<i> This is Couples Court
with the Cutlers.</i> DANA: This is the case
of Winborn versus Winborn. I notice that you've
been together
three years. It's a 16-year
age difference. You've been married
two months. Why are you
not honeymooning, and you're here
in my court? What, what is this? I'm here today,
because I know that Demetrice
is cheating on me. (AUDIENCE GASPS) We've only been together
a short time and we are newly weds. Um, he disappears all the time without any excuses
as to where he'e going. And, if he's cheating,
I'm leaving. Mr. Winborn, what are
you here to prove? I'm here to prove today
that I love my wife,
I'm not a cheater. And since our marriage,
I'm here to be
committed to her. I'm here to prove myself today, that I'm not cheating,
Your Honor. Okay, you're
smiling at me, And she hasn't
cracked her lips
except to talk. She looks angry.
She looks hurt. So, what is it... I'm smiling, Your Honor,
because it's not true.
That's why. He's smiling because
he doesn't take it seriously. I have nothing to be... He lives his life
like a single man. And I married him. And now he still lives his life like a single man. So how did you meet? Well, my girlfriend had
a little outing, it was her boyfriend's
birthday party. And I was just
dragged out of bed to go and set up.
You know, for the kids
and the adults. CHRISTY: And the thing
about it that's funny is when I met him,
I told him.
I was like, you know, you need
to get out
of my face, baby. You know, little baby,
whatever. 'Cause all the other guys
were like, a little bit younger,
at the party because my
girlfriend's boyfriend
was younger. And he was like,
"We're all the same age." So I assumed he talked
to my girlfriend and he knew how old I was,
but he told me that he thought I was in my early-thirties you know, or mid-twenties
when he met me. Good answer. (DEMETRICE LAUGHING) I thought it was
a great answer
so, you know... KEITH: So... So, I gotta ask,
just man to man.
(CHRISTY LAUGHS) Did you know
you were chasing
a cougar? No, no, I did not, Your Honor.
I did not. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And regardless of
the age difference, the age difference
doesn't matter to me. It is the whole point, that... we had a great conversation,
we both enjoyed each other, and we fell in love. And that's what makes me
committed to her right now. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) KEITH: Yeah. Yeah. Now your wife's concern, is that you may not
have been ready
to settle down. And she's convinced
that you're
still cheating. CHRISTY: I am, because, we're lying in the bed and I get an alert
from his phone. And then,
I have this woman
that pop's up asking him,
if he can pay
a bill for her. (AUDIENCE GASPING) KEITH: Mr. Winborn,
who was this, asking you to pay
a bill for them? It was an old friend
of mine, Your Honor. KEITH: How old? Years, Your Honor. And... CHRISTY: But you said
you didn't know her. And I was quite surprised
when she did contact me 'cause she didn't even have
my phone number, she had to reach out
to me on Facebook. DEMETRICE: Even when
that night did happen, she woke me up
in the middle of the night saying, "Somebody's
asking for money."
Of course I did. And I'm like,
"I don't know... I did not wake you up, "...who's asking for money
at this time of the night?" the message woke him up. KEITH: Well, I... I didn't wake him up. I get hit up for money
almost every day. (ALL LAUGHING) All right? Either from
son number one... Oh. ...son number two, son number three. Sometimes all three
in the same day. Yes. But, I have to say, if I got hit up for money
from some "old friend," that will cause
a problem. I would be real tight. Real, real tight. Yeah, real tight. CHRISTY: And I was... I was texting back,
"I won't send the money." I was tight
because he denied
knowing them. He even had time
where, you know, he went for three days,
missing for three days. (AUDIENCE GASPING) Supposed to be gone
to a family member's house to help with a yard sale. Yard sales are
typically Saturdays. Everybody knows this
in the South, you know. So, he's gone
for three days and we're talking
on the phone. I tell him, you know,
"While you're having
a yard sale, "why are you talking
on the phone?
FaceTime me." You know, I wanted to see. I told him I just
wanted to see
how it was going. He FaceTimed me and then, his ex pops around
the front of the camera, "Hi!" You know. (AUDIENCE GASPING) So, and not only that,
he's in the bedroom. He's in a bedroom,
not out on a yard with a table
full of yard-sale items. He's sitting up in a bed. DANA: Okay, wait. DEMETRICE: Y'all, I... Wait, wait, wait, hold on. I wanna make sure I got this.
'Cause I'm gonna talk to you, you can believe that. DEMETRICE:
Look, I need... I got something to say. Okay, all right. So, your spouse, has gone to help a family
with a yard sale. Yeah. While you're FaceTiming, so you're looking at
each other... CHRISTY: Right. Into the picture,
comes his ex-girlfriend... Yes. ...and she like, "Hey."? And then he hung up on me. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) KEITH: Okay. All right. No, y'all... Now, Mr. Winborn, I have, I have two questions
for you. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. No, no. I gotta ask this. Let... Okay, go ahead, go ahead. I gotta ask this.
You know. I gotta ask this. One, why was
your ex there
at the yard sale? But the big question is... CHRISTY: There was
no yard sale. ...why would you
FaceTime your wife with your ex
right there? There was no real yard sale. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Your Honor,
I honestly believe, I honestly believe, KEITH: No, no, I want, there was no yard sale. I want him to answer. See Your Honor,
she's not telling you
all the details of that day... CHRISTY: I don't have 'em. ...and how everything went down. Did you FaceTime your wife
with your ex nearby? I FaceTimed her and my ex
showed up. So, I won't be saying
that I went to my ex to try
and spend time over there. That's why I FaceTimed her,
so that she can see me. I asked him... Hold on. So she can see there's
nothing extra going on. So you FaceTime her
to show there's
nothing going on? CHRISTY: Of course not! There's nothing.
