<i> This is</i> Couples Court
With The Cutlers. [DANA] This is the case of
Adcox vs Weaver. You all are engaged,
have been together three years. And I can't help but notice there's a 23 year
age difference
between you all. So, Ms. Adcox,
why have you brought
your fiancee to court today? I put a lot
into this relationship and I believe that
he is cheating on me. When, um, we got together
I was waitressing. He was a man...
He came in as our manager. We got along very well.
Everything in common. Then we started
seeing each other
and then, right after that, I started finding out
a lot of things. And I believe that he's been
cheating on me, possibly, since we've been together,
over three years ago. Let me ask Mr. Weaver.
I mean, she feels that
you all have been having problems
since the beginning
of your relationship. What are you here
to prove today? I'm here to prove
that I am innocent
beyond a shadow of doubt, that I love her
with all my heart. I want this to be
a nice, happy, smooth,
stable relationship. Okay. Tell me what it's like
in your home right now, with her believing
that you are cheating on her. At home, it's...
it's really nice. We... Everything's civil. When I leave for work
or if I go out
to do something... then, that's when it...
I come back home,
that's when the problem starts. So tell me
what happens when
you get back home. She'll start accusing me...
She'll start questioning me, what I was doing,
who I was with. Uh, why was I gone
for so long. And, I have to constantly
defend myself. Like, keep a tab
of every little thing I did. A laundry list...
It's ridiculous. So, what's on the line
if you should find out that Mr. Weaver
is, in fact, cheating? If he's cheating,
I mean, I don't really
have time for this. I've already been
in a relationship for 20 years. You know, I have kids. I put in everything
into this relationship. I love him more than
anything in the world. But, I'm not gonna stay
with him if I find out
that he's cheating on me. I wanna know today. You talked about...
You met at work. Tell me about
your first meeting
and your first date. It was beautiful. I mean,
another woman that worked there asked if I wanted to
go with her to take him out
for his birthday, that she was gonna
take him out
for a couple of drinks. And so we all went
to a place down the street, we went out
for a couple of drinks. And the friend
that I worked with, she left earlier and we stayed. And we got into a conversation,
we got very close. And I kissed him on his cheek. And, uh, he's like,
"Wow, a woman
never kissed me." And I was like,
"Yeah, right. Okay." He was like, "No, I've
never been kissed
by a woman in my entire life." I'm like, "Get out of here!"
He's never had a girlfriend
and never been kissed. So, for a month from there,
we still were working together. We started
seeing each other more,
we got into a relationship. He said he'd never had sex.
Like, I was his first love. Ever. Anything. Okay, so,
you took his virginity? [LAUGHTER] [KEITH] All right.
So, Mr. Weaver, you see this woman
at work. Were you looking
for a relationship? Were you looking for
a relationship with
an older woman. What happened is,
we started out as coworkers. Uh, we started to gradually
know each... get to know each other
over time, working
with each other. And then, eventually
that friendship kinda
just developed naturally into a relationship. I didn't question it.
Uh, I didn't think
anything of it, 'cause it just seemed
so natural. [KEITH] It just happened.
[WEAVER] Exactly. [DANA] All right.
[KEITH] And she was
your first... [WEAVER] Yes.
[KEITH] ...person you kissed? Yes, Your Honor. [DANA] And she was
the first person
you made love to? Yes, Your Honor. What was that like? [EVERYBODY LAUGHING] Well, what are you saying,
"What was that like?" [DANA] Well, I mean...
[WEAVER] It was scary. [DANA] You were scared.
[WEAVER] It was scary. I... I didn't know
what was happening. [LAUGHTER] The reason I asked...
I know that seemed really... But I asked because,
I mean, he's young with an experienced woman.
She has children. So, I was just like,
"Okay, what was that..." I mean, wait a minute... Everybody sitting here
was thinkin' it. They were like,
"What was that like?" I just asked a question
nobody else could ask. And that's why we love you. And that's why
you love me. [KEITH] You ask
the hard questions.
[LAUGHING] So, not to embarrass you. But, no,
that's a beautiful thing. You have found
your young prince. Yes. [DANA] You're in love.
[ADCOX] Yeah. You are sharing
first experiences. [KEITH] He's treated you
like no man
has treated you before. No. Not... Never. Why do you think
he's cheating right now? His family loves us
and they love us together. They've never seen him
so happy. So, you know... So, we go over there
to spend the night but here's this girl
that I've never seen before and the mother's
explaining to me, "Well, she grew up with
the kids and she's like,
part of the family. And we're just
helping her out. She's just gonna
stay for a while." She was mean to me
the whole day. She didn't
talk to me or anything. And at night
she just came in there and she just
totally attacked me. And beat me up in the house,
with the family. So, you believe that
this is the woman
that Mr. Weaver was dating. Yes. And he had something
to do with this girl. And there's no reason
for her to attack me. We didn't know each other.
I didn't have a problem
with the family. She had nothing
to do with that. She attacked me
because there was
something with him. we, uh, were staying
the night at my mother's house. This girl comes in, uh, she starts complaining about
we're leavin' all her trash
all over the place. And, a fight broke out.
They started trash talking
to each other. And so, I just jumped
in front of the door, closed it and like,
barricaded myself
in-between them, so they couldn't
get to each other. Uh, somehow I lost my grip, the door got loose
and they got into it
when the door opened. Okay. So, did you ever
have a relationship with
this woman in the past? No, not at all. All right. So, Ms. Adcox, is there anybody else
that you think that your boyfriend
is sleeping with? Yes, there is another girl.
She started working after us. And she's a very pretty,
tall, younger girl. She's very flashy,
always flirting with him. But he loves blondes.
He's got a thing for them. They're all blonde. Everybody,
I'm talking about. Like, we're working together
but he doesn't
notice me anymore. He's constantly behind her.
Constantly helping her
with everything. And then,
when he's behind the... Okay. Let me ask...
