that just one where she's trying to be cool and like be like oh the kids look at this you'd be mute now Game of Thrones and as you guys probably know I'm a big fan of the TV series and I haven't read all the books yet but I make my way through them Game of Thrones has a lot of secrets and lies and people hiding things and other people opening up about things and so on and there's so many examples she could have given here of you know so-and-so kept this to themselves because it gave them this strength or whatever instead she decided to go with the first season of Game of Thrones and Daenerys apparently hiding quite how powerful she was throughout that first season until the end of it and she summarizes it with long story short if you're selectively secretive you might become a queen have dragons and get to sleep with a very sexy man named Khal Drogo who rides a horse I know she's making the joke but I can't help but feel she's just missing the point of Daenerys is character completely she wasn't hiding her powers in that first season so she could become queen and sleep with a very sexy man she doesn't hide anything in that season to be strategic I don't think she does it out of fear and lack of self-confidence like we literally see her confidence and self-esteem growing throughout that first season and it's incredible to watch we see her kind of growing and maturing and becoming this wonderful strong woman and yes the power was in her all along because of who she is and you know and but she could only really use it when she chose to accept it and embrace it when she lost that youthful naivety it wasn't necessarily that she was biding her time is that it's that she was figuring things out she was maturing she was growing I don't know otherwise don't you think she'd have used those powers to stop her brother manipulating bullying groping her forcing her into an arranged marriage don't you think should have used those powers to stop herself being repeatedly raped you know what benefit did she have of hiding those powers while she was raped by Drogo I think Lily's just kind of missing that I don't know I kind of have to wonder like did she even watch the same show or read the same book as I did I don't know I genuinely confused has she even seen it I know I can't help but think she just want to throw this in there cuz she thinks like Oh Daenerys is cool and young people will like that and me me in the next section Lilly references Drake and now I know this book was written in 2017 which I thought was just last year but turns out it was three years ago but this reference aged like milk oh it's so bad in fact early in his career Drake got booed off the stage in his hometown sounds pretty uncomfortable and also who boos Drake how about anyone who doesn't like grown men who groom have inappropriate conversations with and grope while onstage underage girls the rest of this chapter is filled with just so much shouting I've never seen so many capital letters and exclamation marks used in one book before it's just it's kind of exhausting to read you know I think one of my main problems with this book and we'll talk about this a little bit more in a while as well is just the level of name dropping and stories have just I did there's nurse and nurse and then she gives some really vague advice but she doesn't ever go into any details about how to actually go about any of it it's just an excuse for her to brag like take the chapter on negotiating for instance right she basically talks about how you should always aim higher than you want so when people barter with you you won't be too disappointed you more likely to get what you actually wanted in the first place which is absolutely fair fairly decent advice right but I starve so many questions like how do you bargain how do you barter how do you negotiate how do you get that courage to say to someone I want X when you are negotiating how far is too far is there a best way to convince people what you do when you still don't get what you want how do you stop people walking all over you how do you politely decline an offer that isn't good enough I have so many questions that Lily doesn't even begin to address or answer the closest thing she gets is with this bit that reads a boss doesn't let anything stop them from aiming high I ask crazy things of my team all the time and I won't accept anyone telling me something is unrealistic don't give up before you even try I refuse to leave something can't happen until I'm flat-out told no you're honest sometimes even after hearing though I still don't believe it can't be done why because I'm relentlessly determined and you know what it's worked out great for me so far it's fine to push for what you want as long as you're charming and polite about it if you aim low you'll end up lower than you intended that's why you have to aim high no one else is going to compensate for your lack of ambition but then before she has the opportunity to give any like practical advice she just reverts back to bragging with I had the opportunity to shoot a collaboration video with first lady Michelle Obama about the importance of education around the world okay cool great but what did the process of bartering like really look like who did you talk to what kind of persuasive techniques did you use what if they'd come back and said no 15 minutes would you have kept pushing for more or given up how would you decide that how'd you read body language signals or you know clues and