I'm where I said I was, I'm doing
what I said
I was gonna do, and I just wanna check,
see how you're doing. Okay, are you
concerned that he
slept with his ex? I'm definitely concerned. He lies about everything else dealing with all of his exes, I'm really concerned
that he slept with her. We moved to another city. And he were
getting our house ready, I've gotten us jobs,
everything. CHRISTY: You know,
we go to clean out the car, this boy got
a phone hid,
underneath, where you
keep your tire,
in the car. Wait, wait,
that's not all. He's got boots,
his "work boots," he got a phone
tucked down in the boot,
behind his socks, CHRISTY: He got an iPad, DEMETRICE: No. he got an iPad
rolled up in the truck
in the clothes, It's supposedly like,
you know, a shirt
to clean the car. He got it rolled up
in the car and all these are active
and on the same service. You have phones
and devices that your wife
doesn't know about? See, Your Honor,
what she's not telling you, is that before I had
my moms phone that she gave me a phone to use because, my original phone,
she broke, smashed, threw out
the window. Because that takes messages... KEITH: Okay, wait, wait, wait. We didn't talk about that. Please answer the question. No, we talking about, you running around
like Inspector Gadget with all these
different phones, (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) tucked in different places. No, no, no. CHRISTY: Yeah, yeah. No, no, the only... So, why do you have these extra devices
in the trunk of your car? DEMETRICE: The only extra
phone, Your Honor, I had was not even mine,
it was my mom's phone. CHRISTY: It wasn't... I did not want her
to break that phone... It wasn't his mom's phone. 'cause she broke my phone. I can't afford
iPhones like that. Okay, so, to keep
your mom's phone... But you had two? I had one. I had one. Two. Two. I play on that phone. KEITH: Hold on,
just one minute, hold on. So to keep
your mom's phone from being broken
you put it in the trunk? Yeah, when we got... Under the tire? When we were moving
I wasn't able to give it back, so I didn't want her
to know about that phone. because I did not want her
to break that phone. Your car does have
a glove compartment, right? It has a center control,
right? There are any number
of places... CHRISTY: What about the iPad? that you could keep the phone. What about the iPad? to keep it from
being broken, right? Hold it. You're right. KEITH: Okay, why underneath the spare tire
in the trunk of your car? So, she went looking
in the glove box grabbed the phone
and threw it
out the window like did my phone,
'cause she gets mad 'cause she didn't know
about the phone. No. Mr. Winborn, I get
to hear a lot
of stories up here. I best believe you do. And if I had a...
if you had a nickle for every one
of the stories
you've been telling, you'd be a millionaire. CHRISTY: He'd be rich. You'd be a millionaire. He's be rich. Well my pockets
don't show it. He'd be rich. My pockets
do not show it. He will be rich. KEITH: Okay, all right,
so that explains the phone. What do you use
the iPad for? DEMETRICE:
It's to play my games. CHRISTY: FaceTime. KEITH: Okay,
that's the problem, She thinks you're
playing games,'cause,
you're playing games. That's what we're
trying to get to.
Are you playing games? CHRISTY: He's
playing games... Video games, yeah. Are you playing games
other than video games? DEMETRICE: No. Ms. Winborn,
Ms. Winborn... He is. Are you playing games
other than video games? That's what we wanna know. DEMETRICE: No. I'm just playing video games. CHRISTY: This is
what I'm saying. If I had done,
one of the things to him, that he done to me, he told me himself,
he'd be gone. So, you have enough
sense of self, and self preservation to know,
you don't want this done to you. It doesn't take
a rocket scientist not to do it to anybody else. DANA: (EXHALES)
So we have a, winter-summer romance here,
marriage. We wanna know, based on your
life experience, ANGIE: Hmm. but as someone who
unfortunately has
experienced cheating, been cheated upon. (LAUGHS) What are some
of the things that you see as signs? What are your cues
that something's amiss? There are several signs. DANA: Okay. The first sign being, sex. The rhythm changes
in a relationship. You know, when you
first start out you're going like rabbits. CHRISTY: All right. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And then,
as it winds down, sex starts to dissipate. Hm-hmm. Okay? Okay, so has
the sex life changed? Oh, it changes. Yeah, it's changed
and changes again and changes. I can tell when he's not been, um, "at a yard sale." (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) DEMETRICE:
Your Honor... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) it's based off
on her mood. If she's in an attitude
that night, I'm on the other side,
'cause she chooses that. Okay, I mean,
but you guys have
only been married for two months,
I mean, you should CHRISTY: Yeah. probably shouldn't even
be leaving the bedroom
at this stage. I mean, and that's
the way I feel and that's the thing, it's like I'm high-energy and you know, I'm extremely about, you know, bonding,
but sometimes, it's like you know
when it's not there,
like you can tell. I can tell
when it's not there. ANGIE: Well, Your Honor, first of all, you know,
if you treat, um, a boy like a boy,
he's gonna act like a boy. CHRISTY: Yeah. That's right,
if you treat him... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Oh, I wanna say something
about that. Because as men,
we wanna be... CHRISTY: Yeah, right. As men we wanna be
treated as men. You want to be
the head
of your household. CHRISTY: Right. And every time he's
dumbed down, to be one of the kids... CHRISTY: Right. Now he looks like
he's dealing
with him mom. Right. Because we forget, how we got there to begin with. Whatever you did
to get it, baby, you gotta stay there to keep it. Right. KEITH: In this case, she's afraid of an ex.
She's concerned
about an ex. She should be. CHRISTY: Hm-hmm. Oh. She really should be.