I wanna ask him about this. This new coworker,
were you helping her? Were you ignoring
your girlfriend? No, I was not ignoring her
over this other coworker. She was new. It's my job
to instruct the waitresses. How to do their jobs,
how to assist the customers. [ADCOX] You know,
when you work, and I know this,
I've been waitressing forever. The work phone
is for the workers. [ADCOX] And her number ends up
being in his cellphone.
[WEAVER] No, she was... [ADCOX] And she's calling him...
[WEAVER] No, no. And I caught him one day
and I'm like, "Who are you
talking to?" And he hangs up
the phone right away. That was so I couldn't
talk to her or anything.
And then he goes, "She called for you." I'm like, "Why is she calling
for me on your cellphone?" I don't even talk to her.
We're not friends. "No, she called for you.
I'm serious." "Give me her number."
He takes it out of
the work book. Now, I call her, she says,
"I wasn't calling for you." Okay. So, doesn't it make sense
that if he's the manager
of the restaurant... [ADCOX] Mm-hmm.
[DANA] ...she's a new employee, he would be paying her
more attention. Yes. But, another thing... We went to the beach
and he's with swingers,
girl and a guy. And he's got them on the phone and they're messaging
each other... Swingers! How do you know
they were interested
in him? Because I was standing
next to him when they
were talking to him. And they asked him
if he wanted to get together. When you say "get together,"
what do you mean? I don't know if
there's that much... "Do you want to get together
and go out sometime?" [DANA] How do you make
the jump from, "Do you all wanna
go out" to swingin'?
That's a huge leap. I mean, we meet people
and they're like,
"Hey, we ought to go out." They may get his number. I don't think they wanna
swing with my husband. [LAUGHS]
[KEITH] Yeah. Yeah. I could just tell
what kind of people
they were. And I'm just so upset,
I'm like, shakin' my head, like, more or less
like, you'd know when I'm saying,
"Don't take their number,
let's go." But, later on I found out
he did and they were
messaging each other. Okay, and what were they
messaging each other? The guy asked him,
"When are we getting together?" To play golf?
To go out for beers? To watch the game? I'm sure he knows. Why do you think there's
something bad about that? [ADCOX] Why was I...
[DANA] Cutler... Why did he lie to me? The light bulb
just went off in my head. [ADCOX] Why is he lying?
[KEITH] Okay, tell me.
'Cause I, you know... I wanna sit back
for this. Tell me. She told him
not to take the number and he did. So, that means she thinks
that he's doing something
that he shouldn't do. But... He's a grown man. He could
take somebeody's number,
a guy's number, if he wants to. [ADCOX] But why is he lyin'? We're in a relationship
for over three years.
Why would he lie? [ADCOX] That would be...
[DANA] Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on. [ADCOX] ...taking your number
and then leaving. And then telling him later on,
"I don't have his number." And then, you messaging me
later on saying,
"Are we going out?" Why is he lying?
Why does he keep on lying? Why am I fighting these lies? Well, I think
if he's trying
to explain it and this is what he gets
when he's trying to explain it, I can see why he just said,
"I'm not sayin' anything." Mr. Weaver,
what is this like for you? [DANA LAUGHS] I just know
what it's like for me. [WEAVER] It's very
mentally taxing. [DANA] All right. I work 12 hour shifts, minimum. I commute two hours
to work, each way. So, I have no time
to even... It takes you 45 minutes
to get to work. My son just drove you
to work the other day. That's another lie,
right there. It takes you 45 minutes
to get to like... [ADCOX] It can take you...
[WEAVER] It takes an hour
and a half in traffic. And I've been taking
the train lately, 'cause
our car's broken down. That's just now.
We're not even
talking about that. [KEITH] All right. Well, to get
to the bottom of this, the court has ordered
a full forensic investigation on Mr. Weaver's cellphone, and we have those results. Ron, would you please escort
Mr. Gregory Evans
into the courtroom? [RON] Yes, sir. [KEITH] There he is.
[EVANS] Thank you, Keith. [DANA] How are you Mr. Evans? I'm fine. And yourself,
Your Honor? [EVANS] Good to see you.
[DANA] Good, good. All right. You performed
a full forensic investigation
on Mr. Weaver's cellphone. [KEITH] Is that correct?
[EVANS] Yes, I did, Your Honor. [KEITH] All right.
[DANA] Mr. Evans, did you find any interesting communications
between Mr. Weaver and women? Yes, I did. [AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING] I found a fairly recent
explicit picture that the defendant
had deleted off his phone. And the picture is faceless,
but it... Well, here.
It speaks for itself. [EVANS CHUCKLES]
[DANA] Oh! Uh, we are looking
at a woman's breasts. And this photo
of a topless woman was found
in Mr. Weaver's phone? Yes, it was. [KEITH] And it had been deleted?
[EVANS] Yes, it had. Mr. Weaver, were those breasts
on your phone that you deleted? [AUDIENCE LAUGHING] I don't feel like
I recognize 'em. [KEITH] Okay. Well, Ron,
would you please hand him
that photograph? That means I don't have any.
So, like I said,
wouldn't be mine. [ADCOX COUGHS] [WEAVER] Oh!
you recognize 'em now? [WEAVER] I do. And whose breasts are those? Those are the plaintiff's. [DANA] Okay. Well,
plaintiff, you... Can you show that
to her, please. [CHUCKLES] Oh, shoot!
[DANA] All right. So, okay.
He's saved on that one. [KEITH] Thank you, Ms. Adcox. Mr. Evans, did you find
anything else
on Mr. Weaver's phone that raised your suspicion? I did, Your Honor.