emails to tell you whether your negotiating has been successful or not some people hate negotiating a negotiating too much can make you lose out certain opportunities how do you stop that from happening how do you know where that line is between I know what I want I'm asking for it and being a choosing beggar these are the questions I have these are the things I'd really like to learn and know these are the things that Lily never bothers to address she just wants to name-drop and move on and pass it off as some kind of vague advice and self-help and be like no I'm doing this for you and telling you about how me and Michelle Obama did memory memory met because it helps you know it's not his name dropping for the sake of it because you want to show off also personal note can we just stop with the creepy Asterix please just no none of that and mostly though Lily's jokes aren't funny and this is kind of what bothers me throughout it's not just that they're like auntie jokes that are so bad they're funny they're just not funny in the first place she's trying way too hard like take this bit for example where she says a lot of parents especially South Asian parents affirm believes in having sever backup plans when it comes to life with respect to your career finances even relationships well they stress how important is to have a plan a plan B Plan C hell some parents might even make it to a plan E yes that's right a plane but don't I hear all night folks that's not a joke that's just nothing why it's not not funny it's not a pun it's not even the real play on words stupid and there she falls it with bad advice she goes on about how she dropped out doing a masters to concentrate on YouTube and tells her young followers who are literally mostly children not to bother with a back-up plan she says I started treating my career as if it was a guarantee instead of having a plan B graduate school and a plan C an office job I developed a plan a a plan a 2.0 and a plan a 3.0 youtube and entertainment were always going to be plan a make that your plan a and don't clutter your mind with three other plans that are backups your mind energy and time need to be united for your plan a to work of course what I'm suggesting is risky not to mention terrifying but if you're willing to work for your dream lose sleep for it give 200% for it then put all your eggs in one basket and make the basket golden which sounds great I guess but unlike Lilly not everyone can have their parents support in them for a year while they go chase their dreams I hate to pull out the privilege card but Lilly is talking for a place of privilege here I don't think she knows what it's like in the real world I don't think she knows what it's like to struggle I mean sure I would have loved to follow my dream of having some kind of creative career while I was younger but you know how difficult it is to do something like that when you're starting from nothing and have no money and you're financially independent with no one to rely on but yourself it's near impossible I had to put that stuff aside you know I work to retail jobs to put myself through six four I did a business degree because I thought it would be practical and while I was at uni I worked more retail jobs did bar work and then on the side I did freelance photography and design work because that was my passion but sometimes you still need the other stuff to follow your passion it means it takes a little bit longer to get there but it's how you survive and it's how you make sure it's not all or nothing you know I would have loved to say screw everything else I'm gonna be a full-time photographer of course I would but that wasn't possible I don't just follow that tree in that passion and do something fun you know I had to focus on other things too I needed a backup career where I was guaranteed to make money I needed an education to get to any of those places I needed to work those extra jobs to pay my rent because no one else was gonna be paying it for me and you know what I'm glad I got my degree I'm glad I did all that work experience I'm glad I worked real jobs in the real world before doing any of this I guess even with everything I do feel a lot safer knowing if the worst comes to the worst I have my degree and my other skills and plenty of work experience to fall back on backup plans aren't weak or silly or distracting they're practical and they're necessary and yet it might mean it takes you a little bit longer to get to where your ultimate dream or goal is but at least you'll get there you know sometimes you need to take things slow and steady instead of just putting all your eggs in one basket and then when that basket falls apart you're left with nothing I think I'd rather slowly boil my egg and stick it in the microwave and watch it explode that too my problem with lilies name-dropping cuz this is a big thing repeated throughout the entire book you know I don't think a chapter or a section on whatever goes by without her name dropping and it kept sold so quickly like oh my god send this one chapter she starts to talk about and you know when you feel pressure and she's like oh you know when you have to go give like a big presentation in school and you get scared oh yeah like I can totally relate because of the times I worked with Selena Gomez Priyanka Chopra Shay Mitchell and Arnold Schwarzenegger I'm not exaggerating she literally does like she drops all four of them in compares it to giving a presentation at school just