Because in actuality, the ex is on his level. CHRISTY: Hm-hmm. And you're pushing him
to her level, back down,
to her level. Because you are
afraid and insecure Some of these signs
had to already be there. You just chose to
ignore them, because, CHRISTY: They were. as older women,
we feel like we can
change a man. He's gotta grow there. CHRISTY: Right. He's gotta get there. Right. Thank you so much. All right. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) So, now we've got
this marriage
on the line. You've got
some concerns
you've expressed. KEITH: So to get
to the bottom of this, the court has ordered
a polygraph test. And we have the result. All right, Ron,
would you
please escort Mr. Kendall Shull
of Kendall Investigations
into the courtroom. Yes, sir. (ALL APPLAUDING) Right. You performed
a polygraph examination on Mr. Winborn,
is that correct? I did, Your Honor. KEITH: Right. Mr. Winborn was asked... "In May, 2017, "the day your wife
saw your ex on FaceTime, "did you have sex
with your ex?" What was his response? He said, "No." What did
the lie detector
determine? KENDALL: The Lie detector
determined he was, truthful. (EXHALES) He's turning out
to be the man that
you thought he was. The man you
fell in love with. Yeah. BOTH: We have one more question. KEITH: Uh, Mr. Winborn
was asked, "Did you have
sexual contact,
with your ex, "from July 2016 to now?" What was his response
to that question? He said, "No." The lie detector determined
that he was... deceptive. (AUDIENCE GASPING) KEITH: Mr. Winborn, sexual contact
with your ex, from July 2016 to now. Did you have
sexual contact
with your ex? No, I did not. KEITH: So, Mr. Shull, when you do
the polygraph examination how do you define,
sexual contact? We go over, Your Honor,
exactly what
sexual contact is. Kissing,
passionate kissing, A mere hug to somebody, a mere kiss on the cheek,
is not sexual contact. Would you
please explain
you credentials, as a polygraph examiner
to Mr. Winborn. Mr. Winborn, I was the former head
of the entire
FBI's polygraph program in Washington D.C.
for the FBI. So it's safe to say,
this is not
your first rodeo? That's correct, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) KEITH: All right. Mr. Winborn, this is
not his first rodeo. So, I'm gonna ask you
one more time. Did you have
sexual contact... Not just intercourse,
sexual contact with your ex,
at any point from July 2016 to now? Yes, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Oh! What sexual contact
did you have
with your ex? We just... There was a time period
when a family... I had a family member
that passed away. And I was with a friend
at that time, and, she gave me
a passionate
hug and kiss and that was it,
I knew he had spent
the night with her. (BREATHING HEAVILY) KEITH: You already knew? He lied about it. (EXHALES) Tell him
how you feel,
right now. I feel like every time
I've asked him
about her, he lies. I feel like
he's been lying, I... I already knew
in my gut. You two have been together
for six years, are engaged, you have three
children together. But you are not
going to the altar if your fiance is cheating. Would you share with the court why you are here? I wanna prove
if Robert is cheating. JUDGE DANA: Okay. He's done it in the past. And he's doing it now. His behavior has
not changed, not once. He can leave for 12 to 14 hours and not come back
till the next morning at 9:00. In the morning. JUDGE DANA: So you believe that he's going out, staying out all day
and all night cheating? Yes. You about to come over that
podium and tell me about it. Woo! Okay. (LAUGHS) All right, Mr. Wright, she is ready
to jump all over this. What do you have to say? All the allegations
that she accuse me of, is not true. I'm letting you know,
I have business to conduct. So, that's all. So, you got a barbeque pit.
You make ribs? WRIGHT: Yes. That's what I'm talking about. And you didn't bring
a rib up in here. Yeah. What? (LAUGHTER) JUDGE DANA: What? I got lotta ribs. (WILSON LAUGHING) But actually... And that's why
people call you about? I'm the rib man.
That's what they call me for. (LAUGHTER) And that's why you out
all times of the day and night? Because you trying
to make this business go. I got to get this,
I got to plan, preparate
and get this, execute this. Make sure everything is right
by every customer and clientele
it's been treated fairly, and get that certain
amount of ribs per person. The problem
is Miss Wilson thinks
you serving up more than ribs. That's the problem. I'm his manager. Yeah. That's... JUDGE DANA: You're the manager? I'm his manager. So, you know what he's doing? WILSON: Exactly. You tryna support
what his doing? Exactly. So how they calling your phone, when they ain't calling
my phone? When they
supposed to call in my phone, 'cause I'm your manager. Oh. So, why they calling him
instead of calling you to get the deal done? Can I stop you right now,
please, Your Honor? When you say
it like that, yes. Can I slow it down, please? They call me 'cause she
be having attitude with
some of my clientele, 'cause some of them
be women, you know? And she's a little
tight about it? WRIGHT: She has an attitude
with them sometimes. She think they might be
interested in me or whatever. Whatever. I don't think
that's the scenario, you know. Well, okay, Miss Wilson, do you get a little
tight with the ladies
that are calling for ribs? I might. I might. WRIGHT: She might. Yeah. Sometimes. I can admit that.
I might sometimes. Sometimes I might get,
but I know, though. Oh, I'm not Boo Boo The Fool. I know when a female
is trying to talk to my fiance. See? There it is. Yeah. And the reason you
get tight about it is because he has
cheated in the past? Yes. Okay. What happened? A woman sent
a video to my phone on top of Robert. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) And she sent it to your phone? Yes. So I called her
and I asked her maybe
you have the wrong number. Do you have the wrong
number or something? She said, "No. I've been
having sex with your fiance." AUDIENCE: Oh! Now, wait. Wait, wait. This video she sent, could
you clearly see Mr. Wright? And that wasn't
you on top of him? It wasn't me on top of him and he told me
it wasn't him either. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) All right, Mr. Wright. He went with the classic. What's the classic? This is a classic.