I really did. As I said, I did
a full forensics investigations of the defendant's phone. That includes
anything he deleted such as pictures,
videos and text messages. [DANA] Okay. That's how I came up with
this real racy conversation between Mr. Weaver
and a woman. All right. This is
from Tim, it says, "You're sexy,
I love you so much, sexy." [DANA] She responds, "I love it when you
make love to me." [AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING] [DANA] "It's very sensual,
sexy, hot and loving." [KEITH] And Mr. Weaver responds,
"You're so sexy." [AUDIENCE LAUGHS]
[KEITH] Okay. You recovered this
in Mr. Weaver's phone? Yes, Your Honor. [KEITH] Mr. Weaver?
[WEAVER] I know exactly
what that is. That's actually a conversation
between me and the plaintiff. We use several
different cellphones, and sometimes
if one phone is off and another one is on,
we have to switch out and we may have a lot of
diff... of these conversations. I don't even use
that word, "sensual." I don't even know
how to spell it. That's one of our conversations,
word for word. That sounds
exactly like us. So, Ms. Adcox,
this is not you? You're not the woman
who is shown
in the text message? That's a no. [DANA] How are you feeling? [SNIFFLES] Mr. Evans,
this communication, was it
with a woman named Babies? Yes, it was. [GASPS] Is that what he calls you
in your phone? Yeah. I never use
the word "sensual." I can't even say it
or spell it. I'm not an idiot
or stupid... I just don't. And like, that's not my... You busted it out there.
I mean... [DANA] All right. To further investigate
this matter, the court
has engaged the services of licensed
private investigator
and polygraph examiner, Kendall Shall, who was
a special agent to the FBI. Ron, can you please escort
Mr. Shull into the courtroom? Yes, Your Honor. [KEITH] Mr. Shull,
how are you today?
[SCULL] Great, Your Honor. [KEITH] Good to see you.
[SHULL] Good to see you. You conducted
a polygraph examination
on Mr. Weaver, is that correct? I did, Your Honor. Mr. Weaver was asked,
"Since March of 2014, have you had
sexual intercourse
with any woman other than Ms. Adcox?" What was his response? His response was "No." What did
the lie detector determine? The lie detector
determined he was being... [SHULL] truthful.
[ADCOX SIGHS CONTENLY] [AUDIENCE APPLAUDS] All right. Ms. Adcox, if you want any chance
of keeping this young man, you have got to lighten up. He says, when he comes home,
you start barraging him
with questions. "Where have you been?
Why does it take you
so long to get home?" A man can't live like that.
A woman can't live like that. If you keep
lookin' for somethin',
lookin' for somethin, you're gonna find something.
And you're gonna blow it
out of proportion [KEITH] and this is
gonna be a big mess.
[ADCOX] Yeah. [DANA] This young man
has told you, "I love you. I want to be with you. I want peace and harmony
in my home." That's what he wants. Make that for him. Yeah. You are dating,
you in a long-distance
relationship. I noticed on
the court papers, there's a 15-year
age difference. Ms. Scott, you're
a little older than
Ms. White, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE KEITH: All right. And y'all have postponed
an engagement twice... ERICA WHITE: Yes. ...because of
cheating allegations. And this relationship
is not going anywhere until those allegations
are resolved. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. White, you've
opened this case.
Tell us why you here. 'Cause I think she's cheating
on me with two different women. JUDGE KEITH: Oh. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE KEITH:
Two different women? Two different women. And I'm here today
just to find out
if it's true or not. All right. It makes me feel real... Like, I'm nothing.
My self-esteem be down and I'm tired of it. AUDIENCE: Aw. All right, Ms. Scott,
I'm looking at the pain
in her face. I'm looking at the tears
in her eyes. What are you
here to prove? I'm here to prove
I'm not cheating on her. JUDGE DANA: All right. Especially with
two different women. One woman is my family member. She's saying you cheating
with a family member? RENEE SCOTT: Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. It happens
like that sometimes. JUDGE DANA: Okay. JUDGE KEITH: But you deny that. Yes, I deny that. JUDGE KEITH: Yeah. Ain't no truth in that. With a family member
or anybody else,
you're not cheating at all? I'm not cheating at all. They're too friendly. Slapping butts.
Y'all too friendly. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So, Ms. White, if you
find out that, in fact, Ms. Scott is cheating
with one or both women, is this relationship done? I guess, it is. It's over. Have you been cheated on
in the past? So many times.
So many times. JUDGE KEITH: So,
this is where the pain
is coming from. So you're like,
"This is the person
I thought was gonna "take me out of this." WHITE: Yes, out of that. And she's dragging you
back to it. And lift me up,
lift my spirit up.
Lift me up, say that I'm special,
that I mean something
to somebody. AUDIENCE: Aw. You just don't understand. JUDGE DANA: It's okay. It's not. It really is. I'm nervous
and it hurts. Thought this was over,
wanted to marry. Twice. Twice I engaged to her.
Twice. And here you are,
right here with us
sharing this pain. With a person you thought
was gonna bring you up. I really care about her.
I love her. I'm in love
with her and everything. And you just don't feel it
coming back to you? No. Not at all. Ms. Scott,
how do you feel
about the situation? What she's saying
is untrue, okay? Like I said,
this is my family member. This girl got... But you said this is not
a blood relation. SCOTT: This is
not a blood thing. She's just like my family,
you understand
what I'm saying? Not slapping butts,
not taking pictures the way
they're taking pictures. I've never in my life
slapped that young lady
on her butt. Not the way they
taking pictures and do
what they do. No! I'm watching you two. I'm feeling the passion. And the tension. And the tension. You love this lady. I wanna be with her. Yes. JUDGE KEITH:
You wanna be her. How did you two meet? At a fish fry. At my family member's house. Tell me about that.
Tell me how that happened. When she came in with
one of my family members
and I saw her, glasses, dressed, I was like,
"Huh, I want that." "I want that." (AUDIENCE CHEERING) "I want that." "And I'm gonna get that." Did you get together
after the... I fried her fish. And gave it to her. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) JUDGE KEITH: All righty then. I fried her fish
and gave it to her. Well, do tell. Well, well, well. Well, do tell. All right, Ms. Scott,
she says the fish
was fried. SCOTT: That's right. What did you like about her
when you saw her? It's her lips.