so funny and relatable right yeah like I'm learning so much now please tell me how many sugars Selena Gomez takes in her coffee because I just know you're waiting to brag about it Lilly and this happens in every single chapter and it just gets so old you know like this all happens over about 15 pages and I was a set when I was on the set of my first ever feature film dr. cabbie I became great friends with a Kunal Nayyar aka Raj from the pick theory I have a friend named Lindsey Stirling who just happens to be in my opinion or the most talented people on the planet I learned the importance of showing interest from my friend bridgit mendler as if this situation wasn't high-stakes enough Dwayne Johnson's family was coming to see me perform Selena Gomez walks up to me with open arms and gives me a huge hug it's ridiculous and if you think that's a lot in about 15 or 20 pages or whatever in less than three pages she manages to drop all of these the first time I ever met Dwayne the rock Johnson I noticed something very specific about him my friend and fellow youtuber grace Helbig also pointed out this specific trait of Dwayne's after she met him for a shoot as king of I had was I saw soccer socha music match ole Montano walked into my dress rehearsal when I was performing in Trinidad and Tobago the other person whose impeccable manners in class have made a major impact on me is a star of tonight's show Jimmy Fallon he walked into mine and New York City dressing room the day I was scheduled to be on his show and we instantly started chatting away about the show but it was time to shoot youtubers read mean tweets for Jimmy Kimmel show are you kidding me how many names can you fit into three pages how many times do you want to brag like that this isn't a self-help book this is an excuse for her to brag about all the famous people she hangs out with and how they're all so lovely and they think she's amazing and oh my God look how cool and popular lily is I read quite a lot of like biographies and autobiographies and stuff like that and I've never seen so much name dropping in one book it's ridiculous there is less name dropping in the entire of the incredible Amy Poehler's book than there is in one chapter Lily sings and my last criticism is that I find it incredibly odd that she has chapters in her book that she clearly didn't come up with herself for example she has this warm chapter titled get active and it's very clear that like an editor or someone was like and yeah we like need to encourage kids to exercise parents want to see this kind of stuff and Lily's like but do I have to I don't know anything about exercise and then the editors or whoever like Lily you'll make money and she's like oh cool cuz it are already done it literally like opens up the line I'm licked lolling as I write this chapter because I'm the least qualified person to do so asking me to pull an all-nighter and I will ask me to do 20 situps and I will run away from home throw my phone into the ocean so no one can reach me and hide in the deepest darkest corner of the earth and then she goes on to talk about how great exercises and you should totally be doing it because yay men money you can tell she did not come up this stuff herself and it's just oh it's so awkward to read I guess you could say it like it doesn't feel genuine it just feels so forced and fake and it's not pleasant it's not enjoyable it's not fun there's just so much repetition throughout this book there are a lot of flaws and faults with it it's not necessarily terribly written I mean it's not funny it's not particularly clever but it's not badly written I can kind of see why some people might see the appeal of it so you know on a scale of like Gaby Hana to Shakespeare this is somewhere in the middle you know but in all honesty if there is one big important thing we can all take away from this book it's that if someone is unfunny as Lilly Singh can become so wildly successful as a comedian of all things then it seems anyone can do pretty much anything as long as they put their mind to it and that should be inspiring for you guys anyway thank you for watching this today I hope you didn't mind the kind of rambly talky former like this I just I don't know didn't really fancy getting on camera today I'm feeling a little bit a little bit crappy I'm a little bit of a down day but yeah and you guys were really keen on this video and I've been wanting to make it for a few days now and I just haven't been able to get in front of the camera and do it so I figured this was a good compromise for you guys and yeah rambling okay lemon oh you thought this down in the comments if you've read Lily's book sort of it if you've watched her videos or have any other opinions on her please let me know them down in the comments as well but for now thank you for watching today I appreciate you guys so much and I will be seeing you again very soon hopefully with my face this time and not just a random voice
Channel: Rachel Oates
Views: 319,027
Rating: 4.8291993 out of 5
Keywords: rachel oates, lilly singh, lilly singh isn't funny, why no one likes lilly singh, supperwoman, iisuperwomanii, iisuperwomanii book, lilly singh book review, reviewing youtuber books, gabbie hanna, gabbie hanna book review, bad youtuber books, worst youtuber books, how to be a bawse, how to be a boss, how to be a bawse book review
Id: GK2eHRRuiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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