It's an oldie. It's oldie? It's sometimes a goodie. All right, what's that, love? "Wasn't me." But I see you. Wasn't me. But I'm looking at your face. It's not me. I know what you
look like. That's you. No. That's not me. Would you look at this? Ain't that you? No. That's not me. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Okay, Mr... The hairline
was different.
It's off. Mr. Wright how are
you gonna have a video of you with this
woman on top of you? To tell you the truth... JUDGE DANA: Mmm. Please. Please tell the truth. (WILSON LAUGHING) Give me one second,
give me one second. Let me tell you the truth.
The truth is... I really wasn't
interested in her
or like that. It was just more beneficial. She know I like nice
things in life, you know. I like to look good,
smell good, eat good, you know. So, she took care
of that you know. So, you took care of her
and she took care of you. And so because
of this cheating in the past, and what's happened, tell me about why
you think he's cheating now? What are the warning signs? For example, Robert... He started an argument because it wasn't
any ice in the freezer. Okay, so I'm like, "You couldn't put it
in there yourself. "You couldn't
put ice in the freezer? "You can't do it?" And he was like, "Well,
I'm just gonna leave.0 "I'm just gonna leave, then." So, he left until 9:00
the next morning. Well, how long was he gone? For about 12 to 14 hours. All right.
So, when he comes back, I bet you had smoke
coming out your ears. Yeah. I did.
But I calmed myself and I was like, you know,
"Where were you?" And he said just like this, "I went to... I was in Phoenix,
Arizona with my home boy." And where do you live? Fresno, California. You submitted
a map to the court. WILSON: Yes. Oh! WILSON: Yes, I did. We calculated how far it is from point A, home,
to point B, downtown Phoenix. <i> And that is 592 miles.
8 hours and 34 minutes.</i> <i> One way.</i> WILSON:<i> Yes.</i> So, for him to get back home, he would've needed
another 8 hours and 34 minutes. And that's just if he went,
stopped, nodded his head twice, got back,
and drove back straight. Right. Yeah. That would still
take him 17 hours. So, you clearly figured out
he was not in Phoenix. Yeah, I know. Yeah. JUDGE DANA: Where were you? He was not in Phoenix, Arizona. Um, to tell you the truth... JUDGE DANA: No, please
tell the truth. JUDGE KEITH: Yeah. WRIGHT: You want the truth? JUDGE KEITH: The whole truth
and nothing but the truth. We want the whole truth. Yes. I... I went to Arizona to meet a friend
and I actually came right back. That was the truth.
I did go to Arizona. It was
a physical impossibility. JUDGE DANA: Mr. Wright,
this is a half-baked truth. You are not telling
us the whole story. JUDGE KEITH:<i>
8 hours and 34 minutes.
One way.</i> So what did you do
on this trip? And who, moreover,
who did you do on this trip? I didn't do anyone on a trip. (WILSON LAUGHING) What I did do is
I went on a trip, I took the tools,
I came back, you know. Actually, it didn't take
that long 'cause I didn't go
all the way. Went half-way, came back. Then I went to my cousin house. Played a game, video games. This is a half-baked story.
Like a half-cooked rib. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE KEITH: This story
doesn't make sense at all. Go ahead. Let it out. JUDGE DANA: This is your time
to clear the decks. If you gonna make it right... Mr. Wright. WRIGHT: Yes. You need to speak the truth. Yeah. And the whole truth. Yes. So, who did you see beside the "person," this man. Which woman did you see? And your "cousin." Who else did you see? I'll stick to my story. I'm sticking to what happened. JUDGE DANA: All right. That was it. Miss Wilson,
have you found anything that makes you think
he's cheating currently? WILSON: Yes. Tell me about that. I found blue
panties in his car. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So you found some
woman's panties in size small? Yes. Those are
the panties right there. And he told me it was from him taking
his home girl washing, and she left that one
pair of panties in his car under the seat. WRIGHT: Oh. Under the seat? WILSON: Under the seat. And they was filthy. JUDGE DANA: Ew. So to be clear, Miss Wilson,
those are not your panties? Those are not mine. And those happened
to fall out in the car? And not only did they fall out, they fell out
and they rolled under the seat. 'Cause she left
just that one pair. JUDGE KEITH:
Just that one pair. And you know
underwear is known to roll. Yeah. Mr. Wright... I have to clarify that. She's making it seem
like I'm a bad guy. No. No! No, you making you seem
like you a bad guy. No, I'm gonna clarify that. JUDGE DANA: Okay. Go ahead. My friend called me.
She was in stress. Like, she needed a ride.
Her ride didn't come for her. So I went over her
and gave her a ride. And she was
washing her clothes. But she didn't have
enough money for all her clothes
to get washed. So she has some
dirty clothes still. They were just overflowing
her bag, you know. I dropped her off.
She might have... The panties might have dropped
and fell under there or
something. I don't know. So she just dropped one pair
of panties? One pair? I guess those was on
the top of the pile
of the bag. It was on top of the bag,
so it fell out. You don't believe a word he's
saying, do you, Miss Wilson? I really don't. WRIGHT: I didn't do anything. They call me 'cause
she be having attitude
with some of my clientele. Have you found anything else that make you think
that Mr. Wright is cheating? Yeah, empty condom
wrapper in his car. Your car is a hot bed. Yeah. 'Cause that's what
he's saying. His car
is his dog house. So tell me about what you found
and how you found it. I found a empty
condom wrapper in the car. Me and Robert,
we were getting ready to leave and I was looking for my phone 'cause I dropped my phone
in between the seat. And I'm digging on the side, and I'm like, "I can't get it,
I can't get it." So I pull it up, I'm thinking
it's my phone. It's a empty
condom wrapper. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I can't use condoms.