I call her Sweet Lips.
That's what I named her. I named her Sweet Lips. JUDGE DANA: She's beautiful. Right. She's a very beautiful
individual, don't get me wrong.
You know what I'm saying? But I just can't deal with
all the drama. You understand
what I'm saying? I want to be with her.
Yes, I want to be with her. We've been together
for one year, you understand? And one month.
You understand? I want... I want us
to be together. She live in New York.
I live in Virginia. But I make sure
I come down here, though. Yeah, we come
to see each other,
you know what I'm saying? Even when I'm
at her house, she accused me
of everything. 'Cause you keep talking
on the phone... Listen to me. A phone is a phone,
you understand
what I'm saying? I don't act on that. But here's the thing,
you believe that there
are two women that Ms. Scott
is involved with. WHITE: Yes. JUDGE DANA: Tell me about
the first woman. Riana? I'm not sure. WHITE: Yes, it's Riana,
the younger lady. The younger woman? WHITE: Mmm-hmm. Okay, so we're gonna call
Woman 1 the younger woman. Okay. WHITE: Uh-huh. She's in the life, too. JUDGE DANA: All right. You know, the gay life.
And I guess she wants
some inspiration from her aunt.
So-called aunt
or whatever. And they're just
too rocky for me. Like, you know,
she always calling,
"Take me to the store." "Give me money
for cigarettes." And they're just
too friendly for me. And this is the person
that you claim is like
a family member to you. SCOTT: Yes. But it's not a blood... But it's not a blood family. Not a blood family. But she is a family member. JUDGE DANA: Okay. And in your mind
family members
don't do this. WHITE: She's slapping butts,
Valentine's Day
she left me for her. Tell me about
Valentine's Day. She didn't know
I was gonna propose to her. JUDGE DANA: Okay. I told her, "Babe,
it's Valentine's Day.
Stay with me in New York City." She was like, "No,
I've gotta babysit,
watch her children." I'm like,
"What's more important?" And you were tight about it? WHITE: Yes, very tight. 'Cause she did it twice.
In December around Christmas. JUDGE DANA: Okay. Okay. This is our
first Christmas together and you wanna go
and babysit somebody. Let her find
a babysitter
on her own. JUDGE DANA: All right. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Them not your children. I don't act on that. All right, so what
do you have there? WHITE: I have
two pictures, Your Honor. Okay, Ron, would you
grab those for me, please? RON: Yes, Your Honor. Thank you, ma'am. What are these pictures
that we're looking at? WHITE:
This is too friendly to me.
She looks sneaky anyway. JUDGE KEITH: But, how... SCOTT:
There's nothing there. JUDGE KEITH:
Who took these pictures?
Where did you find them? WHITE: Her... her...
The niece took the pictures. Why you poking
your lips out
and all that? SCOTT: Listen. Why does she look sneaky,
like, mmm... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I've taken selfies
with girlfriends
and we're both... I'm looking over her shoulder,
she's looking over mine. Y'all are voguing. We're voguing and whatever. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) And I don't see
why this would set you off. I just don't trust. SCOTT: Oh, come on. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) All right, Ms. White. WHITE: Yes. You got something
else to say? After the fact,
how I got those pictures is because me and Riana
was on FaceTime. I made a mistake
and FaceTimed Riana
and she said, "Oh, my girl went and got me
a pack of cigarette like
she always do." Then Malika came back
and then says, "Why are you
on Riana's phone? "Didn't I tell you don't call
'cause we about to do booty, "and I'm gonna send you
the video." Yes, she did. JUDGE KEITH: So, Ms. Scott,
is this true? That's not true.
What happened was Ms. White sent
a picture to Riana
of her ex-girlfriend. I sure did. And the ex-girlfriend
texted me on my phone telling me that
her and Erica...
That she asked Erica out. So I told the young girl,
I said, "Do me a favor, "act like me and you
are messing around." It wasn't even none of that. See? Tit for tat. It was none of that.
That's before... So that's why she gave her
this message that we're about
to do something? Right, that's why she did that.
'Cause I told her to do that. So y'all just do stuff
back and forth to get
revenge at each other. You get back at her,
you get back at her. WHITE: I'm tired. It's crazy. JUDGE DANA: This is not
what love looks like. It doesn't. No. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE DANA: It's not
what it looks like. There were two women. Okay. Let's talk
about Woman 2. Malika comes down
to my New York apartment. She was in the shower. Phone was ringing
off the hook...
(MIMICS PHONE RINGING) "You have a message
from such and such..."
The woman. Such and such, going on.
So she was in the shower.
I went in the shower, gave her the phone, I said,
"Malika, who is this lady,
keep calling you?" "Oh!" She's screaming,
"Oh, the lady,
she's just my friend. "Just an old friend
that I met years ago!" Just the way she reacted... WHITE: I knew
something was wrong. I knew mostly all her friends
and family, but this didn't
sit right with me. JUDGE KEITH:
You confronted her about it. I confronted her... She gave you an explanation
and you didn't buy it? WHITE: I didn't buy it. Okay, Ms. Scott. Who is this woman? Hmm? SCOTT:
An old friend of mine. One day I was coming down
the stairs and she ran into me,
she gave me a hug
and a kiss on my face. You kissed her...
You put her tongue
in your mouth. JUDGE KEITH:
Hold on, Ms. White. She gave me a kiss
on my face, you understand
what I'm saying? Her tongue in her mouth. Rather... Yeah. I told Erica... I said,
yeah, because me and you was
going through some problems. So you kiss another woman? So I said to her,
"Yeah, I was texting
the girl." I wanna know, did you
put your tongue in her mouth? I've got proof, Your Honor.