I'm allergic to latex. So, they not for you? WILSON: They not for me. Okay. He told me he let his home boy
have sex in his car. JUDGE DANA: What... It's like a car B 'n' B. WILSON: Yeah. Yeah. Boys 'n' Business. (LAUGHTER) Or Bad Boys 'n' Business. WILSON: Yeah. What does this conversation
look like with... Want me to tell
you exactly how it look? JUDGE DANA: Yeah. I'll tell you
exactly how it look. I'm him. I mean, I'm me. He him.
He's standing right here. "Hey, bro." After we chill
and stuff, you know, after we have
a couple of drinks, you know, "I wanna go pick up my friend.
Is it cool if I use your car? "'Cause my car
is actually is in the shop." So that's how it look. JUDGE DANA: To pick up a friend
or hook up with a friend? Yeah. He wanted
to hook up with his friend. We're family. We're like family, you know.
Make sure you clean up
after yourself, you know. But obviously he didn't clean
up all the way after hisself. JUDGE DANA: Mmm-hmm. And she came
and found the condom and thought it
was me, you know. Not cool to put it on me.
It's this guy's. You know? That's what
I'm saying. It's her side. It's his side. And it's the friend's side. WRIGHT: Yeah. The friend is here. We'll get some tests done. Aw, hell yeah! Yeah! (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Yeah. Yeah. Bring him in.
Bring my man. Well, I hope they
took a lie detector test, 'cause him and his friend
is best friends. They do stuff together. WRIGHT: Nah. Mmm-hmm. Yes, you do.
Yes, you do. JUDGE DANA: How are you, sir? How you doing? Thank you for being
here today sir. MORGAN: Mmm-hmm. Would you state your
name please for the court? Andrew Morgan. And what is your
relationship to Mr. Wright? This is my cousin. Best friend. Mr. Morgan, you've heard
the allegations that have been
made against Mr. Wright about his cheating,
what do you know about that? Um, Robert's not a cheater. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Okay. Now, everybody here
would expect you as
his best friend to say that. It's the truth. But we've heard
some specific allegations that Miss Wilson has made. For example, that she
found an empty condom
wrapper in his car. Yeah, that, yeah. It ended up in there because
I did have sex in the car, but I didn't use
this car just to have sex in. I used this car
to go to the store and one female that
I was dealing with at the time, she called me up,
and she got in the car, and we're talking
and one thing led to another and we was in
the back seat
and, you know. There it is. And that's what happened. I knocked...
I knocked it out the park. You knocked it
out the park? Yeah. Here's what's causing
me some concern because Mr. Wright said that
you and he were talking, and you said, "Yeah,
I'm gonna go pick up a girl." You just testified that
you were out going the store... Yeah. And a female hit you up. Yeah. That's different. Yeah. So which one of you
is telling the truth? We both telling the truth. (LAUGHTER) JUDGE KEITH: No. Yeah. Whose condom wrapper was it that Miss Wilson
found in Mr. Wright's car? It was mine. I left it. So, this is a family thing. MORGAN: No, it's not.
It's a real thing. That's why I left
the condom wrapper inside... So, he's telling the truth,
and you telling the truth?
Both boys can't be... Mr. Cutler, I think we
have enough testimony. (LAUGHTER) It smells like
bad ribs cooking, so... Oh! Not no bad ribs! No! A really old sausage.
Something has gone awry. My ribs is good. So, what we have, Mr. Cutler,
is a pair of mystery
women's underwear found in Mr. Wright's
car under the seat. We have a empty condom wrapper, and then we have
that he disappeared and was gone
to Arizona and back. And all of it
looked suspicious. Every bit of it. Every single bit of it. And Miss Wilson has said, "If he's cheating, she's done." JUDGE KEITH:
And the relationship is over. JUDGE DANA:
The relationship is over. This court has done a full
and complete investigation. And this time,
the court will like to hear from former
military interrogator
and expert, Lena Sisco, to determine,
is he cheating? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mmm-hmm. Get ready.
Wipe the sweat. Get ready. 'Cause I want
my wedding ring back. JUDGE DANA:
How are you, Miss Sisco? I am well, Your Honor,
how are you? I'm great. Tell us what you
did to investigate this case. I first had the accused
write a witness statement, <i> and I analyzed that
statement for any indicators</i> <i> of both truthfulness
and deception.</i> <i> And then I
interrogated Mr. Wright</i> <i>to see if he has been cheating.</i> What were
your initial findings? SISCO: During our interview,
he was very open. <i> He answered
all of my questions,</i> <i> and he admitted
that he lied to fiance</i> <i> about the blue panties,</i> because he was
covering up for his cousin. He also admitted that
the condom that was
found in his car was not his. And I do not believe that he traveled
to Arizona to meet a female to have sexual relations. Thank you. Thank you. JUDGE DANA: All right. Told you I was right
about Arizona. Did you learn anything
else during your interview? Yes, I did, Your Honor. Learnt a lot more. Mr. Wright did tell me that he cannot see
himself with anyone else other than his fiance. However, he also told me that
he is still cheating on her. And the reason
why he hasn't told her is to spare her feelings, because he does
not wanna hurt her. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I thought you weren't
gonna tell nobody. With one woman
or more than one woman? Multiple women. JUDGE DANA: Multiple women? SISCO: Yes, Your Honor. If I can come across
this podium on you, I would. So, just to be clear... SISCO: Yes, Your Honor. He admitted to you that he
has had sex with multiple women since he's been
with his fiance? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE DANA:
And is still doing so? SISCO: Yes, Your Honor. AUDIENCE: Oh! (SOBBING)
I gave him my everything. I really love
this man to death. I would do anything for him. This ain't right. This ain't right.