She put her tongue
in that lady's mouth. JUDGE DANA: Ron,
could you please get that? They was texting,
"I wanna see you. "I wanna see you
and give you a kiss." The lady sent it
on my phone. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) She ran into me,
she gave me a hug
and a kiss on my face. You get this text... WHITE: From her! From her. WHITE:
From the other woman. (JUDGE DANA READING) Then another one. "GM, good morning." (CONTINUES READING) And then... (READING) All right, so this is
Wednesday, April 18th, Thursday, April 19th, Friday. And that's when we was
going through something. April 17th
was our anniversary. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) WHITE: It was our
first year anniversary,
Your Honor. On the day
after your anniversary... Can you believe that?
She talking and texting
another woman. All right. Then we have
another set of texts. And this involves
the other woman. JUDGE KEITH:
"Hello, sexy, been a little
under the weather." And then you respond... JUDGE DANA:
"Hope you feel better.
I'm coming to N.Y. Tuesday." JUDGE KEITH: "Okay,
so I am happy
to read that, "looking forward
to kissing you again." (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE DANA:
And you say...
"Okay, me too." That's not a kiss. So you did kiss
this woman. I told you
I kissed her on the face.
Yes, I did. No. The woman said
you put your tongue
in her mouth! JUDGE KEITH:
Hold on, Ms. White. JUDGE DANA: Hold on. I've been kissed
on the cheek
many a time. WHITE: Mmm-hmm. It ain't something
I'd look forward to. Exactly. Thank you!
Thank you, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE DANA: It ain't something
I'd look forward to. To get some perspective on this
we wanted to hear from
a person who has been in a same
sex relationship,
a long distance relationship. We're gonna hear from Season 7
of<i> Bad Girl's Club,</i>
Ms. Judy Jackson. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) Ron, would you please
escort her in? RON: Yes, Your Honor. RON: Judy Jackson. Hi, Ron. RON: Hi. Which way? Up there? Yes, right up there. Hello. Hi. How are you? You're currently in a same sex,
long distance relationship,
is that right? Absolutely. So have you been accused
of cheating? I have cheated.
But I didn't take it
as cheating because, you know,
I'm hosting parties, I kiss people,
I get paid for it. So I don't think it's cheating.
It's just me doing my job. What kind of kiss? Because I've been at parties
where we go, muah, muah. Or, you know,
cheek to cheek, but... No, I put my tongue
all up in it. (ALL EXCLAIMING) JUDGE DANA: There it is. WHITE: See? You don't consider
that cheating? You know, technically
it is cheating. JUDGE KEITH: What kind of
advice would you give
to our litigants? I understand where
you're coming from. You gotta not be friends
with people that you
had a past with. There's no need
for them anymore. You got a new girl,
you know? Are you of the belief
that if you are in contact
with that past, texting with that past, texting with folks, like
"I miss you"... It leaves the door open. There it is. It leaves the door open.
You gotta close it shut, so no little thoughts
can come back through. WHITE: That's right. JUDGE KEITH: All right,
thank you very much,
Ms. Jackson. Thank you.
Good luck to you guys. Thank you. All right, I think
we got enough evidence,
Mr. Cutler. JUDGE KEITH: All right,
what do we have? JUDGE DANA: She believes
that Ms. Scott ran off
with a younger woman, to be with a younger woman
on Valentine's Day. She's got text evidence indicating that not only
does Ms. Scott wanna
see another woman while she's in New York
visiting her, but she's also kissed
this woman, and they're looking forward
to kissing again. And based on all of this and the fact that she's
had a past of broken hearts... And I love her. And that she loves her
and she is sayin', "I love her.
I want to be with her." She wants to marry her. But she cannot do that... Can't get my feelings hurt
and my self-esteem down,
I can't live like that. JUDGE DANA: She says
she's not going to do it. Yeah. JUDGE DANA: All right, love,
that's all we got. Now, Ms. Scott,
do you realize
what's at stake here? Do you love me?
Answer that question! Yeah, I love you.
You know I love you. No, you don't! See, this is
what I go through.
This is what I go through. You don't show it!
You don't show no love! This is what I go through. Even four other
young ladies
became involved. You always question
about my love.
You can't keep doing it. WHITE: Action speaks
louder than words. You keep trying to run me
out the door, you understand
what I'm saying? And I'm getting tired
of that, too. JUDGE KEITH: Okay. JUDGE DANA: All right. I'm getting tired of that, too. JUDGE KEITH:
There is a lot at stake here.
And because of that this court has done
a full and complete
investigation. At this time
the court will hear from certified
polygraph examiner,
Patrick Coffey to determine
"Is she cheating?" (AUDIENCE CHEERING) You know, Ms. Scott,
you've been smiling
quite a bit. And smiling at really
inappropriate times. Mmm-hmm. In my history here
on this bench,
is when I see that a lot of times,
it's the exact opposite. Because you got something
you hiding. I have nothing to hide. JUDGE DANA: All right,
so I'm gonna give you
this chance... All right. ...to speak your truth before Mr. Coffey does. Do you have something
you need to tell Ms. White? No, I don't.
I have nothing
to tell her. None of this stuff...
All of this stuff
is untrue. JUDGE DANA: All right.
There it is. JUDGE KEITH: Mr. Coffey,
you conducted a polygraph
examination of Ms. Scott, is that correct? Yes, sir, it is. Ms. Scott was asked... (JUDGE DANA READING) What was her response? Her response was no. What did the
polygraph reveal? Polygraph disclosed... Her response was no. What did the
polygraph reveal? Polygraph disclosed she was being truthful. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) It's been a minute since
some litigants wore me out like you two have. And the reason you have
worn me out is y'all don't listen to us, y'all don't listen
to each other, y'all do a tit-for-tat. All of it. No!
It is a hard no. What you need to do, you got two ears
and one mouth,
there's a reason. And the only thing
you can close
is your lips. Close 'em
and use your ears. You Ms. Thing,
you need to... Slow down. Slow down. Slow down. Give this woman
a chance to love you likes she wants to. SCOTT: Thank you. Okay. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE KEITH: She can't get in.
She can't get anywhere. I mean,
it's like a buzz saw. I mean, you're afraid
to jump in. Let her love you.
If you want her to love you
let her love you. Because you're gonna
scare her away. WHITE: Okay. You know? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) You gotta let go of the past, whatever happened in the past,
you being cheated on, you gotta let that go.
You can't blame her for everything
that's happened
to you in the past. You're right. Now, Ms. Cutler said
you gotta close
your mouth, you know, to make sure you can have
a happy relationship. You gotta keep
something else
closed, too. To all other people
except you two. You know what
Did Mr. Cutler
just say that? Yeah, he did. You all have known each other
for 20 years. You've been together
for five years. But this relationship
is on hold right now because you believe
Mr. Walls is cheating, -is that correct, Ms. Masten?
-Yes, Your Honor. Okay. Mr. Walls,
you know, how do you feel knowing that your relationship all depends
on what happens here today to determine
whether you're cheating or not? I'm okay. I'm not cheating.
I'm here to prove that I'm not. So, I think
everything's gonna be fine after the results are back
and, you know, and she finds out that I'm not. -I haven't told anyone.
-[Judge Dana] Oh. I haven't seen any other women. So, you know, that's my story,
you know, stickin' with it. So, Ms. Masten,
tell us what's at stake -here today.
-[Masten] Well, Your Honor, um, I've been withholding sex
from Mr. Walls for a few months now. Um, I kinda came up--
come up with excuses when he tries and stuff,
like, I don't feel good -or things like that.
-And are you doing this because you believe
he's cheating? -I do. I-- For me,
-[Judge Dana] So-- just imagining Dave
with some other woman, is a real big turn-off for me. So, I've been having
problems with that. And, so,
you've been saying what? When he approaches you,
how do you deflect? Um... I don't feel good.
I have a headache. Um... "It's that time
of the month." Anything. You're just pulling them
all out? -[Masten] All of them.
All the tricks.
-All the classics? -"I got a headache."
-Yes, ma'am. -[Judge Dana] All right.
-Mr. Walls, I mean, how has it felt,
you know, her withholding sex? Did you know
she was withholding sex? Uh, yeah, I just thought
she was sick. [chuckles softly]
You know? And... I don't know. -So, you thought she was sick?
-[Walls] It was bad, -you know, I was trying.
-[Judge Keith] Whatever excuse-- -[Judge Keith] Whatever ex--
-You know, it's wasn't working. Whatever excuse she gave you,
you believed it at the time. No. No,
I knew something was wrong. I just couldn't get it out
of her, she'd never tell me. Okay. How long has it been that you all
have not been intimate? -Uh, it's a few months.
-[audience exclaims] [Judge Dana]
More than three months? -Yes.
-[Judge Dana] More
than three months? -That's a lie. That's a lie.
-Yes. Okay. You're saying
it's been about three months? [Masten] Maybe. Uh, three months is probably
even exaggerating a little. So-- Are y'all in the same bedroom, are y'all sleeping
in the same bed? We are. We do.
We sleep in the same bed. I just kind of keep my distance. -And, come to find out--
-That's a big bed. -[audience laughs]
-[Masten chuckling] Well, I mean, we was--
we went from having sex a couple of times a week when we first
got together, um... to not having any
for maybe, maybe three months. [sighs] I mean, how does it feel
to be rejected? Do you love her? -I mean, what are you feeling?
-[Walls] Yes, I love April. It feels bad.
It makes me feel really bad to be rejected, you know. -[Judge Dana] And to be...
-And I keep asking her... -...constantly just pushed back.
-"What's going on? What's going on?
You're not feeling me anymore? What's going on?"
and she's, "No, it's okay." I even asked her,
"Are you still attracted to me?" And she's just saying,
"It's okay." "Oh, yes, I am.
I just don't feel good." Good. So now
that you've found out that the reason
she was withholding wasn't because she just
wasn't attracted to you or she wasn't feeling well,
she was withholding sex from you because she thought
you were cheating. -[Walls] Right.
-How does that make you feel? Uh, I don't know.
I wasn't cheating. I mean, she's constantly
accusing me of it but I wasn't. I never have. I can't convince her
of any difference. So, I mean, hopefully,
this test they did proves, you know, otherwise. It should. This has gotta be pretty
horrible for your household. What is it that--
Is your household cold now because you all
are not together that way? It's put a strain on us. -It really has, um--
-I love April. I always have. -And I always will.
-[audience awes] You know, I hope
we can work things out and continue our relationship,
you know? How do you end up
in my courtroom? How does this happen?
What made you believe that he's cheating? Dave ended up in a hospital
and had to have surgery. He ended up,
laid up in the hospital for like two months. And I wouldn't come
and visit Dave until after the visiting hours. Because I had to take care
of things at home. -So, after visiting hours--
-[Judge Keith] Wait. He's in the hospital
for two months? -[Masten] Yeah.
-What happened? He had to have a surgery
on his back, on his spine.
His spine almost collapsed. -[Judge Dana] Oh!
-Wow. Okay. Wow. Okay. So, I'd go up after hours
and visit with him. And there was one particular day
that stands out that a nurse
just got in there. And the nurse comes walking
by the door and kind of backs up
and looks over at me and said,
"I thought you just left." And then, kind of,
looks at Dave like maybe she had said
something wrong. Stuck her foot in her mouth... -[audience exclaims]
-...you know. -Oh!
-[Masten] So, that kind of was like, "What was that about?"
You know. [Judge Dana] So, okay, wait.
You come in. And the nurse says to you,
"I thought you just left." And you're looking at her
'cause you just got there. I just got there.