I can see if it was back then or we, you've cheated
on me before. Okay. But that right there,
was the icing on the cake. But the fact that
it still currently going on, that's too much
for you to bear? It's too much. I don't even wanna deal
with him no more. I'm done. If you allowed me to prove
myself and accept me... I can't say that'll happen
overnight, you know. I mean, I'm just
gonna keep it 100. But I can't.
I could try my best. Mr. Wright, you are past
asking somebody to wait
for you to get right. If she's that kinda loyal, that kinda I'm-in-it-to-win-it, she deserves a man
to be there with her. Not somebody
who's gonna be like, "Oh, yeah.
I'm gonna try to do better." (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Yes. You all have been together
for 17 years, you've been engaged
for 12 years, <i> and Mr. Samuels,
what you've seen</i> <i> over the last year or so,</i> has made you concerned
about whether this relationship can even go forward,
is that right? Absolutely. All right. You've initiated
this case today. Tell us why. I believe that for the past year
that, uh, Misty's been cheating on me, um, things ain't the same
at home. She's being secretive, kind of. You know, she goes to the store,
she's gone for a while, and our household is, uh,
is kind of on the line with this because if she's cheating on me,
you know, I'm ready to sell the house, and I'm ready
to walk away from her. You know, I've resorted--
I don't sleep in house anymore, I sleep in the--
uh, I sleep in the garage -<i> on an air mattress.</i>
-[audience gasping] There's a big age difference
between us, uh, 12 years, and so, you know, it's, like, when we were younger
and got together I told her that, uh, you know,
as time gets on, I'd get older, you know, uh,
she might get kind of tired of me because I'm getting
to be an old guy. And I feel like that, uh,
you know, today might be that day. [audience exclaims] All right. And so,
you all have been together for a long time,
but if the results of today's proceeding
determine that she's cheating, -you're gonna throw it all away?
-I am throwing it all away. [audience exclaiming] -Absolutely.
-That's lot of resolve there. But it seems like it's a lot
of hurt. -How are you feeling?
-[Samuels] Yeah. I just feel-- I feel hurt,
I feel, uh, I feel like everything
that we've worked for is just thrown out
the window. I feel like if she's cheated,
why should I carry on anything? [Judge Keith]
Well. Miss Lankford, what are you here
to prove today? I'm here to prove
that I did not cheat. Um, he has done nothing
but tell me I'm a liar, I'm a cheater. Um, I just want my family back
to the way it used to be, back to normal,
and it's just breaking us. [sighs] So, it-- it's something
really at risk here. For the last year or so,
you've had some concerns. What were the warning signs? More or less, uh,
her phone activity, things on her phone that says--
Like there are certain parts in her phone,
in her settings that you could see, uh, how much megabytes things use
and her uninstalled apps was real high on the--
on the list. She just kind of became
a little distant from me, conversations like on Facebook,
kind of thing. Uh, there's a secret
conversation area. I turn it off on her phone, I get in it a couple of days
later and it's turned on. Uh, she had up to, you know,
she got a few Facebook's-- You mean, she has more
than one page or identity -on social media?
-Yea-- yeah. What's going on on your phone? Why do you have all these apps
and secret apps and-- -secret conversations--
-[Samuels] Secret conversation. -Uninstalled apps.
-Uninstalled-- What is that? Why is that? Well, the apps, um,
I have a baby who likes to play games
on my phone. So, she would download
her games. Um, the storage gets kind
of full, so, I delete her apps. He has also put apps on my phone
that I've had to delete. Well-- Okay. And that's sort
of an explanation, but I've been watching-- Looking
at you, looking at Mr. Samuels, have you noticed
how nervous he is? -I mean he--
-[chuckles nervously] Rubbing his hands,
he's gripping, I mean, literally gripping
that podium. Do you see how-- Whatever is going in your world
is affecting him. Oh, yeah.
It's affecting everybody. -And you see this?
-[Lankford] Oh, yes. And you know
what he's accusing you of? Mm-hmm. Are you, are you cheating
on Mr. Samuels? No, I'm not. [Judge Keith]
Are you absolutely sure? I'm 100 percent sure. I have lived this
for a whole year. This is nothing, I have completely did away
with my entire life. I think of nothing but this. I've been fired from my job, I've been--
I've neglected my kids and my household. I do nothing, but try
and catch her cheating. This has just kind of taken over
your life. You're consumed by it. I'm consumed,
100 percent. I'm positive she's cheating
on me. So, given that you've spent
the year and have been consumed
by it, what have you found
that makes you believe this? I have, uh, I've recorded her. I've got-- I've put recorders
in my cars, her cars, I've put recorders
in my house, I've put recorders
in my garage. Have you picked up
anything -with these recorders?
-[Samuels] Absolutely. -What have you picked up?
-[Samuels] Absolutely. I have picked up,
several times another man being in a truck
with her... -[audience exclaiming]
-...sexual activities -in the truck.
-[Judge Dana] How did you know -it was sexual activity?
-[Samuels] What I believe-- I've been with her for 17 years,
I know what she sounds like. -[audience exclaims]
-[Judge Dana] Oh. -[Samuels] You know?