So, somebody just left. So, something on your face--
And so, did she look at you crazy -or did she look at him crazy?
-[Masten] So, she kinda said "I thought you just left."
And then she looks immediately at Dave, and I don't know
if I may be missed a look from Dave to her
or her to him or whatever. And then she says, "Wrong room"
and walks on. So, I'm like,
"There's something not right." [audience exclaims] Mr. Walls who was it
that just left your room right before
Ms. Masten got there? It was a family member. And
I told her that, she knows that. She knew they were coming
to see me. It's the only people that came
to see me was her... -It was days before that.
-...and family members. That was it. -I think he's lying.
-[Judge Keith] Did he tell you -who the family member was?
-Yes. Do you resemble -the family member?
-No. [Judge Keith] Is that a mistake that a reasonable nurse
could have made? No. No, I don't--
Nothing like her. -No.
-And this family member you don't believe that's who
came to visit Mr. Walls? No, I believe she came
but I don't believe it was then. I believe it was a couple
of days before then. Ah, so you said-- Okay,
if it was a family member, it wasn't the night in question? -Exactly.
-[audience exclaims] So, what have you
experienced lately that makes you believe that you've gone
from this suspicion, this thing that caught your eye, to something
that's actually happening? Okay. So, he's just now able
to start getting back to work -in the last few months and...
-[Judge Dana] Okay. ...with my experience with him
working before and now -is a little different.
-Okay. He doesn't answer his cell phone
while he's at work. He doesn't answer phone calls
that I call. Doesn't answer text messages. And then here lately, he's coming home later
and later and later. You know, everybody
has a cell phone on while they're at work.
Everybody. Well, let's find out from him.
Mr. Walls, why are you
not answering your phone? -Why are you comin' home...
-I leave my phone in the truck. -...later and later?
-I never take it with me. I'm up and down ladders.
I'm on roofs, I don't take-- I've dropped a couple of phones
and broke 'em and it costs me a bunch
of money replacing them. So I don't take the phone
out of the truck with me. I leave it there,
she knows that. -Okay.
-I don't answer the phone
all day. And I won't.
And I'm not going to. [Judge Dana] Okay.
But let me ask you this, is this different
from that in the past? Did he take his phone,
did he answer, did he answer calls and text? When we first got together,
he did. Okay. At some point, he stopped. Was it after the surgery
or before? Um, well, he had been
out of work for a while so, I'm gonna guess
I noticed it after the surgery -when he just went back to work.
-[Judge Dana] After the surgery? And that's one of those things
people talk about, either the person
stops responding... -[Masten] Yeah.
-...or "They're responding but it's never to me." It's, "They're on the phone
but it's not with me." -Right. Right. Right.
-[Judge Dana] Okay. But, Mr. Walls, did we have
his drastic change from before and after with your
answering the cell phone? I don't think so. I think
she's exaggerating. I really do. I don't think
there was no change at all. I've always left my phone
in the truck. And since I broke
a few of 'em and had to replace 'em,
I just left it there. She knows that.
I would call her back
when I got to the truck. Now, that explains the phone,
what about you coming home late? She says you're coming home
late-- Well, sometimes I got people's
windows and doors
out of their house, I got get them back in there
before I leave, you know, I just can't leave
their house open all night. So, a lot of times
that's what I'm doing. I'm finishing up a job,
I have to. You said a lot of times,
what about the other times, because I think that's what -Ms. Masten is concerned about.
-There wasn't other times. -[Judge Dana] Well, and I--
-What other times was it? Where are you
and who you with? [Masten] That's usually
what he tells me. He can't leave
people's houses open or the roof open.
That's always his excuse. I don't drink
or anything like that. I don't go to bars, you know. When I leave the job,
I go straight home. -So you're saying--
-[Walls] Or sometimes I may go to a construction, you know,
a place to pick up supplies for the next day
or something like that, you know, and then home. But I'm not going anywhere else,
I'm not seeing anybody else. But the bottom line, Mr. Walls,
is nothing's happening, you're just a working man. -[Walls] Right.
-And you're coming home or either taking care
of business. -Right.
-[music playing] You know what, love, I-- what I'm sensing is just a lack
of communication between-- Do you all talk to each other? -[Judge Dana] What kind of--
-I question him when he finally does show up
and come home, I question him and he says -I'm on his nerve. I--
-[Judge Keith laughing] -You heard her answer, right?
-I didn't-- -Yeah, I did.
-You asked, "Do you all talk?" -She said, "I question--
-No, I said communicate-- -No, "Do you all communicate?"
-Right? "Do you all talk?"
She says, "I question him -when he comes home."
-There's a difference between communication
and interrogation. Yeah. [Judge Dana] And so,
if you're interrogating him, yeah, you're getting answers
but you're not having the connection that's required
for communication. -[Masten] Okay.
-And when you're communicating, you're like, "Love, I don't know
what's going on. Talk to me
about your work schedule." As opposed to, "Where you been?
What you doing? Why are you late?" That's a different flavor,
right? -[Masten] Right, correct.
-[Judge Dana] Okay. [Judge Keith] Because he's
going to shut down mode -at that point.
-[Judge Dana] Yeah. Immediately. [Judge Keith]
That's exactly what he does. -Right.
-So, have you found anything that makes you think
he's cheating? Okay, Your Honor,
so, we share a car together and he takes it sometimes
by himself. And, um, I found a hair tie
in it. This hair tie. A big, bulky hair tie -and that's not the kind...
-[Judge Dana] Okay. ...that I use, I've never used.
I use this kind. [Judge Dana] Okay. And you're trying to figure out
whose tie is that? Where did it come from?
It's not mine. Has nothing to do with me,
I've never use that kind, -I just don't.
-[Judge Keith] Mr. Walls, -whose hair tie is that?
-I have no clue. The car was never cleaned out
when we bought it. I never the cleaned
the car out. So, I don't know
where it come from. It was either under the seat,
came out from under the seat, I don't know? And you don't need a hair tie, -looking at you.