-[Judge Keith] So, Mr. Samuels, how did you record her,
how did you catch her, what-- What got me going on
most of it was, this one day, I come home
from work, I believe on lunch, and she had to go to the doctor
and physical therapy. So, we part ways, I didn't dawn on me then,
a co-worker that was working
with me had, uh, had left for the same
amount of time. And so, I get back home and, uh, you know, I got cameras
around my house, too. -I check my cameras...
-[audience exclaiming] ...and, uh, I see that some
of the-- some of the timings
might be not working out right and so, I get her phone and I go
into her timeline of, uh, on your Maps and the time
that she's telling me she's at physical therapy,
her map timeline is telling me
that she's down here in a hotel. -[audience exclaims]
-And, so... And you see this in her phone? [Samuels] Yeah, I see it
in her phone. Because you're tracking
where she's going? I'm figuring out
where she's going. Ms. Lankford, please tell me
they're not doing -physical therapy at a hotel?
-No. [laughs] -[audience cheers, applauds]
-[Judge Dana] Well... -[chuckles]
-[audience applauds] She was in physical therapy,
all right. Mr. Cutler, there's all kinds
of physical therapy -going on at hotels...
-[Lankford chuckles] ...but not the kind
we're thinking about. It did-- It did show up
on my timeline, my Google timeline,
that I was at that location. -Before I went to physical--
-The hotel? -[Lankford] Yes.
-Okay. Before I went
to physical therapy, I had a few errands to run. So, I drove past this hotel
to get on the expressway. Okay, your phone
will pick up Wi-Fi signals from businesses around. When you're driving by,
they try to pick up that signal. -True.
-[Lankford] So... I believe my phone had picked up
that signal as I was getting
on the expressway 'cause it's right by each other. Okay. Wait a minute.
Hold on. Did you say that the-- that the map showed
she'd been there 48 minutes? Her map showed that she was
there for 15 minutes, -at physical therapy.
-[Judge Dana] For 15 minutes. Okay. All right. How long did it show
she was at the hotel? About 48 minutes or so-ish.
Right the-- -[Judge Dana] At the hotel?
-Mm-hmm. So, it wouldn't show--
Even though it may pick up the Wi-Fi, it's not gonna show
that you are stationary there for 48 minutes, it might even
show for five minutes. -If that were--
-[audience applauding] If that were the case,
every time you went by a Wi-Fi, it would show you were there
for an hour or two hours. So what it does is it pings, but it keeps going
if you don't stay. So why did it show you
were there for almost, well, 48 minutes? [Lankford] I think
it's a glitch. We was riding down
the expressway together... it says that on his timeline
he was at the airport when we was together
and I know he wasn't. So, it does glitch and we have
been together and shown, you know, it does do that. And so, Miss. I mean, you know,
that is possible. Glitches are possible.
Did that happen with your phone? It showed you at the airport? It did happen and I agree
that it does glitch up from time to time.
Had it-- Had-- You know, had it just been her. But then when this other person
come to my house... and I tell him what's going on, his wife is accusing him
of the same thing, -at the same hotel.
-[audience exclaims] And so I get his phone
and there it is. He's there at the same hotel
at the same time. -It was-- No, no.
-[Judge Dana] And so, -this is the friend of yours?
-It was not at the same time. -It was.
-There was different times. Okay, wait a minute, hold up, 'cause I wanna be clear
about this. You're saying that
a gentleman friend of yours... -Mm-hmm.
-...his wife is accusing him -of cheating...
-[Samuels] Mm-hmm. ...and it comes out that he was
at the same hotel -on the same day...
-Yup. -...at the same time.
-Yes. [Judge Dana] And that's
when you were like, "Hold up, -were y'all two together?"
-[Samuels] Yup. In your mind,
they were together? -[Samuels] Right.
-What are the chances that what happened
is what you're thinking? -My point exactly--
-[Judge Dana]
Beyond coincidence? -Exactly.
-So, Ms. Lankford, you're saying -it wasn't the same day?
-[Lankford] It wasn't. -The timing wasn't the same.
-[Judge Keith] But it was -the same day?
-Yes. But you're saying
the timing didn't link up. -[Lankford] Right.
-So, couldn't that have been
a glitch? -[audience laughing]
-I mean you all could have -been there at the same time...
-[Lankford] And-- ...but a glitch would make it
look like you weren't there at the same time. Right, but I went
to my appointment, my physical therapy, and I got a paper saying,
"I was here at this time." And I have to be
at that appointment for at least an hour
to an hour and 15 minutes. So, they wrote me this paper
saying that I was there for an hour to hour
and 15 minutes, but they can't give the time out
because I only sign in, -and you don't sign out.
-Right. And Mr. Samuels says that
the data he saw on your phone shows that you were at physical
therapy for 15 minutes. So you could have gone
to physical therapy, signed in, they don't sign you out,
and then you go to the hotel where the data in your phone
also shows you were -for 48 minutes.
-[Lankford] That-- -That's why he sees as--
-[Judge Dana] Hold on. Could it be a glitch? It could be a glitch.
Anything's possible. -Okay.
-But, a glitch with the very friend,
I mean, he's got some concerns about,
who's there at the same time? Was he there for the same amount
of time? -Yup. The same amount of time.
-[audience exclaims] And the thing is,
with that-- with that timeline, you can edit the time
that you were actually there because the second time I saw
him and looked at his phone, -his time has changed.
-[audience exclaims] So, I thought I was wrong. Oh, okay. [Samuels] But you can actually
edit your own time. I can say I was here from 4:00
to 5:00 instead of, uh, 1:00 to 3:00. So, your-- But your--
So, your belief is it wasn't a glitch. -It was actually--
-[Samuels] Not a glitch. It was actually 100 percent,
dead on the money. [Judge Dana] And that--
And that this may be the man that she's having
this affair with? I suspect. And Ms. Lankford,
is your testimony here today, in this court, that you
are not cheating on Mr. Samuels? Yes, Your Honor. -[Judge Keith]
That's your testimony?
-That's my testimony. All right, love, well, we got
quite a bit of evidence here. We have the fact that, uh,
Mr. Samuels checked Ms. Lankford's GPS
on the day she was late from PT and it showed that she was
at a hotel for 48 minutes, and that a male friend
who's also being accused on the same day was at the same
hotel at the same time for the same amount of time. And the final thing is that he has concerns
about her digital activity. Apps are missing.
Apps aren't installed. Things are deleted.
Secret messaging is going on and he changes it
and it comes back. And so for all of these reasons, Mr. Samuels believes
that she's cheating and he has testified
that if she is, -he's selling the house...
-Mm-hmm. ...and moving on with his life. -He is done.
-Done. Because Mr. Samuels has
so many concerns about Ms. Lankford and her use
of the phone and her cheating, this court has done a full
and complete investigation. At this time,
the court will call certified cyber
forensics expert, Gus Dimitrelos,
to determine, -is she cheating?
-[audience applauds] Ron, please escort
Mr. Dimitrelos in. -[audience applauding]
-[Ron] Yes, sir. You'll go right over
to the witness stand. [audience cheering, applauding] How are you, sir? [Gus] Good morning, Your Honors. -It's good to see you.
-[Gus] You too. [Judge Keith]
Tell us what you did
to investigate this case. I conducted a full examination
on Ms. Lankford's phone. <i> The examination recovers
all deleted and non-deleted</i> <i> artifacts including
internet history,</i> <i> pictures, videos,</i> <i> applications,
and any text messaging.</i> The task was to uncover
any cheating that Ms. Lankford
was responsible for. -[Judge Dana] All right.
-You said deleted and undeleted? Yes, Your Honor, both of them. So even if someone tries
to get rid of something, -you can find it?
-Yes, Your Honor. All right. So did you find
anything suspicious? I did. [Judge Dana] Okay,
tell us about that. Earlier, Ms. Lankford was
explaining how the applications she offloaded were primarily
games for her children? -[Judge Dana] Yes.
-That was not entirely true. [Judge Keith] Hmm. [Gus] There were two
text messaging applications that she had subscriptions on,
meaning, username, password, the applications were installed
on the phone -and then later deleted.
-[audience exclaims] [Judge Dana] Okay. In this case, the two
that she used are very common throughout the world
for communicating with other individuals
via text, -video, phone...
-[Judge Dana] Mm-hmm. ...and sending pictures
back and forth. Did you find anything
else interesting in her phone? [Gus] Yes, Your Honor. When speaking
about deleted data, the internet history
searches conducted by Ms. Lankford,
all of them were deleted. Specifically, there was
a search on internet where Ms. Lankford was searching
for "lie detector tests". And more specifically,
"<i> Couples Court</i> lie detector". -In my opinion, when someone...
-Uh-- ...researches this area... -[Lankford] No.
-...they're looking to beat the system. All right. Were you
searching about lie detectors, -Ms. Lankford?
-No. I was not. He is on my phone
more than I am. -[Judge Dana] Mr. Samuels--
-And I hand my phone over to him anytime he asks. He can have my phone, he takes
my phone for the whole day. I have nothing to hide.
And he knows that. He can take anything he wants,
anytime. I go nowhere, I have no friends.
You know, I have-- I've been in my house for over
a year without a break, with six, seven, ten kids a day. I don't go anywhere. [Judge Dana]
Let me ask you. Did you search
for "lie detectors" on her-- I did not search
for "lie detectors from the-- from the<i> Couples Court</i> "
on her phone. No, I did not. Did you-- Did you search for "lie detectors" at all
on her phone? I have not. Never searched
for "lie detectors". And speaking of lie detectors,
this court will now call
certified polygraph examiner Dave Lawrence. Ron, would you please
escort Mr. Lawrence in? [audience applauding] -[Ron] Mr. Lawrence.
-[Dave] Yes. [Ron] Head over to the monitor. Good day, sir, how are you? Just fine, sir, how are you? [Judge Keith] I'm doing good,
thank you. You performed a polygraph
examination on Ms. Lankford, -<i> correct?</i>
-[Dave]<i> I did.</i> [Judge Keith] All right,
you asked her
a series of questions? -I did.
-You asked Ms. Lankford, "During your relationship
with Mr. Samuels, have you had sexual intercourse
with anyone other than Mr. Samuels?" What was her response
to that question? She said, "No." What did
the lie detector determine? The lie detector determined
she was being deceptive. [audience exclaims] -I'm done.
-I told you. -[Lankford] No, I'm done.
-[audience exclaims] [Lankford] That is a lie.
That is a lie. Mr. Samuels, what's going
through your mind right now? I knew in my heart, I didn't even need
that lie detector test. I see the tears
in your eyes. It's okay. If there was ever a time to cry,
this will be it, Mr. Samuels. [Samuels] I don't know.
I think, uh... I think maybe, uh, maybe if we go get some
counseling and things, you know, we might be able
to work things out, you know. And you're willing to do that? Well, yeah, I mean,
can't rip the kids' house up, you know, and ruin their life. Because you have been
so swallowed up by this, we want you to take the advice
of a counselor so, he can help you get
back on the path so that you're whole,
because right now, -you are in a thousand pieces.
-[mumbles] Yeah. You can't be whole for her until
you get yourself together.