-[Walls] No, obviously. [Judge Dana] Yeah, yeah,
that doesn't need a hair tie. So, when you asked him
about it, -what did he say?
-[Masten] Just that. It had to have already been
in the car. It's not nothing
that he did and... And you're just like, -but that's just another layer.
-It's all of a sudden there. -[Judge Dana] Yeah.
-Boom! So, have you discovered anything
else that makes you believe -that there's something amiss?
-[Masten] I have. -I have.
-Okay. I have also found
a little cheap fake nail -that was in the car.
-[Judge Dana] Oh. And as you can see,
I have real nails. -I don't use these cheap things.
-[audience exclaims] And so what did you say
to Mr. Walls, like, -"Whose nail is this?"
-[Masten] Again-- again, I take the nail to him,
"Where did this come from?" And again, "I have no idea,
I've never seen it before." Okay, Mr. Walls.
I can give you the hair tie, but come on now,
you got fake nails in the car? -I mean--
-Popping up. Same thing, the car
wasn't cleaned out. It had to been in there, it's not from any other woman,
you know. But why all of a sudden?
I mean, you all had the car for a while before these things -started appearing.
-We didn't have it that long. We didn't have that car
that long. -[Judge Dana] But why the--
-I never cleaned it out, -I know she did.
-[scoffs] -So, yeah.
-Yeah, no. No, I get it. I get it.
I get it. I get it. Mr. Cutler, I think
we got enough right here. -I think we got enough--
-Hold on a second. Let me think about this. To think he's cheating
on you now, how does that make you feel? It hurts.
It doesn't feel good at all. Um, because he used to tell me
all the time that he loves me. And we used to be
real intimate and we talked, communicated. I know a lot of it's me
because I feel that he's cheating,
I'm blocking a lot of it. But it doesn't feel good at all. I would love to find out
that I'm completely wrong and get it back together. You need to have this block
moved out -of the way...
-[Masten] Yes. ...so that you all can
move forward. Yes, ma'am. And I guess, Mr. Wall,
you got to feel the same way. If you say
you're not cheating... Yeah, right, I do.
Yeah, every day, you know, like, "What's going on?
Are you not attracted to me?" 'Cause she's not, you know,
like it was
in the beginning at all. Yeah, I would
like to get everything out in the open and move on
and try to, you know... I love April.
I want to stay with April. I'm 51 years old,
there ain't another woman. And you're trying to figure out, "How many different ways
can I tell you I'm not cheating?" -[Walls] Right.
-It's got to be frustrating -to you at some point, right?
-Yes, exactly, yeah. All right. Well, Mr. Cutler,
I think we got a good idea what it's like
in their household. I mean, it's clear
they're not communicating, she's not communicating
'cause he's coming late, she thinks he's doing something
other than working. He's disappearing
and won't answer his phone. She's found
these women's articles in the car, the scrunchie,
and the fake nail. And so she's like, with all
of these things happening, and they've just
recently started, for those reasons,
she thinks he's cheating. And she's like,
"I can't continue this way." And he's equally frustrating
wanting to prove -his innocence.
-Exactly. Well, this court has done a full
and a complete investigation. At this time,
the court will call forensic voice analyst,
Guy Wolfe, to determine, is he cheating? Ron, please escort
Mr. Wolfe out. [audience cheers, applauds] -[Ron] Guy Wolfe. Sir, come on.
-[Wolfe] Thank you, sir. Good day, Mr. Wolfe,
how are you? I'm well, Your Honor.
How about you? Doing well, thank you very much. -You're welcome.
-Would you explain, please, what forensic
voice analysis is? Yes, sir. When you
speak, you have AM and FM frequencies
in your voice, like on a radio,
and when you tell a lie, the FM frequency goes away. Forensic voice analysis works
by measuring those frequencies. I can then look at a chart,
and I can determine when somebody's
being deceptive. And you conduct this
examination by asking a person -a series of questions, correct?
-Yes, sir. [Judge Keith] And you asked
Mr. Walls a series -of questions, correct?
-[Wolfe] Yes, sir. All right. Let's take a look at the first question
you asked him. Did the hair tie, that was found
in Ms. Masten's car, belong to a woman
with whom you've had physical, sexual contact? No. What did the forensic voice
analysis determine? The forensic voice analysis
determine that he was being truthful,
Your Honor. Told you. Let's take a look
at the next question. Did the fake fingernail,
that was found in Ms. Masten's car,
belong to a woman with whom you've had
physical, sexual contact? <i> No.</i> What did the voice
forensic analysis determine? The forensic voice analysis
determined that he was being truthful,
Your Honor. Yeah. -Is that somewhat of a smile?
-It is, it is. [Judge Keith]
That's a good sign. There was one more question,
correct? -Yes, sir.
-[Judge Keith] All right. Let's take a look
at that question. <i> Since getting back together
with Ms. Masten, five years ago,</i> have you had
physical, sexual contact -with another woman?
-No. What did the forensic voice
analysis determine? The forensic voice
analysis determined that he was being truthful,
Your Honor. [audience cheers] Okay. You look
like you're about to cry. [Masten] I am. -It's okay.
-[voice breaks] I'm sorry. [audience awes] How do you all feel
knowing that this... -I'm glad it's out
in the open...
-...impediment is gone! ...and now she knows
that I wasn't doing nothing. -[Judge Dana] Yeah.
-Yeah. I'm glad we were here
to help you with that. And Ms. Masten,
how are you feeling right now? Um, maybe this big
because I accused him but I'm glad
to know the truth. I really am.
Um, I miss him. I miss the way we used to be,
a lot. So, I hope
we can get back there. So, you won't have
any more headaches anytime soon, will you? -No, ma'am. [chuckles]
-[Judge Dana] All right. -No more excuses.
-No more excuses.